
Hou proposes new childbirth policies and subsidies

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/09/25 19:29
Last update time:2023/09/25 19:29
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Hou proposes new childbirth policies and subsidies (TVBS News) Hou proposes new childbirth policies and subsidies
Hou proposes new childbirth policies and subsidies (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih announced a new childbirth policy on Monday (Sept. 25), promising subsidies for child-rearing and promoting preschool's quasi-public and non-profit features.

The policy includes provisions such as egg-freezing subsidies, assurance of childbirth, increased maternity and unpaid leave allowances, and housing subsidies for families with three children.


For women aged 30-40, Hou proposed a one-off egg-freezing stipend of NT$20,000, followed by annual grants of NT$2,000 for storage costs over five years, totaling up to NT$30,000.

Hou also pledged to increase statutory maternity leave pay from 80% to full salary, along with an added government subsidy of 20%.

Furthermore, Hou has promised a million-dollar housing supplement for families with a third child to assist with house purchases, down payments, or rent.

Among the policies Hou previously presented was a childcare allowance of NT$10,000 per month for children aged 0 to 6, regardless of whether they are cared for by public, non-profit, quasi-public babysitting or preschool institutions or family members at home.

Hou said these policies aim to encourage more people to give birth and combat the looming low birth rate crisis.

Taiwan Affairs

#KMT#presidential candidate#Hou Yu-ih#childbirth policy#subsidies#child-rearing


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