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  • 《腦筋急轉彎2》上映首週全球票房近百億台幣!打破《芭比》紀錄

    由迪士尼與皮克斯聯手打造的動畫電影《腦筋急轉彎2(Inside Out 2)》全美首週票房成績驚人,以1.55億美元(約新台幣50.3億元)的總收入,超越《沙丘:第二部》、《哥吉拉與金剛:新帝國》等,問鼎今年首映票房冠軍;而這部電影更是繼去(2023)年7月《Barbie芭比》之後,第一部首週票房超過1億美元的電影!《腦筋急轉彎2》在影院評分(CinemaScore)上獲得「A」級,並在爛番茄(Rotten Tomatoes)獲得了92%的新鮮評價,深受影評人和觀眾喜愛。
    2024/06/18 17:51
  • MOFA highlights global awareness of threat to status quo

    Explore the latest efforts by Taiwan and the U.S. to maintain peace in the Taiwan Strait amidst challenges. This article covers diplomatic strategies and the strengthening of U.S.-Taiwan relations.
    2024/06/18 17:50
  • 蘋果加入AI真香? 外媒吐槽:9成用戶「看得到用不到」

    蘋果執行長庫克(Tim Cook)先前在全球開發者大會(WWDC)上,宣布引入人工智慧(AI)的重大消息。雖然引起外界大量討論,以及讓全球果粉非常期待,但許多外媒在仔細看完蘋果公司的演講文稿和網站公告細節公告細節後,紛紛在報導中吐槽,表示新加入的AI酷炫功能,實際上對90%以上現有的iPhone用戶,根本是「看得到卻用不到」。除非他們額外掏腰包,購買iPhone 15 Pro或更新、更高單價的機型,才能體驗這些科幻新功能。
    2024/06/18 17:36
  • Taiwan plans to fund HPV shots for junior high boys by 2025

    Discover how Taiwan plans to expand HPV vaccinations to junior high boys by 2025, aiming for nationwide coverage and addressing vaccination disparities. Learn about the ongoing discussions on enhancing vaccine accessibility for other diseases.
    2024/06/18 17:17
  • Taiwan aims to boost domestic orchid consumption

    Discover how Taiwan’s "Orchid Kingdom" achieves a booming NT$7 billion in sales, driven by young farmers’ innovation and efforts to integrate orchids into daily life. Learn about the challenges and future prospects of this flourishing industry.
    2024/06/18 17:14
  • Taiwan sees rise in average age of first marriages to 31.65

    Discover why the average age of first marriages in Taiwan has risen to 31.65 years and how neuroscience, societal changes, and education levels influence marriage decisions and singlehood rates.
    2024/06/18 17:09
  • Air pollution linked to rising lung cancer rates in Taiwan

    Explore the alarming link between air pollution and lung cancer in Taiwan, where cancer has been the leading cause of death for over four decades. Discover how prolonged exposure to PM2.5 is a significant risk factor, surpassing even smoking in some cases, and learn about the urgent calls for action to combat this public health crisis.
    2024/06/18 17:01
  • Threads年輕人賺翻!「月收20萬」職業公開 全場怒揭黑暗面

    2024/06/18 16:51
  • 館長為狄鶯叫屈「開轟孫安佐」:你就是王X蛋!他不忍了隔空反擊

    2024/06/18 15:48
  • Taiwan sees spike in COVID-19 cases

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s COVID-19 situation: a surge in cases, rising death toll, vaccination updates, and the prevalence of variant strains. Stay informed on public health measures.
    2024/06/18 15:35
  • Hsiao Bi-khim emphasizes AI role in Taiwan’s digital growth

    Discover how Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim emphasizes AI and digital economy growth in Taiwan, aiming for balanced development across sectors. Read more on her vision for the future.
    2024/06/18 14:50
  • 越南來回機票下殺!1日遊買一送一 越式洗頭僅86元起

    2024/06/18 14:19
  • 腸病毒爆重症!北部女嬰「痙攣、眼睛上吊」急送ICU

    2024/06/18 14:09
  • Taiwan’s MND head confirms Chinese submarine sighting

    Discover the latest on a Chinese submarine spotted near Taiwan’s median line in the Taiwan Strait, confirmed by Defense Minister Wellington Koo. Learn about the unexpected encounter and ongoing speculations.
    2024/06/18 14:08
  • Tainan offers NT$1,000 rewards for dengue fever self-reports

    Discover how Tainan is combating a surge in dengue fever cases with a unique incentive program, offering NT$1,000 vouchers for self-reporting cases. Learn about the city’s prevention efforts and rewards for citizens and foreign workers.
    2024/06/18 13:50
  • 迎接次世代通信時代 5G Team Taiwan東京盛會展實力

    日本通信技術盛會「COMNEXT次世代通信技術展」將於6月26日至28日在東京國際展示場(Tokyo Big Sight)盛大展開。日本通信技術盛會「COMNEXT次世代通信技術展」將於6月26日至28日在東京國際展示場西展示館(Tokyo Big Sight)盛大展開。臺灣七家重量級網通業者將組成「5G Team Taiwan」,在經濟部產業發展署(IDA,下稱產發署)及財團法人資訊工業策進會(III,下稱資策會)的帶領下,攜手赴日參展,共同展示台灣在5G垂直整合及創新應用方面的卓越實力。
    2024/06/18 13:17
  • Taiwan Railway adds stops for Fulong Sand Sculpture Festival

    Discover the Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival in Taiwan this summer. Taiwan Railway adds extra train stops at Fulong Station on weekends from June 29 to Sept. 1 to accommodate tourists. Enjoy 45 sand sculptures, including LINE FRIENDS characters, until mid-October.
    2024/06/18 11:50
  • 疫情後最猛!台版偶像甲子園7月登場 39組日台泰韓偶像大車拚

    由IDOL KINGDOM主辦的「TAIPEI CITY IDOL EXPO」 即將於7月27、28日一連兩天在Zepp New Taipei盛大舉行。此次活動共匯集了39組演出者,而且不限日本團體,分別有10組日本偶像、19組台灣偶像、5組香港偶像、5組泰國偶像與1組韓國偶像,「TAIPEI CITY IDOL EXPO」因此被冠上「台版アイドル甲子園」(偶像甲子園)的美譽!這也是新冠疫情結束後,台灣最大規模的日本偶像祭典。
    2024/06/18 11:33
  • 富邦悍將歡迎他回家 張育成投身中職選秀挑戰「狀元最高薪」

    2024/06/18 11:29
  • Cancer leads as Taiwan’s top cause of death in 2023

    Discover the top ten causes of death in Taiwan for 2023, with a focus on the prevalence of respiratory diseases and cancer’s impact. Learn about the urgent issues and statistics.
    2024/06/18 11:28
  • 發錢了!必應創造曝營收「10年來新紀錄」 董事長親揭下一步

    2024/06/18 11:23
  • 女星爆KTV自助吧自帶空盒「偷打包食物回家」 不認錯反嗆:沒人吃很浪費

    女星張棋惠過去曾與楊丞琳、黃小柔、冷嘉琳組成女子團體《4 In Love》,個性有些天然呆、小迷糊,前陣子還意外10幾張支票通通丟進垃圾桶,日前她上節目,竟自爆KTV偷打包自助吧食物,惹眾人罵!
    2024/06/18 11:05
  • Civilian flights near Taiwan’s islands monitored for safety

    Discover how Taiwan responded to China’s civilian aircraft flying over Kinmen and Matsu, emphasizing airspace control and safety measures. Read about the consensus reached between the two sides.
    2024/06/18 10:45
  • RIIZE首來台開唱!遺憾無緣芒果冰、珍奶 化身許光漢告白我愛你

    韓國SM娛樂新生代男團RIIZE出道後首度訪台,上週六(15日)在新北市工商展覽中心舉辦「2024 RIIZE FAN-CON TOUR ’RIIZING DAY’ IN TAIPEI」,與超過4000名BRIIZE(粉絲名)同歡。SHOTARO、EUNSEOK、SUNGCHAN、WONBIN、SOHEE和ANTON初次來到台北,不僅搶先公開新歌舞步、中文連發,更獻唱中文歌曲,重現〈想見你〉、〈我的少女時代〉經典場面,展現滿滿誠意。
    2024/06/18 10:25
  • Taiwan braces for heavy rain and high heat, CWA warns

    Discover the latest weather update from the Central Weather Administration: Increased rainfall and high temperatures across Taiwan, with an orange heat alert in Taitung. Stay informed on precautions for intense UV rays and hydration tips.
    2024/06/18 10:22
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