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    Wish 結果共54筆

  • 金宇彬、秀智新劇二搭!再續《任意依戀》情緣 5亮點一次看

    金宇彬、秀智又要攜手一起拍愛情韓劇了!新戲《All the Love You Wish For》已從演員讀本階段,也確定開始製作。將由韓國金牌編劇金銀淑搭配《雞不可失》導演李炳憲,攜手打造一部奇幻愛情喜劇,且確定將在Nrtflix獨家上架!
    2024/05/24 11:25
  • 朱宇謀被掰彎!要求「大尺度肉慾床戲」 羞曝混血肌肉男嘴唇超軟

    2024/05/08 21:09
  • Taiwan works to resolve stranded citizen in China

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) is verifying the situation of Taiwanese citizen Hu, stranded in China. The TAO spokesperson stated that appropriate action will be taken once the situation is confirmed. Hu’s family expressed their wish to visit him in China, while Chinese authorities cited discrepancies in his information. Legislator Chen Yu-chen mentioned that Hu has been in touch with his family daily.
    2024/03/27 15:51
  • Ma Foundation expresses wish to meet with Xi Jinping

    Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou is set to visit mainland China again in April, leading a group of young people from the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation exchange program on a cultural and educational tour. The visit includes stops at Peking University in Beijing, Sun Yat-sen University, and a grand ceremony worshipping the Yellow Emperor. Plans for a meeting between Ma and Chinese leader Xi Jinping are subject to China’s arrangements.
    2024/03/25 15:18
  • 《全明星》男神愛上小鮮肉!男男CP猛肌不藏了 床戰「滿滿肉慾感」

    2024/02/22 16:25
  • 40天跑2300公里橫跨日本 香港視障跑者還想「繞南韓1圈」

    視障跑者梁小偉(Gary Leung)在大約15年前完全失明,當時他難以接受、心情崩潰了,得到憂鬱症的梁小偉甚至考慮尋短,因為他認為面對「人生谷底」將是未來的日常,不過後來梁小偉與長跑這項運動相遇、徹底扭轉他的命運,如今剛完成橫跨日本、長達2300公里路跑的梁小偉期盼能將這份精神傳遞下去,鼓勵更多視障人活出自己的精采人生。
    2024/02/12 13:00
  • DPP candidate champions disability rights amid talk show row

    Human rights lawyer Chen Chun-han, a legislative-at-large candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), responds to a controversy involving the online talk show "The Night Night Show with Hello." Chen appreciates the show’s apology for allowing mainland China media personality Wang Zhian to mimic disabled individuals, which was seen as a dig at the DPP and indirectly at Chen. Despite thinking the apology came late, Chen commends Hello and his production team for planning a special segment to discuss the issues faced by disabled and rare disease patients in Taiwan. Chen emphasizes that the core of the criticism lies in whether society can tolerate discrimination against the disabled and respect their right to political participation. He states that this is a human rights issue that transcends ideological and party lines. Chen also mentions that voters needn’t feel obligated to vote for the DPP in 2028, highlighting Taiwan’s democratic freedom and the importance of supporting any political party based on personal beliefs. However, he adds that if Hello and his team find the DPP under Lai Ching-te’s leadership satisfactory within the next four years and genuinely wish to support it, they would be welcomed.
    2024/01/30 17:51
  • Legislative Speaker You Si-kun seeks cross-party support

    The Democratic Progressive Party’s Speaker You Si-kun plans to meet with speaker and deputy speaker nominees from all political party caucuses in the legislature to seek advice and votes. The DPP nominated current Speaker You and Deputy Speaker Tsai Chi-chang for the positions in the next legislative term. The Kuomintang (KMT) has put forth Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang as their candidates for Speaker and Deputy Speaker. Han and Chiang have already visited the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) caucus. The TPP respects the decisions of the speaker and deputy speaker candidates who wish to conduct visits. The KMT will hold its caucus leadership election on Feb. 1, after which You and Tsai will personally visit the KMT caucus to seek their support.
    2024/01/29 16:03
  • 白龍王女兒親指點!男星爆合約問題落髮 朝聖完發生「驚人變化」

    2024/01/09 06:59
  • Tsai Ing-wen upholds status quo across Taiwan Strait: MOFA

    Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, emphasized in an exclusive interview with CNN that Taiwan is a democratic nation and that the majority of its people wish to maintain the status quo across the Taiwan Strait. Wu discussed various topics, including the significance of Taiwan’s presidential elections for its democratic growth, national defense, Indo-Pacific conditions, and Taiwan-India relations. He highlighted President Tsai Ing-wen’s commitment to upholding the political status quo, which has gained international recognition. Wu also emphasized the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, as Taiwan produces 90% of the world’s semiconductor chips. He addressed the military threats from mainland China, stating that Taiwan is striving to enhance its defense capacities to deter aggression. Additionally, Wu expressed hopes to strengthen the connection between Taiwan and India in integrating their semiconductor supply chains through talent cultivation.
    2024/01/05 16:14
  • Taiwan’s CBC hesitant over NFTs as presidential tokens

    The Central Bank of the Republic of China (CBC) clarifies that the issuance of inauguration commemorative coins is the authority and wish of the elected president, with the CBC providing assistance. Former Premier Sean Chen suggests issuing a token composed of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) for the incoming president in 2024, which would be a global first. CBC officials express concerns about the risks associated with digital assets, such as NFTs, including transactional challenges, anti-money laundering practices, and legal issues. The CBC is actively studying these risks to protect the public’s rights and interests. Additionally, the CBC is engaged in researching Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and seeking public input through a consultation process set to conclude in April 2024.
    2024/01/03 17:01
  • MOFA counters Ko’s remarks on Taiwan’s diplomatic allies

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has expressed concern over comments made by Ko Wen-je, Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidate, stating that they could potentially harm Taiwan’s diplomatic relationships and lead to misunderstandings. MOFA spokesperson Liu Yung-chien emphasized that there is no conflict between solidifying relations with allied countries and developing substantial relationships with non-allied nations. The foreign ministry’s approach is to contribute to both areas simultaneously, without prioritizing based on alliance status. Liu highlighted the vital support received from allies over the years, which has helped Taiwan participate in international organizations and advance its causes. He expressed gratitude for the moral courage and vocal support shown by these allies, and stated that any possible misunderstanding sparked by Ko’s remarks is not something the people of Taiwan wish to see. In a podcast interview, Ko remarked that the number of diplomatic allies had been misperceived, suggesting that Taiwan would still fare well even if the number went down to zero. Ko emphasized the importance of substantial relationships, citing Taiwan’s positive relationships with Japan and the U.S., despite the absence of formal diplomatic ties.
    2023/12/28 17:15
  • Taipei Mayor continues campaign work on birthday

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an celebrated his birthday by supporting legislative candidate Lai Shyh-bao in a campaign in Wenshan District, emphasizing the significance of the upcoming elections. Attendees and the public sang the Happy Birthday song for the mayor, creating a festive atmosphere. Surprisingly, Chiang’s birthday wish was unrelated to politics; he simply wanted to share a bowl of instant noodles with his family and fall asleep with his two youngest children. Balancing political duties and familial obligations is a challenge for Chiang, and he admits struggling to find enough time for his family. In line with his political mission, Chiang also expressed a hopeful desire for a strong electoral victory for himself and his team, as well as a successful election outcome for all Kuomintang (KMT) legislative candidates in Taipei City.
    2023/12/27 13:21
  • Ko Wen-je: 70% in Taiwan reject KMT return to power

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je asserts that while 65% of people in Taiwan desire a political party turnover, there is also a 70% majority that opposes the Kuomintang (KMT) being in power. Ko highlights that around 70% of Taiwanese do not want the KMT to assume office, countering media reports on potential strategic voting effects. He suggests conducting further polls to determine the number of people who want the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to step down and those who do not wish for the KMT to take power. Ko cites Vivian Huang’s victory in the 2022 Taipei mayoral election as evidence of a true third force in Taiwanese politics. During his visit to Kaohsiung, Ko is campaigning for Tseng Yin-li, the party’s sole legislative candidate in southern Taiwan.
    2023/12/16 16:00
  • Sadaharu Oh roots for Taiwan in Asia Baseball Championship

    Sadaharu Oh, Taiwanese-Japanese baseball legend, expressed his wish for the Taiwan team to triumph over South Korea in the Asian Baseball Championship. He hopes that in three years, Japan and Taiwan will join forces in the World Baseball Classic finals. Oh praised the Taipei Dome’s facilities and believes that players competing in such an exceptional environment will feel more confident, enhancing their ability to bring glory to their country and Asia. Reflecting on his own experiences in the Tokyo Dome, Oh emphasized the importance of a great setting in nurturing heroes and predicted that the presence of the Taipei Dome will improve the future of Taiwanese baseball.
    2023/12/02 17:21
  • 朱宇謀圓夢了!近距離看林書豪「肉體衝撞」被香汗噴 差點被掰彎

    2023/11/28 19:10
  • Memorial to be held for Chimei Group founder Shi Wen-long

    A five-day memorial service for Shi Wen-long, the founder of Chimei Corporation, begins on November 22 in Kaohsiung’s Yancheng district. The Chimei Museum, home to Shi’s legacy, honors his life with a memorial wall and a private concert fulfilling his final wish.
    2023/11/20 18:02
  • Vice President Lai wishes athletes good luck at Asian Games

    Vice President Lai Ching-te visited the National Sports Training Center in Kaohsiung ahead of the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games to understand the preparations for the sports event and to wish the athletes good luck.
    2023/09/05 17:26
  • 世界盃男籃熱身賽週五售票 VVIP席近距離接觸NBA球星

    FIBA世界盃2023熱身賽(FIBA WORLD CUP 2023 PREPARATION GAMES)將於8月19起,在新北市新莊體育館重磅登場,今(28)日在新板希頓酒店舉辦賽事發佈記者會,由新北市長侯友宜、立陶宛篮球協秘書長(Mindaugas Balaciunas)、台灣運彩xT1聯盟會長錢薇娟共同公佈熱身賽球隊、賽程、售票及T1 Wish 相關資訊,最貴票價要1萬6800元,將於6月30日全面開售,球迷有機會一睹國王隊大前鋒Domantas Sabonis 、Jonas Valanciunas等等NBA巨星風采。
    2023/06/28 15:29
  • 韓團EPEX訪台嘗粽子 隊長5碗牛肉麵讚不吃會後悔

    2023/06/24 14:34
  • 韓團EPEX台灣美食吃上癮! 隊長被爆「狂嗑14碗牛肉麵+2粽子」

    2023/06/23 21:16
  • 謝忻驚傳登山一度失聯!狂打電話無回應 男星急出動空拍機搜索

    2023/04/30 20:43
  • 圓夢趁現在!迪士尼願望號啟航 必玩「海上樂園」超長滑水道

    迪士尼鐵粉一生一定要搭1次!去年啟航的迪士尼郵輪「願望號」(Disney Wish),直接霸氣將首座「迪士尼海上樂園」搬上船。不僅可以爽玩760英尺「透明滑水道」、漫威英雄學院,還能入住夢幻的公主主題套房、在冰雪奇緣主題餐廳享用挪威風美食,讓你1秒置身電影場景。
    2023/02/18 19:22
  • 「籃球之神」慶60歲生日送大禮!豪捐3億為孩子圓夢

    「籃球之神」麥可喬丹(Michael Jordan)將在2月17日度過60歲生日,而他在生日前夕也送給自己一份大禮,那就是捐款1千萬美元(約新台幣3億元)給慈善組織「喜願基金會(Make-A-Wish Foundation)」,是該組織成立43年來金額最高的單筆善款。
    2023/02/16 17:27
  • 「機智男孩」新單曲被藍心湄讚洗腦 4帥舞台魅力獲收視第一名

    TVBS全新男團「機智男孩IT BOYZ」由超人氣演員黃柏峰、鍾岳軒、鄭豐毅、陳彥廷組成,今(23日發行全新單曲〈Baby 聽我說〉,4位鮮肉上《女人我最大》宣傳,遇上偶像團體始祖王少偉、紀言愷、Wish(朱宇謀)、王碩瀚等前輩,鄭豐毅在現場趁機對Wish告白,透露自己曾經是GTM的鐵粉,除了蒐集週邊外,甚至跟著GTM到處跑見面會。
    2022/12/23 19:35
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