
Australian delegation wraps up unofficial visit to Taiwan

Reporter Jennifer Jieh
Release time:2022/12/10 09:22
Last update time:2023/02/16 11:28
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TAOYUAN (TVBS News) — A cross-party group of federal politicians from Australia wrapped up a five-day visit to Taiwan on Friday (Dec. 9), meeting privately with President Tsai Ing-wen on Thursday morning after remaining low-key during their entire stay. 

No official photos were released, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs could not disclose the itinerary due to the mutual trust between the two sides.


Before the delegation left Taiwan, TVBS reporter Liu Tingting talked to the former deputy prime minister of Australia, Barnaby Joyce, who also served as the former deputy chair of Australia's National Security Committee.

"I think the best statement we made is by being here and showing Taiwan that we are still engaged. Myself, as a former deputy prime minister and also deputy chair of my nation’s National Security Committee, we take it very seriously," Joyce said.

Six cross-party groups of federal politicians were in Taiwan for a total of 5 days. Members of the delegation included Meryl Swanson and Libby Coker. The members met with Tsai Ing-wen at the Presidential Office on Thursday This group was not on an official government trip.

Joyce added: "The President made quite clear their ambitions for greater trading engagement through trade agreements.” 

And in regards to the CPTPP, Joyce stressed that "If you're going to be part of the World Trade Organization under Taiwan, then you should be able to be part of this organization under Taiwan as well."

Media reported that the delegation also visited Taiwan's semiconductor companies and met with Chen Chi-chung, minister of the Council of Agriculture, to discuss Taiwan-Australia agricultural trade.

Australia Prime Minister Anthony Albanese met with Xi Jinping at the G20 a month ago. The Australian government is not referencing any of the highlights of this trip to Taiwan, as it appears to be on the path of mending its relationship with Beijing.


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