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    Secret 結果共52筆

  • 維密秀宣布回歸!時隔6年再披天使翅膀 官方影片曝光

    美國內衣零售商維多利亞的秘密(Victoria’s Secret)年度內衣大秀廣受歡迎,卻自2019年起停辦。該公司5月15日宣布,這項年度盛事在時隔近六年後,將在今(2024)年秋天回歸。
    2024/05/16 14:58
  • 天使超模將回歸!維多利亞的秘密 睽違5年辦時尚大秀

    曾經是時尚圈年度盛事之一、維多利亞祕密的時尚秀(Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show),在睽違5年多後,即將再次捲土重來,重新邀請知名歌手藝人演出,同時召集各大知名「天使」超模們回歸伸展台。
    2024/05/16 14:54
  • Taiwan’s Ukraine aid with Czechia is transparent: MOFA

    Explore the dismissal by Taiwan’s MOFA spokesman of allegations regarding a secret pact with the Czech Republic to aid Ukraine, emphasizing transparent cooperation and the strengthening of international relations amidst humanitarian aid efforts.
    2024/05/06 18:33
  • 宋芸樺進軍韓國!合體《驅魔麵館》男神大談驚悚虐心戀

    台韓合製電影《無人知曉的家》(The Secret House)近日在台取景拍攝,女星宋芸樺首度進軍韓國影視圈,將搭檔《驅魔麵館》、《The King:永遠的君主》性格男星李洪耐演出驚悚片。今(12)日也首度曝光兩張劇照,其中一張宋芸樺獨自站在大房子裡,望向前方表情驚恐;另一張則是坐在腳踏車後座,略帶深情看著李洪耐,充滿溫暖氛圍,令人好奇兩人關係。
    2024/04/12 14:41
  • 韓女星才認愛3個月!驚爆閃婚身障男友 震撼喜訊曝光

    2024/03/12 11:35
  • Taiwan premier urges in-depth study on absentee voting law

    Premier Chen Chien-jen and Central Election Commission Chairman Li Chin-yung discuss the proposed changes to Taiwan’s voting laws, focusing on absentee voting and voting by mail. Chen emphasizes the importance of research to ensure citizen rights and election security, while Li raises concerns about potential foreign interference. The Democratic Progressive Party expresses skepticism, fearing loopholes for Chinese influence, while Li suggests starting with a referendum and implementing "transfer voting" as a reference for future studies. Li stresses the need to carefully consider electoral reforms to protect voting rights and secret balloting.
    2024/03/11 18:17
  • 韓國4人女團爆霸凌!每張團體合照都3缺1 韓網怒轟:排擠太明顯

    2024/02/21 19:26
  • Award-winning actress Alyssia Chia shines on ELLE cover

    Golden Horse Award-winning actress Alyssia Chia, known for her breakthrough role in Taiwan’s first-generation family comedy "A Happy Family," graces the cover of lifestyle magazine ELLE. From period dramas like "Flying Dragon in The Sky" to "The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Saber" and "Secret History of Princess Taiping," Chia’s diverse talent shines. Her career took a turning point with the drama "The World Between Us," delving into capital punishment and mental health issues. Off-stage, Chia shares a close bond with her husband, Hsiu Chieh-kai, supporting each other personally and professionally. Chia emphasizes the importance of encouragement and empathy in their relationship, constantly learning and improving together.
    2024/02/07 14:43
  • KMT unveils secret weapon to win voters’ hearts

    As Taiwan’s 2024 elections near, the Kuomintang (KMT) introduces the "KMT girls" campaign group, spearheaded by Chairman Eric Chu. This strategic move, focusing on women’s empowerment and targeting diverse voter groups, signifies a fresh approach in the party’s bid for electoral success.
    2024/01/04 20:10
  • DPP candidate warns against China-backed election win

    Taipei (TVBS News) - Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te warns against allowing a China-backed candidate to win the elections. Lai emphasizes that interference from Beijing through the Kuomintang (KMT) is evident and should not be tolerated. He believes that the best way to counter China’s intervention is to not elect the candidate whom China supports, as it could jeopardize Taiwan’s democracy. The Washington Post recently published an opinion piece suggesting that China is influencing Taiwan’s 2024 elections by feeding voters pro-KMT content through social media. The DPP’s director of international affairs interprets the report as indicating that the KMT is leaning towards China and receiving secret backing from Beijing.
    2024/01/03 19:16
  • Candidate halts campaign after video exposes family secret

    Legislative candidate Chen Kai-ning suspends her campaign activities after it was revealed that the retired air force officer turned delivery person featured in a viral video by Taiwanese stand-up comedian Brian Tseng is her estranged father. Chen confirms her father’s identity but clarifies that her mother is alive and was her primary caregiver. Chen temporarily halts her campaign activities for a week out of respect for those affected by the incident.
    2023/12/30 16:12
  • 太感人!女偶像驚喜公開身障男友 笑稱約會很方便:停車費便宜

    2023/12/21 19:11
  • Aaron Yan exonerated of assault, secret photography charges

    Taiwanese entertainer Aaron Yan has been cleared of charges related to sexual offenses, including secret photography and assault, according to the Shilin District Prosecutors Office. The allegations were made by internet celebrity Chiu Yao-le in June, leading to the suspension of Yan’s entertainment career and side business. Prosecutors found that Yan had shared private videos of Chiu with friends, a violation of the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act. Yan will only be indicted on charges related to filming and possessing videos depicting the sexual conduct of a minor. The case is scheduled to be heard behind closed doors on December 21.
    2023/12/08 17:38
  • Election candidates meet in secret, no consensus reached

    Main figures of the heated election race, including Kuomingtang (KMT) Chair Eric Chu, KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih, and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je, held a secret meeting to discuss presidential and vice presidential candidacies, but no consensus was reached. In celebration of Guanyin Bodhisattva’s Renunciation Day, a memorial event was held at Shilin Hulu Temple, attended by KMT candidate Hou, TPP candidate Ko, independent candidate Terry Gou, and Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an. Negotiations for a KMT-TPP joint ticket are set for tomorrow, and both parties emphasized the need for exploring new options and not disappointing the public’s expectations. Hou, with 43 years of public service, remains dedicated to protecting Taiwan and uniting the nation.
    2023/11/03 19:23
  • Cheng files lawsuit against social media page over video

    Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan has denied rumors circulating on social media about a video allegedly showing him in a secret hotel meeting with a woman. He took legal action against the social media page responsible for spreading the video in order to uncover its origin and establish the truth. Cheng stated that the video clips were recorded at different times and had been edited together to create a misleading narrative. He emphasized that the purpose of distributing the video was to deceive, and he affirmed that he is not the person shown in the footage.
    2023/10/25 18:03
  • Tasty pork belly buns make splash in Taiwan despite typhoon

    Discover how Taipei residents braved Typhoon Koinu to enjoy London’s popular pork belly bun pop-up. Learn about the secret to its success and its limited 19-day offering. Explore the unique fusion of traditional Taiwanese flavors and Western tastes with U.S. steak patties and adorable packaging.
    2023/10/05 21:08
  • 愛犬又咬人!至少已犯11起 拜登:白宮環境壓力山大

    美國第一犬「司令」(Commander)又闖禍,隸屬拜登家族的這隻汪星人張口咬了另一名特勤局(Secret Service)探員。
    2023/09/28 16:24
  • 容祖兒「重病中斷演出」認害怕沮喪 太想家竟聞洗衣精原因曝光

    香港天后容祖兒自7月起在香港演藝學院舉辦「ANOTHER SIDE…JOEY• MY SECRET LIVE」演唱會,一唱就是34場,近期完美落幕。不過演唱會期間,她曾因重感冒3度延期,當時她聲帶尚未復原,為了給歌迷最完美的表演,不得不忍痛取消,她坦言生病時感到害怕及沮喪,所幸演唱會導演彭秀慧的鼓勵,讓她有力量繼續往下走。
    2023/09/05 17:21
  • 容祖兒香港演唱會3度延期! 主辦方公佈退票、補場安排

    容祖兒原本正舉行一連33場的《Joey Yung Concert 2023|ANOTHER SIDE...... JOEY · MY SECRET · LIVE》,但她在21日身體不適,先後宣布7月22、23、25、26、27日場次延期,昨日(7/27)主辦方再發通告,表示祖兒在醫生診斷下,強烈建議必須讓聲帶及身體多作休息,不得不再將7月28-30的場次延期舉辦,主辦方公告退票退款安排。
    2023/07/28 10:55
  • 范冰冰才復出再惹上官司 自創化妝品牌爆侵權糾紛被起訴

    2023/07/19 11:35
  • 白宮去年就曾「2次發現大麻」!麥卡錫狠酸拜登:總是獲得特權

    美國白宮本月2日曾發現「不明白色粉末」,經鑑定後發現竟然是古柯鹼,當時引發軒然大波,不過特勤局(Secret Service)一位發言人13日向「華盛頓郵報」表示除了本月稍早外,其實早在去年便曾在行政官邸2次發現「少量大麻」,消息曝光後也掀起熱議。
    2023/07/14 12:04
  • 白宮外驚傳死亡車禍 駕駛為躲攔檢竟「衝撞路人」

    美國白宮12日傳出死亡車禍,一名駕駛為了躲避特勤局(Secret Service)設在路邊的攔檢,竟突踩油門、闖過紅燈後並撞上數名行人後逃逸,共計造成1人死亡,警方目前仍在追緝這名駕駛。
    2023/07/13 14:41
  • 英稱陸已應要求關閉「秘密警察站」 北京:都謊言、停止炒作

    中國大陸政府廣設海外「秘密警察站」(secret police station)跨境執法,追蹤、鎮壓國外異議人士,引起各國關切,英國安全大臣圖根哈特(Tom Tugendhat)6日表示,中國已關閉在英國各地的警察站,沒有發現北京當局在這些地點進行任何非法活動。
    2023/06/07 13:17
  • Dwight Howard shares secret recipe to become a great leader

    Eight-time All-NBA Team honoree Dwight Howard, currently playing for the Taiwan-based Taoyuan Leopards since November last year, shares in an exclusive interview with TVBS on Friday (May 19) the secrets to keep being passionate about basketball, and leadership qualities he admires most. 
    2023/05/29 17:24
  • Team Taiwan’s secret training device: smart pitching machine

    The Chinese Taipei national baseball team, also called Team Taiwan, has a secret weapon in their training arsenal: a state-of-the-art smart pitching machine.
    2023/03/16 20:00
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