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    technology 結果共249筆

  • President Tsai rewards top tech innovators at ITRI event

    Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) celebrated its 50th anniversary on Wednesday (July 5) with a grand ceremony attended by President Tsai Ing-wen and various officials and business leaders. 
    2023/07/05 18:57
  • PEGATRON chairman highlights future EV, 5G, 6G applications

    PEGATRON chairman and CSO, T.H. Tung, shared firsthand industry outlook at the shareholders meeting on Thursday (June 15), and felt optimistic about the future development of electric vehicles (EV), 5G connectivity, and potentially 6G technology. Stressing that business cycle changes every one to two years, Tung observed that industrial innovations derived from existing products and services, which is why he thinks EV, 5G, and even 6G will “undergo transformative changes in the future, presenting challenges and opportunities for the company.”
    2023/06/15 17:31
  • Experts warn pay hikes won’t solve all labor shortages

    Taiwanese industries grapple with a pressing labor shortage, as evident from a staggering 1.078 million online job vacancies recorded in June. Sectors most affected by this predicament include tourism, catering, wholesale and retail, as well as technology. 
    2023/06/07 17:46
  • 侯昌明哭了!愛女考上「世界TOP3藝術學校」嗨喊:侯家之光

    藝人侯昌明與老婆曾雅蘭結婚20多年,育有一子一女,日前全家參加女兒「侯塞蕾」的高中畢業典禮,當時已預告擇日公布女兒申請到哪間學校。他3日親自在臉書報喜,「侯塞蕾」成功申請到全世界前三名的藝術學校,美國紐約FIT( Fashion Institute of Technology),激動落淚喊,「我的侯家之光」。
    2023/06/05 08:50
  • 美商務部長雷蒙多:不會容忍中國封殺美光

    美國商務部長雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)今天表示,美國「不會容忍」中國封殺美光科技(Micron Technology, Inc.),並正與盟國密切合作,以應對這種「經濟脅迫」。
    2023/05/28 05:41
  • 中國祭美光禁令 白宮:不致破壞美中關係

    白宮發言人柯比(John Kirby)今天表示,中國封殺美光科技(Micron Technology, Inc.),不會傷害改善美中關係所做的努力。他強調,華盛頓已經直接與北京接觸。
    2023/05/25 14:53
  • Financial analyst says TikTok threat isn’t about privacy

    The controversy surrounding ByteDance’s TikTok app continues as the U.S. Congress pushes to ban the popular video-sharing platform, and TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testifies before lawmakers. 
    2023/04/04 16:32
  • Foxconn Founder Terry Gou discusses tech, Taiwan’s economy

    Foxconn Founder Terry Gou departed for the United States on March 27 for a 12-day trip to discuss technology, innovation and Taiwan’s economy with experts.
    2023/03/30 13:45
  • 美光等企業財測樂觀 「美股收紅」費半漲逾3.2%

    美國半導體公司美光科技(Micron Technology)等企業財測對前景樂觀,消除了市場對於經濟的若干擔憂,美股主要指數今天收紅,費半上漲逾3.2%。
    2023/03/30 09:01
  • Taiwan’s top weapons maker unveils drone development project

    Taiwan’s National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) unveiled part of its drone development project that includes the development of anti-radiation drones and loitering munitions Tuesday.
    2023/03/15 19:02
  • HTC continues expansion in Metaverse with MR technology

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — An HTC executive has revealed that the company is expanding its presence in the metaverse through the use of Mixed Reality (MR) technology headsets. 
    2023/03/03 19:03
  • Taiwanese companies showcase advanced 5G technology at MWC

    Taiwan’s top electronics firms are unveiling cutting-edge 5G and networking solutions at MWC 2023. 
    2023/03/03 18:52
  • FarEasTone debuts tech that extends 5G signals at MWC

    FarEasTone Telecom President Chee Ching unveiled the company’s latest tech innovation in collaboration with LiteOn Technology at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) on Tuesday (Feb. 28) in Barcelona.
    2023/03/03 18:48
  • Taiwan sends cute robot to deliver takeout food

    Taiwan has introduced its first-ever food delivery robot, which promises to revolutionize the way customers receive their food. The robot was unveiled on Wednesday at the Kaohsiung Software Technology Park.
    2023/02/23 19:38
  • Taiwan Teng Yun 2 prototype drone damaged during runway test

    A prototype of Taiwan’s Teng Yun 2 drone sustained damage during a recent test flight at the Hualien Airforce base on Wednesday (Feb. 22), according to the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST). 
    2023/02/23 19:26
  • 待美光3年遭裁!他爽拿「15個月大禮包」 網讚:根本賺翻

    科技大廠美光(Micron Technology)從去年底就宣布將會縮編員工人數,並於本月9日起陸續裁員。對此,就有1名自稱是美光員工的網友透露,他正是這波裁員潮的受害者之一,不過過去在製造部門待了3年的他,卻收到一筆鉅額資遣費,讓不少人看傻眼,直呼原PO根本「一夜致富」。
    2023/02/18 16:21
  • 台灣美光又裁員 桃園勞動局證實:已收3件勞資爭議調解

    半導體製造商大廠美光(Micron Technology)日前大動作裁員,同時針對高層減薪,結果台灣也傳出員工10分鐘前在開會「下秒被離職」。桃園市勞動局證實,光昨(13)日已收到3件美光的勞資爭議調解申請案,將依規定安排調解會議,另近日已排定時間,將請美光公司到府說明。
    2023/02/14 09:57
  • Taiwan cultivating next generation of semiconductor talents

    Recently, numerous science and technology institutions have focused on training talents for the semiconductor sector.
    2023/02/12 10:44
  • 【今晚熱搜】美光/HYBE/WBC/MSCI/CPI

    今(10)日晚熱搜關鍵字為「美光」。產業不景氣,半導體製造商大廠美光(Micron Technology)去(2022)年宣布裁員,隨後也針對高層減薪,最高降幅20%,如今裁員潮似乎延燒到台灣,台灣美光員工表示「開始裁員了」,透露有同事前1小時還在開會,突然就被通知裁員,前後花不到10分鐘。對此,台灣美光稍早也透過聲明回應,今(2023)年會透過自願離職、人員精減和減少外部招募的方式,縮減約10%的全球員工數,但並未透露台灣分公司預估的裁員規模及人數。以下為最受網友歡迎、點閱率最高的5則新聞。
    2023/02/10 21:18
  • 美光開始裁員!員工「10分鐘就走人」 公司證實回應了

    產業不景氣,半導體製造商大廠美光(Micron Technology)去年宣布裁員,隨後也針對高層減薪,最高降幅20%,如今裁員潮似乎延燒到台灣,台灣美光員工表示「開始裁員了」,透露有同事前1小時還在開會,突然就被通知裁員,前後花不到10分鐘。對此,台灣美光稍早也透過聲明回應,今年會透過自願離職、人員精減和減少外部招募的方式,縮減約10%的全球員工數,但並未透露台灣分公司預估的裁員規模及人數。
    2023/02/10 16:16
  • Taiwan top weapons maker tests missiles to boost defense

    The Chungshan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) conducted missile tests on Monday and Tuesday (Feb. 6-7) in southern Taiwan. 
    2023/02/08 18:00
  • New Taipei holds job fair to fill 3,000 local positions

    The New Taipei City government hosted its first major talent recruitment event of the year. Fifty-six firms participated, seeking to fill more than 3,000 job openings, primarily in the service, retail, and technology manufacturing sectors.
    2023/02/04 19:11
  • Taiwan develops AI technology to detect marine waste

    Around 8 million tons of garbage flows into the ocean every year, posing a significant threat to the global environment. To effectively detect marine waste in the sea, National Central University (NCU) has created a drone monitoring technology that can automatically identify the type of waste and track the source of the trash.
    2023/01/30 19:00
  • 彭博:Spotify最快將於本週開始裁員

    路透社今天引述彭博報導,Spotify Technology計劃最快將於本週開始裁員以縮減成本,加入近來裁減上萬員工的Alphabet Inc、亞馬遜公司和微軟公司行列。
    2023/01/23 15:21
  • 美中晶片戰台灣的關鍵角色 TVBS余文琦獨家專訪「晶片戰爭」作者米勒

    TVBS持續深根國際新聞,網路深度專訪單元《TVBS Meeting Room 國際焦點訪談》,本周TVBS國際新聞評論員余文琦獨家專訪《晶片戰爭》(Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology)作者、美國塔夫茨大學國際歷史副教授克里斯米勒(Chris Miller),以及前國家安全會議副秘書長楊永明。從美中的晶片爭奪戰、地緣政治的角度,探討半導體在近代國際局勢扮演的重要角色,以及對未來的政治軍事及地緣政治帶來的影響力。
    2023/01/05 16:42
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