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    NVIDIA 結果共463筆

  • 輝達股價創歷史新高! 黃仁勳身價躍升「華人第二」僅輸他

    2024/01/09 14:08
  • CES開幕前輝達推新款AI繪圖處理器 股價大漲創新高

    輝達(Nvidia)(NVDA.O)在週一宣布推出,新款的人工智慧桌面繪圖處理器後,其股價一飛沖天,創下最高收盤價紀錄,並躍升為全球市值最高的晶片製造商。為主攻遊戲玩家市場的 GeForce RTX 40 SUPER 系列繪圖處理器,正是造成輝達股價大漲的主因。這款產品的推出,使得輝達股價上揚6.4%,收盤價為$522.53美元(約新台幣14607.33元)。
    2024/01/09 11:58
  • AI概念股勁揚!台積電ADR漲2.6% 台股早盤漲逾百點

    2024/01/09 09:48
  • 美股重挫!台股早盤「下殺190點」 失守17500點關卡

    2023/12/21 10:05
  • 傳輝達向台積電下「超急件」為陸特製合規晶片

    根據陸媒報導,輝達(NVIDIA)已向台積電下了「超級急件」(Super Hot Run)訂單,為大陸客戶生產特製的人工智能(AI)和高效能運算(HPC) GPU。TVBS北京特派林閔榛今(18日)於《FOCUS世界新聞》中,接受主持人譚伊倫線上訪問說明,「科技媒體『集微網』報導,因為美國對大陸晶片製造業實施更嚴格的出口管制,但輝達仍繼續增加台積電的投片量,希望能夠提高產能並滿足H100處理器的市場需求,但由於CoWoS產能限制,H100現在已經極度短缺,此外,陸媒報導,輝達計劃在2024年1月恢復向大陸供應RTX 4090晶片,但會進行修改版本以符合美國出口限制。」
    2023/12/18 14:18
  • NVIDIA CEO eyes Vietnam for AI, digital talent cultivation

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang announces collaboration with Vietnamese technological firms to support Vietnam in AI talent cultivation and digital infrastructure development. Huang expresses interest in establishing a base in Vietnam during a meeting with Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh. NVIDIA has already invested around US$250 million in Vietnam and recognizes the country’s potential in the IT sector. Huang identifies Viettel Telecom, FPT Software, Vingroup, and VNG Corporation as specific partners for expanded cooperation.
    2023/12/12 17:51
  • 黃仁勳罕見脫下皮衣 越南街頭大啖蝸牛、春捲接地氣畫面曝

    2023/12/12 13:17
  • 美國與輝達公司商討 允有限度向中國大陸銷售AI晶片

    美國政府正與晶片大廠輝達公司(Nvidia Corp)商討允許向中國大陸銷售人工智慧晶片(AI chip)的問題,但強調輝達不能出售自家最先進的半導體給中國大陸企業。
    2023/12/12 06:27
  • 黃仁勳會晤日首相岸田文雄 承諾將盡力優先對日本市場供貨

    2023/12/05 14:11
  • 輝達高層欲賣股套現1.8億美元 祖克柏也拋售Meta持股

    美國股市在今年11月展現出百年罕見的強勁表現,尤其科技股大放異彩。在這波行情中,Meta Platforms(臉書的母公司)執行長馬克·祖克伯(Mark Zuckerberg)自2021年以來首次出售個人持股,而根據Washington Service的數據,AI晶片製造巨頭輝達(NVIDIA)的高層管理人員亦於同月售出37萬股股票,市值高達1.8億美元(約新台幣56.4億元),創下近6年最大量的賣出紀錄。
    2023/12/05 13:05
  • 美稱中是最大威脅!公開點名輝達:勿為賺錢幫中繞過晶片禁令

    美國商務部長雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)於加州錫米谷(Simi Valley)的年度國防論壇強烈表態,將中國視為「我們遇過的最大威脅」並針對中國晶片技術進行出口限制以保護國安。
    2023/12/04 14:15
  • Nvidia chief: U.S. chip self-sufficiency a decade away

    Nvidia’s President, Jensen Huang, stated at the New York Times’ DealBook Summit that achieving U.S. independence in the chip supply chain and reducing reliance on overseas manufacturing could take 10 to 20 years. President Joe Biden’s administration has imposed a ban on chip exports to China, citing national security concerns and the need to maintain the U.S.’s lead in the semiconductor industry. Nvidia, among other companies, is impacted by these export control measures, leading to concerns about negative impacts on the company’s revenue. However, Huang revealed that Nvidia is developing chips compliant with U.S. regulations for the Chinese market and plans to re-enter once they are ready. He also warned that the export ban could accelerate China’s domestic chip development, with numerous Chinese companies already working on competing technologies. Huang emphasized that Nvidia is already a decade ahead in artificial intelligence technology and that AI and deep learning innovation involve more than just designing new chips.
    2023/11/30 23:18
  • 黃仁勳估美國晶片獨立至少要十年 認脫離中國是「該走的路」

    2023/11/30 17:45
  • 輝達股價今年翻逾3倍估Q4財報優預期 但中國市場前景不明

    2023/11/22 11:13
  • NVIDIA財報公布前夕創天價 台積電等概念股齊揚

    2023/11/21 10:36
  • 張忠謀伉儷APEC答謝宴彩蛋來了 裴洛西、黃仁勳驚喜現身

    2023/11/18 12:04
  • TSMC sees orders hike as October revenue hits record levels

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) predicts a surge in artificial intelligence (AI) orders in the coming year, with October’s revenue reaching NT$243.203 billion ($8.6 billion), a 34.8 percent monthly increase and a 15.7 percent annual increase. TSMC’s stock price has also been on a steady rise, accumulating a growth of 7.5 percent since November. Morgan Stanley semiconductor research analyst Charlie Chan attributes TSMC’s revenue growth to signs of recovery and the robust demand for AI semiconductors worldwide. NVIDIA’s expanded order to TSMC, along with increased demand from clients like Apple and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), has led TSMC to accelerate the enhancement of its advanced packaging technology, Chip on Wafer on Substrate (CoWoS). CoWoS enables TSMC to effectively reduce costs and trim electric consumption by packaging chiplets on a silicon interposer and placing them on a package substrate. However, TSMC’s current CoWoS capacity remains a bottleneck for NVIDIA’s AI GPU chips, though the company forecasts a rebound in productivity by the end of 2024 to meet customer demand.
    2023/11/16 21:24
  • 清大攜手輝達設聯合創新中心 發展AI教育及技術

    2023/11/13 15:21
  • 輝達傳避美規向中國推新AI晶片 環時:貓鼠遊戲

    2023/11/11 15:54
  • 馬斯克收購推特大裁8成員工 外媒分析他與黃仁勳「3大差異」

    因應AI浪潮的來臨,需求激增,帶動晶片大廠輝達(NVIDIA)的股價,使其市值超越1兆美元(約新台幣32兆),狠甩市值6700億美元(約新台幣216億)的電動車龍頭特斯拉。近日,外媒拿輝達執行長黃仁勳和特斯拉執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)做比較,分析兩人在三大領域問題上存在巨大差異。
    2023/11/11 11:45
  • 因應美出口新規 傳輝達將為中國市場推3款新AI晶片

    2023/11/10 10:51
  • Morris Chang is Taiwan’s godfather of technology: NVIDIA CEO

    NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang praised Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) founder Morris Chang, acknowledging that his company would not exist without the foundation laid by the world’s largest chipmaker. Huang lauded TSMC’s manufacturing of advanced chips, their constant innovation, and their ability to push the boundaries of physics. He referred to Chang as the "Godfather of Technology" in Taiwan. Chang was honored with the KT Li Award, and President Tsai Ing-wen personally congratulated him. Huang, who traveled from the U.S. with his wife to attend the event, reminisced about his first meeting with Chang and acknowledged TSMC’s significant impact on NVIDIA by accommodating its evolving needs.
    2023/11/09 17:33
  • 讚張忠謀是科技教父 黃仁勳:沒有台積電就不會有輝達

    2023/11/09 16:06
  • 張忠謀獲首屆李國鼎獎 黃仁勳「再次來台」驚喜現身致意

    2023/11/09 15:16
  • 拍電影找誰演自己? 黃仁勳點名「成龍」笑稱:我們長很像

    NVIDIA(輝達)執行長黃仁勳颳起AI旋風、一舉一動受到外界矚目,他上個月接受惠普公司(HP)的YouTube節目「The Moment」訪問,期間除了談及招牌的黑色皮衣造型、自己不戴手錶的原因外,還展示自己的刺青,並笑稱如果未來要拍傳記電影,會請成龍來演自己,因為「長得很像」。
    2023/11/09 15:00
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