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    Championship 結果共64筆

  • Sadaharu Oh roots for Taiwan in Asia Baseball Championship

    Sadaharu Oh, Taiwanese-Japanese baseball legend, expressed his wish for the Taiwan team to triumph over South Korea in the Asian Baseball Championship. He hopes that in three years, Japan and Taiwan will join forces in the World Baseball Classic finals. Oh praised the Taipei Dome’s facilities and believes that players competing in such an exceptional environment will feel more confident, enhancing their ability to bring glory to their country and Asia. Reflecting on his own experiences in the Tokyo Dome, Oh emphasized the importance of a great setting in nurturing heroes and predicted that the presence of the Taipei Dome will improve the future of Taiwanese baseball.
    2023/12/02 17:21
  • 4,000 seats added for Asian Baseball Championship

    The Farglory Dome Co., Ltd. announces the sale of nearly 4,000 additional outfield seats for the upcoming Asian Baseball Championship in Taipei. The outfield tickets are priced at NT$400 each, with 1,000 tickets available for on-site purchase. The tournament will be held at the Taipei Dome, starting with a match between the Taiwanese and Korean teams. Originally, only 13,000 infield seats were available, but they sold out quickly, leading to scalped tickets. The Farglory Dome warns fans to avoid unofficial websites to prevent financial losses and personal data breaches.
    2023/11/27 16:30
  • 最特別的家庭賽 老虎伍茲連4年帶14歲兒挑戰PNC錦標賽

    職業高爾夫球賽事中,有一個特別比賽,採取溫馨有趣的賽制,要求知名選手們必須帶著家人組隊,一起挑戰36洞的比賽,那就是PNC錦標賽(PNC Championship)。《美國廣播新聞網》(ABC)報導,雖然曾因為嚴重車禍,被迫停賽養傷的老虎伍茲(Tiger Woods),PNG錦標賽是他過去4年來,唯一沒有缺席的正式比賽。伍茲自己曾公開表示,每年都非常期待這場錦標賽,更把握和兒子查理(Charlie Axel Woods)一起同場比賽的珍貴機會。
    2023/11/23 11:43
  • 不講武德!姆巴佩歐洲盃「帽子戲法」 14比0宰直布羅陀

    法國男足國家隊18日主場迎戰直布羅陀(Gibraltar),進行歐洲國家盃(UEFA European Championship)分組預賽,在尼斯球場數萬粉絲面前,以14比0痛宰對手,姆巴佩(Kylian Mbappé)一人獨進3球戴帽,全隊一共9名球員有進球紀錄,包含一枚開場不久的烏龍球。《美聯社》(AP)報導,這個比分差距不只讓法國球迷嗨翻全場,也刷新法國隊史近28年來最大分差,讓直布羅陀成為新的難堪紀錄保持人。不只刷新法國隊史紀錄,也打破歐洲國家盃2006年,由德國以13比0打敗聖馬利諾(San Marino)的分差紀錄。
    2023/11/19 14:40
  • Taipei Dome undergoes closed-door test ahead of match

    The Taipei Dome, after undergoing a closed-door test, is set to host 13,000 fans for a test match on Saturday. Taipei Deputy Mayor Lee Shu-chuan participated in the trial and shared his experience on Facebook, comparing it to a 1991 clip of Former Premier Hau Pei-tsun watching a national baseball championship. Lee emphasized that fans will no longer need raincoats as the Dome provides shelter. He described the completion of the Dome with the phrase "done is better than perfect" and encouraged the public to attend the match on Saturday, suggesting taking the MRT instead of driving.
    2023/11/16 20:48
  • Taipei Dome test game tickets sell out in just over a minute

    The Taipei Dome test baseball game sold out 13,000 tickets in just over a minute. The free-entry test match, scheduled for November 18, will feature training teams from the Asian Baseball Championship and the U-23 Baseball World Cup. The game aims to assess the suitability of Taipei Dome for the upcoming 30th BFA Asian Baseball Championship in December. Field tests are being conducted to ensure smooth proceedings at the new venue, and spectators are encouraged to provide feedback through on-site online questionnaires.
    2023/11/10 22:29
  • Lin brothers to lead the team in EASL pit against SK Knights

    The East Asia Super League (EASL) has begun with the Taipei Fubon Braves and the New Taipei Kings participating in the second regular season. The Kings are set to face the Seoul SK Knights in their inaugural match, featuring the highly anticipated Lin brothers, Jeremy and Joseph. Jeremy Lin, a former NBA star, has expressed his goals of winning both the P. LEAGUE+ (PLG) and the EASL championships. The Kings’ manager, James Mao, is confident in the team’s readiness and has set his sights on the championship. To strengthen the team, they have recently signed 23-year-old Christian Anigwe, who is expected to bring vitality to their performance.
    2023/11/07 12:56
  • Taipei Dome Nov. 18 warm-up baseball game to open to public

    Starting from November 10, the public can request tickets online for a free viewing of the warm-up baseball game at the Taipei Dome on November 18. The game is part of the essential competition facilities review by the Farglory Group. The November 14 warm-up match will be a closed-door event involving four top-tier teams. On November 18, the "Home Run Taipei Dome Warm-up Game" will take place, featuring a match-up between the training teams from the Asian Baseball Championship and the U-23 Baseball World Cup. The Dome is expected to open 13,000 seats to the public. Tickets can be requested online through the tixCraft ticketing system from November 10 to November 17. Each account is limited to 2 tickets, while supplies last. The company warns spectators that they will not consider compensation or other rights claims if they result from deficiencies or imperfections in the venue’s facilities. Farglory Group encourages adherence to venue regulations and recommends using public transportation to reach the games.
    2023/11/06 16:10
  • Taipei Mayor inaugurates long-awaited Taipei Dome

    Mayor Chiang Wan-an inaugurated the long-awaited Taipei Dome and stressed enhancements completed for upcoming events. Test matches to hold in November and the Asian Baseball Championship to take place in December. Get ready for exciting games.
    2023/10/27 16:43
  • Mayor Chiang Wan-an inspects newly upgraded Taipei Dome

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an recently toured the upgraded Taipei Dome, which has been 32 years in the making and meets high standards verified by Major League Baseball officials. Slated to host international competitions, the dome aims to unite baseball fans of all ages. Test games are planned for November, prior to the Asian Baseball Championship in December.
    2023/10/27 15:36
  • Taipei 101 Run Up marathon attracts over 3,500 athletes

    The Taipei 101 Run Up marathon returned after a three-year hiatus, attracting over 3,500 athletes from around the world. The challenging event featured a 91-floor ascent, with 2,046 steps and a vertical height of 390 meters.
    2023/10/14 20:49
  • PLG new season begins with Fubon Braves vs. New Taipei Kings

    Taiwanese professional basketball league PLG revealed on Oct. 13 the regular season schedule for 2023-24, with the season-opening match set for Nov. 11. The game will feature Taipei’s Fubon Braves hosting the New Taipei Kings, led by Jeremy Lin. The Braves, aiming for their fourth consecutive PLG championship title, will hold the inaugural game at the Taipei Heping Basketball Gymnasium.
    2023/10/13 17:18
  • MLB/兩分砲逆轉勝 太空人擊垮雙城晉級美聯冠軍戰

    美國職棒(MLB)季後賽第一輪,12日由太空人(Houston Astros)客場迎戰雙城(Minnesota Twins),處於對手聽牌落後的壓力,雙城雖然在第一局率先取得1比0領先,但很快就被太空人追平,甚至在第四局被對方一壘手阿布瑞尤(José Abreu)敲出兩分砲,一棒逆轉超前,加上三任後援投手合力投出8次三振,完全壓制對方打者反攻機會,最終太空人以3比2險勝、系列戰取得3比1晉級美聯冠軍戰(AL Championship Series),將對戰同區死對頭遊騎兵。
    2023/10/12 10:45
  • 「寶可夢世界錦標賽2023(Pokémon World Championship)」首次在日本橫濱舉辦!

    2023/08/28 10:06
  • NBA/準到高爾夫球場!柯瑞名人賽「一桿進洞」 就連詹皇也看傻

    勇士巨星柯瑞(Stephen Curry)除了是NBA史上最偉大的射手外,私下還是個高爾夫球的狂熱者。值得一提的是,柯瑞在台灣時間今(16)日的美國世紀冠軍賽高球名人賽(American Century Celebrity Golf Championship)中,竟上演賽史首度的「一桿進洞」,讓他當下興奮地滿場奔跑,不但全美網站都為之瘋狂,就連好友詹姆斯(LeBron James)也忍不住驚呼:「這真的太狂了!」
    2023/07/16 16:12
  • Hou Yu-ih emphasizes Kinmen’s crucial role in Taiwan Strait

    New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih, participated in the Dragon Boat Championship preparations by attending a ceremony at Luzhou Breeze Park on Tuesday (May 30). 
    2023/05/30 18:01
  • Taiwan nabs 24 gold medals in World Sport Stacking Contest

    Taiwan has emerged victorious at Singapore’s 2023 World Sport Stacking Championship (WSSC), clinching an impressive 24 gold medals. 
    2023/04/10 15:34
  • 不速之客!PGA巡迴賽打一半松鼠亂入 工作人員上演趕鼠秀

    在戶外舉辦的運動賽事常會有小動物來湊熱鬧,這些不請自來的「不速之客」替緊張的比賽氣氛增添了搞笑元素;19日在美國佛羅里達州(Florida)進行的PGA巡迴賽「威士伯錦標賽」(Valspar Championship)冠軍賽上,就突然出現一隻松鼠來攪局,讓工作人員當場上演「趕鼠秀」,畫面十分逗趣。
    2023/03/20 14:22
  • 英格蘭世足8強止步! 外媒:教頭有意續任拚歐洲盃

    根據包括天空體育新聞在內的多家英國媒體17日報導,英格蘭總教練邵斯蓋特打算執掌兵符到2024年歐洲國家盃足球賽(European Championship)結束。
    2022/12/18 21:29
  • 《拳皇 XV》台灣包下前三名! 中國大陸直播狂遮國旗

    全球知名格鬥遊戲比賽EVO(Evolution Championship Series)於8月5日至7日在美國拉斯維加斯舉辦。其中「拳皇XV」項目,台灣選手包辦前3名,創下史上最佳成績。
    2022/08/10 09:29
  • BYG挺進PCS春季季後賽 首戰對決DCG

    遊戲《英雄聯盟》太平洋職業聯賽(Pacific Championship Series,以下簡稱PCS)春季賽已經於3月20日正式落幕。為期六週的賽事中,由兆豐銀行贊助的隊伍「Beyond Gaming」(以下簡稱BYG)以11勝7敗的戰績挺進季後賽。
    2022/03/31 20:30
  • 中信「飛牡蠣」電競戰隊成立!隊名曝光網友秒聯想他

    中國信託繼棒球「中信兄弟」、籃球「中信特攻」後,今(27)日宣布成立職業電競戰隊「中信飛牡蠣CTBC Flying Oyster」(簡稱「CFO」),該戰隊將參戰2022年英雄聯盟太平洋職業聯賽(Pacific Championship Series, PCS),並且宣示要前進世界大賽。不過網友們見到新隊名出現,紛紛歪樓,並且聯想到「那個男人」。
    2022/01/27 20:02
  • 航空級尾翼臺灣只有3輛 LC Limited 580萬起限量上市

    去年 (2020年) 10月底,Lexus聯手日籍Red Bull Air Race World Championship飛行錦標賽飛行員室屋義秀,用特技飛機空力設計作為靈感,打造具有航空級尾翼的LC Aviation特別版車型,Lexus隨後亦於北美推出完整複製LC Aviation的LC Limited Edition限量車型。現在,Lexus總代理和泰汽車宣布正式引進LC Limited Edition,提供LC 500與LC 500h兩種動力設定,分別開出580萬元與610萬元,不過2021年式車型全臺僅有3輛配額。
    2021/01/28 19:53
  • 航空級尾翼加持 限量LC Aviation化身陸地飛行器

    即使已經被Lexus視為是最美雙門與敞篷跑車,日本豪華品牌還是為決定讓LC車系更具獨特性,與日籍Red Bull Air Race World Championship飛行錦標賽飛行員室屋義秀合作,打造僅僅限量70輛的LC Aviation特別版車型,以鳥類與飛機等航空元素為設計靈感,強化LC空氣力學設計,同步提升視覺張力與空氣力學效應。同時,還與Discovery頻道合作,深入探討特技飛行以及LC Aviation開發過程。
    2020/10/31 00:00
  • 台灣紅了!挪威選手奪冠畫面 竟戴「台灣宮廟帽」

    台灣宮廟帽登上國際舞台!法國尼斯三鐵世界錦標賽(IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship),昨(8日)由23歲的挪威選手艾登(Gustav Iden)奪冠,他在衝過終點時,頭上戴的帽子竟印有「埔鹽順澤宮」5個中文字。台灣網友看了之後熱烈討論,笑讚是「另類台灣之光」。
    2019/09/09 10:31
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