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    crime 結果共35筆

  • Taipei police department welcomes new commissioner

    Discover the latest leadership change at the Taipei City Police Department with Commissioner Li Hsi-ho taking charge. Mayor Chiang Wan-an emphasizes traffic safety and crime prevention for 2024. Learn more about their plans for a safer Taipei.
    2024/06/06 17:58
  • Taiwan’s DPP and KMT clash over contempt of parliament bill

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan passing a new amendment to introduce the crime of contempt of parliament, sparking debates and a heated altercation among legislators.
    2024/05/29 13:07
  • Premier to push for anti-fraud laws in legislative meeting

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai is taking a stand against fraud with a proposed set of laws aimed at enhancing law enforcement’s capabilities. Learn about the "New Four Anti-Fraud Laws" and their potential impact on internet platforms, financial institutions, and penalties for fraud.
    2024/05/22 14:28
  • 馬克宏逆風?與美立場分歧 法:挺國際刑事法院「逮捕以色列總理」

    以色列與巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)間的衝突,至今逾7個月,國際刑事法院(ICC)檢察官辦公室20日依涉嫌違反戰爭罪(war crime)和反人類罪(crimes against humanity),申請逮捕以國總理納坦雅胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)、國防部長加蘭特(Yoav Gallant),哈瑪斯三名領袖。美國和許多歐洲國家均批評逮捕令不可接受,法國卻逆風表態支持決定。
    2024/05/21 14:10
  • Ocean Affairs Minister promotes maritime careers

    Ocean Affairs Council Minister Kuan Bi-ling encourages students at Central Police University to join maritime patrol, highlighting the role’s importance in safeguarding maritime sovereignty, fighting crime, and ensuring safety at sea. Kuan commits to supporting educational resources and promoting international cooperation to enhance maritime patrol capabilities and uphold the "three safeties."
    2024/05/03 11:49
  • Taiwan’s Digital Minister Tang endorses successor

    Taiwan’s Digital Minister Audrey Tang expresses confidence in her successor, Huang Yen-nun, and the new cabinet announced by Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai. Tang highlights the handover process and the submission of key legislative proposals to the Legislative Yuan, ensuring a smooth transition for Huang’s policy implementation.
    2024/04/24 14:54
  • 不滿番茄汁太甜留「別坑人」負評 女遭控不實煽動恐被關7年

    奈及利亞一名女子日前食用純番茄汁(tomato purée)後,不滿口味太甜在網路上發表負評,未料被商家控訴不實煽動、詆毀聲譽,經調查後確認違反《網路犯罪禁止法》(Cyber Crime Prohibition Act),恐面臨最高7年監禁、50億奈拉(約1.1億新台幣)罰款。
    2024/03/28 12:06
  • 女星《黑手黨餐廳》對抗洗錢組織 任「聯合國難民署大使」

    義大利女星葛麗泰史卡拉諾(Greta Scarano)最近在美食電影《歡迎光臨黑手黨餐廳》(An Italian Gourmet Crime Story)飾演「追星」女主廚,即使面對黑手黨「男烹友」的追求,依然心無旁鶩,一心只想摘下米其林星星。感人的是,她除了演戲、導戲,同時還擔任「聯合國難民署大使」四處宣揚世界和平。日前她就為反對「以巴衝突」呼籲保護平民而在羅馬發起遊行,與她在電影《歡迎光臨黑手黨餐廳》的急公好義個性如出一轍。
    2024/01/30 13:21
  • Taiwan’s youth Culture Points misused, legal actions loom

    The Ministry of Culture in Taiwan has identified violations related to the use of Culture Points, distributed to individuals aged 16-22, for promoting youth engagement in the performing arts, exhibitions, and book consumption. Businesses, including beauty and nail salons, have been caught illegally accepting these points. The Ministry has warned these venues and legal action has not been ruled out, as fraudulently claiming benefits is considered a crime under Article 339 of the Criminal Code, carrying a maximum sentence of five years imprisonment. Additionally, some young people have been selling their Culture Points on social platforms and auction sites, potentially exposing their personal data. To address this issue, the Ministry has performed a database comparison and locked emails of accounts with large amounts of Culture Points, urging citizens to reconfirm their identities to reclaim usage rights.
    2024/01/25 17:06
  • 米其林星級主廚親授拿坡里傳統料理 「洗錢」專用餐廳意外爆紅

    薩爾瓦多埃斯波西托(Salvatore Esposito)在美味犯罪喜劇片《歡迎光臨黑手黨餐廳》(An Italian Gourmet Crime Story)飾演面惡心善黑手黨成員,為演出特地跟米其林星級主廚克莉絲蒂娜鮑爾曼(Cristina Bowerman)學習拿坡里傳統料理「馬鈴薯義大利麵」(Neapolitan-style pasta and potatoes),每一口滿滿的家鄉味,讓他拍片特別有沉浸感。
    2024/01/23 17:08
  • 黑手黨為「洗錢」開高級餐廳掩人耳目 女主廚闖入生活成救贖

    喜劇電影《歡迎光臨黑手黨餐廳》(An Italian Gourmet Crime Story)邀請「黑手黨專業戶」票房男星薩爾瓦多埃斯波西托(Salvatore Esposito)與銀緞帶獎女星葛麗泰史卡拉諾(Greta Scarano)共同主演,​​​​​​​導演大衛明尼拉更請出羅馬知名米其林星級主廚克莉絲蒂娜鮑爾曼(Cristina Bowerman)出馬,親自烹煮片中代表拿坡里傳統風味的「馬鈴薯義大利麵」來呼應「食物具有靈魂」的電影主題,強調只要用心烹調,「美食足以拯救靈魂」。
    2024/01/11 14:11
  • Report: Hou Yu-ih’s victory could ease Taiwan-China tensions

    If Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih wins the election, Taiwan’s political and economic situation could undergo significant changes, potentially easing tensions with China, according to a report by Nikkei Asia. Hou, a former police officer, has risen quickly in the political scene and is seen as a "law and order" poster child. Many Taiwanese voters are tired of President Tsai Ing-wen’s eight-year reign, especially regarding the increasing threat from China and slowing economic growth. Hou frames the election as a choice between peace and war, emphasizing the need to maintain good cross-strait relations. He accepts the 1992 Consensus and promises to restart the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA). Additionally, Hou advocates for a tough stance against crime and opposes the abolition of the death penalty, vowing to execute capital punishment if elected.
    2024/01/06 16:09
  • KMT Hou Yu-ih advocates for enhanced school safety

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih emphasizes the need for greater school safety and government attention to adolescent crime. Responding to his running mate Jaw Shaw-kong’s comments on a talk show, Hou proposes amendments to the juvenile incident handling law, taking inspiration from Japanese laws. He vows to prevent gang incursion into schools and increase criminal responsibility for those involved in crimes. Hou also advocates for supporting teachers and implementing guidance mechanisms. His zero-tolerance policy towards school safety issues reflects his commitment to preventing similar events in the future.
    2024/01/03 18:34
  • Police: Students found with weapons to face criminal charges

    Students in Tucheng Precinct of New Taipei City Police Department who are found with harmful weapons like knives will face legal consequences under the Criminal Code of the Republic of China, Social Order Maintenance Act, and Juvenile Justice Act. Recently, a student named Kuo and a girl named Lin were arrested on suspicion of instigating a serious crime, and they are currently being investigated for an attempted murder case. They have been sent to a juvenile court for trial. Kuo, accused of slashing the throat of a classmate named Yang, has been detained, while Lin has been held responsible. In response to the incident, Tucheng police and the school have increased patrols on campus and provided psychological counseling for students who witnessed the event.
    2023/12/26 11:37
  • Ex-DPP councilor and aide indicted in data acquisition case

    Former Taoyuan City Councillor, Kuo Li-hua, of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and her assistant Liu Tsai-jou have been indicted for allegedly purchasing private information in support of Foxconn founder, Terry Gou, during his independent presidential candidacy. The indictment states that Kuo, under Liu’s direction, secured 325 blank endorsement forms on six separate occasions, totaling a transaction of NT$88,400. Law enforcement officials seized critical evidence, including endorsement registers and text messages, which implicated Kuo and Liu. Despite Kuo’s denial, the Taiwan Taoyuan District Prosecutors Office (TYC) emphasized that they and six others had clearly committed the crime and were officially prosecuted. The TYC has also requested a heavier sentence for Kuo due to her hostility after committing the crime.
    2023/12/21 15:34
  • KMT’s Hou Yu-ih pledges major fraud crackdown in Taiwan

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and his running mate, Jaw Shaw-kong, have pledged to crack down on Taiwan’s rampant fraud industry. If elected, they plan to conduct a sweeping operation against fraud groups in their first year, aiming to reduce fraud cases to a third of the current number in the second year and cutting them by half in the third year. Hou, drawing on his past anti-fraud experience, criticizes the current government for its investment in a national anti-fraud team that has seen an increase in fraud cases and arrests. He advocates for stronger surveillance by the National Communications Commission (NCC) in telecom facilities and emphasizes the need for cooperation with mainland China. Hou aims to leverage the Organized Crime Prevention Act to produce tangible results in the fight against fraud by the fourth year of his presidency.
    2023/12/07 16:56
  • Taiwan’s MJIB adds deputy director for cybercrime fight

    Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan has passed a bill appointing an additional deputy director to the Ministry of Justice’s Investigation Bureau (MJIB) to enhance its capacity in handling surveillance technology and combating cybercrime. The new position will focus on managing technological development, detecting computer and internet-related crimes, ensuring information security, conducting forensic science, and overseeing communication surveillance. The move comes in response to the increasing demand for expertise in these specialized areas. Currently, the MJIB operates under the guidance of two deputy directors, but the rise in sophisticated crime has led to a significant workload increase in judicial forensic investigations. By expanding the number of deputy director positions from two to three, the MJIB aims to improve the professional handling of surveillance technology and strengthen national defense mechanisms. This legislative revision demonstrates Taiwan’s commitment to staying ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing security landscape and elevating the nation’s defense against cyber threats.
    2023/12/05 21:46
  • TPP’s Vivian Huang questions need to revive SID

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) legislator-at-large candidate Vivian Huang has expressed concerns about the proposal to reinstate the Special Investigation Division (SID). Huang questions the necessity of reviving the SID when other prosecutors should be capable of handling cases without it. This debate arises from Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih’s recent proposal to revive the disbanded SID. Huang has called on the KMT and Hou to provide specific details and reasoning for restoring the SID before she decides whether to support the initiative. TPP’s presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has also criticized the establishment of new units whenever problems arise, expressing doubts about their effectiveness. Huang, along with other TPP legislator-at-large candidates, has emphasized the need for judicial reforms to combat judicial injustices, unlawful influence-peddling, organized crime, opaque parole processes, and to address challenges faced by prosecutors such as interference, inadequate training, and a rise in fraud cases. These reforms include the introduction of whistle blower protection laws and criminalization of unlawful gifting and influence trading.
    2023/12/04 17:29
  • Bitcoin miners indicted for stealing power worth NT$77M

    A Bitcoin mining operations group in Taichung, Taiwan will be indicted on charges of aggravated theft for stealing 1.7 million kilowatt-hours of electricity from Taipower, costing the state-owned enterprise nearly NT$77 million. The group, led by a man surnamed Huang, was discovered through five rounds of investigation by the Criminal Investigation Bureau’s crime prevention division. The division seized stolen electricity equipment, Bitcoin mining machines, and illicit gains totaling over NT$80 million. The Taichung District Prosecutors Office identified the site manager, financier, and individuals responsible for setting up the mining operation. Two miners, Cheng and Su, chose sites where the wiring was on the verge of melting due to constant high-speed operation at high temperatures, endangering nearby establishments such as a hotpot restaurant and an after-school program. The prosecutors noted the malicious attitude displayed by the two miners and have requested a heavy sentence.
    2023/11/16 18:25
  • 快訊/女星無預警宣布「斬14年婚」!震撼演藝圈 尪怒發聲

    主播出身的44歲韓國女星朴芝潤,曾客串韓劇《請回答1988》,在《Crime Scene 犯罪現場》、《女高推理班》等綜藝節目深受觀眾喜愛。怎料,昨(10/31)日無預警驚爆離婚,結束與前主播老公崔東錫14年婚姻,女方公司證實已向法院提交離婚申請,震撼演藝圈。此後男方IG被挖出早有端倪,出現各類謠言,對此,崔東錫再度發聲。
    2023/11/01 08:50
  • Taiwan ramps up defenses against Chinese infiltration

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense has reported to the Legislative Yuan on four methods of infiltration by China: "compatriot’s affection," "familial love," "organized crime," and "online communication." The National Army is taking measures to counter these infiltration tactics, including domain safety checks on military computer networks and careful examination of file transfer procedures. China’s state security agency has been actively penetrating Taiwan’s defenses with espionage activities, targeting classified information on underground organizations. The MJIB plans to strengthen reconnaissance-based technologies and the agile use of computing to ensure effective case investigations.
    2023/10/30 14:50
  • Dream Cafe: A place for Taiwanese youth to regain hope

    Discover the concerning rise in juvenile crime in Taiwan and the efforts of the Bornanew Youth Caring Association’s Dream Cafe to support rehabilitated youths. Learn how this initiative aims to reduce recidivism rates and create a better society.
    2023/10/06 22:47
  • Unsolicited packages unveil new fraud scheme in Taiwan

    A new parcel scam has surfaced in Taiwan. A Miaoli resident was targeted, forced to pay for an order she didn’t make. Police urge vigilance, especially in online shopping.
    2023/09/27 11:51
  • 吃麻辣燙險喪命 男闖紐西蘭3間中餐廳持「斧頭砍人」釀4傷

    紐西蘭驚爆隨機殺人案件!一名男子在當地時間19日晚間持斧頭連續闖進三家中式餐廳,一進門就隨機攻擊店內客人,造成至少4人受傷送醫,所幸傷者情況穩定,犯案的男子也已經被逮捕。不過對於這起案件是否為針對亞裔人士的「仇恨犯罪」(Hate Crime)警方則沒有明確回應。
    2023/06/20 10:13
  • Assailant defaces New Taipei City Government building

    In an audacious act of vandalism, an unidentified individual splashed white paint at the main entrance of the New Taipei City Government building on Friday morning (June 16).
    2023/06/16 16:29
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