
No charges against influencer who faked death threats: MOA

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/10/03 16:43
Last update time:2023/10/03 16:43
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No charges against influencer who faked death threats: MOA (TVBS News) No charges against influencer who faked death threats: MOA
No charges against influencer who faked death threats: MOA (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Acting Minister of Agriculture Chen Junne-jih announced on Tuesday (Sept. 3) that the MOA will not be pressing charges against Facebook influencer Lin Yu-hung.

Lin was found to have fabricated death threats connected to the Democratic Progressive Party's (DPP) egg import scandal behind the agriculture fan page "Lin bay Hao You (好油)."


The influencer claimed he was being threatened for criticizing the ruling DPP, but investigations revealed that it was a self-orchestrated incident.

The person who assisted Lin in faking the threats was a Kuomintang (KMT) party worker. Investigations remain underway into the matter.

Chen clarified that the Ministry of Agriculture will continue to correct false information circulating online to uphold food safety. He stressed the importance of regulating online conversation around the sector.

Chen stated that the self-staged incident has nothing to do with the Ministry itself and that there are no plans to sue at this time. The scandal coincides with heightened scrutiny of social media influencers and their role in shaping public discourse.

Taiwan Affairs

#Acting Minister of Agriculture#Chen Junne-jih#Lin Yu-hung#Facebook influencer#Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)#egg import scandal#death threats#self-orchestrated event#KMT#food safety


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