
Hsiao Bi-khim hit by disinformation in Taiwan election: RFA

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/12/07 14:27
Last update time:2023/12/07 14:27
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 Hsiao Bi-khim hit by disinformation in Taiwan election: RFA
Hsiao Bi-khim hit by disinformation in Taiwan election: RFA (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — As Taiwan's 2024 presidential election countdown begins, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim has become a target of disinformation campaigns from China, being portrayed as an "American agent."

Radio Free Asia (RFA) reports that Hsiao, whose mother is of European descent, had once held dual citizenship with both Taiwan and the United States, a fact that has drawn considerable attention.


Echoing across Chinese domestic and international social media platforms are voices questioning Hsiao's ethnic background and citizenship.

The report commented that these attempts aim to mold the perception of her and the presidential candidate as overly friendly to the U.S. and betraying Taiwan, and further stated that many of these narratives are based on false information.

Nevertheless, Hsiao responded two days ago, clarifying that she does not hold dual citizenship, emphasizing her commitment to Taiwan.

The DPP vice presidential candidate had renounced her American citizenship as early as 2002, underscoring her allegiance to the Republic of China, Taiwan.

National Elections

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan 2024 presidential election# Hsiao Bi-khim# disinformation campaigns# Chinese social media# Taiwan-US citizenship# DPP vice presidential candidate# Republic of China allegiance# Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election countdown# Hsiao Bi-khim disinforma
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