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    campaign 結果共220筆

  • Ko Wen-je, Terry Gou’s dinner fuels alliance speculations

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je was seen having a private dinner with independent presidential hopeful Terry Gou at Gou’s residence on November 8, sparking speculation about a potential political alliance. Despite the hour-long meeting, Ko denied the possibility of a "Ko-Gou pairing" but did not rule out a "Gou-Ko alliance." Ko’s campaign office spokesperson, Chen Chih-han, confirmed the meeting but did not disclose any details due to confidentiality reasons. Ko had previously expressed openness to collaborating with Gou if it benefits Taiwan and publicly announced his intention to meet with Gou again. Gou’s campaign office spokesperson, Chen Chia-yi, stated that Gou and Ko have a harmonious relationship, sharing common beliefs and arguments, and expressing their mutual commitment to power rotation in the 2024 election. While the specifics of the meeting remain undisclosed, both parties affirmed their dedication to Taiwan’s future, potentially setting the stage for future collaborations that could impact Taiwan’s political landscape leading up to the elections.
    2023/11/09 15:59
  • Patty Tsai sparks speculation with election campaign image

    Patty Tsai, daughter of the founders of the Red Bean Dining Group and wife of Kuomintang (KMT) deputy chairman Sean Lien, sparked speculation of a political run after posting a picture resembling an election campaign on her Facebook page. However, the picture was actually promoting her brand’s participation in the Double 11 Shopping Festival in 2023. Tsai’s intention was to combat unscrupulous products, address food safety risks, and provide better services and culinary products to the public. Her playful evocation of an election campaign garnered support online, with many users endorsing her and referring to her as "Legislator Tsai."
    2023/11/09 12:37
  • CEC issues important notice on Legislative Yuan elections

    The Central Election Commission (CEC) has released an official notice outlining the procedures for the upcoming Legislative Yuan elections. The 11th legislative elections will be held on January 13th next year, coinciding with the presidential and vice presidential elections for the 16th term. Candidates can obtain nomination forms starting next week, with the registration period beginning two weeks later and lasting for four days. Political parties and overseas citizens interested in running for the legislative elections are advised to submit candidate registration lists at the CEC counter in Taipei. The election announcement provides important information such as the scope of legislative authority, administration divisions, the number of positions to be elected, and the maximum campaign expenditure allowed.
    2023/11/08 19:03
  • DPP calls Ko’s stance on LGBTQ issues ’inconsistent’

    The spokesperson for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign, Tai Wei-shan, criticized Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je for pandering for votes and inconsistent messaging, particularly regarding his stance on same-sex marriage. Ko’s position on same-sex marriage has reportedly changed four times in the past nine years. In 2014, Ko publicly expressed support for "freedom to love, marriage equality" during his mayoral campaign. However, during a 2019 visit to the U.S., he stated that he voted against same-sex marriage but allowed 125,000 people to march. In 2020, he posted on Facebook that he cast a void vote on the topic of homosexuality. Yet, during a lecture at a Kaohsiung campus, he denied ever saying that he voted against same-sex marriage. Tai urged Ko to stop relying on "shortcut tricks" to win the election and emphasized the importance of politicians possessing a fundamental attitude toward societal values, respecting crucial issues, and demonstrating consistency.
    2023/11/07 18:08
  • Lai Ching-te advocates for residents’ rights in mining areas

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te asserts that repairing the roof of his family home in Wanli is a resident’s "right" rather than a "privilege" after multiple typhoons. Lai calls attention to the housing problems faced by residents in mining areas and urges local governments and relevant departments to address these issues. Lai’s response comes after criticisms from TPP presidential campaign director Huang Shan-shan and Professor Hsu Shih-jung for not paying taxes and focusing only on his own house. Lai rebuts these comments, stating that similar situations exist in Jinshan and Ruifang within New Taipei City.
    2023/11/07 14:53
  • Lai Ching-te inaugurates campaign HQ, Tsai voices support

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te inaugurated his campaign headquarters in New Taipei City, receiving strong support from Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen. Tsai criticized the Blue-White coalition as a self-interest alliance and urged citizens to work together for Taiwan’s benefit.
    2023/11/05 19:38
  • Lai vows to shape Taiwan into a democratic nation

    Lai Ching-te inaugurates his 2024 campaign headquarters in Tainan, drawing over 20,000 supporters. He recalls Tainan’s past challenges and highlights his vision for a democratic and innovative Taiwan.
    2023/11/05 12:25
  • Ko Wen-je and Terry Gou meet over lunch without Hou Yu-ih

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) chairman Ko Wen-je confirmed that his lunch with Terry Gou involved talks on the depreciation of the Japanese Yen and how the New Taiwan dollar should respond. Ko clarified that this was a financial topic he discussed with Gou during their spare time, not a discussion about exchanging positions. The lunch took place after an event at the Hulu Temple, and they did not invite Kuomintang’s Hou Yu-ih, who had no successful meeting outcomes with Ko on the KMT-TPP alliance. Ko shared the details of his meeting with Gou after a press conference at his campaign headquarters, highlighting that frequent dialogues often turn acquaintances into friends.
    2023/11/03 21:19
  • Lai Ching-te expected to announce running mate after Nov. 15

    Get the latest updates on the possibility of Hsiao Bi-khim joining Lai Ching-te’s campaign as his running mate. Speculation grows amid the DPP’s efforts to finalize its legislator-at-large candidate list.
    2023/11/03 17:29
  • Terry Gou submits petition for 2024 presidential bid

    Independent presidential candidate Terry Gou and his running mate, Lai Pei-hsia, submitted a petition to the Taipei City Election Commission on November 1. Gou addressed a crowd outside the administrative center in the Xinyi district, emphasizing the significance of each signature on the petition and promising to press forward courageously in voicing the Taiwanese people’s pursuit of democracy and freedom. The number of signatures submitted was not disclosed at the time, but Gou’s campaign office stated that more details would be provided later.
    2023/11/02 20:29
  • Terry Gou urges support for presidential race on Facebook

    Terry Gou, an independent presidential candidate in Taiwan, is calling for public support in the upcoming election. With only six days left to collect enough signatures to secure a spot on the ballot, Gou has been absent from the public eye for six consecutive days. In a Facebook post, he outlined his political philosophy centered on "peace," "prosperity," and "integrity," claiming to embody the spirit of a venture entrepreneur who values professionalism, organization, and fearlessness. Gou aims to build a Republic of China representing these principles and warns of potential chaos if no changes are made to the current power structure. He has set up signature collection stations across Taiwan and encourages the public to share his posts and invite friends to endorse his campaign.
    2023/10/28 17:53
  • KMT candidate Hou promises to protect Taiwan’s security

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih emphasized his dedication to protecting Taiwan’s homeland and national security at a campaign event in Tainan City. He addressed unresolved cross-strait issues, such as the United States listing Taiwan as a military aid country and the increasing number of Chinese military aircraft entering Taiwan’s air defense identification zone. Hou affirmed that national security is his top priority and that he has committed his life’s work to safeguarding Taiwan, promising not to betray the island nation. He believes Taiwan is at a critical juncture, choosing between war and peace, and stressed the importance of maintaining social order, avoiding collusion between government officials and businesses, and prioritizing economic development.
    2023/10/28 16:37
  • Terry Gou warns Taiwan risks missing next ’golden 30 years’

    Independent presidential candidate Terry Gou faces internal and external challenges, including petition issues, joint actions by the Kuomintang and Taiwan People’s Party, and poor poll ratings. The future of his campaign is uncertain as his company, Hon Hai’s subsidiary Foxconn, is under investigation by the Chinese Communist Party’s tax department.
    2023/10/27 15:04
  • Ko Wen-je’s campaign director announces resignation from DPP

    The campaign office director for Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je, Chou Yu-hsiu, has officially resigned from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) after being a member for 20 years. Chou joined Ko’s team in 2017 and was influenced by their spirit, leading to his decision to stay. Despite leaving the DPP, Chou remains committed to Taiwan and plans to join the TPP soon.
    2023/10/19 15:41
  • KMT submits meeting plan to TPP for potential collaboration

    The Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih’s campaign team has submitted a meeting plan to the campaign office of Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) hopeful Ko Wen-je, following their first potential collaboration talk.
    2023/10/17 16:24
  • TPP campaign office dismisses collaboration with Terry Gou

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je’s campaign office director, Chou Yu-hsiu, has stated that there are no ongoing discussions about a potential collaboration between Ko and Taiwanese business tycoon Terry Gou on Tuesday(Oct. 17).
    2023/10/17 16:03
  • TPP emphasizes role of data science before alliance talks

    The Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) held their first staff meeting to discuss a possible election alliance. Key figures at the meeting included representatives from both parties. The TPP expressed their willingness to engage in dialogue and emphasized their faith in data science. The objective of the meeting was to negotiate an outcome acceptable to Taiwanese and supporters of both parties.
    2023/10/14 16:33
  • Blue-White Coalition negotiation marks political milestone

    The inaugural negotiation of the Blue-White Coalition in Taiwan is set to take place on Saturday afternoon. Representatives from the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) and the Kuomintang (KMT) will discuss opinion polls, debates, and other topics. TPP candidate Ko Wen-je believes a head-to-head showdown would increase his chances of victory, especially with the support of Terry Gou. KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih emphasizes the importance of opinion polls and proposes a layered discussion on various issues.
    2023/10/14 15:54
  • DPP braces for stronger competition amidst KMT, TPP talks

    The DPP is bracing itself against stronger competition for the 2024 presidential election, regardless of the number of parties involved, while being cautious about the possibility of collaboration between the KMT and TPP. Lai has urged his campaign staff to stay vigilant of political developments.
    2023/10/13 16:23
  • TPP campaign director to discuss cooperation with KMT

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) is set to discuss cooperation with the Kuomintang (KMT) party on Oct. 14, ahead of the forthcoming 2024 presidential elections. The discussions will focus on the potential "Blue-White Cooperation" and will involve representatives from both parties.
    2023/10/12 15:37
  • Chen Shih-chung expresses doubts toward KMT-TPP alliance

    The potential alliance between the Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election is uncertain, according to Chen Shih-chung, campaign chairman for DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te. In an web interview, Chen expressed doubts about the alliance, citing the potential alienation of TPP’s supporters, who are disillusioned with both the KMT and DPP.
    2023/10/12 14:52
  • TPP calls for open, transparent collaboration with KMT

    The Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, has confirmed discussions with Taiwan People’s Party candidate. Ko Wen-je’s campaign office spokesperson Tai Yu-wen emphasized the need for close communication and timely responses from the KMT regarding establishing a transparent and open collaboration.
    2023/10/11 17:00
  • Ko’s lost phone delays communication with Hou

    Kuomintang candidate, Hou Yu-ih, expresses eagerness for "blue and white cooperation" but receives no response from Ko Wen-je after multiple attempts to reach out. Ko’s campaign office explains that he lost his cell phone in the United States and has since obtained a replacement. Hou emphasizes the importance of proper communication to foster mutual ideologies and core values, suggesting a meeting format involving representatives from his campaign office, the Kuomintang, and the People’s Party to promote "blue and white cooperation."
    2023/10/09 15:14
  • KMT, TPP discuss party collaboration: King Pu-tsung

    The campaign manager for KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih, King Pu-tsung, has announced discussions on party integration between the KMT and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) are being overseen by KMT Chairman Eric Chu.
    2023/10/02 14:39
  • 迎向數據年代 數據不只是企業的寶貴資產 更是提升廣告成效的重要關鍵

    拿下「2023 Digital Media Award」Most Innovative Media Technology campaign銀獎殊榮的口香糖品牌Airwaves,運用台灣特有的發票資料找出潛在消費者,再進行定址電視廣告投放,讓廣告受眾的品牌好感度提高了13%、購買意願提高了12%、在 18-24 歲族群中的品牌知名度更提高了21%。 奶粉品牌豐力富將來自官網、Line官方帳號等不同通路的數據匯整至CDP平台,運用平台上的第一方數據即時調整媒體預算分配,成功的將廣告轉換率(CVR)提昇10%、每筆名單獲取成本(CPL)減少5%以上。 這兩大品牌雖然產品類型不同、廣告行銷操作策略也不一樣,背後卻有一個共同點,那就是透過GroupM Nexus進行數據整合及廣告投放規劃,確保能最大化媒體成效。 GroupM Nexus是GroupM群邑媒體於2022年成立的新事業單位,以績效為導向,整合數據分析及科技產品,為品牌主提供最佳服務,「我們不只是媒體代理商,更是品牌主的業務合作夥伴,以數據及科技提高媒體綜效,共同推動品牌主的業務成長,」GroupM台灣群邑媒體集團轉型長俞曉芳 (Alice Yu) 一語道出GroupM Nexus成立時所定下的目標。
    2023/09/28 09:57
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