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    cross 結果共586筆

  • Ex-President Ma boasts ’successful’ 12-day trip to China

    Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou arrived in Taiwan on Friday (April 7) after successfully wrapping up his 12-day trip in China. 
    2023/04/08 17:24
  • 保險救援全包!Suzuki曝「促銷方案」 各車系享專屬好禮

    Suzuki台灣總代理金鈴汽車公布2023年4月份新車促銷方案,即日起至4月28日止,除了全車系享有「代車險、不限里程道路救援」之外,包含Carry、Swift、Swift Sport、Ignis、S-Cross、Vitara等車系,都有專屬優惠方案。
    2023/04/07 11:23
  • Toyota勁敵來了! 第2代Nissan Kicks疑現身

    2023/04/05 20:57
  • TNCAP首批測試結果揭曉 豐田2大人氣休旅車皆獲五星

    全名為Taiwan New Car Assessment Program台灣新車安全評鑑制度的TNCAP,在去年10月27日掛牌正式啟用後,交通部在今日(3月30日)公佈了首年8款車型中首批測試車款Toyota Corolla Cross與RAV4的測試成績,不出意料這兩輛在其餘國家NCAP制度均獲得五星評鑑的Toyota休旅,在TNCAP中也斬獲了五顆星的好成績!在第一季兩款Toyota受測車型成績公布之後,Corolla Altis跟Honda CR-V的測試成果即將在第二季(6月底)接力公布。
    2023/03/30 22:33
  • Toyota Prius PHV現身台北街頭!今年有望登台

    雖然Toyota總代理和泰汽車在今年1月底公佈的年度引進計劃中,僅列出Corwn Crossover與大改款Alphard(恐因生產因素而順延)兩大重點新車,不過其實今年有望在國內上市的Toyota新車「隱藏名單」中還包含了小改款Corolla Cross、全新小跨界(暫稱Raize Space)以及大改款Prius!而在今(17)日汽車達人Andy老爹就在網路上分享了Prius PHV現身台北街頭的直擊影片,似乎落實了外界對於大改款新車今年就會登台上市的猜測!
    2023/03/17 21:49
  • Foreign Ministry welcomes joint statement by UK and France

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) welcomed on Monday (March 13) a joint declaration made three days earlier by the leaders of France and the United Kingdom on the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
    2023/03/13 17:13
  • 大金冷暖空調 最高可省12000元 加碼5輛TOYOTA COROLLA CROSS汽車連環抽

    慶祝大金空調在台三十周年,感恩回饋再加碼,第一品牌強強聯手出擊! 2/1~7/31購買大金冷暖變頻空調最高可省12000元,再享台灣2022年度最暢銷車款 TOYOTA COROLLA CROSS汽車連環抽,合計抽5輛可以累積連續抽獎,越早購買抽獎機會越多!
    2023/02/22 16:51
  • Former vice president Annette Lu wants cross-strait peace

    Former vice president Annette Lu spoke at Taiwan Strait Security Forum on Friday about her idea for "cross-strait integration" to maintain peace between Taiwan and China.
    2023/02/17 22:43
  • John Bolton: Taiwan to escape diplomatic isolation

    The complex relationship between Taiwan, the United States, and China has been the subject of ongoing media coverage in recent weeks, prompting many to speculate about the future course of action for each country.
    2023/02/14 19:47
  • 業務賣日系國產休旅將電子後視鏡「偷換低階配備」 女車主心寒:欺騙還嗆聲

    買新車本來是一件值得高興的事情,一名女車主卻上網抱怨「完全開心不起來」。在臉書爆料公社上,有位王姓女子發文分享自己前往位於台南的Toyota安南營業所購買Corolla Cross尊爵版車型,豈料一名林姓業務非但沒有依照談好的條件為車主安裝E-Mirror電子後視鏡,最後甚至還不耐煩地對王女嗆聲,讓她感慨表示:「不要因為一時的心軟,給不肖人士空隙可鑽。」
    2023/02/03 09:39
  • 豐田Raize太夯!Honda怕被擠下去 傳將推出小休旅

    在2019年底問世的Toyota Raize,是輛車長不到4米1、體型比大家熟悉的Corolla Cross與C-HR還要更小的小型跨界,在登場的隔年2020年就榮登休旅級距銷售冠軍,更在去年全年於日本繳出近8.4萬輛、年度銷售排行第五的優異成績單!面對勁敵Toyota以Raize大舉攻城掠地,苦無同級車款應對的Honda在近期被日媒傳出,有打算推出對應的小型跨界新車來扳回一城!
    2023/01/30 15:47
  • Toyota休旅神車! 日廠打造越野綜合體RAV Cross

    Toyota新一代「神車」Corolla Cross之所以在各地都是熱門車款,切入市場主流的跨界休旅車格設定可能是成功的最關鍵因素之一,另外提取自當家SUV RAV4元素的造型神韻也是快速取得市場認同的一大關鍵,就像Corolla Cross在國內上市初期就被不少消費者以「縮小版」RAV4的形象來認識;就在本屆的東京改裝車展上,Exizzle-Line覺得不如就直接把Corolla Cross打造成小一號的RAV4並重新命名成RAV Cross,而且還裝上了車邊帳跟A/T胎,化身成越野版的Toyota休旅神車!
    2023/01/27 14:48
  • 一人擊落4架米格機 真人版「捍衛戰士」超狂戰功藏50年

    由好萊塢男星湯姆克魯斯(Tom Cruise)主演的《捍衛戰士》(Top Gun)在全球創下票房佳績,還被譽為「最成功的空戰電影」。不過影迷們不知道的是,美國歷史上真的存在一位比阿湯哥還神的傳奇。現年97歲的美國海軍退役飛行員威廉斯(Royce Williams),在韓戰期間駕駛「F9F黑豹戰鬥機」與7架蘇聯戰機纏鬥,在30分鐘內擊落4架敵機。雖然戰功顯赫,但這段歷史卻被保密了長達50年,直到昨(20)天,威廉斯才終於獲頒美國海軍最高榮耀-海軍十字勳章(Navy Cross),表彰他在服役期間展現的非凡、英勇行為。
    2023/01/21 15:32
  • Taiwan President denounces PLA’s large-scale military drills

    President Tsai Ing-wen denounces PLA’s large-scale military drills around Taiwan on Friday (Jan. 6).
    2023/01/06 17:22
  • Wenchi Yu ponders U.S. role in future cross-strait ties

    Taiwan and China have a complex relationship recently brought into the spotlight due to Taipei’s ardent push for democratic values and Beijing’s firm belief in autocratic control. The United States is also involved in this dynamic, according to TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu, who asked two foreign policy experts what’s next for cross-strait relations in the latest episode of TVBS Meeting Room.
    2022/12/21 18:44
  • Taiwan’s DPP gains support in extending military service

    Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has garnered some support in its plans to extend the current, 4-month military service.
    2022/12/20 18:17
  • Taiwan political parties lock horns over mini-three links

    Taiwan’s ruling and main opposition parties recently locked horns over whether the mini-three-links should be restarted between Taiwan and China.
    2022/12/16 11:41
  • Australian delegation wraps up unofficial visit to Taiwan

    A cross-party group of federal politicians from Australia wrapped up a five-day visit to Taiwan on Friday (Dec. 9), meeting privately with President Tsai Ing-wen on Thursday morning, and remaining low-key during their entire stay. 
    2022/12/10 09:22
  • Taiwan’s 9-in-1 elections attract global media attention

    The world was on watch for Taiwan’s 9-in-1 elections on Saturday (Nov. 26). Foreign media, however, focused their attention on cross-strait relations, as many viewed this election as a "mid-term" test for President Tsai Ing-wen, a test to see if the people of Taiwan are satisfied with the current Democratic Progressive Party administration.
    2022/11/28 00:12
  • KMT wins big in Taiwan local elections as ruling DPP stumbes

    Taiwan’s main opposition party Kuomintang won big in the local elections on Saturday (Nov. 26), dominating 13 cities and counties in Taiwan.
    2022/11/27 23:26
  • 烤黃漆=計程車?車主哀嚎「民眾狂攔」:擅自被開車門

    2022/11/26 11:55
  • Taiwan local elections unlikely to affect cross-strait ties

    There’s just one day to go before Taiwan’s local, 9-in-1 elections, held every 4 years.
    2022/11/25 20:55
  • Analyst: Elections’ impact on cross-strait issues limited

    With local elections fast approaching, many people have wondered whether the new political map will affect cross-strait relations for the better or the worse. According to Kwei-Bo Huang, associate professor of Diplomacy at NCCU College of International Affairs, the results of the elections will have a limited impact on cross-strait affairs.
    2022/11/25 06:20
  • China experts concerned at new normal in Taiwan Strait

    Speaking at the 7th annual “China’s Power: Up for Debate” on Thursday (Nov. 17) organized by the Center For Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), U.S. officials, scholars, and commentators discussed the core issues underpinning the nature of Chinese power that could lead to a major crisis or conflict in the next year or two.
    2022/11/22 07:37
  • CSIS holds China Power Conference

    Global experts shared their perspective and insight on mainland China’s policies and current stance in the world at the China Power annual conference held by the Center for Strategic & International Studies.
    2022/11/18 19:53
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