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    Gun 結果共53筆

  • 每18小時死1人!全美「路怒案件」飆升4倍 駕駛爆氣就開槍

    【世界日報/記者林昱瑄】專注於全美槍枝暴力危機的非營利組織「The Trace」一項最新分析顯示,2023年,每18小時就有一人在路怒事件中被槍殺。根據Gun Violence Archive的資料,自2014年至2023年間,全美路怒事件增加了400%。
    2024/06/17 08:23
  • Taipei police department welcomes new commissioner

    Discover the latest leadership change at the Taipei City Police Department with Commissioner Li Hsi-ho taking charge. Mayor Chiang Wan-an emphasizes traffic safety and crime prevention for 2024. Learn more about their plans for a safer Taipei.
    2024/06/06 17:58
  • Live-fire exercises enhance Taiwan’s military readiness

    Discover how the 117th Army Infantry Brigade’s live-fire exercise in Kaohsiung’s Linyuan District is preparing Taiwanese troops for real-world combat, enhancing their responsiveness and tactical skills.
    2024/05/08 17:11
  • Taiwan’s military prepares for May 20 inauguration salute

    Discover how Taiwan’s Guandu Area Command’s artillery battalion is preparing for the presidential inauguration with a meticulous 21-gun salute rehearsal and heat endurance training.
    2024/05/08 16:47
  • 美軍新印太司令Top Gun出身 怒嗆中國擴張野心

    新任美軍印太司令、上將帕帕羅(Samuel Paparo)3日出席在夏威夷舉辦的就職儀式,期間他直指中國在印度太平洋地區的入侵和擴張是「非法、脅迫、侵略和欺騙」的行徑,明確且直接的措辭表明帕帕羅未來的相關事務的立場。
    2024/05/04 18:06
  • Air gun attack reported shatters peace at MODA building

    The Ministry of Digital Affairs in Taipei was reportedly shot at, leading to a police investigation. The incident occurred following controversy over overseas inspections and spending, with MODA defending its budget allocation practices.
    2024/03/28 11:15
  • 白人歌手挨44根針「刺全黑」驚呆粉絲 醫警告恐怖後果

    知名饒舌歌手機關槍凱利(Machine Gun Kelly,MGK)是美國少見的白人饒舌歌手,192公分高挑身材加上放蕩不羈作風,深受無數粉絲喜愛。近日他在社群媒體發布自己的新刺青,可見原先白皮膚的他,上半身幾乎只剩一片黑,驚呆粉絲。對此皮膚科醫生警​​告,此舉可能導致感染,也恐更難察覺皮膚癌的早期跡象。
    2024/02/25 16:42
  • Cynthia Wu promises tighter security after rally scare

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu pledges to reinforce security measures in response to an incident where an individual was caught with an air gun at a TPP rally in Taichung. Wu visits Taichung after TPP presidential candidate Ko Wen-je held rallies there for two consecutive days. Wu’s campaign trail proceeds to Nantou County. When asked about the chants at the previous night’s rally, Wu expresses that election campaigning is tough and everyone should encourage and support each other. Wu’s final stop in Taichung is Wanhe Temple, where she is accompanied by the temple’s chairman for prayers and blessings. During a photo session with supporters, a vehicle carrying KMT legislative candidate Liao Wei-hsiang passes by, and the KMT’s Taichung branch director greets him, emphasizing collaboration between the TPP and KMT in Taichung.
    2024/01/07 18:18
  • KMT rallies in Taoyuan, urges strategic voting against TPP

    KMT presidential and vice-presidential candidates, Hou Yu-íh and Jaw Shaw-kong, held a ’Victory Solidarity Rally’ in Taoyuan, urging voters to reject TPP candidate Ko Wen-je for strategic voting. The event drew nearly 100,000 attendees. Former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu criticized Ko as an ’air gun’ and emphasized the importance of victory. Han also condemned DPP candidates Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim, claiming Lai had no qualification to run for the R.O.C.’s presidency. Han questioned how Lai, a miner’s child, could become Vice President without the protection of the ROC.
    2024/01/07 11:31
  • Taiwan passes gun control amendments, fines up to NT$15M

    The Legislative Yuan has passed amendments to the Controlling Guns, Ammunition and Knives Act, imposing stricter penalties for firearms offenses in public spaces. Offenders firing standard-issue firearms in or towards public areas could face a minimum of seven years in prison and fines of up to NT$15 million. Discharging non-standard firearms in public venues may result in sentences ranging from five to twelve years and fines of up to NT$10 million. The amendments also address loopholes by adjusting the terms for those confessing or turning themselves in, allowing judges to decide on leniency based on each case’s specifics. These revisions aim to combat gun-related crimes and strengthen social safety and order.
    2023/12/18 14:37
  • President Tsai Ing-wen reviews conscription training program

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen inspects the new military conscription training program at Taichung’s military center, Cheng Kung Lingg. The Ministry of National Defense confirms the first batch of one-year conscripts will begin service on Jan. 25. The initial training for new recruits has been extended to eight weeks, with a focus on battlefield conditions. The training includes battlefield medical aid, advancing under simulated enemy fire, and rigorous final evaluations. The program also features shooting with night vision goggles and a live grenade-throwing exercise. President Tsai observes machine gun training and notes an increase in rounds fired. After basic training, soldiers will be assigned to units based on their interests and expertise. Approximately 9,127 individuals are expected to be drafted next year. The first group of conscripts can report for duty before the Lunar New Year and spend time with their families.
    2023/11/23 17:50
  • Keelung Police launch raids after student’s fatal stabbing

    Keelung City Police Bureau conducted raids to combat violent crimes in hotspots like KTV bars and the Keelung Miaokou Night Market. The police force deployed 150 officers from various divisions to tackle security concerns. They successfully cracked down on criminal activities, solving one robbery, one gang assault resulting in murder, two gun law violations, and arresting two fraudsters. The police seized four modified firearms, 12 bullets, and drugs. The clampdown aimed to ensure peace and order in Keelung.
    2023/11/22 19:53
  • Coldplay飆髒話「Gun」是TRASH阿夜教的!私下互動曝

    2023/11/14 15:14
  • 憂含氚廢水汙染魚類? 南韓專家揭密:海鮮比肉還安全

    日本於本月24日起開始排放福島第一核電廠的含氚廢水入海,儘管日本政府獲得國際原子能總署(IAEA)背書,東電在經過濃度檢測後也宣布含氚量遠低於排放標準,但各地人們仍然擔心氚對人體可能造成的風險,漁民也不斷對此發出抗議,中國大陸更暫停日本水產品進口。不過,首爾大學醫院核醫學專家姜建旭(Kang Gun-wook,音譯)指出,如果民眾擔心含氚量的問題,那麼吃海鮮反而會比吃肉更安全,因為生活在陸地上的動物體內的含氚量,其實比海洋中的海鮮還要高。
    2023/08/29 18:08
  • 改拍影集?《不可能任務》慘賠上億美金 阿湯哥傳進軍小螢幕

    去(2022)年以《捍衛戰士:獨行俠》攻下了近十五億美金(新台幣478億元)票房佳績,並拯救全球戲院邁出疫情低潮的湯姆克魯斯(Tom Cruise),今年卻在《不可能的任務:致命清算 第一章》北美票房失利,或許將使他放棄此系列電影?有消息傳出,美國串流平台Paramount+將籌備新版影集,由湯姆克魯斯擔任製作人,目前尚未知是否在影集中亮相。
    2023/08/20 05:20
  • 直擊/國軍實彈測試「抗彈板」畫面曝光 狂射6發未貫穿

    2023/07/19 16:02
  • 國軍「抗彈板」可擋共軍子彈?國防部:不能武斷說一定可以

    2023/07/11 13:54
  • 完整實測片曝光!抗彈板疑擋不住共軍子彈 國防部說話了

    2023/07/07 21:22
  • 新北議員實測「國軍抗彈板」難擋子彈 國防部撂重話喊告

    2023/07/07 14:08
  • 17歲槍手成帶貨王?「穿潮鞋、揹名牌包」賣家竟推衝鋒同款

    新北市昨(20)日傳出槍擊案,17歲劉姓少年疑似遭人教唆,持改造衝鋒槍到土城區四川路一間當鋪掃射51槍,影片曝光後在網路瘋傳,有眼尖網友就發現少年犯案時腳踩Nike萬元聯名潮鞋,就連後背包也是名牌包。現在甚至有網路賣家跟上時事推出「GUN BOY衝鋒包」,標語寫下「土城限定款,出門走跳必背」!
    2023/04/21 12:25
  • 泰劇雙男神來台吸大批粉絲接機 見「兩人姓名刺青」驚呆

    2023/04/08 17:43
  • 台韓新單曲!艾怡良找「他」合作 孫盛希竟因《想見你》牽線

    2023/04/05 20:00
  • 梅根福克斯爆分手!曾互飲對方鮮血訂婚 今刪文狠斬偷腥男友

    好萊塢女星福克斯(Megan Fox)傳出分手消息,自2020年公布與饒舌歌手機關槍凱利(Machine Gun Kelly)之間的戀情後,兩人愛的高調,甚至在訂婚儀式上象徵性的「喝下對方鮮血」,引起全網熱議;然而如今爆出,疑似因為機關槍凱利劈腿被抓包,讓梅根福克斯怒開鍘,粉絲也紛紛感嘆表示「梅根終於甩掉怪咖」。
    2023/02/14 08:14
  • 一人擊落4架米格機 真人版「捍衛戰士」超狂戰功藏50年

    由好萊塢男星湯姆克魯斯(Tom Cruise)主演的《捍衛戰士》(Top Gun)在全球創下票房佳績,還被譽為「最成功的空戰電影」。不過影迷們不知道的是,美國歷史上真的存在一位比阿湯哥還神的傳奇。現年97歲的美國海軍退役飛行員威廉斯(Royce Williams),在韓戰期間駕駛「F9F黑豹戰鬥機」與7架蘇聯戰機纏鬥,在30分鐘內擊落4架敵機。雖然戰功顯赫,但這段歷史卻被保密了長達50年,直到昨(20)天,威廉斯才終於獲頒美國海軍最高榮耀-海軍十字勳章(Navy Cross),表彰他在服役期間展現的非凡、英勇行為。
    2023/01/21 15:32
  • 是真的!曾在捍衛戰士露臉 美軍公開「暗星」試驗機

    美國愛德華空軍基地(Edwards Air Force Base)粉專14日凌晨,突然公開3張照片,吸引眾多粉絲和航空迷分享朝聖,原來先前在《捍衛戰士:獨行俠》(Top Gun: Maverick)電影片頭,由湯姆克魯斯(Tom Cruise)偷偷駕駛的「暗星」極音速試驗機("Darkstar" hypersonic jet),並不是虛構情節、而是美軍真實的機密新玩具。在實體機亮相前,製造商洛克希德馬丁(Lockheed Martin)和美軍都三緘其口,根據軍方聲明、暗星試驗機預計在本週末與大眾見面。
    2022/10/14 09:35
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