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    CPTPP 結果共527筆

  • Taiwan seeks UK support for CPTPP membership bid

    Discover how Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Lin Chia-lung advocates for UK support in Taiwan’s CPTPP application and the growing Taiwan-UK relations, including trade and technology collaborations.
    2024/06/21 10:23
  • Lai calls for unity in government, industry, and academia

    Discover how Taiwan’s Vice President Lai Ching-te is shaping the new cabinet with a focus on cross-party collaboration, industry involvement, and strategic economic initiatives to tackle the nation’s challenges.
    2024/05/09 10:20
  • MOFA: CPTPP a gateway to boost supply chain resilience

    Taiwan is actively pursuing membership in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) to enhance supply chain resilience and global economic security, with efforts including hosting seminars in Canada and gaining support from Canadian officials amidst potential opposition from Beijing.
    2024/04/30 15:42
  • Taiwan, Australia strengthen ties amid regional challenges

    President Tsai Ing-wen meets with Australian parliamentary delegation in Taipei to discuss strengthening partnerships, emphasizing security cooperation and regional stability. The talks highlight ongoing efforts to deepen economic ties and the importance of defense collaboration amid joint naval exercises in the South China Sea.
    2024/04/08 17:13
  • Taiwan eyes membership in CPTPP with Canada’s support

    Learn about Taiwan’s bid to join the CPTPP and its potential impact on global trade and economic security. Taiwan’s efforts to strengthen supply chain cooperation with Canada and seek inclusion in the trade agreement are highlighted.
    2024/03/26 16:06
  • 完成國內重要立法 英國CPTPP協議最快年底生效

    2024/03/22 12:19
  • 英國CPTPP入會協定最快年底生效 對中、台申請案態度受矚

    2024/03/22 08:22
  • 台灣拚出口多元化!貿易協定停滯 選後經濟將走向何方?

    2024/03/21 11:10
  • 任內最後一次外交春宴!總統盼加入CPTPP

    2024/03/07 22:15
  • Businesses urge President-elect to boost cross-strait ties

    The Third Wednesday Club Chairman Lin Por-fong expresses hope for improved cross-strait relations and economic cooperation under the ECFA with President-elect Lai Ching-te. Lin emphasizes the importance of handling international relations well, resolving cross-strait issues through communication and exchange, and establishing communication mechanisms with China. He believes that cross-strait relations impact economic development and calls for the loosening of restrictions on the economy, tourism, and culture. Lin advocates for the active maintenance of the ECFA, highlighting that international economic agreements like the CPTPP and RCEP require mainland China’s consent. Concerns are raised about the potential impacts on industries if China terminates the ECFA. Compal Electronics Chairman Hsu Sheng-hsiung warns of global unrest due to constant change and challenges across industries, technologies, economies, politics, and conflicts among nations. He also highlights the need for industries to monitor potential escalations of conflicts as nations vie for resources.
    2024/01/18 10:25
  • 民調/總統投誰?企業家最看好「侯康」衝經濟、「賴蕭」拚國際

    2023/12/28 10:39
  • 台加正式簽署FIPA 4利多 學者:可助台申入CPTPP

    2023/12/23 22:42
  • 陳建仁接見日本駐台代表片山和之 盼助台灣加入CPTPP

    2023/11/30 21:26
  • 台還沒準備好進CPTPP 柯拋先加入RCEP

    2023/11/29 20:27
  • 台爭取加入CPTPP!鄧振中曝APEC幫助很大:不放棄任何機會

    台灣期盼加入CPTPP,出席APEC雙部長年會的行政院政務委員鄧振中今天表示,從台灣陸續和美、加、英等國簽署貿易協定可見,台灣願意遵守高標準,也已將這些正面訊息傳遞給各國部長,爭取加入CPTPP 。
    2023/11/16 11:04
  • MOFA outlines 2024 strategies for Taiwan’s CPTPP bid

    Taiwan’s application to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) has been delayed since 2021, according to Kuomintang legislator Johnny Chiang. Chiang expressed concerns about the government’s progress in establishing a task force for the CPTPP and questioned the allocation of a NT$12 million budget for hosting discussion forums. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has proposed three strategies to take relevant action when Canada assumes leadership of the CPTPP Commission next year. These strategies include building informal communication channels with CPTPP attendees, facilitating effective communication teams with key opinion leaders, and engaging with members who hold unfavorable stances towards Taiwan’s CPTPP entry. The MOFA sees the year 2024 as a gateway for Taiwan to access international opportunities.
    2023/11/14 21:03
  • APEC年會本週登場 台雙邊會談聚焦半導體

    2023/11/13 09:27
  • Taiwan’s APEC agendas on U.S.-China talks, trade, CPTPP

    The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Week 2023 in San Francisco will be a significant event for Taiwan. The country’s main focuses during the summit include the U.S-China leaders’ talks, the possibility of meetings between U.S. President Joe Biden and TSMC Founder Morris Chang, progress on U.S-Taiwan trade negotiations, and Taiwan’s potential participation in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). President Biden is scheduled to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss trade, Taiwan, the U.S.-China tech war, and PLA activities in the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan officials are also working towards arranging a meeting between Chang and Biden. While the first agreement under the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade has been signed, the second round of negotiations is not progressing as expected. Taiwan’s Minister Without Portfolio John Deng hopes to meet with U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai during the summit to confirm progress. Additionally, Taiwan will likely use the APEC summit as an opportunity to hold bilateral talks with CPTPP members to garner support for its admission to the trade pact.
    2023/11/12 11:45
  • Taiwan, UK sign historic ETP, strengthening diplomatic ties

    Taiwan and the UK have signed a historic Enhanced Trade Partnership (ETP), marking the first trade agreement of its kind between Taiwan and a European country. The agreement covers digital trade, investment, renewable energy, and net-zero carbon emissions. Future discussions may include trade facilitation, anti-corruption initiatives, and service industry management. Taiwan is the first country in the Indo-Pacific region to sign an ETP deal with the UK. The agreement is seen as a symbol of enhanced Taiwan-UK relations and could serve as a model for other nations. The deal is particularly significant considering the UK’s entrance into the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), which may have implications for Taiwan’s prospective membership.
    2023/11/09 09:55
  • 泉裕泰:最大願望是幫台灣入CPTPP 日本不做誰來做呢?

    2023/11/01 16:58
  • 雪梨僑界國慶晚宴 澳洲地方議員挺台入CPTPP

    2023/10/09 11:48
  • 溫哥華祝賀國慶 馬修連恩深情唱出台灣情懷

    2023/10/07 21:00
  • 美中角力重塑全球供應鏈 外交部次長李淳解析台灣的挑戰與機會

    美中對抗從川普時代的貿易戰,到現在拜登時代的科技戰、金融戰,地緣政治的變化也重塑全球供應鏈,台灣如何在美中對抗之下,找到生存之道,TVBS 56頻道國際財經談話性節目《金臨天下》,特邀請外交部政務次長李淳,解析美中關係的新定位以及對兩岸關係的影響,同時針對台美21世紀貿易倡議、台灣加入CPTPP、台積電赴德建廠等議題,與主持人黃斐瑜進行深度探討,台灣在大國博弈中,將面臨的衝擊與挑戰。
    2023/09/18 14:00
  • 台灣前7月對CPTPP出口占比23.8% 創歷年同期新高

    2023/08/17 22:20
  • 中國加入CPTPP有得等 分析:政治因素影響大

    2023/08/01 17:47
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