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    Championship 結果共66筆

  • Taiwanese barista wins 2024 World Latte Art Championship

    Discover how Yi-Chen Xie, a talented Taiwanese barista, won the 2024 World Latte Art Championship in Copenhagen, impressing with his dragon, moose, and whale designs.
    2024/07/18 15:24
  • 威廉王子帶喬治看歐國盃決賽 父子開心、沮喪表情「神同步」

    英國威廉王子(Prince William)以足協主席身份,帶著兒子喬治(Prince George)小王子一同前往柏林,現場觀看英格蘭與西班牙之間的歐國盃(2024 UEFA European Championship)總決賽。由於攸關英格蘭能否拿下冠軍獎盃,父子二人對比賽非常投入,還不時交頭接耳討論,而小王子喬治對場上變化的各種超萌反應,更經常與老爸神同步,讓粉絲直呼超可愛。
    2024/07/15 10:35
  • 《LoL》電競戰隊BYG宣布解散! 創辦人丁特:我能力不足

    人氣電競遊戲《英雄聯盟》,太平洋職業聯賽(Pacific Championship Series)春季賽甫落幕,未料由前職業選手、網紅丁特(薛弘偉)創立的Beyond Gaming(BYG)戰隊今(20)日宣布即將解散。
    2024/04/20 16:46
  • DeMarcus Cousins seals deal for Taiwanese basketball return

    Taipei Beer Leopards renew terms with DeMarcus Cousins, set to return to Taiwan in mid-April. Cousins aims for postseason success and overall championship with Leopards teammates. Fans’ fervent support valued by Cousins. Leopards to face Taipei Mars and Kaohsiung Auas with Cousins as reinforcement. Cousins earned fans’ love during previous stay in Taiwan.
    2024/03/18 12:01
  • 有片/美大學女籃決賽火爆打群架 11人遭驅逐出場

    美國大學女籃東南聯盟錦標賽決賽(SEC Championship)場內外都異常瘋狂,綜合《紐約郵報》等媒體報導,10日在聯賽冠軍決賽中,南卡羅來納大學(South Carolina)與路易斯安那州大(LSU)球員在第四節後半段,因為肢體碰撞引爆衝突,導致多人在場內打群架,還有一名男子、疑似是路易斯安那球員強森(Flau’jae Johnson)的哥哥,從觀眾席跳進場內,也和球員發生肢體衝突,讓警察不得不介入制止穩定秩序。經過裁判組利用影片重審後,判定雙方11名球員驅逐出場,這場比賽最終由南卡大學以79比72獲勝奪冠,維持她們超狂的32連勝不敗紀錄。
    2024/03/11 11:02
  • NBA/最偉大總冠軍?前球星點名「04年活塞」:最艱難的勝利

    並非坐擁球星就能贏得NBA總冠軍,是所有球迷、球員都深切認知的一點,也足以證明每年歐布萊恩金盃得主的影響力之深遠;而若要評論「最偉大的總冠軍」必是見仁見智,除了環境因素等種種原因之外,所支持的球隊、球員也有影響,而退役球星麥克格雷迪(Tracy McGrady)日前也在節目上直言,在他心目中最偉大的總冠軍得主,是2004年的活塞。
    2024/02/27 17:54
  • Taiwan’s UMA wins big at Capcom Cup X championship

    Taipei’s UMA (Kagami) emerges victorious at the Capcom Cup X "Street Fighter 6" championship, defeating Hong Kong’s Chris Wong in the grand final to claim a US$1 million prize. Kagami’s dominant performance showcases Taiwan’s prowess in esports, highlighting the country’s ability to produce world-class gamers.
    2024/02/26 17:56
  • 17-year-old Taiwanese sensation wins Dubai endurance race

    Taiwanese high school student Jimmy Chou clinches victory at the Gulf Radical Cup in Dubai with precision driving skills and a passion for racing nurtured since childhood. With nearly seven years of experience, Chou aims to compete in higher-class European circuit races and dreams of becoming a professional driver, embodying the promising talent of Taiwan’s youth on the international stage.
    2024/02/22 17:50
  • Hsieh Su-wei triumphs at Australian Open

    Taiwanese tennis player Hsieh Su-wei and Belgium’s Elise Mertens won the Australian Open women’s doubles championship on Jan. 28. This victory is notable as Hsieh is only the third player in the past 24 years to win both the women’s and mixed doubles titles at the Australian Open. At 38 years and 24 days old, Hsieh is the second-oldest women’s doubles champion in Grand Slam history, just eight days younger than U.S. record holder Lisa Raymond. After an 18-month break due to injury, Hsieh made a triumphant return in 2023, winning the Australian Open, French Open, and Wimbledon. Hsieh and Mertens defeated Lyudmyla Kichenok from Ukraine and Jelena Ostapenko from Latvia in the women’s doubles final with a score of 6-1, 7-5. Hsieh has a total of eight Grand Slam trophies, including seven titles in women’s doubles, but is yet to win a title at the U.S. Open.
    2024/01/29 14:38
  • Last-minute pair Hsieh Su-wei and Zielinski clinch victory

    Taiwanese tennis star Hsieh Su-wei and her Polish partner Jan Zielinski emerged as the champions of the mixed doubles competition at the Australian Open on January 26. Despite their last-minute decision to team up, Hsieh and Zielinski staged an impressive comeback against American player Desirae Krawczyk and British player Neal Skupski, winning with a score of 6-7, 6-4, and 11-9. This victory holds great significance for both players, as it marks Hsieh’s first mixed doubles victory in a Grand Slam tournament and makes Zielinski the first Pole to secure a Grand Slam mixed doubles trophy. Prior to the match, Zielinski recognized Hsieh as a skilled doubles player, and he expressed his gratitude for her ability to break the curse and lead them to victory. Hsieh, in turn, praised Zielinski’s playing abilities, highlighting his skills in areas such as the baseline, net, and serve.
    2024/01/26 18:24
  • Hsieh Su-wei clinches Grand Slam mixed doubles title

    Taiwanese tennis champion Hsieh Su-wei clinched her first Grand Slam mixed doubles title at the Australian Open, becoming the first Taiwanese player to reach the championship round in both women’s and mixed doubles. Teaming up with Polish player Jan Zieliński, Hsieh fought hard in a three-set match against American second seed Desirae Krawczyk and Brit Neal Skupski, ultimately prevailing with a score of 6:7, 6:4, 11:9. This historic victory grants Hsieh a prize of AUD $165,000. In addition to her mixed doubles success, Hsieh and her Belgian partner Elise Mertens also advanced to the championship round in women’s doubles. With six Grand Slam women’s doubles trophies already under her belt, Hsieh will vie for her seventh career win on Sunday. The women’s doubles champions will receive AUD$730,000, while the runners-up will be awarded AUD$400,000. Hsieh’s remarkable achievements have left an enduring impact on Taiwanese tennis history.
    2024/01/26 12:57
  • Venue shift for Asian volleyball: Indonesia replaces Taiwan

    The Asian Men’s U20 Volleyball Championship, originally scheduled to be held in Taiwan in July, has been relocated to Indonesia, according to the Asian Volleyball Confederation (AVC). The change of venue was reportedly triggered by a protest from China, although the Chinese Taipei Volleyball Association has not confirmed this. The competition, originally planned for July 20 to 27, will now take place from July 23 to 30 in Surabaya, Indonesia. The outcome of the Asian U20 Men’s Championship will impact eligibility for next year’s FIVB Volleyball Men’s U21 World Championship. China has refrained from sending teams to sporting events in Taiwan since the 2017 Universiade Taipei. In December of last year, China expressed its desire to change the host country and submitted a protest, leading to a voting procedure. The final decision was made during an online meeting organized by the AVC.
    2024/01/17 14:48
  • 重磅!世界拳王帕奎奥來台當榮譽主席 助陣台灣首個職業拳賽

    臺灣格鬥運動股份有限公司今(9)天宣布將在2024年啟動「鍇睿格鬥冠軍賽(Carry Fighting Championship)」,這是臺灣舉辦的首屆格鬥職業賽事,為國內拳擊選手的崛起創造機會。在臺灣格鬥運動股份有限公司執行長顏宥騫帶領下,邀請到重量級嘉賓世界拳擊傳奇Manny Pacquiao擔任「鍇睿格鬥冠軍賽」聯盟的榮譽主席,Manny Pacquiao表示,「非常榮幸能擔任榮譽主席,格鬥運動一直是我生命中的一部分,作為賽事的榮譽主席,期待和大家一起見證出色的台灣拳擊手。」
    2024/01/09 16:40
  • Tsai meets World Baker of Year, praises Taiwan’s creativity

    President Tsai Ing-wen met with Justin Wu, the 2023 World Baker of the Year, to recognize his contribution in promoting Taiwan’s baking industry globally. The government is actively supporting the industry’s growth and international engagement. Wu, who won the group competition at the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie last year, was honored with the World Baker of the Year title by the Unibread Bread Baking Championships this year. He has showcased his creativity by creating an art bread piece inspired by the Seediq tribe and coaching the Taiwanese team to victory at the UIBC Junior World Championship. President Tsai highlighted the value of Taiwan’s baking industry, which exceeds NT$100 billion, and praised the diverse and exquisite styles of Taiwanese bakers at global competitions. She also expressed gratitude to the Taipei Bakery Association for their efforts in passing down experience and hosting international contests in Taiwan. President Tsai expects the bakery sector to continue delivering high quality and innovative products as it expands its market and introduces Taiwan’s delicious baked goods to the world.
    2023/12/19 16:46
  • Record 28,000 runners brave cold at Taipei Marathon

    The Taipei Marathon took place on a chilly morning with a record-breaking turnout of around 28,000 runners, including an 80-year-old man. Ethiopian runners, Dechasa Alemu Moreda and Obse Abdeta Deme, won the men’s and women’s marathon categories with impressive times of 2:11:56 and 2:27:12, respectively. Taiwanese runners, Chiang Chieh-wen and Chen I-ning, claimed the national titles with finishing times of 2:22:29 and 2:56:37. This year’s marathon set records for the highest number of participating countries, with runners from 62 nations, and the largest ever runner participation, nearing 30,000 entrants. Kenyan athlete, Lani Kiplagat Rutto, who narrowly missed the championship last year, returned but fell short once again.
    2023/12/18 20:06
  • Tai reflects on tough year, grateful despite setbacks

    Taiwanese badminton star Tai Tzu-ying reflects on her disappointing performance in the second half of 2023 but expresses gratitude towards her team and fans. Despite her struggles, Tai triumphed at the Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Tour Finals, claiming the women’s singles title. This victory marked her fourth World Tour Finals title and served as a beautiful conclusion to a challenging year. Prior to the year-end event, Tai had only secured two titles out of the 18 matches she played in 2023. Concerns about her form were raised, but her win on Sunday dispelled any doubts. Tai also mentions the challenges she faced leading up to the championship, including injury and limited training.
    2023/12/18 10:55
  • Taipei Dome screens go dark during Asia baseball game

    During the 2023 Asian Baseball Championship game between Japan and South Korea at the Taipei Dome, technical difficulties caused the main and side screens to go black. The Farglory Group attributed this outage to an unexpected system crash. The interruption, which occurred in the top of the seventh inning, lasted for approximately ten minutes before the manufacturer resolved the issue. Earlier in the game, Japanese player Ryosuke Aizawa collided with the home run wall while catching a deep fly ball in the fourth inning, resulting in leg injuries. Deputy general manager Jacky Yang of the Farglory Group clarified that the impact did not break the wall, but rather Aizawa’s spike shoes accidentally cut through the padding at the bottom. The Farglory Group assured that the stadium’s design complied with safety standards and that subsequent games would proceed unaffected.
    2023/12/11 20:12
  • Taipei Dome to boost parking, MRT exits for 40K Fans

    The Taipei City Government Transportation Department plans to open additional parking lots and exits at Taipei Metro stations to ease congestion at the Taipei Dome, which is expecting a full-capacity crowd of 40,000 people in future games. The department aims to address the increasing audience numbers for the Asian Baseball Championship by unlocking exit 5 of the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall Station on the Bannan Line, which connects directly to the underground passageways of Taipei Dome. Despite the availability of parking facilities, more than 90 percent of attendees prefer to take public transportation. The department encourages the public to continue using mass transit systems and envisions that the additional metro station exits will promote smoother traffic dispersion as seating capacity increases.
    2023/12/07 19:44
  • Taipei police: no illegal bot use in baseball ticket sales

    Taipei City Police Department reports no cases of illegal ticket-purchasing bots linked to the ongoing Asian Baseball Championship. Concerns raised by fans about "ticket grabbing bots" with instruction manuals. Consumers face challenges competing against automated systems to buy tickets. Legal gap leaves bots unpunishable. Baseball game tickets not protected against scalping. Taipei city officials urge fans not to buy tickets from scalpers.
    2023/12/07 18:17
  • Taipei Dome adds seats for Asian Baseball Championship final

    The Farglory Group has confirmed the addition of 4,700 second-level infield seats at the Taipei Dome for the final game day of the 30th Asian Baseball Championship. The decision to expand the seating capacity was made due to high demand from fans, allowing more supporters to witness the championship in person. With the new seats, the anticipated total attendance for the game is expected to reach nearly 22,000 people. Farglory has expressed its commitment to upgrading the venue and thanked fans for their support. The group also emphasized its responsibility for maintaining the stadium’s facilities and pledged to provide top-notch services in collaboration with the Taipei City Government and the Chinese Taipei Baseball Association (CTBA). The ongoing 30th Asian Baseball Championship has attracted significant crowds, with the opening game between Taiwan and South Korea teams drawing nearly 17,000 fans. The ongoing appeal for more seats from eager fans has been a major talking point throughout the tournament.
    2023/12/07 15:43
  • Lee optimistic despite not advancing to badminton finale

    Taiwan’s badminton "golden duo," Lee Yang and Wang Chi-lin, will not compete in the season-ending finale, despite their successful season which included a championship win at the Super 750 Japan Open. They also finished as runners-up in the Hylo Open and the 2023 Korea Masters. In addition, they won a bronze medal at the Asian Games, the only medal for Taiwan’s badminton team. Lee and Wang are now focused on a comeback in January 2023, aiming to defend their Olympic title at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.
    2023/12/07 15:25
  • Asian Baseball Championship tickets sell out in seconds

    Priority tickets for the highly anticipated Chinese Taipei vs. Japan and Chinese Taipei vs. Philippines matches at the Asian Baseball Championship sold out within a minute of going on sale. CTBC Bank cardholders enjoyed an exclusive priority purchasing period, limited to 3,000 tickets per match. The rapid sellout, known as a "flash sale," sets the stage for an electrifying atmosphere at Taipei Dome. Ticket prices were raised for games featuring the Chinese Taipei team, highlighting the fervor surrounding their participation. Additional tickets were released for Chinese Taipei’s quarterfinal matches, but fans continued to rush to secure their spot in the stadium. The Chinese Taipei Baseball Association (CTBA) disclosed ticket prices, with infield seats priced at NT$1,000 and outfield seats at NT$800 for Chinese Taipei’s games. For matches not involving the home team, only infield seats are offered at NT$600. The grand finale on Dec. 10 is expected to have an expanded crowd of 22,000 spectators at Farglory Dome Co., creating the ultimate showdown on the diamond.
    2023/12/07 11:09
  • Taipei Dome prevails over critics, declares baseball coach

    Taipei Dome proves its resilience during the Asia Baseball Championship, according to veteran baseball coach and legislative candidate Tsai Ming-tang. Despite heavy rains the day before, the indoor game proceeded smoothly, showcasing the Dome as Taiwan’s only international-grade indoor baseball stadium immune to weather disruptions. Tsai praised the venue’s performance and criticized politicians for hindering infrastructure development. He also highlighted the Dome’s potential as a landmark national structure due to its prime location and accessibility. Additionally, Tsai expressed personal pride as five players from his coached team participated in the opening match. He emphasized the importance of grassroots baseball and advocated for the development of idle school properties into baseball fields to benefit more students.
    2023/12/04 21:30
  • Hou Yu-ih slams former Taipei mayor over Taipei Dome delays

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih celebrates Chinese Taipei Baseball Team’s first victory at the Asia Baseball Championship and criticizes then Taipei mayor Ko Wen-je for the delayed completion of Taipei Dome. Hou highlights the eight-year delay and implies that Ko failed to effectively resolve the issues surrounding the project. Comparing Ko to current Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an, Hou praises Chiang’s determination and ability to govern the city, emphasizing his achievements in dealing with the Taipei Dome conundrum within a year of taking office.
    2023/12/04 19:52
  • Taipei Dome’s first Asian Baseball Game ends in swift exit

    The Taipei Dome hosted the opening game of the Asian Baseball Championship, with a crowd of 16,647 fans witnessing the inaugural international event. Taipei Metro efficiently evacuated spectators within 25 minutes after the game. The "Taiwan vs. Korea" showdown resulted in a 4-0 victory for Taiwan, generating excitement from the stands. Taipei Metro increased train frequency to every 2.5 minutes at Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station to accommodate the large audience. KMT Taipei City Councilor Wang Hsin-i praised the smooth evacuation process. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an inspected traffic conditions after the game. This successful event at the Taipei Dome and the efficient collaboration of transportation services set a positive precedent for future large-scale international sporting events in the city.
    2023/12/04 19:50
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