
Vice President Lai honors Yoichi Hatta at memorial in Tainan

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/09 11:48
Last update time:2024/05/09 11:48
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Vice President Lai honors Yoichi Hatta at memorial in Tainan (TVBS News) Vice President Lai honors Yoichi Hatta at memorial in Tainan
Vice President Lai honors Yoichi Hatta at memorial in Tainan (TVBS News)

TAINAN (TVBS News) — Vice President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) honored the legacy of Yoichi Hatta (八田與一), the engineer behind the Chianan Irrigation, at a memorial service marking 82 years since his death on Wednesday (May 8).

The event, held at the Wushantou Reservoir in Tainan, drew officials and representatives from both Taiwan and Japan, underscoring the deep ties and mutual support between the two nations.


Lai highlighted the significant contributions of the Wushantou Reservoir, constructed 94 years ago by Hatta, to agriculture, industry, and domestic water supply, including its role in supporting operations at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC, 台積電) in the Southern Taiwan Science Park.

He emphasized the reservoir's role in strengthening Taiwan-Japan relations and expressed hope for enhanced cooperation to maintain peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. The memorial was attended by 18 dignitaries, including Presidential Office Advisor Huang Kun-hu, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Chen Tian-shou, and the head of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Taipei Office, Kazuyuki Katayama.

Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che (黃偉哲) remarked on the century-long protection the Wushantou Reservoir and Chianan Irrigation have provided to the people of Taiwan.

Katayama noted the unprecedented level of friendship between Taiwan and Japan, strengthened by mutual support during pandemics and earthquakes, while Lai recalled Japan's immediate assistance to Taiwan during major disasters, a testament to the profound friendship and spirit of mutual aid between the two countries.

He echoed Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's (岸田文雄) sentiment that Taiwan's security is a global issue and stressed the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

In commemoration of Hatta's contributions, the Tainan Post Office released special postmarks and envelopes showcased by Mayor Huang, further symbolizing the enduring bond between Taiwan and Japan.


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