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    Life 結果共1,034筆

  • Community mourns fallen officer Su Yu-hung in Keelung

    The tragic story of Officer Su Yu-hung’s untimely death at the Badu Police Station in Keelung City unfolds as his family returns for a soul-calling ritual. Colleagues pay tribute and bid farewell, with the station chief breaking down in sorrow. The assault, carried out by a mentally-troubled man, claimed Su’s life and left the community in mourning. Su, a dedicated and diligent officer, is remembered for his passion and commitment to duty.
    2024/03/01 17:14
  • Taiwan considers 4-day workweeks amid challenges

    Discover how a Taiwanese cybersecurity firm’s adoption of a four-day workweek has led to increased efficiency and improved work-life balance, setting a trend amidst global shifts towards reduced work hours.
    2024/02/29 16:47
  • Baseball superstar Shohei Ohtani ties the knot

    Baseball superstar Shohei Ohtani announces his marriage to a Japanese woman on Instagram, expressing hope for mutual support amidst changes. Ohtani pleads for privacy and warns against unauthorized interviews, especially involving his in-laws. He plans to share more details in an exclusive interview, emphasizing gratitude for fans’ warmth and blessings. Ohtani aims to balance his personal life with his professional career as a pitcher for the LA Dodgers.
    2024/02/29 16:09
  • Over a third of dolphin species spotted near Taiwan waters

    Discover how Kaohsiung Marine Bureau in Taiwan is leading the way in maritime animal preservation and rescue efforts, with over a third of the world’s dolphin and whale species spotted in nearby waters. Learn about their commitment to conservation, education, and successful rescue missions, as well as how they engage students in marine life awareness.
    2024/02/27 17:33
  • President Tsai honors late human rights lawyer Chen Chun-han

    President Tsai Ing-wen mourns the passing of lawyer and legislator-at-large candidate Chen Chun-han, praising his dedication to Taiwan and advocacy for the disabled during his funeral in Hsinchu City’s Life Memorial Park.
    2024/02/27 15:39
  • Fire EX. announces first northern Taiwan concert in 8 years

    Fire EX. announces "One Life, One Shot" concert at Taipei Music Center on June 15, marking their first major northern Taiwan performance in eight years. The band, known for their punk music, gained fame with their hit "Island’s Sunrise" during the 2014 Sunflower Student Movement. Join them for a unique musical experience showcasing life as "a film shot in one take." Don’t miss their upcoming North American tour and participation in South by Southwest festival.
    2024/02/27 13:44
  • 滅火器開唱!準副總統無預警「現身」力挺 網嚇壞:重量級

    金曲樂團滅火器今(26)日正式宣佈將於6月15日在台北流行音樂中心舉辦「一生到底 One Life, One Shot」演唱會,睽違8年再次舉辦北部大型專場,讓許多歌迷都興奮不已。滅火器也將於三月在北美九個城市展開巡演,更特別邀請到曾擔任駐美代表的蕭美琴拍攝推薦影片,讓許多台美人看見直呼「蕭大使都親自推薦了一定要去看的吧!」
    2024/02/26 18:29
  • 驚險!紐約大火「3人抓1繩」高掛窗邊 警消用這罕見方法救人

    美國紐約市(New York)一棟六層樓公寓日前發生大火,火勢迅速蔓延,吞噬走廊阻斷逃生路線;目擊者拍下的畫面顯示,消防隊員使用罕見的「進化救生繩」(the life-saving rope evolution)救援方法,讓3名居民緊抓一條繩索從窗戶垂降,最後全數獲救,驚險影片在網路上瘋傳。
    2024/02/25 15:19
  • 全面標配Level 2!福斯小改T-Cross上市88.8萬起

    如同Volkswagen Taiwan先前所預告,擔綱品牌入門跨界休旅重任的T-Cross於台北時間2月21日正式發表外觀與內裝細節修飾加上配備升級的小改款版本,採單一1.0 TSI前驅動力設定,且將Level 2半自動駕駛輔助系統列為全車系標備,並從中階規格起配備矩陣式LED頭燈。台灣共引進230 TSI Life、230 TSI Tech與230 TSI Style Design等3種車型等級,建議售價分別為94.8萬元、104.8萬元與112.8萬元,5月底前入主可享88.8萬元、98.8萬元以及106.8萬元上市優惠價。
    2024/02/22 11:13
  • 過年過太爽?營養師列「6大常見症狀」 小心健康亮紅燈

    2024/02/17 15:38
  • 4旬婦按摩肩頸突「視力模糊」 就醫驚見頸動脈剝離險腦中風

    2024/02/17 15:25
  • 輔導作業突「胸悶氣急」!4旬女驚患罕見心血管病 死亡率達7成

    2024/02/17 11:28
  • Taiwan mourns the loss of inspirational lawyer Chen Chun-han

    Renowned human rights lawyer Chen Chun-han, a legislator-at-large from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), passed away at the age of 40 due to complications from a cold. Despite living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Chen earned law doctorates from National Taiwan University, Harvard University, and the University of Michigan. DPP caucus whip Ker Chien-ming and his office are assisting with the funeral arrangements to ensure Chen’s life ends on a fulfilling note. Chen’s passing has left many in shock and mourning, not only for his political role but also for his exceptional contributions as a champion of life in the face of adversity.
    2024/02/16 16:37
  • 兒童是高危群!腺病毒「3大感染症狀」曝 一旦中招盡快就醫

    2024/02/16 09:30
  • 不是只有雞胸肉!20種優質蛋白質一覽 「這3種」超NG

    2024/02/16 09:11
  • 經期疼痛不固定!醫分享「4食物」助養護子宮 這肉類還能暖宮

    2024/02/12 14:15
  • 吃辣小心越嗑越多!專家揭「3變胖理由」 熱量陷阱在這邊

    2024/02/12 13:54
  • 過年大掃除要注意!醫揭「4原則」防酸痛 這姿勢最容易受傷

    2024/02/12 11:49
  • 小孩過年愛亂吃!專家揭年菜分類「紅綠燈」 步步高升也NG

    2024/02/11 15:45
  • 過年問東問西!專家授「3種長輩」相處秘笈 他們只需被附和

    2024/02/11 15:27
  • 死鬼CP!李棟旭被罵到想退圈移民 孔劉揪喝酒「這段話拯救他」

    2024/02/08 16:55
  • Son Ye-jin’s star power boosts golf brand

    Beloved Korean actress Son Ye-jin extends her endorsement contract with golf brand PIRETTI through 2024, captivating audiences worldwide. Despite reducing public appearances and film projects after marriage and childbirth, Son’s allure remains undiminished, fostering brand loyalty. Her personal passion for golf is showcased on social media, where her golf attire, including polo shirts, pleated skirts, calf-length white socks, and sneakers, garners widespread attention. Son’s popularity soared in Asia after her role in the Korean drama "Crash Landing on You," boosting PIRETTI’s product sales. With her enduring charm and influence, Son’s star continues to shine bright as she balances her personal and professional life.
    2024/02/07 17:46
  • 肩痛2年以為肺結核留病根!一照竟藏「8公分腫瘤」 醫嘆崩潰事實

    2024/02/07 15:34
  • 春節返鄉注意!8旬翁塞車憋尿「險丟命」 醫授4招防泌尿道感染

    2024/02/07 14:18
  • 比2碗白飯還胖!專家揭「1台灣美食」吃多恐致癌 少1步驟降風險

    2024/02/07 14:12
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