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    2021��������������� 結果共5,716筆

  • 日圓現「0.2168」低價 10萬台幣換匯賺日本來回機票

    2023/11/13 10:53
  • 《無法抗拒的他》翻拍日版 網傳「國寶級男神」將扮渣男

    2023/11/13 09:32
  • 2年前女兒夭折!男星妻宣布「我又懷孕了」驚出血停工安胎

    2023/11/13 08:50
  • 消失2年!「鄉民女神」震撼宣布已婚懷孕5個月:抱歉讓大家嚇到

    2023/11/13 07:35
  • 突逢巨變!朱芯儀2年前罹癌 淚謝衛斯理:撐起一個家

    2023/11/11 09:52
  • 疫後大陸興起「靈活就業」 專家:台灣兼職也變多

    2023/11/10 22:48
  • Lung cancer now leading cancer type in Taiwan

    Explore the latest 2021 cancer statistics in Taiwan, where lung cancer has now surpassed colorectal cancer as the most prevalent. The report highlights significant trends, including the rise of pancreatic cancer in the top ten list.
    2023/11/10 22:17
  • Taiwan sees rise in fathers using Parental Leave Allowance

    Over 1.01 million people have benefited from Taiwan’s "Employment Insurance Parental Leave Allowance" since its initiation in 2009. This allowance, available to parents with at least one year of cumulative employment insurance, allows them to take unpaid parental leave before their children turn three. The subsidy is calculated at 60% of the average salary for the six months preceding the leave, with an additional 20% wage subsidy provided since July 2021, bringing the total to 80%. Since January 2022, both parents can simultaneously apply for the allowance, allowing them to apply for a subsidy for 12 months within half a year if they meet the criteria and take leave together. Assuming an average monthly salary of NT$42,000, each parent can receive NT$33,600 monthly, totaling NT$403,200 for the half-year period. The program has also seen a rise in male applicants, with over 20,000 annually compared to the initial 4,000 during the inaugural year, indicating a growing willingness of men to share childcare responsibilities.
    2023/11/10 22:08
  • 分手由愛生恨 澳女砸錢找人「割斷前男友命根子」

    2023/11/10 17:54
  • 不抽菸也會得!「肺癌登新癌王」年奪9千命 7症狀易被忽視

    2023/11/10 13:29
  • 小甜甜放閃了!擁新歡甜曬「愛心同框照」 激喊:勇敢就值得被愛

    2023/11/10 12:44
  • 感覺被冒犯!朱芯儀揭抗癌看診護理師「1舉動」毋湯 實在太赤裸

    2023/11/09 18:22
  • 35歲新垣結衣身體出狀況! 驚曝「慢性2症頭超痛」:脖子無法動

    2023/11/09 12:21
  • 韓仁川機場搬運工撬開行李偷竊 靠「懶人密碼」得手近千萬

    南韓仁川機場(Incheon International Airport)傳出內部員工偷竊旅客財物案件,綜合當地媒體報導,機場警察日前逮捕一名擔任搬運工的41歲男性,他被發現利用職務之便,在2021年11月至2023年6月期間,累積超過200次撬開旅客行李,成功偷竊合計3億7300萬韓圜(約新台幣916萬8000元)財物,包含各種珠寶首飾或是精品包包。韓媒報導還提到,這名竊賊利用0000或1111兩種懶人密碼組合,「測試」行李箱密碼鎖。
    2023/11/09 09:49
  • 南韓好市多業績因這兩因素成長停滯 不敵台灣千億年營收

    2023/11/08 16:04
  • 快訊/離婚8個月!小甜甜驚爆指纏新歡回香閨 前夫首發聲

    2023/11/08 09:55
  • Economics Minister disputes power shortage claims

    Taipei’s Economics Minister, Wang Mei-hua, announced that power shortages have significantly decreased in recent years, with no shortages reported in 2023. Wang dismissed former President Ma Ying-jeou’s claims of power shortages under the Democratic Progressive Party’s governance as inconsistent with the facts. Since President Tsai Ing-wen took office, improvements have been made to the power scheduling mechanism, enhancing power supply stability. In response to power cuts in May 2021, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) plans to invest over NT$500 billion in improvements over the next decade. The MOEA aims to add 9.1 million kilowatts to the power supply by 2030, excluding renewable energy, to meet the projected increase in power demand of 7 million kilowatts over the next seven years.
    2023/11/07 17:57
  • Ruentex Development’s new property breaks records

    Ruentex Development Co.’s new real estate property, ’Ruentex Yangbei (潤泰央北),’ in New Taipei City attracted hundreds of buyers who queued up for up to two hours to view the three homes up for sale. The property, located in the readjustment Yangbei district, set a new record for the highest price per ping in the area, with homes selling for over NT$900,000 per ping after negotiations. Each Ruentex Yangbei property is priced between NT$25.92 million and NT$29.52 million, with an average unit price of around NT$720,000 per ping. Situated at the intersection of Sixin First Road and Yangbei Second Road in Xindian, the property consists of three underground floors and 20 above-ground floors, housing a total of 185 units. Despite concerns about a cooling property sector, the strong demand for these properties since their launch in 2021 has surprised many. One online user commented, "It is hard to believe the housing market is cooling, seeing people buying properties like buying vegetables."
    2023/11/07 16:05
  • Ice cream industry hits production value of NT$2.8B in 2022

    Taiwan’s ice cream industry has reached a record-high production value of NT$2.8 billion in 2022, with an average year-on-year growth of 8.3% over the past five years, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). This growth is attributed to Westernized eating habits, health-conscious consumption, and the introduction of new flavors that cater to Taiwan’s hot climate. The rise of the ice cream sector has also contributed to the steady growth of Taiwanese dairy consumption, which reached a peak production value of over NT$40 billion in both 2021 and 2022. Despite this growth, Taiwan primarily relies on dairy imports, with an annual increase of 11.1%. New Zealand is the main import source, followed by the U.S., France, and Australia, accounting for 12.6%, 8.7%, and 7% respectively. These imports mainly consist of cheese, dry cheese, and dairy-based spreads.
    2023/11/07 13:11
  • 韓空服員胃癌逝 遭判受「宇宙輻射」長期影響

    2023/11/06 18:40
  • 日媒民調 岸田內閣支持率跌至3成上任來新低

    2023/11/06 14:07
  • 看不出54歲!女星不再追求「用盡全力」 創運動菜單維持健康

    好萊塢女星珍妮佛安妮斯頓(Jennifer Aniston)1994年起飾演美國經典喜劇《六人行》的「瑞秋」一角,紅遍全球,而她擁有緊實的腹肌、美腿,一點都看不出來已經54歲,過去曾是健身狂熱者的她,因2021年腰椎間盤突出,加上受疫情影響,她不再追求「用盡全力」的運動,發明了較溫和的「15-15-15」運動法來維持健康。
    2023/11/05 10:51
  • 謝佩霓導讀古納「來世」 讓世人找到對應世界方式

    2023/11/05 10:32
  • 草東沒有派對才回歸!吉他手筑筑爆唇部神經受損 急開刀病況曝

    2023/11/05 09:41
  • 路上小心艾連!《進擊的巨人》完結篇「後篇」倒數 線上派對內容曝

    2023/11/03 18:55
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