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  • 愛莉莎莎突喊「要把所有名牌包賣掉」!背後原因曝 震驚全網

    2024/06/11 15:51
  • Taiwan launches association to boost digital economy

    Discover how Taiwan is advancing its digital economy through the launch of the Taiwan Parliamentary Exchange and Promotion Association for Digital Technology and the New Economy, led by DPP legislator Michelle Lin. This initiative aims to foster government-industry cooperation and includes plans for talent transformation, international exchanges, and smart city policies.
    2024/06/11 15:26
  • 韓團演唱會2024》來台售票資訊懶人包!(G)I-DLE、高雄拼盤來了

    韓團演唱會來了!2024年韓星來台,整理演唱會、見面會搶票時間售票資訊,7月高雄拼盤演唱會K-MEGA CONCERT,(G)I-DLE演唱會、TXT演唱會將在10月登場。
    2024/06/11 14:41
  • President Lai Ching-te approves review of reform bills

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s legislative reform: President Lai Ching-te approves a reconsideration proposal for the parliamentary reform bill, highlighting the ongoing debate and challenges in the legislative process.
    2024/06/11 14:20
  • TSMC, ESMC to boost Europe’s chip industry in Germany

    Discover how TSMC and ESMC’s collaboration in Dresden, Germany, aims to boost Europe’s semiconductor manufacturing capabilities, creating nearly 2,000 jobs and enhancing the industry’s ecosystem by 2027.
    2024/06/11 14:17
  • 金秀賢跟女偶像爆戀情!被拍「野外親密聊天」 雙方公司火速回應

    2024/06/11 14:16
  • TIFF event to explore Edward Yang’s impact on global cinema

    Explore the legacy of Taiwanese director Edward Yang at TIFF Cinematheque’s retrospective from July 4-30, 2024, featuring classics like "Yi Yi" and discussions on his cinematic influence.
    2024/06/11 14:13
  • Man drives speedboat to Taiwan wharf, sparks security debate

    Explore the recent incident where a man drove a speedboat to Tamsui Fisherman’s Wharf, sparking discussions on China’s possible "grey zone" tactics and Taiwan’s defense responses.
    2024/06/11 14:02
  • 印尼羽賽/戴資穎恭喜陳雨菲奪冠 她暖回:謝謝小戴姐早日康復

    2024/06/11 12:33
  • Chinese man defects to Taiwan, arrested upon arrival

    Discover the story of a 60-year-old man from China who attempted to defect to Taiwan by navigating a boat into the Tamsui River, leading to his arrest and sparking a government response to tighten national security measures.
    2024/06/11 12:05
  • China, Pakistan reaffirm "One China" principle, irk Taiwan

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s response to China and Pakistan’s joint statement on the "One China" principle, emphasizing its independence and democratic values.
    2024/06/11 12:05
  • Taiwan FDA finds carcinogen in US sauces, orders destruction

    Discover why Taiwan’s FDA is destroying three U.S.-imported seasoning sauces, including a popular steak sauce, due to carcinogen ethylene oxide detection. Learn more about the safety measures.
    2024/06/11 11:50
  • YouBike service outage affects commuters nationwide

    Discover why Taiwan’s FDA is destroying three U.S.-imported seasoning sauces, including a popular steak sauce, due to carcinogen ethylene oxide detection. Learn more about the safety measures.
    2024/06/11 11:38
  • Taiwan tracks 19 Chinese aircraft and ships in 24 hours

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s defense as it monitors a surge in Chinese military activity, with 19 aircraft and ships detected near the Taiwan Strait, escalating regional tensions.
    2024/06/11 11:25
  • Taiwan braces for hot, humid week with thunderstorms ahead

    Discover the latest weather update for Taiwan: a week of hot, humid conditions with sporadic showers and thunderstorms due to a persistent southwest wind and a lingering front. Learn about the areas affected, safety advice, and expert insights on navigating the weather.
    2024/06/11 11:05
  • How TSMC went global? A firsthand account from Mark Liu

    Explore how TSMC’s Chairman navigates geopolitics, technology leadership, and sustainability, aiming for global expansion and innovation in the semiconductor industry.
    2024/06/11 10:49
  • 攜手Chat GPT 蘋果開發者大會秀AI生力軍

    蘋果開發者大會最大亮點,就是Apple Intelligence,蘋果的AI軍團。蘋果宣布正式與Chat GPT合作,未來用戶在手機上寫訊息、email,查資料或利用SIRI,都更加人性化,光靠文字,AI就能幫你生成圖像,手機功能升級,變身超級助理。 
    2024/06/11 10:16
  • AirPods超狂進化!新增頭部動作辨識 「點頭」秒接電話

    2024/06/11 09:35
  • 蘋果WWDC來了! Siri再進化「觸控下指令」 AI新功能一覽

    AI浪潮襲來!Apple年度盛事WWDC24(Worldwide Developers Conference)在台灣時間11日凌晨一點登場,並宣布多項新技術,其中最受矚目的是AI「Apple Intelligence」。Siri因應這次更新變得更智能,不僅可透過AI寫信調整語氣和用法,還與OPEN AI結合。另visionOS2將於6月底在中國和日本上市,並與ChatGPT整合三大亮點。
    2024/06/11 08:46
  • 淚認難受孕!電競女神瑀熙求子1年 挺肚曬辣照:終於等到你

    2024/06/11 07:42
  • EXO伯賢再槓前東家!帶頭控4大惡行 遭SM強勢回應法院見

    2024/06/10 23:15
  • 辣曬華麗深V禮服!最美檢座「渾圓曲線」全看光 曝1喜訊

    2024/06/10 22:00
  • 「Y3K」潮流來襲!女團aespa獨領風燒 穿搭技巧一次看

    Y2K風格在2020年開始迅速竄紅,這種風格起源於2000年代初期,充滿了閃亮的面料、低腰牛仔褲和細肩帶上衣。從最初期芭莉絲·希爾頓的風格可謂Y2K風格鼻祖,她的粉紅運動套裝搭配雪靴和LOUIS VUITTON漆皮包,完美體現了這一風格的精髓。近代明星包括Bella Hadid 、NewJeans、BLACKPINK 、Dua Lipa⋯⋯Y2K復古風格重溫了那段充滿活力和創新的年代,但隨著時尚圈的快速變化,一個全新的風潮正在悄悄萌芽——Y3K風格。
    2024/06/10 20:27
  • 美5月就業、薪資又加速! IKEA「虛擬商店」徵才

    2024/06/10 20:00
  • 1天之內狂吸百萬讚!張員瑛曝「驚人美照」 女粉絲嗨翻:要嫁了

    南韓女團IVE的成員張員瑛,自2018年參加選秀節目《PRODUCE 48》以來,就是娛樂圈的話題人物,不只多次主持大型的頒獎典禮,還登上各大的時尚雜誌封面,可說是未來的明日之星。日前張員瑛在個人IG上發布了多張美照,不到24小時,就吸引超過127萬個讚。
    2024/06/10 19:30
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