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  • 6大病毒傳播社區!兒科醫示警:「2症狀」持續要留意

    2024/05/12 10:02
  • A走近3千萬法院判還 新營太子宮前女秘書喊冤:選舉恩怨

    2024/05/11 13:46
  • 快訊/馬航2百人客機「引擎故障」急降羽田機場 跑道一度封閉

    2024/05/11 12:51
  • Taiwan’s Medical Act revision to protect pregnant doctors

    In Taipei, a survey by the Doctors’ Union highlights that nearly 30% of female doctors are required to work night shifts, prompting calls for amendments to the Medical Care Act to better protect pregnant and child-rearing female doctors. The Ministry of Health and Welfare emphasizes existing protections but faces challenges in enforcing these due to previous constitutional rulings. Amendments aim to allow night shifts for pregnant doctors with consent, under specific conditions, with fines for non-compliance. The situation underscores the ongoing struggle to balance medical care needs with gender equality and workers’ rights.
    2024/05/10 18:05
  • Tsai Ing-wen’s legacy: Popular beyond predecessors

    Explore the legacy of President Tsai Ing-wen as she prepares to leave office with approval ratings surpassing those of predecessors Chen Shui-pian and Ma Ying-chiu according to a TVBS poll. Japanese academic Yoshiyuki Ogasawara analyzes Tsai’s success and the Democratic Progressive Party’s historic third-term win, contrasting it with the fluctuating approval ratings of Ma and Chen. The future of Tsai’s successor, Lai Ching-te, remains a point of interest.
    2024/05/10 18:03
  • Andy Lau’s 2024 Taipei tour ignites fan excitement

    Andy Lau announces his "Today...is the Day Andy Lau Tour Concert 2024 - Taipei Station" to take place in October and November 2024, sparking excitement among fans. The tour will also reach eight Chinese cities, Singapore, and Malaysia, with rumors of a Hong Kong performance in December. The theme emphasizes the importance of cherishing the present, eliciting an overwhelming response from fans online.
    2024/05/10 18:01
  • Taiwan parties call for action against TikTok threat

    Taiwan’s political parties, including the Taiwan Statebuilding Party and the New Power Party, call for action against TikTok, citing national security concerns. They advocate for legislation akin to a Taiwan version of the TikTok Act to combat the platform’s algorithmic suppression of topics sensitive to China and protect cybersecurity.
    2024/05/10 17:55
  • Taiwan sees job market surge in Year of the Dragon

    Explore how the Year of the Dragon has influenced job market trends in Taiwan, with a surge in job openings and significant career shifts among workers.
    2024/05/10 16:05
  • Premier warns political infighting could doom Taiwan

    Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes the importance of unity and constructive dialogue in Taiwan’s politics, warning against the dangers of political infighting. He advocates for a collaborative approach to governance, highlighting the need for effective communication and persuasion across party lines to implement policy changes. Chen also discusses the significance of respectful discourse in the legislative process and the focus on practical solutions over controversy.
    2024/05/10 15:59
  • Taiwan consider egg freezing subsidies amid birthrate crisis

    KMT legislator Chang Chia-chun advocates for government subsidies for egg freezing to combat Taiwan’s declining birthrate, emphasizing the need for women’s reproductive autonomy and equal rights. Despite a national crisis, only three cities offer such subsidies, and a central government report remains unevaluated after a year. Chang calls for swift action from the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
    2024/05/10 15:56
  • Taiwan’s absence at WHA: A lost chance for global health

    Taiwan’s Premier Chen Chien-jen expresses disappointment over Taiwan’s exclusion from the World Health Assembly, emphasizing the loss to global health cooperation and urging for inclusion based on Taiwan’s healthcare achievements.
    2024/05/10 15:53
  • Weekend warm-up: Taiwan to experience brief heat spike

    Explore the dramatic shift in Taiwan’s weather as temperatures soar to 30°C, only to be followed by thunderstorms. The Central Weather Administration highlights the weakening northeast monsoon’s impact, leading to significant temperature fluctuations and potential air quality concerns. Stay alert for a brief warm spell before the onset of rain and cooler conditions.
    2024/05/10 12:54
  • MOFA head unhappy about KMT criticism of Taiwan-Czechia aid

    Explore the unfolding controversy as Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs addresses criticisms from a KMT legislator regarding the handling of a foreign aid project with the Czech Republic. The story details legal and political challenges faced by the government.
    2024/05/09 18:14
  • "Taiwan in Transition" to premiere globally on May 17

    Discover "Taiwan in Transition," a documentary led by President Tsai Ing-wen, exploring Taiwan’s global evolution amid challenges like COVID-19 and key international visits. Premieres May 17.
    2024/05/09 18:05
  • Taiwan debates the merit of a four-day workweek

    Explore the ongoing debate in Taiwan over the adoption of a four-day workweek, featuring insights from workers, industry spokespersons, and teachers on its potential impacts.
    2024/05/09 17:55
  • Kaohsiung eyes hosting Taylor Swift in two years

    Discover how Kaohsiung’s Mayor Chen Chi-mai plans to bring Taylor Swift to Taiwan for a grand concert at the Kaohsiung National Stadium, emphasizing the venue’s readiness and commitment to safety and sustainability.
    2024/05/09 17:19
  • Taiwan’s machine tool exports dip amid global challenges

    Explore the impact of geopolitical risks, trade frictions, and inflationary rate hikes on Taiwan’s machine tool exports in April, as reported by the TMBA, with a significant decline in export value compared to the previous year and the preceding month, highlighting the global economic challenges faced by the industry.
    2024/05/09 17:14
  • Taiwan refuses to rename its Lithuania office amid tensions

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s refusal to rename its Lithuanian representative office, a move that underscores its commitment to sovereignty amid pressures from China and international relations dynamics.
    2024/05/09 17:05
  • Taiwan People’s Party to protest against DPP on May 19

    The Taiwan People’s Party plans a major rally against the DPP on May 19, criticizing the outgoing government’s unmet reform promises under President Tsai Ing-wen.
    2024/05/09 16:48
  • Expanding childcare aid: Taiwan’s to ease parental burdens

    Explore Taiwan’s new approach to supporting families: Premier Chen Chien-jen announces plans for more flexible unpaid parental leave, expanded childcare services, and increased subsidies to ease the childcare burden. With a focus on diverse family roles and improved work-life balance, these measures aim to reduce childcare costs and encourage shared parental responsibilities.
    2024/05/09 16:42
  • 113會考英文/文法題減少 連接詞、時態題型必考陷阱多

    113國中會考即將在5月18、19日登場,英文科題型相對簡單,若要拿A++,聽力全對下閱讀保險僅能錯一題;閱讀全對聽力同樣只錯一至二題。寰宇教育英文老師Rays指出,新課綱強化素養及生活時事的結合,每題題幹篇幅加長,句型較以往複雜,文法題數雖減少,但句型關鍵字中,學生容易踩進其中陷阱裡。而大學門文教英文老師蔣維表示,考生須注意,Wh 問句、以及關鍵的轉折語氣,圈取題目關鍵字,考前一天練習1-2回聽力檔。
    2024/05/09 16:33
  • DPP clarifies upcoming dinner not a nat’l report simulation

    Discover how the DPP is strengthening its legislative strategy with a dinner meeting between President-elect Lai Ching-te and 51 legislators, aiming for open dialogue and unity.
    2024/05/09 16:07
  • KMT chairman vows respect for President-elect Lai at report

    Discover how the Kuomintang’s chairman, Eric Chu, pledges respect for President-elect Lai Ching-te’s upcoming report at the Legislative Yuan, emphasizing a commitment to Taiwan’s constitutional process and political civility.
    2024/05/09 15:11
  • US warns: Economic fallout if China takes over Taiwan’s TSMC

    Discover how U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo warns of the severe impact on the U.S. economy if China takes control of Taiwan’s TSMC, a key semiconductor supplier.
    2024/05/09 14:21
  • Vice President Lai honors Yoichi Hatta at memorial in Tainan

    Discover how Vice President Lai Ching-te honored Yoichi Hatta’s legacy at a memorial in Tainan, highlighting the Chianan Irrigation System’s role in Taiwan-Japan relations and regional peace.
    2024/05/09 11:48
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