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    UP 結果共651筆

  • 韓燃燈會慶佛誕 DJ電音和尚出演嗨爆全場

    5月15日、農曆4月8日,是佛教重要節日「佛陀誕辰」,為了慶祝,南韓首爾提前在12日星期天舉辦「燃燈會」活動,吸引約五萬人參與。除了年年都有的花燈遊行,今年還找來DJ和尚「日進大師」表演。日進大師去年以袈裟造型,搭配動感的合掌手勢,傳唱電音「佛祖Hands Up」而爆紅,可以說是當今佛教活動最歡迎的嘉賓,無論是多莊嚴的宗教場合都能瞬間變成「佛系」夜店。不過他其實還有第二個身分,他原先是位搞笑藝人,去年受戒後,開始以他潮流、新奇的方式弘揚佛教文化。
  • 大怒神電梯!印度電梯失速暴衝 瞬間撞爆「25樓屋頂」

  • Northern Taiwan braces for chilly nights

    Discover the latest weather update for Taiwan: Brief showers and thunderstorms hit various regions due to a frontal system, with conditions expected to clear up. Northern Taiwan sees a temperature drop, with more stable weather ahead.
  • Weekend warm-up: Taiwan to experience brief heat spike

    Explore the dramatic shift in Taiwan’s weather as temperatures soar to 30°C, only to be followed by thunderstorms. The Central Weather Administration highlights the weakening northeast monsoon’s impact, leading to significant temperature fluctuations and potential air quality concerns. Stay alert for a brief warm spell before the onset of rain and cooler conditions.
    2024/05/10 12:54
  • 民進黨入黨簽名見面會 吳崢、王義川任入黨推薦!人氣超高

    民進黨今(4日)舉行「Green Up! 和台灣在一起」入黨簽名見面會活動,新聞部主任兼發言人吳崢與政策會執行長王義川擔任入黨推薦人,現場更可抽選總統蔡英文、準總統賴清德、準副總統蕭美琴偶像風小卡。活動現場湧進近千人參加爭相入黨,吳崢與王義川也跟粉絲現場互動,並一起幫新入黨的夥伴簽名推薦。吳崢表示,看到滿場新入黨的同志令人振奮不已,也呼籲入黨同志要當奉公守法的好公民。王義川則說,成為黨員要非常支持民進黨「清廉、勤政、愛鄉土」的理念,盼與新黨員一起為台灣勇往直前。
    2024/05/04 20:25
  • FSC ramps up fight against credit card fraud

    Discover how Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission is stepping up its game against credit card fraud with new measures to protect consumers from phishing scams and unauthorized transactions. Learn about the enhanced security steps being taken.
    2024/05/01 17:12
  • 不躲了!九澤CP唱一半「他突襲衝上台」 邱鋒澤張大嘴巴嚇傻

    陳零九和邱鋒澤組成的「九澤CP」,「九澤CP 愛在你身邊 LOVE GAME」4月27、28日一連兩天在香港九展Star Hall舉行,兩人正準備情深繼續唱出〈不確認關係〉時,響起卻是婁峻碩的〈Rise〉,婁峻碩突然出現走上台喊:「What’s up Hong Kong!」此時陳零九搶著說:「我就知道,就是知道你這個人會來!」但邱鋒澤則張大嘴巴:「呀!」了出聲,接著三人有默契唱了幾句。
    2024/04/30 16:01
  • Taiwan launches net-zero emission training to meet demand

    Discover how Taiwan’s National Environmental Research Academy is addressing the demand for green talent with its Net-Zero Emission Capacity Enhancement Class, filling up quickly due to high demand. Learn about the initiative’s focus on equipping individuals for the green sector and supporting green careers.
    2024/04/30 14:48
  • Taiwan’s weather swings: From heatwave to plum rains

    Taiwan faces a scorching day with temperatures up to 36°C, particularly in its southern and southeastern areas, as forecasted by the Central Weather Administration. Foehn winds are anticipated in Taitung County, prompting a heat advisory with a yellow warning for Tainan, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Taitung counties. A weather shift is expected to bring brief showers or thunderstorms, especially in the central and northern regions, with heavier rainfall predicted for the northeastern and Greater Taipei’s mountainous areas. Meteorologist Lin Te-en highlights an expected above-average rainfall for May, aligning with the plum rain season, potentially easing Taiwan’s water scarcity concerns yet raising flooding risks.
    2024/04/30 11:54
  • Taiwan sweats under severe heatwave, CWA issues warnings

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s weather: a heatwave with temperatures soaring up to 34°C, high-temperature warnings in four counties, and the potential for foehn winds in Taitung. Amidst the heat, expect scattered showers and brief thunderstorms across various regions. However, a shift is on the horizon for Labor Day, with a passing front bringing unstable weather, possible heavy rainfall, and a cool down in northern Taiwan. Stay updated on these changing conditions.
    2024/04/29 11:16
  • Taiwan aims to cut animal testing by up to 80%

    Discover how Taiwan plans to cut animal testing by 60-80% through alternative methods, highlighting its commitment to ethical scientific practices and leadership in non-animal testing innovations.
    2024/04/26 13:29
  • 高中生地震App爆「沒有授權」!氣象署主動聯絡要簽約了

    近期頻發生地震,「台灣地震速報」手機App備受民眾推崇,令人驚訝的是,這款App的開發者,竟是年紀輕輕的林姓高中生,但林同學表示,「台灣地震速報」是使用「地牛Wake Up!」串接氣象署資料;「地牛Wake Up!」則聲明,未授權給林同學,並無責怪之意,但建議他與氣象署簽約。氣象署今(25)日回應,樂見民間投入地震產業,已主動聯絡林同學,由於他未成年,暫時決定以監護人代表簽約。
    2024/04/25 22:19
  • 高中生地震APP爆「未取得授權」 地牛Wake Up:氣象署已關切

    近日台灣地震頻傳,政府的「國家級警報」須達一定程度才會發出通知,因此不少民眾選擇安裝手機App「臺灣地震速報」,接受地震預警通知。令許多人意外的是,「臺灣地震速報」App的開發者竟然只是一名就讀康橋高中的學生,引發熱烈討論。這名高中生受訪時透露,他的App使用的是「地牛Wake Up!」軟體串接中央氣象署的資料,但「地牛Wake Up!」表示,他們並未授權給這位同學,但也表示並不責怪,「因為這可能是沒有辦法中的辦法」。
    2024/04/25 17:54
  • 傑尼斯性醜聞 東山紀之控BBC刻意扭曲發言、要求訂正道歉

    2024/04/25 15:01
  • Taiwan’s seismic surge shows a "skyscraper" of quakes

    Explore the recent seismic surge in Taiwan, where over 1,000 aftershocks followed a major earthquake in Hualien. This unusual activity, highlighted on a global map as a towering "skyscraper," signals a period of heightened earthquake risk, with potential aftershocks expected for up to a year.
    2024/04/23 17:09
  • Taiwan experiences unusual surge in aftershocks

    Taiwan experienced a series of earthquakes on April 23, with magnitudes up to 6.3, linked to an earlier quake on April 3. Experts note an unusual increase in aftershocks, all originating from the same fault system in Hualien County. The public is urged to be prepared as Taiwan enters a period of frequent seismic activity.
    2024/04/23 10:55
  • Commuters face delays as heavy rainfall hits Taipei

    Heavy rainfall in northern Taiwan slows traffic as drainage systems struggle to keep up with the unexpected downpour, affecting commutes in Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Yilan, with authorities investigating potential solutions.
    2024/04/18 11:01
  • Sunny weather with brief showers expected in Taiwan

    Taipei weather forecast: Mostly sunny with brief showers, low clouds and fog in Kingmen and Matzu. Weak front brings humidity, sporadic rainfall in Hualien, Taitung, and Greater Taipei. Highs of 30-34°C, up to 36°C in southern mountains. Travelers cautioned due to aftershocks and landslide risk.
    2024/04/15 12:36
  • 影音/江美琪「美聲飆金曲」! 認識林曉培20年首合唱

    2024/04/15 10:38
  • 客家人很小氣?Hebe出招破除刻板印象 「我們只是勤儉持家」

    金曲歌后「Hebe」田馥甄今(13)晚壓軸現身「H³ RIZZ UP演唱會」,巧的是她的好姐妹Ella今在台北Legacy開唱,Hebe彩排結束後,馬不停蹄奔往Legacy幫Ella打氣,隨後趕回北流獻唱。身為客家人的她,今也透過演唱會洗清客家人「小氣」的刻板印象,笑說:「我們S.H.E裡面還有一個客家人,就是Ella,她是最大方的!」
    2024/04/13 21:44
  • 才合唱江美琪!林曉培突喊「快瘋掉」 恩師突登台她激動淚崩

    金曲歌后田馥甄(Hebe)、情歌天后江美琪及林曉培,今(13)晚在北流為「H³ RIZZ UP演唱會」獻唱,3人攜手傳唱客語金曲,門票一開賣火速秒殺。此次表演還邀來男團「VERA」擔任開場,隨後江美琪獻唱〈朋友的朋友〉、〈雙手的溫柔〉等曲;林曉培登場後,更因滿場粉絲的熱情略顯激動,直喊:「我要瘋掉了!」
    2024/04/13 21:11
  • Taipei Dome to host first professional basketball games

    Discover the historic basketball event as the New Taipei CTBC DEA and Taipei Taishin Mars gear up to play at the Taipei Dome, marking a first for professional teams in the T1 League on April 13 and 14. With over 16,000 tickets sold and expectations to break attendance records, the anticipation builds for a monumental showdown.
    2024/04/12 17:58
  • Taipei clarifies: Xishan Village water not from city supply

    Taipei Water Department clarifies that Xishan Village’s water supply is not from its system but from untreated mountain spring water, which is suspected to have caused residents to experience vomiting and diarrhea due to high E. coli levels possibly related to the recent earthquake. The department has set up emergency water collection points and assured the safety of its tap water supply to the greater Taipei area.
    2024/04/12 14:06
  • Kaohsiung hospital fined NT$500K for surgical mix-up

    Meta description: Kaohsiung Min-Sheng Hospital fined NT$500,000 for surgical error on wrong elderly patient; lead surgeon disciplined, director relieved of duties. Hospital to improve patient safety measures.
    2024/04/11 18:27
  • Kaohsiung offers subsidy for old building reconstruction

    Kaohsiung City offers subsidies up to NT$ 115,000 for reconstruction of old and dangerous buildings in 2024, addressing safety concerns following a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. Over half of the city’s residential units are more than 30 years old. Applications are open until December 2.
    2024/04/11 12:05
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