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    Laura Rosenberger 結果共28筆

  • 要求中國520勿挑釁!布林肯訪中行將至 AIT主席:台灣議題需溝通

    美國國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)即將訪問中國。美國之音報導,美國在台協會主席羅森伯格(Laura Rosenberger)表示,台灣議題敏感尤其需要直接溝通。
    2024/04/21 12:44
  • Kritenbrink-Qiu meeting shows Taiwan’s role in US-China ties

    Wang Hsin-hsien, an NCCU professor, speculates that the recent meeting between U.S. and Chinese officials may have involved discussions about President-elect Lai Ching-te’s inauguration speech and personnel arrangements, while TKU professor Alexander Huang believes the visit was mainly to prepare for Deputy Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken’s visit.
    2024/04/17 15:38
  • 柯文哲見AIT主席 談共機擾台:無利兩岸累積善意

    民眾黨主席柯文哲3日下接見美國在台協會理事主席羅森伯格(Laura Rosenberger),民眾黨表示,雙方就兩岸議題、台美關係及民眾黨選後發展進行交流,一個小時的會面氣氛融洽。柯文哲也在會中談及台海議題,指現在共機飛來飛去仍不斷擾台,恐無利於兩岸累積善意。
    2024/04/04 10:39
  • US reaffirms support for Taiwan ahead of Lai’s inauguration

    Vice President Lai Ching-te meets with AIT Chair Laura Rosenberger to discuss deepening U.S.-Taiwan relations. Rosenberger congratulates Lai on his election victory and highlights the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. She emphasizes the mutually beneficial economic ties between the two nations and reaffirms the U.S.’s commitment to Taiwan’s defense. Rosenberger expresses confidence in Lai’s leadership in strengthening U.S.-Taiwan relations and Taiwan’s role in global security and prosperity.
    2024/04/01 18:29
  • Tsai Ing-wen and AIT Chair discuss Taiwan-U.S. relations

    President Tsai Ing-wen meets with Laura Rosenberger of AIT to discuss Taiwan-U.S. cooperation in trade, supply chain security, and information security. The Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) of 1979 and its significance in U.S.-Taiwan relations, along with the impact of the three joint communiqués, shape the framework of U.S. policy toward the Taiwan Strait. The TRA aims to maintain peace, security, and stability in the region and influences U.S. arms sales to Taiwan and defense cooperation. The Taiwan Security Enhancement Act and the Taiwan Travel Act demonstrate ongoing developments in U.S.-Taiwan relations.
    2024/04/01 18:18
  • 蔡英文見AIT主席羅森柏格 盼台美關係堅若磐石

    總統蔡英文今(1日)上午接見美國在台協會(AIT)主席羅森柏格(Laura Rosenberger)時表示,台美持續發展全方位夥伴關係,感謝美國政府與國會為提升台美安全合作所做的努力。蔡英文表示,台灣會與美國及其他民主國家攜手合作,確保區域和平穩定並促進全球繁榮發展;也期盼台美在經貿、供應鏈安全及資訊安全等領域持續深化合作。
    2024/04/01 14:43
  • U.S. delegation arrives in Taiwan one day after elections

    A U.S. delegation, including former Deputy Secretary of State James B. Steinberg and American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Chair Laura Rosenberger, met with President Tsai Ing-wen and President-elect Lai Ching-te, as well as other Taiwanese government officials, two days after Taiwan’s presidential and legislative elections.
    2024/01/15 16:38
  • 美國代表團抵台!外交部曝「3天行程」:與蔡英文、政治領袖會面

    2024年總統大選落幕後,美國政府按照往前慣例,特別指派前國家安全顧問哈德利(Stephen J. Hadley)、前副國務卿史坦柏格(James B. Steinberg)等人組成代表團,並在AIT主席羅森柏格(Laura Rosenberger)的隨行下,於今(14)日晚間飛抵台灣,除了預計會在台3天,還會晉見總統蔡英文與各界政治領袖。
    2024/01/14 22:22
  • Alexander Yui assumes role as Taiwan’s envoy to U.S.

    Alexander Yui, Taiwan’s new representative to the United States, arrived in Washington D.C. on Monday (Dec. 11), to assume his post. Ingrid Larson, the managing director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), welcomed him at the airport. Yui’s arrival follows the resignation of former representative Hsiao Bi-khim on Nov. 20. Yui, who had recently become the top envoy to the EU and Belgium, was chosen to replace Hsiao. Yui emphasized security, economic and trade cooperation, and Taiwan’s international space as the key aspects of Taiwan-U.S. relations. He highlighted the need to safeguard Taiwan’s upcoming election from external influences. Yui committed to deepening Taiwan-U.S. relations by building on Hsiao’s work and collaborating with his embassy team. Laura Rosenberger, chair of AIT, expressed confidence in Yui’s experience and anticipated further development and strengthening of the bilateral partnership.
    2023/12/12 13:27
  • 藍白合為拖住柯文哲?柯辦爆國民黨放假消息:還接觸潛在副手

    民眾黨總統參選人柯文哲昨(27)日驚爆,一名自稱美國阿拉斯加參議員助理的人聲稱,美國在台協會(AIT)理事主席羅森伯格(Laura Rosenberger)會打給他,更透露登記前有人開價,只要當副手就給1億、2億美金。對此,柯辦發言人陳智菡表示,假消息滿天飛,像美國支持藍白合、羅森伯格會打視訊電話,「消息就是國民黨人士傳來的」,還提到藍營跟柯的潛在副手接觸,「似乎想拖到最後一刻,讓這邊(我們)沒辦理順利登記」。
    2023/11/28 11:27
  • 柯文哲自爆有人開價!「當副手給2億美金」 侯友宜全說了

    2023/11/27 16:54
  • Ko Wen-je claims NT$200M bribe offered to run as VP

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has alleged that he was offered a bribe of NT$200 million by an individual claiming to be an aide to a U.S. senator. Ko stated that the person, who identified as an assistant to a senator from Alaska, said that American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Chairperson Laura Rosenberger wanted to speak with him. In addition, Ko disclosed that he encountered various individuals, including someone purporting to be a United Nations commissioner and a former U.S. Congressional aide, who suggested that the U.S. favored a coalition between the Kuomintang (KMT) and TPP. With Taiwan’s presidential election approaching, Ko expressed concerns about the influence of intermediaries and fraudsters in the electoral process, emphasizing the need for a clear-headed approach to combat misinformation.
    2023/11/27 16:30
  • 登記前侯友宜來電!柯文哲酸爆「很做作」:你沒信用誰敢接?

    歷經藍白合交戰多時破局後,2024總統大選三腳督局面已定,民眾黨總統參選人柯文哲今(27)日接受《飛碟午餐 尹乃菁時間》專訪時,談到國民黨參選人侯友宜於會談中公開兩人簡訊內容一事,無奈表示這等於是「暗算」;他更自爆當時竟有一名自稱美國阿拉斯加參議員助理來民眾黨中央黨部,聲稱美國在台協會(AIT)理事主席羅森伯格(Laura Rosenberger)會打來,柯文哲質疑或許是「國際騙子」,過程中還有許多「開價碼的風聲」!
    2023/11/27 14:25
  • 暗指藍營設局?柯文哲驚爆:有人開價「我當副手給2億美金」

    民眾黨總統參選人柯文哲今(27)日上廣播專訪透露有人設局,一名自稱美國阿拉斯加參議員助理的人聲稱,美國在台協會(AIT)理事主席羅森伯格(Laura Rosenberger)會打電話給他,柯更自爆登記前還有人開價,只要當副手就1億、2億美金,疑似暗指控國民黨,柯事後受訪回應,「選舉前各式各樣掮客、騙子都有,國民黨有很多熱心人士,重點是這種假新聞、假消息要能夠去應付掉。」
    2023/11/27 14:02
  • Hsiao Bi-khim misses overseas event amid election rumors

    Representative Hsiao Bi-khim missed an overseas community event in the United States due to poor health and rumors have circulated that she may return to Taiwan for a possible election campaign. Hsiao was scheduled to attend a Thanksgiving dinner with AIT Chair Laura Rosenberger but cited discomfort from a recent COVID-19 vaccine booster. Speculation has arisen that Hsiao may become Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s running mate in the 2024 presidential election. Lai has remained tight-lipped about the vice presidential candidate, stating that the consideration is almost complete and an announcement will be made at the appropriate time. The presidential election registration in Taiwan is scheduled from November 20 to 24.
    2023/11/12 16:44
  • 蕭美琴突缺席僑界活動 外界臆測:為「賴蕭配」做準備?

    駐美代表蕭美琴計劃返台投入選舉的傳聞甚囂塵上,她今天原定與美國在台協會(AIT)主席羅森柏格(Laura Rosenberger)一同出席僑界活動,卻以身體不適為由臨時缺席,改由駐美副代表鄭榮俊代打,引發外界聯想。
    2023/11/12 10:06
  • 侯友宜訪美尬賴清德!8天行程曝光 確定訪華府見這些人

    國民黨總統參選人侯友宜確定將在9月展開8天訪美行程,據悉預計9月14日至21日依序訪紐約、華府、舊金山等城市,行程除會晤國會參、眾議員、拜會AIT理事主席羅森柏格(Laura Rosenberger)外,也應邀在智庫演講,並參加僑胞活動,爭取僑界支持。
    2023/08/24 12:17
  • 親曝賴清德過境紐約沒接機原因 AIT主席:期待舊金山相見

    民進黨總統參選人、副總統賴清德出訪友邦,當地時間(12)日晚間過境美國紐約時由AIT執行理事藍鶯(Ingrid Larson)接機,美國在台協會主席羅森伯格(Laura Rosenberger)隨後透過「X」發文表示,因參與姊妹的婚禮,無法親自接待,對於賴清德的過境行程非常歡迎,並表示將在賴回程時的過境點「舊金山見」。
    2023/08/13 12:58
  • 賴清德過境美國傳AIT主席不接機?羅森伯格推特親說明

    副總統賴清德今(12)日將以總統特使身分出席巴拉圭總統就職,來回將在美國紐約和舊金山過境,有消息傳出,賴清德這次搭民航機過境美國紐約時,現任AIT主席羅森伯格(Laura Rosenberger)因另有私人行程,不會接機、也不會出席僑宴。不過,羅森伯格今日透過推特轉發賴清德行前貼文,並寫道,「AIT歡迎賴副總統巴拉圭行過境美國」,頗有暗示會如慣例接待之意。
    2023/08/12 12:21
  • 侯友宜台大演講拋4大國政方針 將慎重挑時間訪美

    國民黨總統參選人侯友宜今天晚間與台大學生對談,他在演講時除首度提出4大國政方針,談及台美關係時表示,美國在台協會(AIT)主席羅森柏格(Laura Rosenberger)邀請他到美國訪問,他將慎重挑時間訪美,讓台美關係更加穩定。
    2023/06/19 23:05
  • 明見羅森伯格! 柯文哲「人在高雄」:只好請她移樽就教

    美國在台協會(AIT)主席羅森柏格(Laura Rosenberger)5日訪台,並預告將會晤2024總統大選各政黨參選人。而民眾黨主席、2024總統參選人柯文哲4日到8日出訪日本,9日返台後,在高雄有行程,據了解,雙方安排9日傍晚在高雄會面。柯文哲今(8)日受訪證實,「如果她(羅森柏格)要見我的話,那只好請她移樽就教到高雄去,不然我人在高雄也沒辦法」。
    2023/06/08 13:10
  • 晤AIT主席羅森柏格談美中台 侯友宜邀放天燈許願這8字

    美國在台協會(AIT)理事主席羅森柏格(Laura Rosenberger)訪7日下午低調到新北市政府拜會新北市長侯友宜,期間雙方就台美交流、兩岸關係、區域和平與國防安全等各面向議題廣泛交換意見。而後雙方再到平溪鐵道地方創生餐廳共進晚餐,並一起在永續環保天燈上寫下願望,侯友宜寫「台美交流 友誼長存」,羅森柏格則用英文祝願「A❤️T US-TAIWAN EXCHANGE」,祈願天燈點亮世界,帶來希望。
    2023/06/08 12:25
  • 賴清德帶羅森柏格遊台南 逛遍奇美博物館、街頭大啖哈密瓜冰

    美國在台協會(AIT)主席羅森柏格(Laura Rosenberger)持續在台訪問行程,今(8)日其赴台南與副總統、民進黨總統參選人賴清德會面。由於過往兩人就曾見過面,也有所交流,身為「地主」的賴清德上午帶羅森柏格走訪奇美博物館、泰成水果店等地,雙方用英語對談台灣文化、台南風情,整個行程慎重但又不失輕鬆氛圍。
    2023/06/08 11:46
  • 來台「面試」總統候選人? AIT主席:不管誰執政都會「這樣做」

    「美國在台協會」(AIT)主席羅森柏格(Laura Rosenberger)今(6)日上午拜會立法院長游錫堃,與朝野各黨團代表,會前羅森柏格被問及,近期會不會會見台灣的總統候選人?在幕僚的阻擋下,羅森柏格避談快步離去。
    2023/06/07 18:02
  • CPTPP更近了!「台美21世紀貿易倡議」首批協定今簽署

    「台美21世紀貿易倡議」首批協定今(1)日由我駐美代表蕭美琴與AIT執行理事藍鶯(Ingrid Larson)代表雙方,於華府美國在台協會(AIT)總部簽署。行政院政委鄧振中、美國副貿易代表Sarah Bianchi及美國在台協會理事主席羅森柏格(Laura Rosenberger)在場見證。鄧振中表示,今日的協定是1979年以來台美間最具規模、最全面性的貿易談判,也為台灣和主要貿易國洽簽貿易協定,邁出了關鍵一步。總統蔡英文對本次協定的簽署表示肯定,並期待未來台美能建立更緊密的夥伴關係,為台灣的經濟與產業爭取更多的機會。
    2023/06/01 22:52
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