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    technology 結果共257筆

  • Taiwan cultivating next generation of semiconductor talents

    Recently, numerous science and technology institutions have focused on training talents for the semiconductor sector.
    2023/02/12 10:44
  • 【今晚熱搜】美光/HYBE/WBC/MSCI/CPI

    今(10)日晚熱搜關鍵字為「美光」。產業不景氣,半導體製造商大廠美光(Micron Technology)去(2022)年宣布裁員,隨後也針對高層減薪,最高降幅20%,如今裁員潮似乎延燒到台灣,台灣美光員工表示「開始裁員了」,透露有同事前1小時還在開會,突然就被通知裁員,前後花不到10分鐘。對此,台灣美光稍早也透過聲明回應,今(2023)年會透過自願離職、人員精減和減少外部招募的方式,縮減約10%的全球員工數,但並未透露台灣分公司預估的裁員規模及人數。以下為最受網友歡迎、點閱率最高的5則新聞。
    2023/02/10 21:18
  • 美光開始裁員!員工「10分鐘就走人」 公司證實回應了

    產業不景氣,半導體製造商大廠美光(Micron Technology)去年宣布裁員,隨後也針對高層減薪,最高降幅20%,如今裁員潮似乎延燒到台灣,台灣美光員工表示「開始裁員了」,透露有同事前1小時還在開會,突然就被通知裁員,前後花不到10分鐘。對此,台灣美光稍早也透過聲明回應,今年會透過自願離職、人員精減和減少外部招募的方式,縮減約10%的全球員工數,但並未透露台灣分公司預估的裁員規模及人數。
    2023/02/10 16:16
  • Taiwan top weapons maker tests missiles to boost defense

    The Chungshan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) conducted missile tests on Monday and Tuesday (Feb. 6-7) in southern Taiwan. 
    2023/02/08 18:00
  • New Taipei holds job fair to fill 3,000 local positions

    The New Taipei City government hosted its first major talent recruitment event of the year. Fifty-six firms participated, seeking to fill more than 3,000 job openings, primarily in the service, retail, and technology manufacturing sectors.
    2023/02/04 19:11
  • Taiwan develops AI technology to detect marine waste

    Around 8 million tons of garbage flows into the ocean every year, posing a significant threat to the global environment. To effectively detect marine waste in the sea, National Central University (NCU) has created a drone monitoring technology that can automatically identify the type of waste and track the source of the trash.
    2023/01/30 19:00
  • 彭博:Spotify最快將於本週開始裁員

    路透社今天引述彭博報導,Spotify Technology計劃最快將於本週開始裁員以縮減成本,加入近來裁減上萬員工的Alphabet Inc、亞馬遜公司和微軟公司行列。
    2023/01/23 15:21
  • 美中晶片戰台灣的關鍵角色 TVBS余文琦獨家專訪「晶片戰爭」作者米勒

    TVBS持續深根國際新聞,網路深度專訪單元《TVBS Meeting Room 國際焦點訪談》,本周TVBS國際新聞評論員余文琦獨家專訪《晶片戰爭》(Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology)作者、美國塔夫茨大學國際歷史副教授克里斯米勒(Chris Miller),以及前國家安全會議副秘書長楊永明。從美中的晶片爭奪戰、地緣政治的角度,探討半導體在近代國際局勢扮演的重要角色,以及對未來的政治軍事及地緣政治帶來的影響力。
    2023/01/05 16:42
  • Taiwan companies join hands to expand EV charging network

    Taiwan’s electric vehicle industry aims to reach net-zero carbon emissions. Companies are working hand in hand with enterprises to integrate green energy applications and actively implement environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) goals.
    2022/12/29 11:02
  • Taiwan police unveil new tech to tackle cyber crimes

    In response to the growing popularity of face-swapping technology, the Criminal Investigation Bureau  spent tens of millions of dollars to acquire relevant forensic systems that can identify the authenticity of videos in a short period of time. 
    2022/12/28 12:21
  • Foxconn sets sights on global electric vehicle industry

    Not just TSMC, Foxconn is also investing in the United States, targeting the electric vehicle market. 
    2022/12/14 16:18
  • Some TSMC staff unhappy about U.S. relocation package

    TSMC employees who have relocated to the United States from Taiwan have claimed in a recent online post that they are being treated differently than the American staff. The article was posted on the online platform PTT, and translated and reposted on the American forum Reddit.
    2022/12/09 02:23
  • Doctors in Taiwan incorporate AR technology in surgeries

    Doctors are wearing high-tech glasses in the operating room, incorporating AR technology into surgeries. With 3D scans of the spine, AR assists doctors by widening their perspective during surgery, allowing them to have a more precise control, and helping them avoid any dangerous areas.
    2022/12/05 22:52
  • 鴻海搶數位健康事業!創無疆雲平台 多項目已進行臨床驗證

    鴻海(2317)發起的「台灣數位健康大聯盟(Harmony in Medical and Technology;HiMEDt)」今(1)日正式成立,並舉行第一屆專案研討會。鴻海B事業群會中首度揭櫫「無疆雲」健康雲平台、手持式智慧眼底影像擷取儀(JYE01)、眼底影像全方位健康AI判讀系統等成果,目前已於土城長庚醫院進行臨床驗證,為集團數位健康事業再下一城。
    2022/12/01 15:38
  • U.S. bans equipment sales from China’s tech giants

    The United States announced on Friday (Nov. 25) that it has banned sales and imports of technology equipment from Chinese tech giants Huawei and ZTE among others.
    2022/11/28 17:18
  • All eyes on Hsinchu mayoral candidates before elections

    The 9-in-1 elections will unfold on Saturday. As the center of science and technology in Taiwan and home to TSMC, Hsinchu’s political and economic status is highly important in the country. 
    2022/11/25 21:34
  • FCC commissioner: Chinese growing tech a rising threat

    The leaders of the world’s top superpowers, Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden, met in person in Bali at the G20 summit for the first time since Biden took office. Against this backdrop, TVBS Commentator Wenchi Yu spoke with Brendan Carr, commissioner of the Federal Communication Commissions of the U.S., on information censorship, semiconductor chips, and all things related to information and communications technology with the U.S., China, and Taiwan.
    2022/11/17 19:13
  • Taiwanese classrooms to receive 600,000 tablets

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education plans to invest NT20 billion between 2022 and 2025 to promote digital learning in Taiwan. 
    2022/11/14 19:00
  • Students improve Taiwanese Hokkien skills with AI system

    The most common struggle seen when using a speech recognition system is the machine not being able to identify what is being said. Through continuous optimization, these systems can achieve a higher recognition rate. Such an AI tool can make learning the Chinese, English, and Taiwanese Hokkien languages easier.
    2022/11/04 17:39
  • Taiwanese hospitals rely on AI to assist with treatment

    Artificial Intelligence is now able to analyze urine samples and perform cytological tests. According to results from published research from a hospital in Taichung, doctors will likely detect bladder cancer with tests that are less invasive in the future.
    2022/09/23 14:20
  • 美光營收預測拖累晶片股 美股收低科技股那指大跌

    由於美光(Micron Technology)下修本季營收預測,拖累晶片股,美國股市今天開低收低,科技類股那斯達克指數收盤大跌1.19%,費城半導體指數重挫4.57%。
    2022/08/10 06:08
  • 鴻海集團再砸11.15億元 增資電動車子公司

    鴻海今天公告,透過子公司再砸3750萬美元(約合新台幣11.15億元),轉增資電動車子公司Foxconn EV Technology Inc.,主要目的為長期投資。
    2022/05/09 17:15
  • 拓展電動車事業版圖!鴻海再砸11億增資電動車子公司

    鴻海今天公告,透過2家子公司再砸3900萬美元(約新台幣11.28億元),轉投資電動車子公司Foxconn EV Technology Inc.。
    2022/04/08 22:42
  • 歐美成立「晶片聯盟」想擺脫對台韓依賴 法國出招搶抓主導權

    隨著全球晶片供應鏈持續緊繃,歐盟及美國高級官員於9 月 29 日在美國賓州的匹茲堡(Pittsburgh)舉行首次會議,組建全新的「美歐貿易和技術委員會」(U.S.-EU Trade & Technology Council)相關事宜,攜手打造半導體合作夥伴關係,以擺脫對台灣及韓國的晶片代工廠的依賴。但在雙邊代表將就會議的聯合聲明草案達成一致時,法國卻企圖主導半導體議程、阻止雙方達成共識,要求延後有關半導體產業的談判。
    2021/10/03 12:02
  • Volvo減少碳排放從鋼材下手! 展現品牌永續精神

    來自瑞典的豪華品牌Volvo一直以來都以環保永續作為企業精神,不論在材料的選用亦或者是節能的科技發展,一直都處於領頭羊的角色,現在他們宣布一項新的減碳方式,那就是使用無化石煉鋼技術(Fossil-free Steelmaking Technology),讓碳足跡可以減少達40%,這也是全球第一間使用無化石煉鋼技術的汽車製造商。
    2021/06/18 14:14
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