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    Peak 結果共84筆

  • Taiwan hit by wave of viruses, hospitals at capacity

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s health crisis as it battles a surge in virus cases, including COVID-19 and influenza, leading to overcrowded hospitals. Learn why experts urge mask-wearing and vaccination.
    2024/05/27 11:55
  • Taiwan minister apologizes for Taoyuan blackout

    Minister Wang Mei-hua apologizes for a significant power outage in Taoyuan City, explaining it was due to a cable fault and earthquake damage, with repairs aimed for completion by the summer peak.
    2024/04/17 15:32
  • Taiwan High Speed Rail hits record 70M passengers in 2023

    Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (THSRC) reports record-breaking figures for 2023, with over 70 million passengers and NT$49.8 billion in revenue, leading to a pre-tax net profit of NT$9.7 billion. Commuters face challenges due to overcrowding, with standing room often unavailable during peak hours. THSRC plans to address this by increasing non-reserved seating capacity and adding more trains during peak travel periods.
    2024/04/02 16:04
  • 「打工偶像」VANNER要來了! 5月新莊開唱「這成員」入伍缺席

    韓國男團VANNER去(2023)年參與選秀節目《PEAK TIME》,也終於被外界看見這群「打工偶像」不為人知的實力,除了去年7月來台北、高雄參加拼盤演唱會,也終於正式宣布5月10日要在新莊舉辦單獨演唱會,讓期待已久的VVS(粉絲名)如願以償!
    2024/03/28 17:50
  • Taiwan protects purple crow butterflies with freeway closure

    The Freeway Bureau in Taiwan closed a section of National Freeway No. 3 to protect migrating purple crow butterflies, with the largest number spotted this year. The Taiwan Purple Crow Butterfly Ecological Preservation Association noted a peak of 70,000 butterflies in a day, the highest in two years. If more than 250 butterflies are seen per minute, the road will be closed for their protection.
    2024/03/27 15:32
  • 金車柏克金再推全新力作 『金釀系列IPA啤酒』上市 獨特冷泡工藝 打造奢華低苦大人味

    適逢春意盎然的春分之際,金車柏克金再度推出全新啤酒系列「Buckskin Craft柏克金金釀系列IPA啤酒」,該系列包含「PEAK IPA琥珀山峰金釀啤酒」與「COAST IPA日光海岸金釀啤酒」,遵循柏克金最引以為傲的高品質釀造工藝,兩款金釀啤酒皆以特製冷泡工法,讓啤酒花的苦味與麥芽甜感達到絕佳平衡,更清晰展現出豐滿香氣和奢華輕苦味,形成富有驚喜風味層次的完美口感,打造出最適合台灣人偏好的低苦感IPA啤酒。每瓶330ml,酒精濃度7%,建議售價$58,即日起於各大通路陸續販售,上市期間享新品嚐鮮價!
    2024/03/22 11:28
  • THSR boosts services for Tomb Sweeping holiday rush

    Stay up to date with Taiwan High Speed Rail’s (THSR) additional train services for the upcoming peak travel periods in March 2024. With 58 extra services catering to the mid to late March rush, including special arrangements for Tomb Sweeping Day, plan your journey seamlessly with THSR’s convenient ticketing options.
    2024/02/27 14:42
  • Taiwan High Speed Rail hits record 73 million riders in 2023

    Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) achieved record-breaking success in 2021, transporting 73.08 million passengers and generating NT$49.8 billion in revenue. THSR aims to surpass NT$50 billion this year, attributing its growth to changes in commuting behavior post-pandemic and enhanced services like frequent ventilation for pandemic prevention. The surge in passenger willingness to use THSR has led to increased travel numbers, with a peak of 310,000 passengers in a single day during the Lunar New Year holiday. THSR serves various purposes, including commuting, business, homecoming, and tourism, with 4.02 million people utilizing the high-speed rail for tourism last year. Additional trains and service enhancements have been implemented to encourage passengers to travel during off-peak hours.
    2024/02/22 17:42
  • Tokyo cherry blossoms to bloom early on March 23

    The Japan Meteorological Corporation (JMC) has announced its fourth forecast for the cherry blossom season in 2024, predicting that blossoms in Tokyo will start opening on March 23 and reach full bloom on March 30. The JMC attributes the earlier bloom dates to higher-than-normal temperatures this year. In Kyoto, sakura is expected to start blooming on March 24 and reach peak bloom on April 1, according to the JMC’s estimation. The latest forecast also suggests that Northern Japan will see the blossom a day or two earlier compared to the previous forecast, while there will be a delay of one to two days for many areas in Eastern and Western Japan. The JMC anticipates the earliest blossoms to appear in Kochi on March 20, followed by areas such as Kanto Koushin, Tokai, and Kyushu. Additionally, Weathernews, a private weather information provider, has released its "third sakura bloom forecast," which aligns with the JMC’s prediction of an earlier bloom period this year, particularly in the Hokuriku Region and Northern Japan, where it will start over a week ahead of schedule.
    2024/02/16 13:38
  • 韓國8人男團NTX全員中文拜年! 靠《PEAK TIME》翻身沒忘台粉

    《PEAK TIME》去(2023)年播出後,讓觀眾發現原來不少已經出道的男偶像其實相當有實力,只是缺少一個發光發熱的舞台,節目結束後許多參賽者也都陸續來台與粉絲見面。節目上的「2點」團體NTX就特別錄製影片,8名成員都用中文跟台灣歌迷拜年,也預告之後會有在台灣的活動。
    2024/02/08 14:27
  • Taoyuan Airport prepares for 1.16M Lunar New Year travelers

    Taoyuan International Airport expects to handle 1.16 million passengers during the Lunar New Year holiday. To avoid congestion at security checkpoints, passengers are advised to arrive three hours before their flights. Terminal 1 will open eight security checkpoints, while Terminal 2 has 11 regular checkpoints and one for staff. The peak travel periods are Feb. 8-11 and Feb. 13, with daily passenger volume expected to exceed 130,000. This is a recovery to 90% of the pre-pandemic daily average in 2019. The Civil Aeronautics Administration has approved 210 additional flights, with the most on New Year’s Eve carrying an estimated 7,142 passengers.
    2024/01/31 15:17
  • Taiwan High Speed Rail prepares for Lunar New Year rush

    During the Lunar New Year peak travel period, the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (THSRC) reports that 73.7% of available reserved seats have been booked. To accommodate the surge in travelers, THSRC has added 461 train services, resulting in a 29.0% increase in transport capacity compared to regular days. Peak travel is expected between Feb. 11 and Feb. 14, and THSRC will adjust the number of unreserved cabins on some trains to serve more passengers. The company’s official website will provide information on popular schedules and available seats, as well as updates on crowd conditions at each station. THSRC advises passengers to book round-trip tickets in advance, with various ticket purchasing options available.
    2024/01/31 15:05
  • Taiwan braces for dual outbreak ahead of Lunar New Year

    A surge in respiratory illnesses, including influenza and COVID-19, has overwhelmed emergency departments in Taipei. Pulmonologist Su I-feng warns the public to closely monitor their health due to the widespread COVID-19 outbreak. The Taiwan CDC predicts a peak in flu and COVID-19 cases before the Lunar New Year. Concerns arise about a possible shortage of medical staff during this period, particularly in the emergency system. Hsieh Tsung-hsueh, director of the Pediatric Emergency Department at Chung Shan Medical University Hospital, has already deployed staff to prepare for a potential massive influenza outbreak.
    2024/01/26 18:02
  • Taiwan High Speed Rail boosts services for Lunar New Year

    The Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (THSRC) will add eight more trains during the Lunar New Year transport season from Feb. 6 to 15. These additional services include five southbound and three northbound trains. Tickets for these services will be available starting midnight on Saturday, Jan. 27. During the passenger peak period, THSRC will also expand unreserved seating across eight carriages on trains running between Nangang and Taichung. THSRC will provide a total of 461 additional train services over the Lunar New Year period, with 246 southbound and 215 northbound trains. Passengers are advised to plan in advance by checking the corporation’s website for transport season sales information and avoiding peak times. Real-time updates on passenger numbers at different stations will be available on the THSRC website. Stations implementing crowd control for unreserved seating will display a yellow or red light, indicating expected queue times of over 30 minutes or over 60 minutes, respectively. Passengers can also receive crowd control information and manage their travel plans via the T-EX mobile ticketing app.
    2024/01/25 11:12
  • Taiwan travel agents urge for earlier pre-strike notices

    The Travel Agent Association of R.O.C., Taiwan, has urged aviation unions to give a one-month notice before going on strike to mitigate social repercussions. They warned that another strike could have a devastating impact on the aviation industry. This call comes as EVA Air pilots, in collaboration with the Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP), have secured the right to strike. The planned strike is set for the Lunar New Year period, which is a peak travel period. The pilots aim to safeguard their rights, but the Travel Agent Association emphasized that such action would significantly affect consumers and travel agencies. They criticized past unplanned strikes by China Airlines’ cabin crew, pilots, and EVA Air’s cabin crew for disregarding consumer rights. The association emphasized the adoption of international pre-strike notice processes to allow sufficient time for negotiations and consensus-building, benefiting both consumers and labor.
    2024/01/23 17:33
  • Taiwan’s NHI reaches 91.2% satisfaction rate in 2023

    Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI) has achieved a satisfaction rate of 91.2% in 2023, according to the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW). This is the first time the satisfaction rate has not decreased despite an increase in insurance costs. Previous reductions in satisfaction were observed in 2002 and 2006 due to premium increases, and in 2013 following the implementation of the second-generation NHI. The highest-rated aspects of the NHI were accessibility to medical treatment and the quality of medical care, with increased insurance costs ranking third. The satisfaction rate reached its peak during times of pandemic, likely due to the introduction of home-based medical care services and improved medical accessibility. Since 2021, the satisfaction rate has consistently remained above 90% and even reached a new all-time high during the pandemic. Taiwan has been ranked number one in the global healthcare index published by NUMBEO for the past five years. The NHI budget has also seen significant growth, increasing by over 48% from NT$590.5 billion in 2015 to NT$875.5 billion in 2024. The survey involved 3,257 participants aged 18 in Taiwan, and while public satisfaction with the NHI is high, physicians generally express lower levels of satisfaction.
    2024/01/06 17:11
  • CDC provides COVID-19 test kits tests at Taoyuan Airport

    The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has begun distributing COVID-19 rapid test kits to travelers at Taoyuan International Airport in Taipei. The kits are available in the reception areas and exit halls of both terminals, and each traveler is eligible to receive one kit regardless of age. The decision was made in response to the increasing rates of respiratory diseases worldwide. The CDC Deputy Director-General, Philip Lo, stated that the peak of the COVID-19 surge in Taiwan is expected to be in mid-to-late January, with a possible rise after the Lunar New Year holidays. Travelers have expressed appreciation for the policy, with many noting how thoughtful and helpful the Taiwanese government is. The distribution of test kits may continue after the Lunar New Year holidays, depending on the international and domestic pandemic conditions.
    2024/01/03 18:05
  • Taiwan reports 326 new COVID cases, majority unvaccinated

    Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported 326 new domestic cases of COVID-19 for the week of Dec. 19-25, with 99% of the newly infected individuals not having received the XBB.1.5-adapted vaccine. The CDC also noted a rise in fatalities, with 37 deaths, of which 97% had not been vaccinated with the XBB vaccine. The CDC highlighted that the domestic COVID-19 situation is worsening, with 78% of complications and 90% of deaths affecting people over the age of 65. The global positivity rate for COVID-19 is at its peak, and cases are increasing in neighboring Southeast Asian countries. Since the introduction of the XBB vaccine in Taiwan, almost all domestically reported cases of complications and fatalities have been among unvaccinated individuals. The CDC emphasized the protective role of the vaccine, citing recent Dutch research that found it to be over 70% effective against severe infection in the elderly. The domestic rollout of the XBB vaccine has reached 769,000 doses, with a two-month peak of 68,600 doses administered during the week of Dec. 19-25. The CDC encourages mask-wearing during end-of-year gatherings and New Year’s activities, especially in crowded, poorly ventilated places or when in close contact with vulnerable individuals. Prompt medical attention is advised for those displaying COVID-19 symptoms.
    2023/12/26 18:15
  • Taipei Songshan Airport taxis bring back NT$50 parking fee

    Starting Jan. 1, 2024, taxis from the Taipei Songshan Airport will charge a $50 stay service fee, aligning with fees at Taoyuan and Kaohsiung airports. This decision, made following evaluations by the taxi fare review committees of Taipei and New Taipei cities, aims to address rigorous competition and rising operational costs in the industry. Passengers traveling through the airport, also known as Taipei International Airport, should take note of the new transportation cost changes, especially during peak travel periods such as New Year’s Day, the Lunar New Year, and the 228 holidays. The airport authorities have urged scheduled taxi operators to provide quality service and inform passengers about the fee change through verbal explanations and in-vehicle signs. Additionally, the airport offers free parking for the first 30 minutes, providing some relief for those being dropped off by family members.
    2023/12/25 19:11
  • Taiwan prepares for Lunar New Year rush with extra flights

    Bookings for additional flights to Taiwan’s outlying islands during the Lunar New Year holiday will open next Tuesday, according to the Civil Aviation Administration. The first wave of extra flights and regularly scheduled flights have been available for booking since December 5. The upcoming Spring Festival rush will see 6,646 seats available for Penghu routes and 4,334 seats for Kinmen routes. The number of additional seats for Matsu has not been disclosed, but the total number of extra seats reaches nearly 11,980. Travelers are reminded to issue their tickets within three days of booking to facilitate airline companies in managing reservations. The CAA also advises that seats are still available for off-peak dates and times across various routes.
    2023/12/20 21:36
  • Yang Ming shares surge amid Red Sea shipping crisis

    Shares of Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. experienced a surge in volume, with over 70,000 shares traded, ranking in the top five in terms of transaction volume. This follows the suspension of services through the Red Sea by major container shipping companies, including Evergreen Marine Corp., Yang Ming, and Wan Hai Lines Ltd., due to attacks by Yemeni militants. The crisis in the Red Sea has led to global shipping lines rerouting, potentially alleviating excess capacity and boosting international freight rates. The stock performance of these "Big Three" container shipping firms has drawn significant attention. Evergreen Marine’s stock exhibited volatility, reaching a post-ex-dividend high of NT$148 but later dipping to NT$144.5. Yang Ming’s stock price also reached a morning peak but corrected downwards, with a trading volume surpassing 70,000 shares. Wan Hai Lines experienced a similar downward trend. These movements in the shipping sector are closely monitored amid the ongoing situation in the Red Sea, which impacts shipping routes worldwide.
    2023/12/20 15:29
  • Taoyuan Metro adds 4 new peak-hour trains amid rider surge

    Taoyuan Metro (TYMETRO) will add four extra train services during peak hours on workdays, aiming to reduce commuting time for passengers. The additional trains include two express services and two regular services, bringing the total number of peak-hour trains on workdays to eleven. This is the sixth round of increased services introduced by TYMETRO in 2023. Since April 17, 2023, TYMETRO has been expanding the number of trips to better meet commuter needs, with a focus on providing more frequent services during the morning peak period heading northbound. The express trains have been increased by six additional services, bringing the total to 18 express trips, benefiting Taoyuan commuters traveling southbound toward Taipei.
    2023/12/19 16:08
  • Taiwan braces for cold snap, temps to plunge to 8°C

    Get the latest weather update for Taiwan. Temperatures are expected to increase slightly following the weakening of a mainland cold air mass. However, a more potent cold front is predicted to sweep in on Tuesday, with temperatures potentially dropping as low as 8°C on Thursday and Friday in the plains. The Central Weather Administration reports chilly temperatures ranging from 14-17°C in northern regions and Yilan, while central and southern areas are slightly warmer at 16-27°C. Greater Taipei and parts of the eastern half of the country may experience brief local showers, while other areas will remain mostly clear to cloudy. Dress warmly and be prepared for significant diurnal temperature variation in the western half. A frontal system on Tuesday brings a chance of rain to the north, followed by a stronger cold air mass on Wednesday with temperatures potentially falling to 10-11°C. Independent meteorologist Daniel Wu predicts the cold spell to peak between Thursday evening and Friday morning, with temperatures around 8°C, possibly making this cold air mass even more intense and enduring than its predecessor. The effects of the new cold front will continue until Saturday morning, leading to persistent wet and cold conditions in northern Taiwan, with central and southern parts experiencing a mix of clouds and clear skies. Stay vigilant regarding health and warmth due to these significant weather fluctuations.
    2023/12/18 20:30
  • Jaw Shaw-kon slams DPP for vaccine bias during pandemic peak

    KMT Vice Presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong criticizes the DPP government for prioritizing COVID-19 vaccines for certain cities during the peak of the pandemic three years ago. He accuses the DPP of favoritism and urges New Taipei residents to remember the government’s actions and support the incumbent mayor, regardless of party affiliation. Jaw’s remarks aim to hold the DPP accountable in the upcoming elections and solidify the KMT’s base in Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2023/12/18 19:57
  • Frost hits Mt. Jade North Peak at minus 4.2°C

    Frost observed on Mount Jade North Peak in Nantou County’s Xinyi Township, with temperatures dropping to -4.2 degrees Celsius. The Central Weather Administration explains that the freezing temperatures caused moisture near the ground to freeze, resulting in the formation of frost. In other parts of Taiwan, temperatures hovered around 11.5 to 11.7 degrees Celsius in Sanwan Township, Miaoli County, and Guanxi Township, Hsinchu County, respectively. However, other regions experienced a slight increase in temperature, with lows rising above 13 degrees Celsius.
    2023/12/18 10:02
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