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    KISS 結果共78筆

  • 正妹女友索吻!男球迷拒絕遭「壓頭就範」 全場崩潰:輸在哪

    PLG例行賽即將進入尾聲,拿下三連霸的富邦勇士將和新竹攻城獅爭第4名,兩隊僅剩1場勝差,不過4日新竹攻城獅在主場迎戰新北國王時卻出現有趣畫面,場邊男球迷被「Kiss Cam」拍到,遭友人壓頭被迫親吻女友,意外成為焦點,讓不少網友直呼羡慕。
    2024/05/07 16:43
  • 表演接連「翻車」?3實力女團人氣狂飆 超狂LIVE舞台一次看

    近日韓國女團ILLIT、LE SSERAFIM舞台表演被網友點名翻車,真實live實力引起韓網熱議,女團ILLIT在安可舞台上開麥演唱,就有韓國網友開酸「為什麼讓她們用這種實力出道?」,而人氣女團LE SSERAFIM近期在科切拉音樂節(Coachella Festival)的全開麥表演,因頻頻走音也被網友批評,「真的是歷代級」、「音準完全不對」。
    2024/04/17 14:49
  • 黃色小鴨放閃! 雙鴨借位KISS秀恩愛 盜版小鴨髮夾超夯

    2024/02/14 19:45
  • 墨鏡戴好!情人節黃色小鴨合體親親放閃 賞鴨人潮破550萬

    2024/02/14 18:11
  • 不是工讀生!黑熊波比「萌」站立 情人節黃色小鴨KISS放閃

    2024/02/13 18:08
  • Supporter shaves Ko Wen-je’s face in hair

    A barber in Changhua has gone viral after posting a video on Facebook of him shaving an image of Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je into a client’s hair. The detailed design, complete with Ko’s face, nose, eyes, glasses, suit, and tie, has sparked lively online discussions. The client had requested the unique haircut in preparation for attending an election rally for Ko Wen-je, but he has been advised by the Changhua County Election Commission to cover his hairdo, possibly with a cap, while voting due to rules prohibiting the display of candidate-related items within polling stations. This unconventional show of support for a presidential candidate has prompted discussions about the extreme measures other supporters are taking for their preferred candidates, such as a female enthusiast of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te surprising him with a sudden kiss during a photo, and supporters of Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih waving the national flag at his events. The hairstyle news is another example of the enthusiastic participation of Taiwanese citizens in the elections, showcasing their support in diverse and creative ways.
    2024/01/07 16:31
  • Lau, Leung spark holiday frenzy with sweet Christmas photo

    Hong Kong actress Carina Lau and actor Tony Leung delighted fans with a heartwarming Christmas photo on social media. The picture, shared on Weibo, showed Lau giving Leung a kiss on the cheek in front of a Christmas tree. Married for 15 years, the couple appeared happy and in good spirits. Lau also took the opportunity to send a heartfelt holiday greeting to her followers and tagged Leung’s fan club in the post. Fans expressed their joy and showered the couple with compliments and well wishes in the comments section, making it a charming and personal Christmas gift.
    2023/12/26 17:54
  • Taiwanese actor JC Lin announces engagement on social media

    Taiwanese actor JC Lin announced his engagement to his girlfriend Cindy on December 26. He shared a sweet picture on social media, captioning it with ’Christmas gift exchange -- she got a ring, I got a YES.’ The couple had been in a relationship for 10 years before JC Lin proposed on Christmas day. He posted a heartfelt message alongside the photos, expressing his happiness. JC Lin publicly released a video of his wedding proposal, where he went down on one knee and thanked Cindy for being with him through the happiness and hardships of the past decade. Cindy accepted the proposal, leading to a heartfelt kiss witnessed by friends, including Taiwanese actor Kai Ko. In 2019, JC Lin received praise for his role in the TV drama ’The World Between Us,’ where he skillfully portrayed a character suffering from schizophrenia.
    2023/12/26 16:54
  • Pianist Yiruma adds Kaohsiung concert after sell-out success

    Renowned South Korean pianist and composer Yiruma has announced an additional performance in Taiwan, much to the delight of his fans. The concert will take place at the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts-Weiwuying on January 12 at 7:30 p.m. Following the sell-out of his January 28 performance in Taipei, Yiruma decided to add the Kaohsiung concert to his schedule due to overwhelming demand. Yiruma expressed his gratitude to his Taiwanese fans and promised to deliver a perfect performance. Yiruma’s compositions, such as "River Flows in You" and "Kiss The Rain," have gained significant popularity in Taiwan. He is considered a leading figure in New Age Music and has seamlessly blended jazz and classical elements in his work. Yiruma has also contributed to Korean drama soundtracks, enhancing the emotional impact of each episode. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness Yiruma’s extraordinary talent in this highly anticipated concert.
    2023/12/22 10:26
  • 韓劇御用鋼琴家Yiruma來了! 1月演奏會加開高雄場「許願吃雞排」

    睽違6年,韓國國寶級鋼琴家Yiruma(李閏珉)將二度來台舉辦鋼琴獨奏會。繼2017於台北國際會議中心首次舉辦音樂會之後,引起許多人共鳴。特別是許多鋼琴學子因〈River flows in You〉及〈Kiss The Rain〉便讓聽眾融入潺潺的樂河之中。明(2024)年1月28日台北流行音樂中心場的5千張已經售罄,不過樂迷們別擔心,1月12日晚間7點半將加開衛武營國家藝術中心場次!Yiruma難忘九份爬山的回憶,許願能帶女兒來台度假,也希望能大吃香雞排。
    2023/12/22 08:57
  • Actress Karena Ng marries tycoon’s son Brian Sze

    Hong Kong actress Karena Ng happily reveals her marriage to businessman Brian Sze, the third son of billionaire Ivis Sze Wing, after a four-year relationship. The couple officially went public in 2022 and announced their engagement on April 20, 2023. They express their joy and anticipation for their official wedding next year. Ng and Sze shared enchanting wedding photos on Weibo, showcasing moments like cutting a cake and sharing a romantic kiss. The couple is currently preparing for a European celebration in August 2024.
    2023/12/20 20:07
  • 強吻王柏傑「沒刷牙又吃大蒜」 傅孟柏笑喊:咬著牙撐過去

    2023/12/16 15:10
  • 陽帆愛女才爆「分期買禮物」送男友 突甜蜜發聲:親吻吧

    陽帆愛女安吉(ANGIE)推出新歌〈現在互相親吻吧 Can we Kiss?〉,日前她出席聽歌會時,透露為了買禮物送男友,選擇分期付款方式,更說爸爸不知道,震驚眾人。她也分享對耶誕節的看法,笑說是她一年之中最喜歡的節日,比情人節還要浪漫,生活充滿儀式感的她,選在這個特別的日子推出耶誕主題的浪漫曲,當作送給大家的耶誕禮物。
    2023/12/07 13:11
  • 陽帆心碎了!愛女爆「分期」買禮物送男友 許願要信義區房子

    陽帆愛女ANGIE安吉日前擔任微風聖誕音樂大使,推出新歌〈現在互相親吻吧 Can we Kiss?〉,今(30)日出席聖誕聽歌會,喜歡辦派對的她,每年都會跟朋友交換禮物,她表示禮物不一定要很貴、很大,但都會幫朋友挑選喜歡的飲料、餅乾、顏色,價格大約在5000元到10000元之間,不過身為星二代的她,竟爆料自己分期買禮物給男友。
    2023/11/30 16:15
  • 太害羞!男歌手認和她抱睡畫面公開 「交心比交身更重要」

    男歌手黃祝賢儒推出新單曲〈KISS & HUG〉,探討時下年輕世代「抱睡」的感情觀,在MV中,他和演員黃惟有不少臉紅心跳的戲碼,對此他笑說:「交心比交身更重要,好好的認識彼此才會是一段健康的關係。」
    2023/11/29 14:41
  • 有片/尼加拉瀑布美加邊境汽車爆炸排除恐攻 賓利夫妻喪命

    位於美國與加拿大邊境的知名景點「尼加拉大瀑布」(Niagara Falls),當地時間22日早上11時27分發生汽車爆炸事件,立即啟動美國各執法機構敏感神經。《美國廣播新聞網》(ABC)報導,經過當地警方初步調查後,紐約州州長霍楚(Kathy Hochul)在稍早記者會上表示,雖然從汽車撞上檢查站到爆炸的過程,都讓他們感到不可思議,但目前已排除此次爆炸與恐怖攻擊相關。同時現場各種飛車衝撞與起火的驚人影像,也陸續在社群上曝光。警方調查後也發現,車上兩名死者是夫妻檔,56歲男性駕駛載妻子要前往多倫多,參加重金屬樂團KISS的告別演場會,沒想到自駕的賓利(Bentley)高級轎車卻發生衝撞事故,造成兩人雙雙喪命。
    2023/11/23 09:51
  • 第六屆麗寶國際雕塑雙年獎 由台灣藝術家戴素貞奪得金獎 義大利銀獎 羅馬尼亞及土耳其並列銅獎

    「第六屆麗寶國際雕塑雙年獎」於2023年10月29日在國家兩廳院音樂廳揭曉,由台灣藝術家戴素貞以作品《浪花》奪得金獎!而本屆銀獎由義大利藝術家Selene Frosini作品《Thourgh the orizon》獲得,羅馬尼亞藝術家Petre-Virgiliu Mogosan作品《FRAGMENT OF EXISTENCE》與土耳其藝術家Ümit Turgay Durgun的作品《Kiss of Life》並列銅獎。評審團主席日本藝術家伊藤隆道表示:「《浪花》針對時代所產生的問題點,完美呈現在藝術表現,並成功轉化在作品中。作品的層層堆疊深入到細部結構,具有其相當密度的表現力。」金獎得主戴素貞對於此次能夠獲得此殊榮表示:「浪花這件作品是用回收的寶特瓶壓成塑料來創作,想要傳遞的是,在藝術作品及許多事情上,人都扮演著非常關鍵的角色,唯有人的行動改變,才能夠改變整個世界。」
    2023/10/30 11:29
  • 恭喜明道當「2寶爸」!二胎出生了 曬萌照喊:歡迎我的寶貝

    2023/08/30 10:27
  • Travis Japan拿鳳梨酥嗨跳舞 櫻花妹「違規又猛擠」與台粉爆衝突

    日本傑尼斯最新出道的7人男團Travis Japan受邀來台,與許多歌迷、漫迷們一同參與27日的「2023漫畫博覽會」,活動上他們與大會吉祥物「漫寶」一起大跳最新單曲〈Candy Kiss〉,甚至還拿台灣特產鳳梨酥跳舞,可說是台味十足。不過Travis Japan這次見面會活動限量200人,不僅引來許多粉絲徹夜排隊,更有台灣、日本歌迷爆發衝突!
    2023/07/27 18:39
  • 無畏杜蘇芮!Travis Japan見400粉絲冒雨接機 太感動狂比愛心回應

    傑尼斯去(2022)年推出的7人男團Travis Japan最近才發行新單曲〈Candy Kiss〉,沒想到台灣粉絲超幸運,立刻就有機會一睹演出,他們受邀參加27日的2023漫畫博覽會活動,26日中午一行人無畏杜蘇芮颱風抵達松山機場,現場近400名粉絲更是冒雨前來接機。
    2023/07/26 12:48
  • 有片/哈利看NBA被發現 向梅根索吻被拒好尷尬

    英國哈利王子(Prince Harry)與妻子梅根(Meghan Markle)結婚後,不只淡出王室活動,兩人更帶著孩子移居美國加州。綜合外媒報導,日前在湖人(LA Lakers)洛杉磯主場對戰灰熊的比賽,場中休息時間的「Kiss Cam」,鏡頭無意間捕捉到場邊觀球的哈利與梅根,登上大螢幕的兩人也被民眾鼓譟親吻;沒想到當哈利轉頭準備深情一吻時,卻被梅根婉拒、害得他神情略險尷尬,這段影片也被NBA放上官方粉專,累積觀看次數突破130萬回。
    2023/04/26 16:07
  • 明道好爸爸形象崩壞!驚喜宣布再當爸畫面曝 1舉動遭罵翻

    2023/04/21 14:06
  • 43歲明道再當爸!宣布二胎「迎來我的小公主」女團老婆嗨翻

    2023/04/19 09:27
  • 影音/鄭芯恩大膽kiss告白被拒 《加油》巴鈺安慰:哭吧寶貝

    2023/04/07 14:37
  • 女偶像帶經紀人弟弟開房玩 竟遭「嘴對嘴餵古柯鹼」嚇退團

    2016年組成的日本女團「DEAR KISS」曾拿過公信榜第1名,成績不俗,其中成員伊山摩穗去(2022)年12月底突然宣布畢業,不過事出突然,當時就許多粉絲好奇她退團原因,沒想到伊山摩穗11日突然自爆,原來去年12月前往福岡演出時,竟然遭經紀人的弟弟強迫「口對口」餵食古柯鹼,讓她嚇得趕緊退團。
    2023/02/14 14:32
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