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    wHO 結果共2,619筆

  • Expert deems NT$10M compensation unlikely for Blackie Chen

    A high-profile Taiwanese lawyer Lu Chiu-yuan said the NT$ 10 million in compensation unlikely for famous Taiwan actor-host Blackie Chen, who is accused of sexual harassment by two actresses, Tina Chou and Yuan Kuo.
    2023/06/30 13:24
  • 糖尿病、減肥者愛用!阿斯巴甜將列可能致癌物 食藥署回應了

    2023/06/30 12:55
  • 阿斯巴甜恐致癌!低卡可樂、口香糖都有 醫師說話了

    2023/06/30 11:16
  • 低卡可樂、口香糖都有! WHO擬宣布「阿斯巴甜」可能致癌

    2023/06/30 08:04
  • Hou Yu-ih announces first, all-male campaign team members

    New Taipei Hou Yu-ih unveiled on Wednesday (June 28) the first five campaign team leaders, including former National Security Council Secretary-General King Pu-tsung, who will serve as the campaign manager.
    2023/06/28 18:10
  • Restaurant workers, ground crew eligible for subsidy program

    The Ministry of Labor (MOL) announced plans on Friday (June 23) to allocate NT$1 billion to an unemployment subsidy program aimed at alleviating labor shortages in Taiwan. The program now extends its benefits to include the hotel industry, restaurant workers, and ground crew, who will be eligible for a subsidy ranging from NT$6,000 to NT$10,000 per month for one year.
    2023/06/26 19:46
  • Hou questions private university tuition assistance proposal

    New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih lashed at Vice President Lai Ching-te, who is also the presidential candidate of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), regarding the latter’s proposal for financial assistance to private school students. Hou’s remarks came on Wednesday (June 21).
    2023/06/21 17:47
  • Yang Chin-min leaves PLG amid extramarital affair scandal

    The Taiwanese men’s professional basketball league has been rocked by a scandal involving Yang Chin-min, a player for the New Taipei Kings who has been awarded the MVP twice in the Taiwan Super Basketball League (SBL)
    2023/06/19 17:37
  • Media columnist highlights Taiwan challenges, opportunities

    Foreigners who come to Taiwan for travel are usually struck by the people’s friendliness and the nation’s beautiful scenery. However, like any other democracy, societal issues persist underneath the currents. 
    2023/06/19 10:16
  • 有毒止咳糖漿狠奪3百名幼童生命 世衛:正與6國聯合掃蕩

    2023/06/18 10:10
  • Councilor exposes prominent media personality’s harassment

    Taiwan’s #MeToo movement continues to gain momentum within the realm of politics as Yunlin County Councilor Chen Fang-ying bravely stepped forward to disclose her experience of harassment by a prominent media personality. The recent turn of events has taken a toll on Chen, who reportedly fell ill and was rushed to the emergency room on Monday night, bearing visible signs of fatigue on her face.
    2023/06/14 16:31
  • Bank system glitch multiplies receipt lottery prizes by 100

    The recent announcement of winning numbers for Taiwan’s receipt lottery turned into an unexpected windfall for some lucky individuals who discovered they had received 100 times the amount they had won. 
    2023/06/08 18:06
  • Search continues for junior high student swept into ocean

    Local authorities are diligently continuing their search on Monday (May 29) for a female middle school student who went missing after being swept into the ocean a day earlier. The incident occurred at Neipi Beach near Nanfang’ao in Yilan County.
    2023/05/29 17:36
  • 美國務院:對世衛不邀台失望 持續支持台灣參與

    2023/05/26 06:28
  • 世衛大會12友邦為台灣發聲 美日等11非邦交國齊聲挺台

    2023/05/25 09:59
  • Ko Wen-je vows to live up to supporters’ expectations

    People First Party Chairman Ko Wen-je on Wednesday (May 24) addressed questions about his relationship with Miaoli County Magistrate Chung Tung-chin, who has alleged ties to the underworld.
    2023/05/24 16:28
  • 新傳染病將來襲?WHO警告「比新冠更致命」:要做好準備

    呼籲全世界都要做好準備!22日舉行於瑞士日內瓦的世界衛生大會(WHA)中,除了大小事項的商議討論,世界衛生組織(WHO)秘書長譚德賽(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)提出有關「下一波感染潮」的嚴正警告;譚德賽表示,比新冠更為致命的變異株病毒正在崛起,且可能在不久後的未來襲捲全球,也正因為如此,全世界都必須準備好完善的應對措施。
    2023/05/24 15:44
  • 陸阻台參加WHA 綠委:侯友宜不敢譴責中國惡行就是幫兇

    2023/05/24 13:52
  • 挺台灣進世衛!美眾院外委會主席:縱容中共是嚴重錯誤

    2023/05/24 08:22
  • 諷譚德塞喊全民均健卻忘台灣 吳釗燮:果然懂說場面話 

    2023/05/23 13:43
  • WHA美日英法3分鐘發言挺台 高喊「我們」須包含台灣

    2023/05/23 08:18
  • 世衛大會連7年拒邀 陸外交部:已替台灣「做好安排」

    2023/05/22 17:56
  • 外長稱台美倡議將破解疑美論 藍酸:別唬弄

    2023/05/22 17:45
  • Taiwan foreign minister defends the nation after WHO snub

    Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu criticized World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and entrepreneur Elon Musk on Monday (May 22).
    2023/05/22 16:32
  • 快訊/中國與巴基斯坦帶頭反對 台灣再被世衛大會拒於門外

    2023/05/22 16:29
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