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    Election 結果共533筆

  • Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai stresses election stability

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai expresses confidence in the stability of the legislative and presidential election outlook for Kaohsiung, as it aligns with initial expectations. He emphasizes the need for cooperation between central and local governments and the legislature to promote infrastructure and urban economic development in the southern industrial city. Chen calls on candidates to build trust among voters by presenting positive visions and policies, particularly focusing on providing opportunities for newcomers to engage with the public. Democratic Progressive Party candidates are expected to propose policies for Kaohsiung’s development and Taiwan’s stability to gain public support. Chen highlights the importance of humility and self-reflection for political parties, urging them to acknowledge shortcomings and continue their efforts in areas of success.
    2023/12/07 16:27
  • Radio Free Asia exposes attacks on Taiwan VP hopeful

    Taiwanese vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim, a member of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), has been targeted by Chinese misinformation campaigns, which label her as an "American agent." Due to her mixed heritage and former dual citizenship, Hsiao’s loyalty and identity have been questioned on Chinese social media platforms. False claims about her inability to speak Mandarin have been circulated, along with accusations of her "appeasing America" and "betraying Taiwan." Hsiao has refuted these allegations, asserting that she renounced her American citizenship in 2002 and holds only Taiwanese citizenship. Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election has become a prime target for China’s disinformation warfare, with strict state censorship filtering information about the election.
    2023/12/07 14:44
  • Hsiao Bi-khim hit by disinformation in Taiwan election: RFA

    Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election countdown has begun, and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim has become the target of disinformation campaigns from China, where she is being portrayed as an "American agent." Hsiao, who has a European mother, previously held dual citizenship with both Taiwan and the United States, which has attracted significant attention. Chinese social media platforms are echoing voices questioning Hsiao’s ethnic background and citizenship, aiming to shape the perception of her and the presidential candidate as being too friendly to the U.S. and betraying Taiwan. However, these narratives are based on false information. Hsiao clarified that she does not hold dual citizenship and reaffirmed her commitment to Taiwan, having renounced her American citizenship in 2002 to emphasize her allegiance to the Republic of China, Taiwan.
    2023/12/07 14:27
  • TPP’s Wu coordinates asset disclosure for foreign spouse

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice presidential candidate Cynthia Wu’s campaign office has announced that they are working with the Central Election Commission (CEC) to handle the declaration of her foreign spouse’s assets. This is the first time a vice presidential candidate in Taiwan has a non-Taiwanese spouse. The registration process has faced challenges due to deadlines and complexity, resulting in some assets not being managed promptly. However, the campaign office assures the public that all matters will be handled in accordance with the law. Wu’s husband is Belgian lawyer Reinout van der Elst, and they celebrated their wedding in Europe in September.
    2023/12/07 10:53
  • TPP’s Ko Wen-je admits poor handling of KMT split in intw.

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je admitted in a livestream interview that his handling of the split with the Kuomintang (KMT) was not managed well, leading to his lagging position in multiple polls. Facing a widening gap with his second-ranked rival, Ko expressed his determination to "reset and restart" his campaign. He confessed to living with regret every day since his decision to run for Taipei mayor in 2014. Ko emphasized that the key outcome will be determined on election day and voiced frustration over unjust accusations linking him to the negative impacts of Terry Gou’s influence. Ko seeks to secure a total of 10 seats for the TPP and highlighted the necessity of obtaining at least 5.5 million votes to win the presidency. He likened Taiwan’s position in U.S.-China relations to navigating a delicate mother-in-law relationship, underscoring the need for effective communication. Despite fierce competition from the KMT and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Ko pledges to continue his fight for the presidency until the end.
    2023/12/07 10:03
  • KMT’s Hou, Jaw unite with nominees for campaign photos

    The Kuomintang’s (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and his running mate Jaw Shaw-kong participated in a photo shoot and promotional video session with unranked legislative nominees. They donned white shirts and blue jeans for the hour-long session. Jaw Shaw-kong publicly appealed to Foxconn founder Terry Gou to rejoin the party and contribute to the election campaign, emphasizing the need for unity for the greater good of Taiwan. KMT Chairman Eric Chu took responsibility for any dissatisfaction within the party, highlighting the importance of party coherence. However, Gou distanced himself from rejoining the KMT and the electoral battle, stating that the issue is not relevant to him. The KMT has been actively seeking unity through various channels, including attempting to woo Gou, in order to bolster their chances in the upcoming elections.
    2023/12/07 10:01
  • Ko’s spouse clarifies sudden bank deposit hike

    Chen Pei-chi, spouse of Ko Wen-je, presidential candidate from the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), explained in a Facebook post that the increase in their bank deposits was due to receiving NT$4.22 million from a public service pension after Ko’s term as Mayor of Taipei ended. This clarification came after concerns were raised regarding the rise in Ko’s bank deposits, as disclosed by the Central Election Commission (CEC). Chen, who has been responsible for Ko’s financial declarations for years, praised the user-friendliness of the Control Yuan’s property declaration system but noted that the process for fulfilling the CEC’s requirements was incompatible with the Control Yuan’s document handling. Chen meticulously calculated the savings and net value of funds, including residual payment insurance policies. The couple had paid approximately NT$700,000 in insurance premiums that year but did not explicitly list it in the commission’s financial report form due to a lack of specific fields. Chen expressed surprise at the deposit increase, considering Ko’s retirement and lack of salary income as chairman of the TPP. The family relied on Chen’s hospital income, and the discovery of the NT$4.22 million pension deposit was unexpected.
    2023/12/07 10:00
  • Ko Wen-je aims for 10 seats in Legislative Yuan election

    Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je, the presidential candidate for the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), aims to win a total of 10 seats in the upcoming Legislative Yuan elections. He plans to maintain President Tsai Ing-wen’s foreign affairs policies while adopting a friendlier approach to cross-strait relations and emphasizing Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities. Despite his pro-Democratic Progressive Party stance, Ko aims for a non-partisan approach to governance, drawing on his experience as a physician. He believes that the key to his success lies in the turnout of young voters and aspires to make Taiwan a "normal country." Ko has been using his media platform, "KP TV," and participating in interviews to enhance his media presence. Cynthia Wu has been chosen as the vice-presidential candidate for the TPP. Ko hinted at the possibility of involving Terry Gou, founder of Foxconn, in the campaign after discussing economic policies with Gou’s team. While Ko did not provide specific vote estimates, he mentioned that around 5.5 million votes are needed to win the presidency. He also suggested that if the TPP and the Kuomintang (KMT) were to part ways, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) might gain a majority in the Legislative Yuan.
    2023/12/07 09:58
  • Ko dismisses ’92 consensus’ in Taiwan election bid

    Taiwan People’s Party candidate Ko Wen-je distinguishes himself in the Taiwan presidential race, emphasizing his lack of political burden and absence of constraints from the "1992 Consensus." Ko aligns with President Tsai Ing-wen’s peaceful solutions stance, advocating for dignity in peace. He highlights the importance of an "implied guarantee" for genuine deterrence and references the U.S.’s position on Taiwan’s independence and dialogue. Ko pledges to neither lean towards independence nor accept forceful unification if elected. Positioned as a moderate candidate, he seeks a balanced approach to Taiwan’s complex cross-strait and international relations, appealing to voters who prioritize stability and peace.
    2023/12/06 20:29
  • TPP defends Cynthia Wu’s asset declarations amid scrutiny

    Taipei (TVBS News) - Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je’s campaign chief of staff Vivian Huang has defended TPP vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu’s personal asset declarations, stating that they followed legal protocols. Huang emphasized the need for evidence if there are any suspicions regarding Wu’s declarations. This response comes after media personality Huang Yang-ming raised concerns about possible discrepancies in Wu’s asset declarations, suggesting that she neglected to report her spouse’s assets. Huang clarified that Wu’s declarations of assets last year were in strict adherence to legal requirements. The Central Election Commission (CEC) recently approved the qualifications of candidates for the upcoming presidential and vice-presidential elections, including those from the Kuomintang (KMT), Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and TPP. The CEC also released the financial disclosures of the candidates, bringing scrutiny to Wu’s declarations. As the election draws near, transparency and integrity have become vital issues for voters.
    2023/12/06 14:48
  • Wu: China amps Up ’hybrid warfare’ ahead of Taiwan elections

    Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, warns of China’s increasing interference and cognitive warfare tactics as Taiwan’s elections approach. China is using a "hybrid warfare" strategy involving military actions, economic pressure, disinformation campaigns, and unlawful financial flows to influence the election results. Taiwan’s government is actively countering these tactics by strengthening communication with the public, enhancing media literacy, and collaborating with public and private sectors. Wu calls for a united front among international allies to enhance democratic resilience and increase awareness of China’s unfriendly actions. This reflects Taiwan’s efforts to preserve its sovereignty and democratic values amid rising tensions with China.
    2023/12/05 21:54
  • Lai-Hsiao ticket surges to 38% in latest Taiwan poll

    The latest poll by My Formosa Online reveals a resurgence in support for the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Lai-Hsiao ticket, giving them a 38% lead over other contenders. The Koumintang’s (KMT) "Hou-Kang ticket" follows in second place with 31.7% support, while the Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) "Ko-Ying ticket" has experienced a decline, capturing only 14.9%. Initially, the KMT and TPP saw an increase in their numbers, fueled by speculation of a potential joint ticket. However, as the possibility of an alliance fell through and vice-presidential candidates were announced, support for Lai Ching-te of the DPP began to stabilize. This shift highlights the dynamic political landscape in Taiwan as parties solidify their tickets and prepare for an intense election season. The upcoming months are expected to be particularly vibrant as parties strategize to gain ground in voter preferences and address perceived weaknesses.
    2023/12/05 21:51
  • DPP Lai refutes KMT Hou’s comments on solar power policy

    In Taiwan’s intensifying election race, Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Ching-te staunchly defended solar power as a national policy, countering criticism from KMT rival Hou Yu-ih. The debate underscores the growing importance of green energy in Taiwanese politics.
    2023/12/05 17:31
  • AIT not taking sides in Taiwan’s 2024 election: Oudkirk

    AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk emphasized the U.S.’s neutral stance in Taiwan’s upcoming presidential election, expressing confidence in Taiwan’s democracy and addressing cybersecurity and the danger of disinformation.
    2023/12/04 20:52
  • DPP alleges CCP offered Ko US$200M for Taiwan VP bid

    The story discusses allegations made by Yao Li-ming, the campaign manager for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, regarding Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je’s claim of being offered US$200 million to run for the vice-presidential bid. Yao asserts that this is a clear instance of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) meddling in Taiwan’s elections. The press conference titled "The Unclarified US$200 Million Doubt: Is Ko Wen-je Lying to Voters or Is It Chinese Intervention?" highlights the seriousness of the alleged criminal act and characterizes Ko as both a witness and a victim of Chinese interference. Yao suggests that only the CCP has the motive, capability, and suspicion to offer such a large sum, potentially aiming to support a Blue-White alliance. Lai’s spokesperson, Tai Wei-shan, raises suspicions about Ko’s silence on the issue and insinuates pressure from either the CCP or the Kuomintang (KMT). Tai calls on KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih to clarify the KMT’s role in the alleged incidents. Additionally, Tai criticizes Hou’s proposals to reopen Taiwan to Chinese tourists and allow Chinese students to work in Taiwan, arguing that these policies would increase Taiwan’s reliance on China. The story also mentions investigations into the Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) inviting Taiwanese village chiefs on free trips to China as an example of election interference. Tai rebukes the KMT’s eagerness to make Taiwan dependent on China, claiming that it would hinder the country’s progress in connecting with the world and the international community.
    2023/12/04 20:42
  • Low risk of China attack if Lai wins: DPP campaign chief

    In an interview, Yao Li-ming, the campaign chief for the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, stated that if Lai were to win the presidency, the likelihood of a military attack from mainland China is low and the probability of cross-strait warfare is at its lowest. Yao analyzed that China may employ specific strategies in the last two weeks of the election to make Taiwanese voters perceive choosing Lai as "very dangerous," but the DPP has prepared for such scenarios. Yao drew an analogy, stating that if a bully knows that a person will resist to the death, they might not attack at all. Yao also noted that mainland China’s leader Xi Jinping did not mention a timetable for an attack on Taiwan during the recent Xi-Biden meeting, suggesting that Beijing would not rashly initiate conflict. The DPP is willing to interact with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) but cannot accept the preconditions of the "One China" principle set by Beijing. A re-elected DPP administration would send a clear message to China, emphasizing that any resolution to the Taiwan issue must involve the DPP. Yao also contended that a successive DPP administration would reflect the support of Taiwan’s younger generation and mainstream public opinion, revealing to Beijing the necessity of recognizing the DPP’s status. Regarding mainland China’s interference in the elections, Yao disclosed that the DPP is ready to confront any unusual situations that may arise, but specific suspicions cannot be made public at this time.
    2023/12/04 19:56
  • Taiwan stocks surge 44%, outshine S&P 500 and South Korea

    SinoPac Securities Investment Service (SinoPac Inv. Service) has released a report on the Taiwanese stock market, highlighting its impressive growth streak. Taiwan stocks have surged over 44% since 2020 through the end of November, outpacing South Korea’s market and even surpassing the US S&P 500’s gain. The report suggests that Taiwan stocks are poised to set a new high for the year, as the index has successfully breached the critical threshold of 16,800 points. SinoPac Inv. Service also points out that political performance and a thriving stock market are often seen as indicators of the incumbent’s record, with the stock market tending to show an upward trend before the presidential elections. Given the current momentum and what is described as a "multi-bottom pattern," investment strategists at SinoPac are suggesting a "bullish-bias" investment approach. As investors closely monitor economic indicators before making their predictions on the election’s impact, Taiwan’s stock market enters the end-of-year season with robust investor optimism.
    2023/12/04 19:47
  • Hsiao Bi-khim cautions against taking election lightly

    Hsiao Bi-khim, the Democratic Progressive Party’s vice-presidential candidate, warned against complacency during her campaign stop in Taichung, Taiwan, emphasizing the intense electoral competition across the country. She embarked on her first-ever campaign sweep in a specialized vehicle provided by the National Security Bureau and joined forces with Legislator Lin Ching-yi of Taichung’s 2nd electoral district. Hsiao visited Lin’s campaign headquarters in Wuri District and held a press conference with the legislator. She then boarded a high-security campaign vehicle, complete with bulletproof glass and guarded by national security personnel. Hsiao’s campaign received presidential-level support, including a motorcade of ten vehicles and police motorcycles dedicated to her protection. Reflecting on the challenges of the campaign trail, Hsiao acknowledged the contrast to her past electoral experiences in Hualien. This visit to Taichung was significant for Hsiao, as she expressed her honor in supporting Lin, a colleague known for her strong sense of justice and camaraderie. Hsiao and Lin have long championed foreign affairs and gender equality issues together. Today’s itinerary will take Hsiao through four electoral districts in Taichung, underscoring the importance of each district in her campaign tour.
    2023/12/04 17:31
  • MOI confirms all election candidates meet nationality rules

    The Ministry of the Interior has confirmed that all six candidates from the three presidential and vice-presidential teams meet the nationality requirements for the upcoming elections. The Central Election Commission is set to review the qualifications of the candidates, which is crucial amidst citizenship disputes involving the vice-presidential candidates of the Democratic Progressive Party and the Taiwan People’s Party. The announcement by the CEC is highly anticipated as it will address the legitimacy concerns and allow the candidates to proceed with their campaigns without legal challenges.
    2023/12/04 15:29
  • DPP’s Hsiao Bi-khim affirms unwavering R.O.C. citizenship

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim has clarified that she has never renounced her Republic of China (R.O.C., Taiwan) citizenship, addressing speculations about her nationality status. While she once held U.S. citizenship due to her American mother, she renounced it in 2002 and has documentation to prove it. Hsiao, who has served multiple terms as a legislator, believes that her background has been thoroughly vetted. The discussion about her nationality arose from her time working in the Presidential Office in 2000, where confusion arose due to differing regulations under the Nationality Act and the Household Registration Act. Hsiao emphasized the importance of having a household registration in Taiwan, as it affects immigration, employment, and treatment. However, she assured the public that on the day she assumed her position as an "overseas compatriot legislator," she obtained her R.O.C. identification card. Hsiao expressed confidence in her and her presidential running mate Lai Ching-te’s candidature, stating that everything has been meticulously checked, instilling great confidence as they head into the election.
    2023/12/04 14:29
  • Healthy media environment needed against disinformation: RSF

    Explore the impact of misinformation ahead of Taiwan’s imminent national election. Cédric Alviani, Asia-Pacific Bureau Director of Reporters Without Borders (RSF), delves into the global threat of disinformation, branding it a "poison for the mind" with heightened consequences during elections. With just 28% trust in the media, Alviani underscores the urgency for a healthier media environment and ethical journalism to combat the spread of false narratives. Discover the Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI), a four-year-old self-regulatory effort by RSF, aimed at fortifying public trust in media reporting. Join the fight against disinformation and understand the pivotal role media plays in safeguarding democracy.
    2023/12/03 18:24
  • Interior minister urges vigilance against election fraud

    Minister of the Interior Lin Yu-chang visited the Taoyuan Police Department, urging officers to crack down on bribery and maintain order ahead of the 2024 elections. The Taiwanese government has actively promoted nationwide anti-fraud measures in preparation for the general elections. Minister Lin emphasized the potential for foreign forces to disrupt societal order through false information and called for increased vigilance in intelligence gathering by the police. He praised the Taoyuan Police Department for successfully preventing 1,176 fraud cases this year, ranking them first among the six special municipalities in Taiwan. With the elections approaching, Lin highlighted the police’s role in deterring election bribery, online gambling, and fake news. The central government is committed to reinforcing the national police force and enhancing police welfare, with the National Police Agency compiling the needs of various police stations to ensure they are adequately met.
    2023/12/02 18:13
  • TPP Ko claims KMT cited billions needed for presidential bid

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je reveals that the Kuomintang (KMT) demanded he raise NT$2 billion to NT$10 billion in campaign funds to be an official candidate. In an interview, Ko discusses the financial challenges faced during the coalition talks with the KMT. The collapse of the talks left the TPP short of their target, with estimated expenses of just over NT$200 million. Ko criticizes Taiwan’s high election expenses, warning of potential issues of political influence and campaign finance.
    2023/12/02 12:12
  • Taiwan’s CEC checks candidates’ nationality for election

    The Central Election Commission (CEC) has announced that all presidential and vice presidential candidates in Taiwan’s upcoming elections have submitted consent forms for nationality verification to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. One candidate, Cynthia Wu of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), has come under scrutiny for allegedly retaining her U.S. citizenship. Lawmakers from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the Kuomintang (KMT) have called on Wu to provide proof of her nationality status. The CEC aims to finalize the list of candidates by December 5 and announce the official roster on December 15. The DPP has nominated Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim, while the TPP has put forward Ko Wen-je and Cynthia Wu. The KMT has endorsed Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-kong. The focus now shifts to transparency and eligibility, with citizenship concerns becoming a central issue in the political discourse. The CEC’s timeline allows for any issues to be resolved before the formal candidate list is published, ensuring a fair and democratic election process.
    2023/11/29 22:10
  • DPP leads in latest 2024 election poll; KMT trails

    The latest poll by Formosa Magazine reveals that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is leading the 2024 Taiwan presidential race, with the Kuomintang (KMT) trailing with approximately 30% support, and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) at the bottom. Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim, the DPP presidential candidates, have an approval rating of 36.3%, while the KMT contenders, Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-Kong, hold a 31.0% approval rating. Ko Wen-je and Cynthia Wu of the TPP secured an 18% support rate. In terms of party support, 32.4% of respondents favored the DPP to continue governing, 28.9% supported the KMT taking the reins, and 14.8% backed the TPP to lead. When asked about an alternation of ruling parties, 37.8% favored voting for the opposition party with the highest polls, while 51.4% disagreed. The poll also examined negative sentiments towards the candidates, with 33.3% least wanting to see Lai Ching-te become president, followed by Ko Wen-je at 23.8% and Hou Yu-ih at 16.4%. Among committed supporters, 20.5% declared unwavering support for the Lai-Hsiao ticket, while Hou and Jaw received 20.0%, and Ko and Wu had 9.1%. However, 41.9% of voters did not pledge strong allegiance to any candidate. The poll, conducted from Nov. 24 to Nov. 28, 2023, used the Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) method and successfully interviewed 1,476 people with a 95% confidence level.
    2023/11/29 21:15
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