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    UP 結果共669筆

  • 時隔6年!南韓「防空演習」全國216處管制 市民:警覺心up

    2023/08/24 14:20
  • 女神脫了!張立東「海景第一排」養眼爽歪 她認遭拍特殊私密片

    2023/08/20 07:05
  • Poisonous mushrooms spring up in Kaohsiung after heavy rain

    Kaohsiung City tackles a sudden influx of poisonous wild mushrooms in its parks following heavy rain. Authorities are working swiftly to eliminate the fungi, identified as potentially harmful "green-spored parasol mushrooms." The public is urged to avoid touching or consuming them due to their toxic effects. Learn about the measures being taken to ensure safety.
    2023/08/18 23:30
  • THSR unveils new train adorned with Kanahei’s illustrations

    Taiwan High-Speed Rail (THSR) teams up with Japanese illustrator Kanahei for the second time to introduce a vibrant themed train adorned with beloved characters. The train features Kanahei’s famous Piske and Usagi characters amid colorful flower themes, promising an enjoyable journey. Learn about the co-branded items and exclusive travel packages, as THSR aims to drive rail tourism and profit.
    2023/08/18 22:32
  • 堯平快閃101!台南「超夯布朗尼」 18種口味一次吃

    台南超人氣布朗尼名店「堯平」,終於可以在台北買到了!即日起至8/31期間,於台北101限時打造POP-UP SHOP快閃店,不用衝台南就能直接買到府城最美味的人氣甜點,18種口味一次擁有快衝!
    2023/08/17 15:45
  • 刪光子瑜合照被罵翻! 莊錠欣來台首發聲「閨密情內幕全說了」

    2023/08/17 15:06
  • Hou Yu-ih energizes campaign amid support shifts

    KMT’s presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih ramps up campaign efforts, narrowing the gap against opponents Ko Wen-je and Lai Ching-te. Hou’s focus on peace gains traction. Get updates on Taiwan’s shifting election dynamics.
    2023/08/14 20:04
  • DPP braces for potential Terry Gou presidential bid

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) gears up for potential business tycoon Terry Gou’s presidential bid amid uncertainty. DPP Secretary-General Hsu Li-ming stresses caution as speculation grows. Updates on Gou’s political moves and DPP’s strategies leading to 2024 election.
    2023/08/09 20:28
  • CLC隊友驚喜助陣前團員中文舞曲 Elkie化身女車手炫車技

    韓團CLC前成員Elkie(莊錠欣)在中華圈發展活躍,本周將發行首張個人中文舞曲《SPEED UP》,找來韓國知名作曲家Siixk Jun的共同創作。原來這首歌是要寫給CLC演唱,Elkie透露「Demo是我們一起錄的韓文版,後來因為要變成中文歌,有再重新編曲跟寫中文詞」。令人驚喜的是,CLC前隊友承延協力編舞,Elkie也親自參與詞曲創作外,展現才華。
    2023/08/08 15:50
  • South Korean idol Lee Junho draws massive crowd in Taipei

    Thousands of fans queued up early in Xinyi District on Friday morning (Aug. 4) to meet their idol Lee Junho.
    2023/08/04 18:59
  • Taiwan EV scooter brand teams up with Japanese retailer

    A Taiwanese electric scooter brand introduced on Monday (July 31) a new scooter and accessories in collaboration with a Japanese retailer under the concepts of sustainability and simplicity.
    2023/08/02 19:16
  • 日本環球影城 遊阪必到超夯樂園嗨翻玩

    2023/07/28 15:26
  • Hou Yu-ih gains traction in race with 19.9% approval rating

    The 2024 presidential election in Taiwan is heating up as new polls indicate a tight race among the candidates. According to a recent survey conducted by Formosa Website, the Kuomintang (KMT) candidate, Hou Yu-ih, has seen a slight rise in support, reaching 19.9%.
    2023/07/27 15:53
  • 全球趨勢?韓女團6新歌總長僅12分鐘 粉絲哭:正嗨就結束

    過往一首歌曲的長度大約都落在3分30秒至4分鐘之間,但近年全球的流行歌曲,總長度有越來越短的趨勢。韓國人氣女團「NewJeans」21日推出第二張迷你專輯《Get Up》,整張專輯總共有6首歌曲,但是總長度僅有12分鐘,甚至長度最短的歌曲只有37秒。此事引起韓國網友熱議,也有粉絲笑稱「正嗨的時候就結束了」。
    2023/07/27 05:10
  • 梁朝偉現身NewJeans新歌MV 「零酬勞真實原因」感動韓國粉絲

    韓國女團NewJeans日前釋出新歌〈Cool With You’ & ’Get Up〉MV,不過讓韓國、華人粉絲都超驚喜的就是影帝梁朝偉現身其中,根據韓媒報導,邀請梁朝偉演出是該團製作人閔熙珍的點子,她還大讚影帝超敬業,即便演出的場面不多也認真準備,韓媒更揭露了梁朝偉「無償演出」的原因超讓人感動。
    2023/07/21 14:19
  • Taiwan’s armed forces gear up for 39th Han Kuang exercises

    The 6th Army Corps Command conducted on Thursday (July 20) anti-landing drills in critical coastal areas of Pa-li Beach and Taipei Harbor.
    2023/07/20 17:55
  • 不是BTS!梁朝偉現身NewJeans新歌MV 驚喜合體《魷魚》鄭好娟

    韓國5人女團NewJeans以青春又帶有一點迷幻的獨特風格在競爭激烈的Kpop圈殺出重圍,最近發行迷你二輯《Get Up》,台灣時間19日23點發布〈Cool With You’ & ’Get Up〉,沒想到除了《魷魚遊戲》女星鄭好娟以外,竟然還出現影帝梁朝偉!
    2023/07/19 23:55
  • Taiwan women’s national volleyball team gears up for Asiad

    Taiwan’s Women’s National Volleyball Team continues to train hard in preparation for the 2023 Asian Games slated in Hangzhou, China in September.
    2023/07/13 18:08
  • Taiwan’s military gears up training for Han Kuang exercises

    An Avenger Air Defense System was spotted in New Taipei City’s Bali District as Taiwan’s military prepares for the 39th edition of the Han Kuang exercises.
    2023/07/12 16:10
  • Staff shortage, heatwave plague waste pick-up startup

    A Taiwanese startup that provides couriers for domestic waste pick-up has faced criticism for repeatedly missing scheduled pick-up times, resulting in piles of trash accumulating outside customers’ homes.
    2023/07/11 18:27
  • 才落榜金曲新人!阿布絲在台上激動哭了 被男友甩還怕復合

    在34屆金曲獎入圍最佳新人等4項大獎的阿布絲,雖然最終沒得獎,但為了感謝歌迷,8日在台東鐵花村舉辦「Volume up」音樂會。對於能回到熟悉的東部演出,阿布絲表示非常興奮,現場不但擠滿樂迷,更有對她而言相當重要的家人、朋友以及貴人。演唱會上,總是帶給大家歡樂的阿布絲,也在演出時展露感性一面,提及與姊姊的感人互動時一度哽咽,也在舞台上感謝所有歌迷,笑說要把金曲獎時沒機會說的話一次講完,未來更期許朝著更大的舞台邁進。
    2023/07/09 16:17
  • 被柯粉嗆判斷有問題 沈富雄爆怒要他閉嘴:別來「臭彈」!

    2024大選距今剩不到2百日,但是近期眾多民調中,國民黨總統參選人侯友宜仍是敬陪末座,被民眾黨總統參選人柯文哲超越。不過,長期看好侯的前立委沈富雄,今(6)日在廣播節目Call-in環節中,有柯粉進來批評他政治判斷有問題,電話掛斷後,沈先是氣得用台語罵他是在「臭彈(胡扯)」,又烙英文要這名聽眾「Shut up(閉嘴)」。
    2023/07/06 16:24
  • 「5年前也沒人看好我」 盧秀燕鼓勵侯友宜:Never give up

    立法院前院長王金平號召超過百位立委,主辦「厚友誼立委後援會」成立大會,襄助國民黨總統參選人侯友宜。與會的台中市長盧秀燕致詞時表示,五年前他也不被看好勝選,甚至被說會大輸民進黨對手20萬票,最後卻是大贏20萬票,所以他鼓勵侯友宜「Never give up!」
    2023/07/05 19:08
  • Taiwan tech manufacturers embrace self-driving cars

    With just a few clicks, owners of the latest autonomous cars can set up their starting point and destination and leave the rest up to their vehicles.
    2023/07/05 17:26
  • Foxconn to invest US$250M in Vietnam beyond iPhone assembly

    Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., also known as Foxconn, announced plans on Tuesday (July 4) to invest approximately US$250 million in setting up two new component factories in northern Vietnam. One of the factories will specialize in producing components for electric vehicles (EVs), signaling Hon Hai’s continued diversification into the EV industry.
    2023/07/04 11:03
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