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    legacy 結果共226筆

  • 中島健人3月撲台!辦《客廳裡的松永先生》見面會 時間地點公開

    日本男星「Kenty」中島健人今(23)日宣布好消息,是將在3月15日來台舉辦以最新主演戲劇《客廳裡的松永先生》為名的特別見面會,地點選在信義劇場Legacy Max,寵粉的他透過主辦單位大鴻藝術,向支持他的台灣粉絲送上甜蜜邀請:「要來看我喔!」
    2024/01/23 13:00
  • 《星光》PK一戰成名!女星驚人近況曝光 宣布好消息

    當年因參加《超級星光大道》踢館PK一戰成名的新加坡歌手王儷婷(Olivia),以〈海枯石爛〉讓大家熟知,今(16)日宣布3月31日於Taipei Legacy舉辦「光影」演唱會,2023年9月份,王儷婷在新加坡首都劇院舉辦了個人《光影》演唱會,演唱會在短時間內即刻售罄,創下佳績,表演當天更有眾多海外粉絲從各地飛往新加坡,聆聽她絕世好歌喉帶来的曼妙音樂,相信這次的台北站演出絕對讓久未見面的粉絲引頸期待。
    2024/01/16 19:17
  • Lai Ching-te vows to uphold democracy after winning election

    In Taiwan’s latest presidential election, President-elect Lai Ching-te and Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim commit to continuing President Tsai Ing-wen’s democratic legacy, facing legislative challenges and focusing on peaceful cross-strait relations.
    2024/01/13 22:51
  • KMT candidate’s wife clarifies building ownership

    Jen Mei-ling, wife of Kuomintang’s (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih, clarified that a building being claimed as their own is actually a legacy from her father and not part of Hou’s property. The building has become a topic of discussion in the upcoming 2024 elections due to its high rent and proximity to Chinese Culture University. Jen stated that the property has over 50 vacant houses, which will be used to provide rent subsidies for low-to-moderate-income families and young students through donations. After the leases expire in June 2026, the plan is to convert the property into social housing for the youth and communal accommodations for rent. Initially, the building was leased and managed by Shin-Kong Life Real Estate Service Co., Ltd., with rental prices determined by Shin Kong Life Insurance. Jen announced that the vacant apartments will be subsidized for young families with an annual income of less than NT$1.33 million and a per capita monthly income below NT$56,000. Existing tenants can also apply for the subsidy, with rates of NT$6,400 for single rooms and NT$7,000 for two-person rooms per month. In her public letter, Jen addressed the accusations, highlighting Hou’s integrity during the election process and apologizing for the family issue.
    2023/12/27 15:10
  • Farewell celebration marks end of an era for Eslite Xinyi

    Taipei’s Eslite Xinyi bookstore, a cultural and literary landmark, is closing its doors after 18 years, marking the end of an era. A grand farewell event celebrates its legacy, while the spirit of Eslite’s 24-hour bookstore continues at the Songyan store.
    2023/12/24 18:59
  • Taipei’s Eslite Xinyi bookstore closes, Songyan’s to reopen

    Taipei’s renowned Eslite bookstore in Xinyi District, a symbol of Taiwan’s literary and cultural scene, prepares to close its doors this Sunday. The anticipated successor, Songyan store, opens Jan. 20, promising to continue Eslite’s legacy in a new, expansive setting.
    2023/12/24 18:41
  • Eslite Xinyi store sets new visitor record ahead of closure

    Eslite Xinyi Store, an iconic cultural institution in Taipei, set a new record with 53,000 visitors in a single day, surpassing New Year’s Eve crowds. The 18-year-old bookstore is closing its doors on December 24th, prompting a "Farewell Tour" exhibition showcasing its most-sold books and precious images. A final celebration on the closing day will feature a dance act by Billy Chang, an outdoor farewell concert with renowned artists, and a countdown with Chairman Wu Min-chieh. The legacy of the 24-hour bookstore will continue at Eslite Songyan Store, tripling its book volume, offering over 100,000 products, and introducing cultural spaces like a record store, cinema, performance hall, art gallery, and wine cellar.
    2023/12/19 15:13
  • 2天唱3場「療傷天后」辛曉琪備戰演唱會!曝想挑戰演喜劇

    2023/12/16 22:10
  • War in Israel, Gaza tops 2023 Google news searches

    Google’s most searched topics in 2023 revealed the War in Israel and Gaza as the top news category globally. NFL player Damar Hamlin, who suffered a cardiac arrest on the field, emerged as the most searched individual. Actor Jeremy Renner ranked second after being run over by a snowplow. Yoasobi’s single "Idol" topped the song searches, while Barbie and Oppenheimer were the most searched movies. Hogwarts Legacy and The Last of Us dominated the video game category. Late actor Matthew Perry and singer Tina Turner received extensive searches. The television adaptation of The Last of Us was the most sought-after TV series of the year.
    2023/12/12 19:28
  • 歌后轉行當「教主」幫忙改運!徵求所有噩運 除厄時間曝光

    金曲歌后陳珊妮將於明年1月底分別在1月27日Legacy Taipei、1月28日Legacy Taichung舉辦「都市女聲」專場,專場名稱取作「消災、除厄」,要在農曆年前用音樂進行「年終掃除」,替觀眾們將累積一整年的怨念與晦氣都消除,她也在社群上發起投稿,徵求大家將想銷毀的噩運寫下,就能得到上台點亮光明或近身祈福的機會。
    2023/12/11 12:28
  • 韓國嘻哈音源怪物BE’O來了! 出道3年「演唱會處女秀獻台灣」

    參加《Show Me The Money 10》爆紅的00後韓國潛力怪物Rapper-BE’O,無預警宣布將在2024年1月晚間於華山Legacy Taipei開唱!此次將是BE’O出道3年以來第一場演唱會,處女秀就特別獻給台灣歌迷。
    2023/12/06 18:30
  • 新歌不能唱!熱狗不忍了做「超狂大事」反擊:致意朱老師

    MC HotDog熱狗昨 (3)日在簡單生活節的legacy舞台,作為壓軸的I’m so big突襲演出,吸引了上千歌迷擠爆現場,人群湧到外面街道,熱狗在本場演出首度演唱了新專輯《髒藝術家》裡的三首新歌,其中〈樓上的房東〉更是他有感這陣子的事情所做的新作,熱狗在演出這首歌前說:「大家都知道我之前寫了一首歌曲〈樓下的房客〉,後面發生的事情我想大家都知道了,所以我就不再講了,可是沒有關係,我寫了一首更屌的歌,就是〈樓上的房東〉。」語畢立刻爆出超大的尖叫聲。
    2023/12/04 07:00
  • 最暖畫家助攻!張芸京「超時空」合體艾成 竟和王瞳有這關係

    2023/12/02 19:50
  • 阿信知道嗎?溫妮忙組「怪物星人」沒空理男友 她驚吐最後一搏

    2023/11/28 16:00
  • Memorial to be held for Chimei Group founder Shi Wen-long

    A five-day memorial service for Shi Wen-long, the founder of Chimei Corporation, begins on November 22 in Kaohsiung’s Yancheng district. The Chimei Museum, home to Shi’s legacy, honors his life with a memorial wall and a private concert fulfilling his final wish.
    2023/11/20 18:02
  • 「Nico歌姬」majiko檸檬配飯也行! 嗨唱竟怒吼:為什麼要回家

    在網路上擁有絕高人氣的新世代歌姬majiko在Niconico動畫網站發跡,並以〈裂痕滿布的世界〉一曲創下YouTube超過千萬點擊,睽違4年帶著魅力依舊的聲線抵台,19日晚間在Legacy Taipei舉行「majiko ONEMAN LIVE HEART FELT in TAIPEI」演唱會,超親切地用台語問候現場:「呷飽未?」連吉祥物都是檸檬的majiko笑說:「我真的太愛檸檬了,要我用檸檬片配飯也沒有問題。」
    2023/11/20 11:30
  • Yu Tian becomes a grandfather, shares joy and tears

    Entertainer Yu Tian welcomes his granddaughter with a mix of joy and remembrance. Amidst celebrating the new arrival, he reflects on the loss of his daughter, Yu Yuan-chi, and makes a grand gesture with a traditional red envelope.
    2023/11/14 17:31
  • INFINITE隔3個月又來! 「最強綜藝感」東雨、成烈12月會台粉

    韓國二代團INFINITE才在9月初以「完全體」之姿6人在台灣舉辦演唱會,不過成員今(2023)年各自接力來台,現在輪到東雨、成烈組團,12月將在信義劇場Legacy MAX舉辦粉絲見面會,送給所有INSPIRIT(粉絲名)2023年底前最後壓軸的大驚喜!
    2023/11/07 12:53
  • 壯漢從天而降!辛曉琪遭重壓噴血還燙傷 首現身傷勢曝光了

    2023/11/06 15:44
  • 男星唱一半哽咽崩潰 認了陷入低潮「希望再次振作」

    創作新人同理今年6月推出首張專輯《心GRATEFUL》,昨晚(22)日在台北Legacy舉行「心GRATEFUL」演唱會,並邀請一直很欣賞同理的同門師兄J.Sheon以及師妹林茉曦、葛西瓦和阿蘭AC、YEN 焰接力擔任嘉賓,展現了他的好人緣,更能感受到他滿滿的誠意。演出到尾聲,同理感性分享自己近期處於情緒較低潮的狀態,演唱最後一首歌〈All Is Well〉的副歌時,他忍不住流下眼淚,一度無法繼續唱下去。
    2023/10/23 17:25
  • 一開唱就翻車!麋先生衝下台喊重來 被大咖女神探班嚇傻了

    2023/10/18 13:50
  • 陶晶瑩認證超派!麋先生讓阮經天也淪陷 放話無酬做這事

    2023/10/17 18:12
  • 都是浪漫害的!麋先生被虧「最龜毛壞蛋」 狂操2週親揭好消息

    金曲樂團「麋先生」近來為電影《周處除三害》獻唱片尾曲〈壞蛋〉,助攻票房強強滾,聲勢急漲的他們將迎來成軍11週年,對應電影名稱《周處除三害》,麋先生「出三HIGH」慶生,新輯《都是浪漫害的》將在10月17日數位上架,加碼宣布當晚8點在台北Legacy 專輯首唱派對,他們笑說:「這是送給自己與歌迷最好的生日禮物。」
    2023/10/14 14:04
  • 太愛唱歌!女星存錢狂唱卡拉OK 首戰大舞台:感覺變厲害了

    2023/10/11 17:23
  • 差太多了!鳳小岳獲誇「帥到像希臘雕像」 他竟被評像兵馬俑

    2023/10/10 14:51
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