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    cross 結果共593筆

  • Taiwan’s 9-in-1 elections attract global media attention

    The world was on watch for Taiwan’s 9-in-1 elections on Saturday (Nov. 26). Foreign media, however, focused their attention on cross-strait relations, as many viewed this election as a "mid-term" test for President Tsai Ing-wen, a test to see if the people of Taiwan are satisfied with the current Democratic Progressive Party administration.
    2022/11/28 00:12
  • KMT wins big in Taiwan local elections as ruling DPP stumbes

    Taiwan’s main opposition party Kuomintang won big in the local elections on Saturday (Nov. 26), dominating 13 cities and counties in Taiwan.
    2022/11/27 23:26
  • 烤黃漆=計程車?車主哀嚎「民眾狂攔」:擅自被開車門

    2022/11/26 11:55
  • Taiwan local elections unlikely to affect cross-strait ties

    There’s just one day to go before Taiwan’s local, 9-in-1 elections, held every 4 years.
    2022/11/25 20:55
  • Analyst: Elections’ impact on cross-strait issues limited

    With local elections fast approaching, many people have wondered whether the new political map will affect cross-strait relations for the better or the worse. According to Kwei-Bo Huang, associate professor of Diplomacy at NCCU College of International Affairs, the results of the elections will have a limited impact on cross-strait affairs.
    2022/11/25 06:20
  • China experts concerned at new normal in Taiwan Strait

    Speaking at the 7th annual “China’s Power: Up for Debate” on Thursday (Nov. 17) organized by the Center For Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), U.S. officials, scholars, and commentators discussed the core issues underpinning the nature of Chinese power that could lead to a major crisis or conflict in the next year or two.
    2022/11/22 07:37
  • CSIS holds China Power Conference

    Global experts shared their perspective and insight on mainland China’s policies and current stance in the world at the China Power annual conference held by the Center for Strategic & International Studies.
    2022/11/18 19:53
  • Air Force pilot changes tone with PRC planes in Taiwan ADIZ

    Taiwan Air Force on Wednesday (Nov. 9) requested that PRC planes leave its air defense zone with a slightly different tone than usual, military experts reported. 
    2022/11/10 18:38
  • U.S. military upgrades defense systems in Asia-Pacific

    Cross strait tensions have been on the rise in recent years. Now, with North Korea firing off missiles near Japan, the U.S. is stepping up to upgrade the defense in Asia-Pacific areas. 
    2022/11/10 18:16
  • 什麼是TNCAP?不只是「合格」 看得見愛車安全評分

    TNCAP台灣新車安全評鑑制度在8月底成立後,約莫過了兩個月的時間舉行歷史性首撞,首撞車款正是2021年度台灣車市銷售冠軍Toyota Corolla Cross;為了讓全台民眾見證歷史性的一刻,TNCAP還在Youtube上全程直播,最多有破兩千人次同時在線上觀看!不過應該民眾跟消費者還是不太理解TNCAP是什麼樣的機構,包括TNCAP是不是撞「選手車」、為什麼只撞車頭還有為什麼政府花錢進行測試等疑問排山倒海而來,就讓我們來解密TNCAP到底是在幹嘛!
    2022/10/29 17:48
  • 直擊TNCAP首撞!Corolla Cross撞測報告細節明年Q1出爐

    台灣車市專屬的TNCAP新車安全評鑑制度在8月26日成立後,再過了兩個月的時間終於在今(27)日迎來首次撞擊測試!進行歷史性首撞的車款為2021年度銷售冠軍Toyota Corolla Cross,TNCAP實驗人員也在現場解密前方偏置撞擊代表的意義以及TNCAP運作細節,而Corolla Cross的撞測報告最快會在明年第一季時公布!
    2022/10/27 21:33
  • Wenchi Yu expects China to become more ideologically driven

    President Xi Jinping’s speech at the 20th Chinese Communist Party Congress earlier this week mentioned Taiwan several times, without offering new strategies to resolve the cross-strait stalemate, according to TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu.
    2022/10/20 16:59
  • Jeeps fined for illegally crossing river in national park

    Jeeps drove one by one into the riverbed to cross this creek in Shei Pa National Park.
    2022/10/19 21:39
  • Mahathir Mohamad calls for China to “leave Taiwan alone”

    A few days before the sudden dissolution of Malaysia’s parliament, TVBS conducted an exclusive interview with former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on his views toward cross-strait relations and the U.S. tense relationship with China.
    2022/10/18 17:56
  • TSMC founder Morris Chang talks with CBS 60 Minutes

    TSMC founder Morris Chang shared his views on the CBS 60 Minutes program released on Oct. 9, saying that the mutually beneficial semiconductor industry is perhaps why cross-strait relations have remained stable in recent years.
    2022/10/13 15:26
  • President Tsai hints at precision missiles to boost defense

    President Tsai Ing-wen said Monday (Oct. 10) that peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait was the basis for the development of cross-strait relations.
    2022/10/10 20:09
  • 國道意外頻繁!無減速衝撞工程車 網怒轟:濫用ACC都下去

    國道上車速較快,因此若是發生車禍狀況通常都會變得比較嚴重一些,尤其是當高速衝撞靜止的工程車時,很可能會造成車內人員的受傷更嚴重,不過近年來一直看到許多車輛幾乎是無減速的狀態下直接衝撞工程車,不少人就歸咎於ACC主動跟車系統惹的禍,近日又有人在國道上遇到相同的事件,這次是一輛Toyota Corolla Cross去車撞了一輛防撞車,可以看到整個車頭的左半邊近乎全毀,許多網友看了就回覆表示:「濫用ACC 不看路的都給我下去。」
    2022/10/10 13:26
  • Cross: AIIB built for generational investment

    The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) invests in infrastructure while promoting regional cooperation and partnership that help foster sustainable economic development, create wealth, and improve infrastructure connectivity in Asia.
    2022/10/03 16:18
  • MIT scholar expects no changes in U.S.-Taiwan policy

    Ahead of the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party slated on Oct. 16, TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu invited MIT scholar Professor M. Taylor Fravel to share insights on Washington’s possible involvement in the cross-strait stalemate.
    2022/09/23 14:03
  • 即時殺菌!共享汽車為熱門款裝「抗冠空氣清淨系統」

    在大環境受疫情影響的背景下,iRent不僅有專業的整備團隊,透過後勤整備系統定期針對車輛進行清潔、消毒,提供客戶更高品質、更安全、安心的用車環境,更於2022年8月25日宣告未來將在旗下同站租還的車輛中,陸續搭載由和泰集團與台塑集團協力開發的車內「高效抗冠空氣清淨系統」,並宣布熱門車款Corolla Cross已搶先搭載上線,藉由深紫外線技術 (UV-C LED) 有效抑菌抗冠,為每一位用車會員及同行乘客帶來更清新的空氣,打造安全、舒適的車室空間。
    2022/08/26 15:13
  • 保時捷電動車加速太猛 Taycan與Macan相撞「穿牆」

    大家應該都知道保時捷Taycan的加速相當猛爆,而如果運用不當的話很可能就會發生悲劇,像是在西班牙首都馬德里就發生了一個嚴重意外,有一問身分不明的45歲女性車主,開著她的Taycan Cross Turismo撞上了一輛Macan的後方,而且這不只是單純的擦撞意外而已,Macan已經完全被Taycan Cross Turismo頂了起來,並且朝著一旁的圍牆撞去,兩輛車撞破圍牆卡在牆中央的畫面曝光,讓不少人表示Taycan的速度真的太快,穿牆而過簡直超乎預料。
    2022/08/24 14:36
  • 情勢緊張!裴洛西啟程訪亞洲 美中軍艦南海對峙

    美國眾議院議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)29日啟程展開亞洲行,預計造訪日本、南韓、新加坡,而眾所矚目的台灣行則列為「暫定」;香港《南華早報》報導,隨著台海緊張情勢升高,美國航空母艦「雷根號」(USS Ronald Reagan)28日已駛入南海,在離南沙群島永暑礁(Fiery Cross Reef)185公里處巡航,中國則是派出軍艦尾隨監視;雷根號和中國054A型導彈護衛艦、052D型飛彈驅逐艦距離分別僅23、27公里,雙方各自擺陣,近距離相互對峙。
    2022/07/30 10:27
  • 余文樂昔喊討厭電動車 第一次試駕後入手這款Porsche

    余文樂在自己Youtube頻道中推出的實境記錄節目第二季《Inside Out》,來到美國與各界大咖會面,暢聊自己對於藝術以及汽車的看法。而在特別篇當中,余文樂回到台灣在自己的車庫中與觀眾分享Porsche愛車,很特別的是其中一輛車正是余文樂人生當中第一次入手的電動車,那就是Porsche Taycan 4S Cross Turismo。
    2022/07/25 18:04
  • 擁1.5渦輪、2.0油電雙動力 ZR-V今在日本展開預售

    尺碼比起國內販售的車型整整大上一號的美規Honda HR-V在6月份時正式登場,美規之所以比台規HR-V要大的原因在於是使用Civic底盤而不是Fit的平台為基礎打造,所以在車身尺碼跟定位上都與台灣極為熱銷的「新神車」Toyota Corolla Cross極為接近!在Honda原廠的規劃下,美規HR-V也會以ZR-V之名在其餘市場銷售;而在今日(7月14日)跟台灣市場息息相關的日規ZR-V已經展開預售,這款本田新的全球戰略跨界休旅有機會導入國內銷售嗎?
    2022/07/14 15:30
  • 油電車保養注意 Hybrid系統2處維修費超貴

    雖然全球汽車產業正逐漸朝電動化邁進,無非是為顧及能源危機與環保等議題,但在充電站更普及、充電功率與續航力等消費者擔心的問題排除前,Hybrid車款似乎成了過渡時期的最佳選擇,拜Toyota於國內引領油電車的趨勢下,不僅讓油電車入手門檻更為親民,加上搭載於國產Corolla Cross與Corolla Altis後,快速提高台灣油電車市佔率。只是,油電車保養與傳統油車有何差異?《地球黃金線》請來達人解答。
    2022/06/12 19:50
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