
KMT candidate’s wife clarifies building ownership

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/12/27 15:10
Last update time:2023/12/27 15:10
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KMT candidate’s wife denies clarifies building ownership (TVBS News) KMT candidate’s wife clarifies building ownership
KMT candidate's wife denies clarifies building ownership (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Jen Mei-ling, the wife of Kuomintang's (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih, released an open letter Wednesday (Dec. 27), stating that a building many are claiming to be owned by them was a legacy from her father and not part of Hou's property.

It has become a focal point in the upcoming 2024 elections recently, as many bashed Hou about his family owning the rental suites next to Chinese Culture University and its high rent.


Jen specified that the property has over 50 vacant houses, which would provide rent subsidies for low-to-moderate-income families and young students through donations.

After the leases terminate in June 2026, plans are to change the property from a block of flats into social housing for the youth and communal accommodations for rent, Jen added.

Originally, the building was leased and maintained by Shin-Kong Life Real Estate Service Co.,Ltd, undergoing a name change and rental price division decided by Shin Kong Life Insurance.

Regarding the current vacant apartments, subsidies will serve as housing for young families with an annual income of less than NT$1.33 million and a per capita monthly income under NT$56,000, Jen announced.

The existing tenants can apply, too, with the subsidy being NT$6,400 for single rooms and NT$7,000 for two-person rooms per month.

Jen's public letter tackles the accusations, emphasizing Hou's honesty during the election process and apologizing for their family issue.

National Elections

Taiwan Affairs

#KMT presidential candidate# building ownership dispute# rental suites# high rent# social housing# vacant apartments# family issue# Hou Yu-ih’s property ownership controversy# rent subsidies for low-to-moderate-income families
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