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    DPP campaign 結果共93筆

  • DPP decries false media claims on presidential debates

    The spokesperson for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign office expressed regret over inaccurate and malicious media reports about the upcoming presidential debates. The spokesperson demanded corrections from outlets that claimed certain media were favored during the debates and alleged a coalition aiming to gang up on fellow candidates Hou Yu-ih and Ko Wen-je. It was emphasized that the decision for 11 media organizations to jointly host the debates is a longstanding practice resulting from two rounds of negotiations without interference from any campaign offices. The spokesperson also highlighted misinformation circulated by China Times, one of the debate co-hosts, despite its involvement in the meetings. The 2024 presidential election debates are scheduled to be held at Public Television Service (PTS) on December 30 at 2 p.m., with the vice presidential debates tentatively scheduled for January 1, 2024, also at 2 p.m. The 11 media entities collaboratively organizing the debates include Central News Agency (CNA), China Times, Liberty Times, United Daily News, SET News, Taiwan Television, Formosa Television, Chinese Television System (CTS), Mirror Media, TVBS News, and Public Television Service. PTS will produce and broadcast the debates, including comprehensive sign language services for the hearing impaired.
    2023/12/09 15:34
  • DPP’s Wang Shih-chien shrugs off vote-buying claims

    Amidst escalating tensions regarding allegations of vote-buying in Taiwan’s political arena, Wang Shih-Chien, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislative candidate for Taipei City, dismissed the accusations against him as "boring" on Thursday (Dec. 7) without providing further details. The allegations surfaced when his opponent, Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Yu Shu-hui, shared a Facebook post revealing beer boxes featuring images of DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te and Wang at a local banquet. This incident adds to a series of controversial campaign tactics in Taipei, including KMT candidate Hsu Chiao-hsin’s alleged distribution of noodles as a form of vote-buying. Hsu criticized the DPP for distributing lunch boxes and beer with Lai’s campaign slogans, suggesting a double standard. In response, Wang presented photos demonstrating that Yu had also distributed campaign items such as small bags, dishwashing liquid, and snacks. This exchange underscores the ongoing debate over what constitutes inappropriate campaign gifts, as both major parties scrutinize each other’s activities leading up to the elections.
    2023/12/07 19:51
  • TPP’s Ko Wen-je admits poor handling of KMT split in intw.

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je admitted in a livestream interview that his handling of the split with the Kuomintang (KMT) was not managed well, leading to his lagging position in multiple polls. Facing a widening gap with his second-ranked rival, Ko expressed his determination to "reset and restart" his campaign. He confessed to living with regret every day since his decision to run for Taipei mayor in 2014. Ko emphasized that the key outcome will be determined on election day and voiced frustration over unjust accusations linking him to the negative impacts of Terry Gou’s influence. Ko seeks to secure a total of 10 seats for the TPP and highlighted the necessity of obtaining at least 5.5 million votes to win the presidency. He likened Taiwan’s position in U.S.-China relations to navigating a delicate mother-in-law relationship, underscoring the need for effective communication. Despite fierce competition from the KMT and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Ko pledges to continue his fight for the presidency until the end.
    2023/12/07 10:03
  • Ko Wen-je aims for 10 seats in Legislative Yuan election

    Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je, the presidential candidate for the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), aims to win a total of 10 seats in the upcoming Legislative Yuan elections. He plans to maintain President Tsai Ing-wen’s foreign affairs policies while adopting a friendlier approach to cross-strait relations and emphasizing Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities. Despite his pro-Democratic Progressive Party stance, Ko aims for a non-partisan approach to governance, drawing on his experience as a physician. He believes that the key to his success lies in the turnout of young voters and aspires to make Taiwan a "normal country." Ko has been using his media platform, "KP TV," and participating in interviews to enhance his media presence. Cynthia Wu has been chosen as the vice-presidential candidate for the TPP. Ko hinted at the possibility of involving Terry Gou, founder of Foxconn, in the campaign after discussing economic policies with Gou’s team. While Ko did not provide specific vote estimates, he mentioned that around 5.5 million votes are needed to win the presidency. He also suggested that if the TPP and the Kuomintang (KMT) were to part ways, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) might gain a majority in the Legislative Yuan.
    2023/12/07 09:58
  • DPP refutes KMT’s pro-U.S. allegations against Hsiao

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) responded to allegations from the Kuomintang (KMT) that DPP vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim was excessively pro-American. Chen Shi-kai, spokesperson for DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign office, criticized the KMT for its lack of understanding of economic trade issues and Taiwan-U.S. relations. The KMT, led by legislator candidate Hsu Chiao-hsin, accused Hsiao of being subservient to the U.S. during her time in Washington, citing a classified communication log documenting a bilateral meeting discussing the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity proposed by U.S. President Joe Biden. Chen defended Hsiao by highlighting recent milestones in Taiwan-U.S. cooperation, such as the signing of the Taiwan-U.S. 21st Century Trade Initiative and efforts to resolve double taxation issues. Chen criticized the KMT candidate for illegally disclosing classified documents for political gain and called for an explanation of the motives and authenticity of the disclosure. This defense by the DPP spokesperson reflects the tensions leading up to Taiwan’s presidential elections, with U.S.-Taiwan relations remaining a significant political issue. The political drama highlights the intensity of Taiwan’s electioneering, where U.S. ties and Taiwan’s global economic positioning are crucial issues for voters. The impact of these debates on public opinion remains to be seen as Taiwan prepares for the polls.
    2023/12/06 20:33
  • TPP defends Cynthia Wu’s asset declarations amid scrutiny

    Taipei (TVBS News) - Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je’s campaign chief of staff Vivian Huang has defended TPP vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu’s personal asset declarations, stating that they followed legal protocols. Huang emphasized the need for evidence if there are any suspicions regarding Wu’s declarations. This response comes after media personality Huang Yang-ming raised concerns about possible discrepancies in Wu’s asset declarations, suggesting that she neglected to report her spouse’s assets. Huang clarified that Wu’s declarations of assets last year were in strict adherence to legal requirements. The Central Election Commission (CEC) recently approved the qualifications of candidates for the upcoming presidential and vice-presidential elections, including those from the Kuomintang (KMT), Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and TPP. The CEC also released the financial disclosures of the candidates, bringing scrutiny to Wu’s declarations. As the election draws near, transparency and integrity have become vital issues for voters.
    2023/12/06 14:48
  • DPP alleges CCP offered Ko US$200M for Taiwan VP bid

    The story discusses allegations made by Yao Li-ming, the campaign manager for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, regarding Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je’s claim of being offered US$200 million to run for the vice-presidential bid. Yao asserts that this is a clear instance of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) meddling in Taiwan’s elections. The press conference titled "The Unclarified US$200 Million Doubt: Is Ko Wen-je Lying to Voters or Is It Chinese Intervention?" highlights the seriousness of the alleged criminal act and characterizes Ko as both a witness and a victim of Chinese interference. Yao suggests that only the CCP has the motive, capability, and suspicion to offer such a large sum, potentially aiming to support a Blue-White alliance. Lai’s spokesperson, Tai Wei-shan, raises suspicions about Ko’s silence on the issue and insinuates pressure from either the CCP or the Kuomintang (KMT). Tai calls on KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih to clarify the KMT’s role in the alleged incidents. Additionally, Tai criticizes Hou’s proposals to reopen Taiwan to Chinese tourists and allow Chinese students to work in Taiwan, arguing that these policies would increase Taiwan’s reliance on China. The story also mentions investigations into the Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) inviting Taiwanese village chiefs on free trips to China as an example of election interference. Tai rebukes the KMT’s eagerness to make Taiwan dependent on China, claiming that it would hinder the country’s progress in connecting with the world and the international community.
    2023/12/04 20:42
  • Low risk of China attack if Lai wins: DPP campaign chief

    In an interview, Yao Li-ming, the campaign chief for the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, stated that if Lai were to win the presidency, the likelihood of a military attack from mainland China is low and the probability of cross-strait warfare is at its lowest. Yao analyzed that China may employ specific strategies in the last two weeks of the election to make Taiwanese voters perceive choosing Lai as "very dangerous," but the DPP has prepared for such scenarios. Yao drew an analogy, stating that if a bully knows that a person will resist to the death, they might not attack at all. Yao also noted that mainland China’s leader Xi Jinping did not mention a timetable for an attack on Taiwan during the recent Xi-Biden meeting, suggesting that Beijing would not rashly initiate conflict. The DPP is willing to interact with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) but cannot accept the preconditions of the "One China" principle set by Beijing. A re-elected DPP administration would send a clear message to China, emphasizing that any resolution to the Taiwan issue must involve the DPP. Yao also contended that a successive DPP administration would reflect the support of Taiwan’s younger generation and mainstream public opinion, revealing to Beijing the necessity of recognizing the DPP’s status. Regarding mainland China’s interference in the elections, Yao disclosed that the DPP is ready to confront any unusual situations that may arise, but specific suspicions cannot be made public at this time.
    2023/12/04 19:56
  • DPP questions KMT’s stance on Chinese workers in Taiwan

    The campaign spokesperson for Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, Chen Shih-kai, has called on Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih to clarify his stance on allowing Chinese workers into Taiwan. Chen expressed concerns about the impact on the employment of Taiwan’s youth and requested an outline of supporting measures. This request for clarification follows Hou’s proposal to promote increased cross-strait exchanges, including opening up to Chinese tourists and students. Chen criticized Hou’s policy, suggesting it aimed to help alleviate China’s youth unemployment problems. He highlighted Taiwan’s strong economic abilities, contrasting it with Hong Kong’s declining stock market due to Chinese government control. Chen also criticized China’s lack of transparency regarding its economic downturn and high unemployment rate. He emphasized the importance of Taiwan’s economic development and integration with the global community, stating that the future direction of Taiwan depends on its leadership. These remarks reflect the DPP’s stance on maintaining a strong local economy and labor market while considering broader cross-strait policies and potential socioeconomic impacts.
    2023/11/29 21:06
  • PFP Soong blames power struggle for Blue-White split

    James Soong, chairman of the People First Party (PFP), attributed the fallout of the Blue-White alliance to politicking among power-hungry politicians. Soong dismissed criticism directed at Huang Shan-shan, campaign chief of Ko Wen-je’s Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), and questioned whether politicians truly prioritize the people’s issues. Soong criticized major parties in Taiwan, including the Kuomintang (KMT), Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), TPP, and his own PFP, for not reflecting on whether they truly listen to the voices and interests of the populace. He expressed skepticism about the presidential nomination processes of other parties, suggesting they prioritize replacing each other rather than the welfare of the people. Soong emphasized that the PFP has always prioritized public affairs and prided itself on not placing party interests above the public’s welfare. These claims by Soong highlight the challenges of uniting against the ruling administration as the opposition parties navigate the upcoming elections.
    2023/11/29 20:25
  • ’Lai-Hsiao ticket’ sees badge sales surge as campaign begins

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in Taiwan witnesses a surge in support with the sale of Lai-Hsiao ticket badges. Presidential candidate Lai Ching-te and running mate Hsiao’s popularity are key factors in boosting the party’s morale and strategic electoral activities.
    2023/11/29 19:44
  • Taiwan’s candidates gear up for election photo shoots

    Get an inside look at how Taiwan’s presidential and vice-presidential candidates are using campaign photoshoots to convey their messages as the election countdown continues.
    2023/11/27 17:05
  • DPP leads in Taiwan’s latest political poll with 34% support

    Amid Taiwan’s heated political race, a new TVBS poll shows the DPP’s Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim leading, while the KMT’s Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-Kong gain ground. The TPP’s support declines, indicating a potential rift in the KMT-TPP coalition, as voter enthusiasm grows.
    2023/11/27 15:36
  • Lai Ching-te unveils vision for ’Made in Taiwan’ strength

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te emphasized the importance of kindness among Taiwanese people and his vision for Taiwan’s future during his speech at the inaugural meeting of his campaign headquarters in Taoyuan. The event was attended by prominent DPP figures, including President Tsai Ing-wen. Lai’s pairing with his vice-presidential running mate Hsiao Bi-khim, dubbed the "Virtue Team," has garnered attention online. Lai advocated for democracy over dictatorship and called for support of Taiwan’s international industry without relying too heavily on China. He outlined policies to boost industries such as semiconductors, artificial intelligence, and green energy technology. Lai also criticized the "Blue-White Alliance" between the KMT and TPP as a merger focused on party interests and personal power. He emphasized the need for the DPP to secure a legislative majority to smoothly implement these policies.
    2023/11/26 17:51
  • TPP’s Vivian Huang makes history as top legislator-at-large

    The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) has made history in Taiwan’s presidential elections by positioning its campaign manager, Vivian Huang, as the top non-constituency legislator-at-large candidate. This unprecedented move has raised concerns about a potential conflict of interest, as Huang holds the power to nominate while also being involved in the election game. Legislator Chuang Jui-hsiung of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) highlighted Huang’s appointment as a reflection of her close rapport with TPP’s presidential candidate Ko Wen-je and her understanding of the Kuomintang’s (KMT) campaign strategies. Huang’s previous engagement with the KMT provides her with intimate knowledge of the opposition’s tactics, allowing her to preemptively contest any strategic moves. As the presidential candidacies were solidified, attention has turned to the election strategies of the major parties, with Huang’s multiple duties generating scrutiny. Her readiness to counteract tactics demonstrates the intensifying nature of Taiwan’s elections as parties prepare for a fierce battle, where alliances and poll maneuvers could have a significant impact.
    2023/11/25 16:37
  • Terry Gou’s election exit eases Foxconn, Apple Inc. concerns

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou has stepped out of the election race, potentially benefiting the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and providing relief to both Foxconn and Apple Inc. Gou’s withdrawal has reassured Foxconn’s leadership team, while his potential candidacy was seen as potentially complicating matters for Apple. Gou and actress Tammy Lai had secured the necessary endorsements to qualify for the race but faced allegations of bribery and data-buying during the campaign. After failed collaborations between the Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), Gou chose to withdraw, stating it was for the future of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and to facilitate a political power transition. Gou’s previous poll support was below 10 percent, and concerns had arisen regarding Foxconn’s operations in China, though the Chinese government imposed only a minor penalty, easing concerns within Foxconn.
    2023/11/25 16:32
  • Hsiao Bi-khim set for Hualien rally, aims to revitalize DPP

    Hsiao Bi-khim, a former lawmaker, is set to launch her first campaign rally in Hualien, reigniting her political efforts in the region. Despite facing setbacks in the past, Hsiao has spent a decade building strong ties in Hualien. In 2016, she made history for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) by capturing more than half of the votes, defeating the former Kuomintang legislator Wang Ting-son. However, her 2020 bid for re-election ended in defeat. Nevertheless, Hsiao’s passion for local engagement, campaign experience, and oratory skills are highly regarded within the DPP. As she prepares for the joint rally with Lai Ching-te, there is a renewed sense of vigor and unity within the party. Hsiao’s exceptional achievements in international diplomacy make her an ideal candidate to lead Taiwan forward and ensure national security and stability.
    2023/11/25 16:28
  • Hou Yu-ih slams Ko Wen-je for TPP-KMT pact ambiguity

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih criticizes Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) counterpart Ko Wen-je for lukewarm collaboration efforts, calling it a betrayal despite KMT’s efforts to maintain good relations. Hou and KMT legislative candidate Lu Yu-ling inaugurate joint campaign headquarters, attended by KMT’s vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong. Hou questions Ko’s interpretation of a previously signed six-point agreement, emphasizing unity and discipline within the KMT. Amid scrutiny over Jaw’s retention of his chairman position at the Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC), Hou assures that it will be handled according to the law. Jaw states he has ceased radio show activities and requested leave from BCC, willing to comply with National Communications Commission (NCC) requirements. Jaw also accuses ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of funding pro-green media outlets, denouncing it as collusion between politics and the media.
    2023/11/25 14:37
  • Hou Yu-ih invites Jaw Shaw-kong to presidential ticket

    Kuomintang presidential hopeful Hou Yu-ih announces Jaw Shaw-kong as the vice-presidential candidate. The KMT and TPP failed to form an alliance, intensifying campaign efforts for the 2024 election against the ruling Democratic Progressive Party.
    2023/11/24 16:56
  • MOEA refutes Ko’s corruption allegations amid pandemic

    The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) demanded an apology from Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) chairman Ko Wen-je for his corruption allegations against the government in producing face masks. The MOEA refuted Ko’s claims, stating the lack of evidence and emphasizing the need for public servants to ensure mask supply during the pandemic. Ko made the accusations during a campaign event, implicating the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in corruption cases involving masks, the Medigen COVID-19 vaccine, and egg imports. The MOEA referred to a previous incident where former Minister of the Interior Lee Hong-yuan apologized for baseless accusations and urged Ko to do the same.
    2023/11/22 20:35
  • DPP candidates register for 2024 presidential election

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential and vice-presidential candidates Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim registered for Taiwan’s 2024 national election with the Central Election Commission. They wore badges featuring cartoon depictions of a cat and a dog, symbolizing their representative animals. Lai’s campaign design incorporates a baseball theme and an animation series featuring his dog, while Hsiao, a well-known "cat person," often compares her diplomatic skills to a cat’s charm. The slogan "pick the right people, follow the right path" emphasizes their commitment to jointly shaping Taiwan’s future.
    2023/11/22 19:43
  • DPP’s Lai eyes "Home Run" with 8 Taipei legislative bids

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te and eight Taipei legislative candidates registered at the Central Election Committee (CEC) on Nov. 22. Lai encouraged his team with slogans like "8 seats to victory" and "Team Taipei! Let’s home run!" Lai expressed confidence in leading Taiwan forward despite the global situation. The DPP legislative hopefuls are Rosalia Wu, Wang Shi-chien, Hsieh Pei-fen, Kao Chia-yu, Wu Pei-yi, Hsu Shu-hua, Wang Min-sheng, and Miao Po-ya from the Social Democratic Party. Lai urged the candidates to collaborate effectively to secure all eight seats, which would give the DPP a majority in the legislature and benefit Taipei and Taiwan as a whole.
    2023/11/22 15:13
  • Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim register for 2024 polls

    DPP’s Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim have officially registered for the 2024 presidential election at Taiwan’s Central Election Commission. Get the latest updates on their campaign.
    2023/11/21 17:04
  • Terry Gou remains open to cooperation with TPP’s Ko

    Independent presidential candidate Terry Gou’s campaign office spokesperson, Chen Chia-yi, confirmed that the election coalition between the Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan’s People Party (TPP) does not prevent the TPP from forming an alliance with Gou. Chen emphasized that Gou’s commitment to a political turnover in 2024 remains unwavering and stated that discussions can take place between Gou and TPP’s presidential contender Ko Wen-je, as the two are not mutually exclusive. Gou’s campaign team aims to bring all parties to the table to communicate their goals without any preconditions, highlighting that unity is the key to winning the presidential election. Chen mentioned that Gou’s direction aligns with the 65% mainstream public opinion, which desires the removal of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). Cooperation among opposition presidential candidates is seen as the ongoing effort leading up to candidate registration at the Central Election Commission from November 20 to November 24.
    2023/11/16 15:20
  • Lai Ching-te to name Hsiao Bi-khim as running mate

    Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te is set to announce Hsiao Bi-khim as his vice-presidential running mate. The announcement, slated for November 20, follows DPP’s unveiling of its legislator-at-large list and precedes the Central Election Commission’s candidate registration period. Amidst these developments, Hsiao attends the APEC summit in San Francisco, focusing on the summit’s successful conclusion.
    2023/11/16 12:13
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