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    love 結果共660筆

  • 《灌籃高手》電影片頭曲主唱罹食道癌 治療半年不敵病魔過世

    日本知名樂團「The Birthday」主唱千葉湧介4月才宣布罹患食道癌,他的經紀公司今日宣布,他不敵病魔,已於家人的陪伴下,在11月26日逝世,享年55歲。「The Birthday」演唱過知名動畫作品《灌籃高手 THE FIRST SLAM DUNK》主題曲〈LOVE ROCKETS〉,過去也曾造訪台灣開唱。千葉湧介過世的消息傳出後,讓粉絲相當心痛。
    2023/12/05 11:32
  • TVBS Charity Foundation fundraiser brings warmth to families

    The TVBS Charity Foundation’s fundraiser in Taipei, held on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, united local governments, churches, and social organizations to support disadvantaged communities. This event, endorsed by mayors Chiang Wan-an and George Hsieh, fostered love and hope, creating a beacon of warmth as Christmas approaches.
    2023/12/04 19:36
  • 示愛好累!韋禮安挑戰翻紙牌告白 竟因「這點」吃盡苦頭

    韋禮安攜手全球百大DJ Oliver Heldens共同推出全新英文單曲〈Out Of Love〉,他在MV中化身「時空旅人」,不斷奔跑穿越,只為追求一位他熱愛的女子,而這段追愛旅程從80年代到00年代,最後再到現代,特別的是Oliver Heldens以「AI」方式現身,與韋禮安互動,向他傳授現代追愛的秘訣。
    2023/12/04 13:30
  • 潘瑋柏婚禮「大咖雲集」!偶像王力宏獻唱祝福 楊丞琳、信全來了

    43歲歌手「潘帥」潘瑋柏和30歲「大陸最美空姐」宣雲(Luna)於2020年登記領證,外傳兩人已有愛的結晶,育有1女。時隔3年,夫妻倆終於在峇里島知烏魯瓦圖阿麗拉別墅飯店補辦婚禮,潘帥和愛妻更在昨(29)日接連曬出多張浪漫婚紗照。此外據了解,王力宏也出席擔任婚禮歌手,見證他倆真摯的愛外,更獻唱一首〈I Will Always Love You〉給予滿滿祝福。
    2023/11/30 10:41
  • 花蓮跨年卡司公開!畢書盡接棒羅志祥、白冰冰 真實心聲全說了

    花蓮跨年晚會前年祭出羅志祥復出重磅秀,去年則有白冰冰〈First Love〉驚天一唱,聲量及人氣始終不墜,今年要出什麼絕招吸引大眾,引發外界高度期待。今(28)日公開首波卡司,由好久不見的畢書盡獨家坐鎮花蓮,他表示:「睽違5年,很榮幸回到花蓮跟大家跨年,一起迎接新年很開心,又可以吃扁食了。」
    2023/11/28 16:15
  • 被列為被告!陳零九爆找師父「做這事」轉運 喊話:手上有證據

    由陳零九跟邱鋒澤組成的「九澤CP」,昨(25)日在台北小巨蛋舉行「九澤CP愛在你身邊LOVE GAME台北小巨蛋演唱會」,兩人首次攻上小巨蛋,除了帶來招牌抒情歌曲,還挑戰唱跳,帶嗨全場粉絲,而在台上,邱鋒澤也爆料陳零九吃素7天,慶功訪問時,陳零九坦言為了消除近來的衰事,有去找了師父,因為代言成了被告,他首度吐露心裡話。
    2023/11/26 12:26
  • 九澤CP唱一半!U:NUS團員摔倒褲子破洞衝上台 尷尬畫面曝

    由陳零九跟邱鋒澤組成的「九澤CP」,今(25)日在台北小巨蛋舉行「九澤CP愛在你身邊LOVE GAME台北小巨蛋演唱會」,除了帶來許多經典歌曲,嘉賓更一次祭出2組,其中令全場暴動的,就是找來師弟團4人高胥崴、高有翔、吳昱廷、蔡承祐組成的U:NUS,兩組人馬一起帶來合作曲〈暈嗎〉,6人更在演唱中突下台,前往特區中間的移動舞台上熱力賣舞,讓歌迷們又驚又喜。
    2023/11/25 21:38
  • 陳零九爆談戀愛了!與「她」互貼頭貼頭被拍 邱鋒澤:墨鏡戴好

    由陳零九跟邱鋒澤組成的「九澤CP」成軍邁入第四年,推出第二張專輯《愛在你身邊》,今(25)日在台北小巨蛋舉行「九澤CP愛在你身邊LOVE GAME台北小巨蛋演唱會」,他們身穿個性十足的紅藍對比印花外套,從升降高台開場,隨後與8位舞者帶來演唱會同名歌曲〈愛在你身邊〉,並一連演唱兩首新歌〈Replay〉、〈停好 挺好〉以及狼人殺情歌〈天亮請睜眼〉。兩人也走向X型延伸台兩側與特區觀眾互動,演唱拉丁舞曲〈停好 挺好〉時,九澤CP更在台上熱力 dance battle,舞者也以帥氣舞姿助陣,嗨翻全場。
    2023/11/25 21:14
  • 曾寶儀主持失態「瞬間噴淚」 滿島光幫拭淚!後台超暖舉動曝光

    以日劇《First Love初戀》在度暴紅的日本女神滿島光,此次受邀來台參與金馬60頒獎典禮頒獎嘉賓,並出席金馬大師課,與學員分享個人經歷,而23日她出席記者會,表示希望自己能透過演員的身份,為悲傷痛苦的角色發聲,沒想到話才剛講完,竟讓主持人曾寶儀當場感動落淚,而事後曾寶儀也在個人粉專上,分享了滿島光記者會結束後,在後台的超暖舉動。
    2023/11/25 11:20
  • Terry Gou supporters shocked, disappointed by withdrawal

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou has withdrawn from the race for the 2024 Taiwan presidential election, surprising his supporters. Gou had previously secured enough signatures to make a bid for the presidency. The announcement came just as the registration for the presidential and legislative elections closed. Despite expressing disappointment, supporters respected Gou’s decision for the greater good. Gou’s withdrawal followed a request from Taiwan People’s Party candidate Ko Wen-je, which caused discontent among his supporters. Gou had campaigned in Chiayi City, where he had support from the "Friends of A-Ming" group. The group had successfully reached the petition threshold, but were not forewarned about Gou’s decision. In his withdrawal statement, Gou emphasized his unwavering spirit on the global business stage and his love for Taiwan’s people. He highlighted the importance of victory and regime change for Taiwan, stating that an unwillingness to compromise is unacceptable for those seeking political turnover.
    2023/11/25 10:59
  • 金馬60/日本女神滿島光想長住台灣一年 來台行蹤說溜嘴

    去年演出《First Love 初戀》爆紅的日本神級女星滿島光,今年來台參與第60屆金馬獎頒獎典禮,將與許光漢同台頒獎,今(23)日出席金馬60記者會,此次是第3次來台的她透露,自己真的非常喜歡台灣,如果有機會想在台灣長住一年。另外,即將在11月30日迎來38歲生日的滿島光,提到了生日願望,她笑說希望在有生之年能演出台灣的電影。
    2023/11/23 17:58
  • 合作國際大咖!韋禮安激動心聲全說了 嗨喊「終於輪到我」

    韋禮安攜手全球百大DJ Oliver Heldens,將推出英文單曲〈OUT OF LOVE〉,以電音打造充滿80年代Disco舞曲,這是他未嘗試過的曲風,對此興奮表示:「我特別喜歡突破、踏出舒適圈的挑戰,希望大家會喜歡我們的作品!」
    2023/11/23 16:01
  • Lai and Hsiao promise to guide Taiwan towards unity

    Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate, officially launched his campaign alongside running mate Hsiao Bi-khim, emphasizing their shared mission to lead Taiwan towards a prosperous future. Lai praised Hsiao’s previous performances in Taipei and Hualien, particularly her handling of Taiwan-U.S. relations during her term as representative to the U.S. With global attention on Taiwan’s election, Lai emphasized the need for an experienced and steady leader to guide the country towards democracy, peace, and prosperity. Lai and Hsiao appealed to voters by promising steadfast guidance and uniting Taiwan on the right path. Hsiao’s return to politics is driven by her deep love for Taiwan and joint efforts towards national prosperity.
    2023/11/22 19:39
  • 周渝民曖昧林依晨 脫口「跟大自然做愛」神台詞 取景秘境曝光

    金馬開幕片《車頂上的玄天上帝》上映4天開出近600萬票房,為答謝粉絲支持,男女主角林依晨、周渝民個人版海報加碼亮相,電影堪稱導演黃文英獻給台灣的一封情書,將全台各地美景及在地文化盡收片裡,尤其是導演的故鄉嘉義滿載「家」的回憶,令許多觀眾被深深觸動,而片中周渝民有一句台詞,「這就是跟大自然做愛的感覺吧!」拍攝的秘境「翡翠之眼」及激似日劇《First Love 初戀》的圓環場景等網美地圖,都吸引眾多民眾走訪朝聖,以另一種方式「看見台灣」。
    2023/11/21 19:47
  • 五月天阿信喊讚!正妹女團曬超美制服Look 訴超甜閨密情

    五月天阿信力挺的全新創作女團「BOOM!怪物星人」,由溫妮、郁采真(小V)、魏嘉瑩(小魏)及琳誼組成,日前推出抒情主打〈Still Love You〉,傳遞專屬女孩們的閨密之情,MV更飛往日本鐮倉取景,4人難得換上高校制服入鏡,在豔陽藍天、無際海灘、日式建築、天橋等場景,呈現青春氣息。
    2023/11/16 11:43
  • 才放閃老婆!韋禮安突喊失去一段關係 認了:一言難盡

    韋禮安今(11)日舉辦首場「如果可以,我想和你明天再見again」台北小巨蛋演唱會,演唱會後半段,他自彈自唱時,選唱到一首很久沒有表演過的歌曲〈累〉時,透露這首歌是太太指定要點的曲目,他除了感謝老婆一直以來的支持外,還開玩笑的說:「當韋禮安老婆,沒那麼輕鬆。」他也用下一首歌〈Cheap Love〉回應太太,表示雖然這是一首悲傷的情歌,但副歌歌詞「It’s hard to find/Another kind of rhyme/That’s better than You and I」,能代表他們的相遇,直接在小巨蛋萬人面前大方放閃,讓歌迷們尖叫連連。
    2023/11/11 23:06
  • Coldplay高雄開唱前送暖 志工團伴弱勢兒同樂

    英國天團Coldplay今明2天將在高雄開唱,所屬慈善團隊Love Button上午前往愛與希望兒童之家陪伴弱勢兒童讀書同樂,歌迷也加入志工團,盼能在聽歌前一起做公益散播愛。
    2023/11/11 16:35
  • 日韓異國戀!韓星竟出演「日劇男主」 日媒曝原因:切割傑尼斯

    過去曾是模特兒的南韓男演員蔡鍾協,有著186公分的高挑身材,被網友譽為「犬系小鮮肉」,也出演過《無法抗拒的他》、《無人島的DIVA》等,多部膾炙人口的作品。近期蔡鍾協將擔任日劇《Eye Love You》的男主角,和女星二階堂富美同台飆戲,消息一出,讓許多粉絲相當驚喜。
    2023/11/11 09:19
  • 《語意錯誤2》導演親曝最新進度! 宋偉恩哀求客串:錢我自己出

    這幾年BL(Boy’s Love)跟GL(Girl’s Love)的影劇作品颳起熱潮,韓國更出了獲封「韓腐天花板」BL作品《語意錯誤》,LINE TV與文化內容策進院共同合作「Be Love,Go Love -華語原創影集開發計畫」,就邀請到《語意錯誤》導演金率挺、企劃製作人李賀恩,及《HIStory3-那一天》主演宋偉恩出席記者會與大師講堂,沒想到宋偉恩為了求能在韓劇中露臉,放話願意自掏腰包演出!
    2023/11/08 18:25
  • DPP calls Ko’s stance on LGBTQ issues ’inconsistent’

    The spokesperson for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign, Tai Wei-shan, criticized Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je for pandering for votes and inconsistent messaging, particularly regarding his stance on same-sex marriage. Ko’s position on same-sex marriage has reportedly changed four times in the past nine years. In 2014, Ko publicly expressed support for "freedom to love, marriage equality" during his mayoral campaign. However, during a 2019 visit to the U.S., he stated that he voted against same-sex marriage but allowed 125,000 people to march. In 2020, he posted on Facebook that he cast a void vote on the topic of homosexuality. Yet, during a lecture at a Kaohsiung campus, he denied ever saying that he voted against same-sex marriage. Tai urged Ko to stop relying on "shortcut tricks" to win the election and emphasized the importance of politicians possessing a fundamental attitude toward societal values, respecting crucial issues, and demonstrating consistency.
    2023/11/07 18:08
  • Foreign resident in Taiwan calls for improved road safety

    A foreign resident in Taichung, Taiwan expressed concerns about the nation’s traffic regulations and pedestrian safety in a Facebook group. Despite his love for Taiwan, he fears crossing the road and regretted his move at times. He called for genuine progress in Taiwan and urged political figures to address traffic-related casualties.
    2023/11/05 21:24
  • 還記得《海派甜心》嗎?全新CP人物出爐 挑戰羅志祥跟楊丞琳

    同理Zunya和林茉曦全新翻唱的〈In Your Eyes〉,這首歌在2010年收錄於楊丞琳專輯《Rainie & Love…?雨愛》與羅志祥專輯《羅生門》中,兩人當年共同主演經典偶像劇《海派甜心》成為螢幕情侶搭檔,掀起一波偶像劇經典CP熱潮,兩位流行天王天后更攜手對唱該據的插曲〈In Your Eyes〉,透過輕快旋律與浪漫俏皮的歌詞,讓劇迷們紛紛享受劇中這對歡喜冤家的親密鬥嘴節奏,成功打進許多粉絲的心中,是許多人追劇青春年代裡,最粉紅、浪漫的經典存在。
    2023/10/31 18:26
  • Taiwan ramps up defenses against Chinese infiltration

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense has reported to the Legislative Yuan on four methods of infiltration by China: "compatriot’s affection," "familial love," "organized crime," and "online communication." The National Army is taking measures to counter these infiltration tactics, including domain safety checks on military computer networks and careful examination of file transfer procedures. China’s state security agency has been actively penetrating Taiwan’s defenses with espionage activities, targeting classified information on underground organizations. The MJIB plans to strengthen reconnaissance-based technologies and the agile use of computing to ensure effective case investigations.
    2023/10/30 14:50
  • 周湯豪唱一半全身濕透被拱脫衣 突脫口「好消息」台下嗨翻

    「全能天王」周湯豪上週末受邀於新加坡One Love Asia Festival 音樂節演出,已經6年沒在新加坡演出的他,一連帶來11首經典歌曲,長達40分鐘演出誠意滿滿,有趣的是,以往他潮流icon的舞台魅力總是High到獲女粉脱「罩」致敬,來到新加坡,飆唱到濕身喊熱的他,反而被粉絲拱脫衣,周湯豪笑回:「你很色、很變態喔,叫我脫掉。不行啦!我吃太多海南雞飯了。」
    2023/10/30 13:38
  • Tsai encourages unity and diversity ahead of Pride Parade

    President Tsai Ing-wen expresses hopes for Taiwan’s unity and support for diversity ahead of the 21st Taiwan Pride Parade. She highlights the passing of the same-sex marriage bill as a significant accomplishment and symbol of joint effort. Tsai emphasizes Taiwan’s commitment to respecting individual differences and driving progress in society. She warmly welcomes friends from around the world to participate in the parade, which emphasizes the importance of unity in Taiwan’s diverse society.
    2023/10/28 15:10
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