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    LOVE 結果共668筆

  • Foreign exchange student adopts stray dog in Taiwan

    A German exchange student in Taiwan forms an unexpected bond with a stray dog, altering her travel plans as she prepares to bring the dog back to Germany. A heartwarming story of love and compassion.
    2024/02/14 12:30
  • 29公分最萌身高差!二階堂富美跨國愛上蔡鍾協 語言不通更甜了

    農曆過年連假到來,friDay影音冬季檔日劇也全數開播,除了獨占的《Great Gift》、《因為你把心給了我》各有好評,由演技派女星二階堂富美與韓國男星蔡鍾協所共譜的奇幻愛情故事《Eye Love You》,日前為慶祝官方IG追蹤突破20萬人,上傳了一張愛心照片,由於兩人身高相差29公分,被粉絲大讚最萌身高差、兩個人都可愛到爆炸。
    2024/02/07 15:52
  • 2024韓女星財力比拚!IU飆「17億台幣」稱霸 BP最有錢是她

    2024/02/01 16:46
  • GL泰劇《學姐可以愛我嗎》3月會粉絲 福利不輸BL劇「羞摳手心」

    2023年底播出的GL泰劇《學姐可以愛我嗎》(LOVE SENIOR),引起許多泰劇迷的熱烈關注。這部戲改編自小說,主角由泰國女團Cosmos的成員擔任,劇裡講述工程學系裡學姐、學妹甜蜜青春的校園生活故事。現在確定4位主角3月即將來台舉辦粉絲見面會,希望能把戲中甜滋滋的心動感覺帶到現場,讓粉絲心跳加速!
    2024/01/31 18:31
  • IU與V上演虐戀! 《Love Wins All》導演揭MV解析「藏超深寓意」

    2024/01/30 12:48
  • Giant rubber ducks draw 600K visitors in Kaohsiung return

    The beloved rubber duck by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman has returned to Love River Bay in Kaohsiung after a decade, attracting over 600,000 attendees in the first two days of the exhibition. The event, named "2024 Kaohsiung Wonderland," features more than just the two popular inflatable yellow ducks. It includes a bouncy castle, a yellow ball pit, a small train ride, street performances, and a food market. The event will run until Feb. 25. Free park tickets are distributed daily at 2 p.m. at Pier 16-18, with opening hours from 3 to 6 p.m. on Monday to Thursday, and from 3 to 9 p.m. on Friday to Sunday and during the first to fifth day of Chinese New Year. The exhibition has also led to almost record-high single-day light rail usage, with over 137,000 rides in the first two days. Additionally, a duck-themed light show has been created for night-time enjoyment along Love River Bay.
    2024/01/29 16:53
  • MV當成電影拍!IU睽違3年發新曲 粉絲:顏值最高末日情侶

    南韓國民妹妹IU李知恩睽違3年終於回歸樂壇了!前陣子才剛宣布世界巡迴演唱會的消息,昨(24)日發布了全新單曲〈Love wins all〉,MV找來韓國天團BTS防彈少年團成員V金泰亨出演,投入猶如電影般的製作規格,兩人扮演逃亡的末日情侶,配上IU空靈的美妙歌聲,讓這支MV在短短的12小時馬上大破700萬觀看數!
    2024/01/27 13:50
  • Giant rubber duck undergoes test inflation ahead of return

    The iconic giant rubber duck is set to make its return to Kaohsiung’s Love River Bay, promising a buoyant boost to local businesses and the opportunity for visitors to bask in its whimsical charm. The creation by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman, which captivated over 3.9 million people in its 2013 debut, is all set for its comeback tour from Jan. 27 to Feb. 25.
    2024/01/26 16:49
  • 車銀優曝難受心境「文彬入夢了」 拍片悼26歲冥誕:好想幫你慶生

    韓國男團ASTRO成員文彬去(2023)年4月16日猝逝,得年25歲,由於年紀輕輕就傳來噩耗,加上他生前的好人緣,當時讓整個韓國演藝圈與粉絲相當震驚。今天1月26日是文彬的冥誕,生前隊友車銀優就特別分享翻唱〈Love is Gone〉的影片,悼念文彬,還說「好想跟往常一樣幫你慶生」,相當令人鼻酸。
    2024/01/26 14:48
  • 台鐵西拉雅號彩繪挨轟「血跡斑斑」 原民怒:負面美學

    台鐵近期和交通部觀光署合作打造「西拉雅號彩繪列車」,車廂內外有「I LOVE TAIWAN」、「SIRAYA」、「笑臉」、「愛心」滿滿的圖樣,車廂內海報框更呈現交通部觀光署南部國家風景區的特色景點,還暱稱是「戀愛列車」。不過才剛推出,馬上引來原住民「西拉雅族」強烈反彈,痛批「一整個負面美學示範,以及誤導族群文化做法,」也有網友留言「猛一看還以為是撞到什麼,火車上血跡斑斑」、「感覺好像撞到鳥類」、「相愛相殺的那種戀愛嗎?」
    2024/01/23 15:38
  • IU〈Love wins〉合作V!預告上線 網看海報被美哭

    南韓人氣女星IU(李知恩)可謂事業愛情兩得意,有音源女王稱號的她,時隔兩年多回歸樂壇,更預告和好友V(金泰亨)合作的《Love wins》MV,即將在1月24日上線,新單曲海報曝光,立刻引起各界關注。
    2024/01/16 12:21
  • 安孝燮、金世正私約看他開唱! 金珉碩搭英國唱將「推最狂合作」

    華納音樂一直不遺餘力地推動跨國歌手合作與音樂交流,繼成功牽線韓流歌手Crush、華莎、請夏、(G)I-DLE的MINNIE與國際知名歌手合作之後,再度榮耀宣布韓國情歌王子——MeloMance主唱金珉碩,與歐洲歌唱大賽亞軍——在TikTok擁有千萬粉絲的山姆萊德(Sam Ryder)聯袂合作,一起演唱數位單曲〈BACK IN LOVE〉,也已在各大數位音樂平台正式上架。
    2024/01/13 09:27
  • 贈票/轉生多次迴避毀滅結局 《壞人大小姐》迎命運關鍵時刻!

    劇場版《轉生成女性向遊戲只有毀滅 END 的壞人大小姐》簡稱《 壞人大小姐 》,故事描述卡塔莉娜轉生至前世玩過的女性向遊戲「FORTUNE LOVE」世界裡,成為壞人大小姐,成功迴避多次的毀滅結局,卻在某天遇見了一個少年,更可能迎來毀滅!
    2024/01/08 18:00
  • Taiwan’s top 10 concerts of 2023 revealed by big data

    In 2023, Taiwan’s concert scene witnessed a multitude of chart-topping performances, captivating fans with spectacles from renowned artists. The KeyPo big-data engine used by DailyView analyzed online discussions to rank the top 10 concerts of the year. At number 10, rock band Power Station, featuring guests JJ Lin and Accusefive, received positive reviews for their world tour concert "Because of Love." Accusefive, the ninth most discussed band, also garnered favorable reviews for their world tour concerts in Taiwan. Veteran singer Rainie Yang, ranked eighth, touched the hearts of concertgoers at the Taipei Arena. Hebe Tien, in seventh place, returned to the Taipei Arena after three years, inviting guest artists Waa Wei, Deserts Chang, and actor Greg Hsu. Hong Kong superstar Eason Chan, placed at number six, conveyed deep philosophical messages in his concert "Fear and Dreams." Korean soloist Taeyeon, at number five, held a solo concert at the Taipei Arena, performing 24 songs consecutively. Taiwanese star A-Mei, in fourth place, performed in Kaohsiung for 10 consecutive days, earning applause from dedicated fans. British band Coldplay secured third place for their eco-friendly concert in Kaohsiung. Taiwanese band Mayday celebrated their 25th anniversary with surprises and engagement with fans, landing them in second place. However, the top concert of 2023 in Taiwan belonged to K-pop girl group BLACKPINK, whose "Born Pink" tour tickets sold out instantly in Kaohsiung, attracting nearly 90,000 fans. The analysis collected data from various digital platforms from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023, including Facebook, YouTube, news media, discussion boards, and blogs.
    2024/01/07 11:06
  • 白冰冰太猛了!穿華麗禮服快起飛「毛是真的」 主持人:像白雪公主

    白冰冰在前年於跨年晚會演唱〈First Love〉,獨特唱腔令人驚艷,引爆網友熱議,她在2023年最後一天以一襲華麗雞毛禮服登上「2024大新竹跨年公益演唱會」,實力派演出讓不少人大讚她寶刀未老,她開心向台下猛力揮手說:「新竹的朋友,我愛你們!」
    2024/01/01 15:24
  • 宇多田光出道25周年接受CNN專訪 今年將出特別專輯

    日本情歌天后宇多田光因《First Love》一曲走紅,她的專輯《First Love》至今仍是日本最暢銷的專輯,2022年的Netflix人氣日劇《First Love初戀》正是受到此歌曲的啟發。2024年已經到來,今年是宇多田光出道25周年,她在接受美國CNN電視台專訪時表示,她今年將在日本展開巡迴演出,也會推出特別專輯,訪談上宇多田光更談到她出道以來的心境轉變。
    2024/01/01 11:52
  • 影音/華莎飆唱〈I Love My Body〉 中文自我介紹辣暈台北跨年

    2024/01/01 11:37
  • 獨家專訪/華莎台北跨年「歌單突修改」罕見1舉動 為台灣粉絲滿滿寵愛

    MAMAMOO成員華莎今(31)日登「2024臺北最High新年城」跨年晚會,一連帶來〈I Love My Body〉、〈TWIT〉、MAMAMOO組曲、〈Maria〉等歌曲,其中組曲中的〈Chili〉是難得演唱的歌曲,這也是華莎在幾天前臨時加進的歌曲,她甜笑說:「〈Chili〉這首歌在歌單裡沒有,幾天前想到要來台北,想要給台灣粉絲特別舞台,所以準備〈Chili〉這首歌,這首歌在韓國沒有太多表演機會。」也透露當初接到邀約的原因:「理由是百分百是因為台灣的粉絲。」
    2023/12/31 23:40
  • 華莎台北跨年彩排畫面曝光! 台上熱舞「性感1舉動」超寵粉

    「臺北最High新年城」跨年晚會今(31)日晚間7點在台北市民廣場舉行,韓女團「MAMAMOO」成員華莎下午素顏戴口罩現身彩排,身穿白色長袖上衣與緊身褲,露出小蠻腰,率領舞者熱唱招牌歌曲〈I Love My Body〉與〈TWIT〉,只見她向台下粉絲親民揮手,相當寵粉。
    2023/12/31 18:13
  • 岑永康爆「超正愛女」戀愛了!一家四口溫馨同框顏值驚人 

    主播夫妻檔岑永康與張珮珊一雙學霸兒女Ethan與Sammi,日前從紐西蘭回台,長相帥氣、身材高大的Ethan眉宇之間與岑永康十分相似;女兒Sammi顏質更是遺傳到主播媽媽張珮珊的高顏值。日前全家欣賞知名外百老匯音樂劇《I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change》(簡稱《LPC》),岑永康與張珮珊更是二刷,表示超喜歡《LPC》劇中對於愛情的描述,每個橋段都有不同的感受,尤其兩人於2001年初閃婚,並在年底生下Sammi,再過一年,Ethan也來報到,效率之高,正如同劇中快速約會的橋段,兩人在觀賞過程中忍不住相視而笑。
    2023/12/29 12:13
  • 結合好萊塢、百老匯頂尖團隊 「真愛」音樂劇今光點華山放映

    社團法人佳恩真善美生活推廣協會將在今(28)日晚上於華山文創園區內的光點華山電影館舉辦『真愛』(The Real Love)音樂劇放映會。
    2023/12/28 13:24
  • LE SSERAFIM to make Taiwan debut at 2024 concert

    LE SSERAFIM, a South Korean girl group, will be the special guest at the 2024 Red White Superstar Concert in Taipei, Taiwan. This will be their first performance in Taiwan as a group. Leader Kim Chae-won expressed honor at the invitation and promised a spectacular stage performance. Member Kazuha also shared a warm message to fans, expressing excitement to meet FEARNOT from different regions and hoping to transmit positive energy through their performance. The group members, Sakura and Kazuha, also expressed anticipation for Taiwanese cuisine, with Sakura loving bubble milk tea and Kazuha eager to try the famous mango ice. The concert will be broadcast on Taiwan Television and MyVideo on Lunar New Year’s Eve, and audiences can participate in a ticket lottery for a chance of admission by downloading the TTV app.
    2023/12/26 20:27
  • Experience the ’Love the Philippines’ Christmas celebration

    Discover the ’Love the Philippines’ Christmas celebration in Taipei, hosted by the Philippines Department of Tourism-Taiwan. Enjoy traditional Filipino delicacies, music, and a chance to win prizes while exploring the cultural ties between Taiwan and the Philippines.
    2023/12/24 16:41
  • Keelung Mayor plans music boost, eyes Taipei Center tie-up

    Keelung Mayor George Hsieh plans to enhance the city’s cultural scene by partnering with the Taipei Music Center to bring more artistic and music events to Keelung. Hsieh’s visit to the music center included a tour and discussions about establishing a professional music venue in Keelung similar to a live house. As part of Keelung’s "Love Keelung Year-End Concert," the event will be broadcast on the 3D screen at Aniverse Keelung. Hsieh aims to collaborate with the Taipei Music Center on cross-over performances and pop music concerts, inspired by the "SoffeeDays" series. The line-up for the year-end concert includes Amber An, Nine One One, Kimberley Chen, Ailing Tai, and U:NUS, with a second stage at Guomen Square to enhance the festive atmosphere.
    2023/12/19 15:42
  • Taiwan’s Presidential Office unveils 2024 New Year cards

    The Presidential Office in Taipei held a press conference to unveil the Lunar New Year’s greeting cards for 2024. The cards, designed by Yen Po-chun, feature a dragon motif combined with Taiwan’s scenic landscapes. The design aims to convey blessings for the Lunar New Year and wishes for prosperity, peacefulness, safety, and well-being for the nation. The card is in an "Mp4" format, with an animation that intertwines the dragon motif with the numbers 2024 and the word "LOVE," symbolizing Taiwan’s vitality, hope, and vision for progress. Recipients of the greeting cards include heads of state, international dignitaries, ambassadors, representatives to Taiwan, local government figures, overseas Chinese community leaders, members of the legislative body, and notable figures from academic, cultural, and business sectors.
    2023/12/19 10:09
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