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    cross 結果共593筆

  • Corolla Cross傳9月漲價 有望升級電子手煞車、數位儀錶板

    儘管Toyota品牌今年度焦點鎖定在頂替Yaris退場的國產Yaris Cross身上,但從年初開始,就已經有消息傳出目前擔任Toyota銷售主力的Corolla Cross也有望在今年度進行產品調整。近日經銷端傳出Corolla Cross可能在9月份進行售價以及配備調整,且價格可能是往上攀高。雖然並未有相關細節流出,但可能也透露Corolla Cross有望在第三季末進行升級,或許傳言中的數位儀錶板、電子手煞車等都有望導入。
    2023/08/15 13:40
  • Lai Ching-te stresses Taiwan’s role in global peace

    During a US stopover, Vice President Ching-te’s remarks underscore Taiwan’s commitment to democracy, peace, and global security. He highlights the Statue of Liberty’s spirit and emphasizes Taiwan’s pivotal role in maintaining Indo-Pacific stability and cross-strait cooperation.
    2023/08/14 18:30
  • Taiwan mulls extending Dassault Mirage fighter jets’ service

    Taiwan’s Air Force weighs the possibility of extending the service life of Mirage 2000 fighter jets by 20 years. Experts debate the need for longevity vs. modernization as the nation navigates cross-strait tensions. Learn more about the Mirage 2000 extension debate.
    2023/08/14 17:23
  • 2023亞洲越野拉力賽!台灣消防員以賽代訓 車輛塗裝成全場焦點

    每年八月固定在中南半島舉行的亞洲越野拉力賽(Asia Cross Country Rally),是亞洲最大的拉力盛事之一,今年大賽在疫情後再度回歸,吸引世界各地越野好手參加,共計有來自11國六十餘輛越野汽車、摩托車參加,如果加上隨行的維修車、媒體車,超過五百人的龐大車隊在13日晚上從芭達雅人行徒步區出發後,將朝寮國出發,挑戰充滿變數的越野賽程
    2023/08/14 15:27
  • Gou urges Taiwan’s preparedness for peace amid war concerns

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou’s gift of the Kinmen Peace Declaration to former Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso sparks discussions on cross-strait relations and Taiwan’s strategic stance. Gou emphasizes Taiwan’s readiness for both peace and potential conflict while questioning the approach of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration.
    2023/08/09 17:44
  • Typhoon Khanun triggers landslides on Kaohsiung’s highway

    Typhoon Khanun aftermath: Kaohsiung faces widespread landslides and debris-related road closures. Cleanup is underway while authorities assess the damage and monitor the situation.
    2023/08/08 20:21
  • Corolla Cross單月掛牌數再破4千 穩坐國產車冠軍

    以市場最強「性價比」進攻臺灣車市,定位為中型休旅,瞄準Ford Kuga與Honda CR-V的MG HS銷售量從2023年第二季開始持續加溫,除了提前達陣月掛牌數逾千輛目標,7月份更是成功擊敗國產中型休旅常勝軍CR-V,藉著CR-V改款前的空窗,直接登頂國產中型休旅月掛牌數冠軍,並且成為Corolla Cross之下,最暢銷的國產休旅車款。
    2023/08/02 14:34
  • 三菱全新「跨界休旅」印尼率先亮相!1.5升動力鎖定2對手

    近年將重心轉移至東南亞市場的Mitsubishi,繼日前於泰國發表了新一代大改款皮卡Triton/L200車系後,8月10即將在第30屆Gaiknido印尼國際車展中推出另一輛重磅全新跨界休旅!不過在新車正式發表之前,印尼三菱先行展出了量產版新車的外觀設計語彙、車身尺碼還有動力數據,而這輛車名目前還不肯公開的全新跨界,無論是在身形還是1.5升動力配置上,都跟目前國內討論度相當高的MG ZS與Toyota Yaris Cross相當,預計在東南亞市場會跟日系新世代休旅展開激烈競爭。
    2023/08/02 11:20
  • Elevate有望成全球戰略車 Honda跨界日本路試畫面曝

    Honda今年1月份就預告了要發表一款全新休旅的預告,而這輛被命名為Elevate神秘新車已經於6月份在印度登場;不過原本外界預期Elevate是輛縮小平價版的HR-V,但沒想到等實車正式發表後不但車身尺碼相去不遠,2,650mm軸距設定還比HR-V的2,610mm更長!Elevate很有可能就是即將登台的亞太規Toyota Yaris Cross的直接競爭對手,而日前更被日本網友直擊到在日本的測試身影,或許Elevate真的有機會走出印度,成為Honda新一任全球戰略休旅。
    2023/07/26 15:48
  • Taiwan, U.S. struggle to maintain cross-strait status quo

    Visits from U.S. officials have increased in recent months in Taiwan, sparking anger from across the strait.
    2023/07/20 10:44
  • Experts ponder Taiwan’s optimal approach to China

    Amid soaring cross-strait tensions and the approaching Han Kuang exercises, TVBS Meeting Room host Wenchi Yu invited former U.S. Secretary of State Mark Esper and Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu to discuss the best approach for the country: bolstering Taiwan’s military defenses or seeking more engagement with China.
    2023/07/18 18:52
  • 拍板接替「小鴨」!Yaris Cross填補空缺 估9月底進軍市場

    叱吒國產小型掀背市場多年,被消費者暱稱為「小鴨」的Toyota Yaris已經確定要在今年退出臺灣市場,目前市場傳出國瑞以及和泰已經停止接單生產Yaris,待去化完目前已生產車輛後就會交由Toyota全新的戰略車款接班。儘管總代理和泰汽車並未正面回應,但疑似亞太規格Yaris Cross的偽裝原型車身影已經數度遭到捕捉,和泰汽車今日 (7月13日) 首度證實,Yaris Cross將以國產跨界休旅身分接下Yaris退場後的市場空缺,並規劃於9月底上市銷售。
    2023/07/14 12:11
  • 上半年台灣暢銷車排名! Corolla Cross站穩熱銷寶座

    2023年6月,臺灣新車市場以較去年同期成長近30%,單月超過4.2萬輛掛牌數成績坐收。累積前6個月,2023年已有超過23萬輛新車領牌,與去年前6個月相比,也有15.6%成長,展現出較為樂觀的發展趨勢。而在這樣的榮景之中,新一代銷售神車Corolla Cross依舊穩坐熱銷寶座,但是竟有一款豪華休旅搶入前3名中,上半累積交車超過7,600輛的NX甚至超越前代神車Corolla Altis與RAV4,僅次於Corolla Cross與CR-V,是今年上半年熱銷排行榜的第3名。
    2023/07/10 12:06
  • Chinese officials exclusion from travel expo raises concerns

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on Wednesday (June 28) urged Taiwan authorities to lift restrictions on cross-strait travel and prioritize the exchange of information on the tourism industry amid reports that 60 mainland officials were removed from an invitation list to attend Summer Travel Expo in Taipei from July 14 to 17.
    2023/06/28 18:45
  • 全台唯一Volvo軍卡駕到!蘇宗怡:好想仔細探究

    說到Volvo,相信很多人都對這個品牌完善的主被動安全性感到印象深刻,甚至在網路上還有相當響亮的「瑞典坦克」稱號!不過在上個世紀Volvo還真的有參與過軍用車款的開發,像是此次來到《地球黃金線》且是全台唯一的C303,就是輛不折不扣的軍用卡車,不但有著對應軍事跟越野需求帶來的眾多獨門科技,而且車身尺碼居然還跟Toyota Corolla Cross相當?
    2023/06/27 12:53
  • Cheng Wen-tsan slams Ko Wen-je over CSSTA endorsement

    Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan criticized Ko Wen-je for endorsing the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA) during a press interview on Wednesday (June 21), emphasizing the lack of societal consensus on the issue.
    2023/06/21 18:01
  • Ko calls for legal foundation in cross-strait interactions

    Presidential candidate Ko Wen-je called on Tuesday (June 20) for the resumption of cross-strait exchanges and the reopening of negotiations on the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA). 
    2023/06/20 17:31
  • Ian Easton reveals CCP’s true intentions in new book

    Renowned expert Ian Easton reveals CCP’s true intentions in his highly anticipated book, "The Final Struggle: Inside China’s Global Strategy," during an insightful interview with TVBS.
    2023/06/17 16:19
  • Ko grilled on cross-strait topic in university talk in Japan

    Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) presidential candidate, Ko Wen-je, responded to students’ inquiries about cross-strait relations and Taiwan’s upcoming election during his speech at Waseda University in Shinjuku, Tokyo on Monday (June 5).
    2023/06/05 18:57
  • Taiwan on edge as bomb threats soar

    Taiwan has been gripped by a recent surge of emailed bomb threats, causing widespread public concern. Although subsequent investigations have determined these threats to be false alarms, they have burdened law enforcement agencies.
    2023/06/02 17:54
  • 澳版「美國隊長」淪法院認證戰犯!被爆虐殺平民告媒體敗訴

    澳洲「勳績最顯赫」的在世軍人、前陸軍空降特勤隊(SAS)士兵史密斯(Ben Roberts-Smith)在2011年獲頒大英國協的最高榮譽-維多利亞十字勳章(the Victoria Cross)。沒想到事後卻被多家澳媒踢爆,他在阿富汗服役時曾經虐殺平民、霸凌同儕等惡行。不過史密斯否認犯行,反控澳媒誹謗。歷經超過百天的法律攻防戰後,澳洲聯邦法院今(1)日正式裁定史密斯敗訴,稱這些報導「很大程度上都是事實」。雖然史密斯並未受到任何指控,不過法院裁決也等同是讓這位戰爭英雄瞬間淪為法院認證的「戰犯」。
    2023/06/01 13:12
  • Terry Gou shares insights on cross-strait issues in Kinmen

    Foxconn Founder Terry Gou delved into topics regarding AI and cross-strait issues during a lecture at Kinmen’s National Quemoy University on Wednesday (May 31). 
    2023/05/31 18:34
  • 戰爭英雄變戰犯!澳特種兵遭控虐殺阿富汗平民還家暴小三

    前澳洲陸軍空降特勤隊(SAS)士兵史密斯(Ben Roberts-Smith)在2011年獲頒大英國協的最高榮譽-維多利亞十字勳章(the Victoria Cross),成為澳洲「勳績最顯赫」的在世軍人。沒想到事後卻被澳媒踢爆,他在阿富汗服役時曾經虐殺平民、霸凌同儕,就連小三也跳出來指控他家暴,昔日的戰爭英雄瞬間淪為「戰犯」。不過史密斯矢口否認犯行,反控澳媒誹謗,雙方展開長達110天的法律攻防戰,最終裁決預計將在本週出爐。
    2023/05/31 14:58
  • Hou Yu-ih emphasizes Kinmen’s crucial role in Taiwan Strait

    New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih, participated in the Dragon Boat Championship preparations by attending a ceremony at Luzhou Breeze Park on Tuesday (May 30). 
    2023/05/30 18:01
  • Lai Ching-te, Terry Gou promote cross-strait peace in Kinmen

    In a significant display of unity, Vice President Lai Ching-te and Foxconn founder Terry Gou made a joint appearance at the Cheng Huang Festival, a religious and cultural event in Kinmen. This marks their first public appearance together, as they expressed their shared desire for peace in the region.
    2023/05/30 17:27
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