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    biden 結果共897筆

  • CSIS survey predicts potential Taiwan Strait crisis in 2024

    A survey conducted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) suggests that a crisis similar to the large-scale military exercises China conducted near Taiwan in 1995-96 is likely to occur in 2024. The survey, conducted in late 2023, revealed that about 67% of American and 57% of Taiwanese scholars anticipate such a crisis. However, experts believe that China is currently unable to successfully invade Taiwan. Instead, they suggest that China may pursue actions of isolation or blockade against Taiwan within the next five years. The survey defines a "Taiwan Strait crisis" as a significant escalation of tensions accompanied by major People’s Liberation Army exercises aimed at intimidating Taiwan and reaffirming China’s threats of force. Factors contributing to these views include China’s reaction to Taiwan’s election results, negative assessments of U.S.-China relations, and the belief that the November meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping did not sufficiently stabilize relations to reduce the potential for a crisis.
    2024/01/24 12:41
  • 美國防部長隱瞞住院 叫救護車還要求「別鳴笛、別開警示燈」

    美國國防部長奧斯汀(Lloyd Austin)日前傳出在動手術時出現併發症而住院,然而入院3天後總統拜登(Joe Biden)才得知此事,疑似隱瞞病情的情況引發譁然,而《路透》取得的電話錄音披露奧斯汀1日叫救護車時,特別要求救護車「不要開警示燈、不要鳴笛」。
    2024/01/17 12:14
  • 獨/選後迫不及待訪台 拜登高階代表團今晚飛抵桃園

    根據英國「金融時報」報導,美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)擬派遣由前任官員組成的高階代表團在台灣大選後訪台。據了解,白宮派遣的高階代表團傳出今(14日)晚間抵台,將從桃園機場入境。
    2024/01/14 14:38
  • 拜登形容胡塞武裝為恐怖組織 揚言將採取進一步行動

    美英兩國1月11日空襲葉門胡塞武裝(Houthis)近30個據點,回應對方早前在紅海以無人機及導彈企圖攻擊兩國艦艇。白宮12日表示,總統拜登(Joe Biden)批准空襲行動,並不會猶豫採取進一步行動。拜登其後再將胡塞武裝形容為恐怖組織。
    2024/01/13 08:01
  • 白宮選後派遣高階代表團訪台 學者:美中互嗆不要介選

    根據英國「金融時報」報導,美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)擬派遣由前任官員組成的高階代表團在台灣大選後訪台。報導指出,此舉可能提高美中穩定緊張關係的難度。對此,東海大學政治系教授沈有忠表示,凸顯美國重視台灣這次選舉結果,也是一種對中國表態,過去美國多次提到,希望中國尊重、不要介入台灣選舉;過去中國也未曾停止對台的介選,美國也都一直都很關心,只是現在中美關係回不去,「變成互嗆對方不要介選」,現在都是檯面話、明顯對抗味道濃厚。
    2024/01/11 10:43
  • 金融時報:白宮擬派遣高階代表團於台灣大選後訪台

    英國「金融時報」報導,美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)擬派遣由前任官員組成的高階代表團在台灣大選後訪台。報導指出,此舉可能提高美中穩定緊張關係的難度。
    2024/01/11 06:38
  • 不只瞞住院!美國防部長12月初就「罹攝護腺癌」 拜登完全不知情

    美國國防部長奧斯汀(Lloyd Austin)日前傳出在動手術時出現併發症而住院,然而在入院3天之後總統拜登(Joe Biden)才得知此事,疑似隱瞞病情的情況引發譁然,美國國防部9日終於公布奧斯汀住院的相關細節,原來他是因罹患「攝護腺癌」才需要進行手術,而拜登也是9日才知道奧斯丁罹癌一事。
    2024/01/10 10:15
  • 美國防部長奧斯汀瞞病住進ICU 白宮:拜登支持他、無意換人

    美國國防部長奧斯汀(Lloyd Austin)日前住院接受治療,然而在奧斯汀住院3天之後,總統拜登(Joe Biden)才得知此事,國防部長隱瞞病情引發譁然。有白宮官員透露,拜登不考慮解僱國防部長奧斯汀,他仍然完全信任奧斯汀,如果奧斯汀提出辭職,拜登將不會接受。
    2024/01/09 10:00
  • 白宮驚傳「汽車衝撞」!秒掀翻防護門 特勤包圍急逮駕駛

    美國白宮驚傳「汽車衝撞事件」!根據《RedState》、《BBC》等外媒報導,一輛未經授權的自小客車,疑在加速衝刺後闖入白宮西北側大門,警方及特勤人員在第一時間上前,將駕駛控制依法拘留;事發時間在當地下午5時許,特勤局發言人古列爾米(Anthony Guglielmi)證實汽車衝撞外門,詳情仍在調查中。而據了解,事發當下美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)並不在華盛頓。
    2024/01/09 08:40
  • 美防長「住院門」瞞好瞞滿 五角大廈再曝內情:元旦劇痛進ICU

    70歲美國防部長奧斯汀(Lloyd Austin)今年元旦突然住進加護病房,卻傳出引瞞病情多天,總統拜登(Joe Biden)、國安高層甚至副防長第一時間都不知情,引來國會兩黨砲轟。眼見「住院門」風波越演越烈,五角大廈今(8)日再度說明,指奧斯丁去年12月22日接受手術,1月1日突然感到劇烈疼痛,因此才住院。
    2024/01/08 17:32
  • Trump slams Biden’s response to Xi’s Taiwan threats

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump criticizes President Joe Biden’s soft response to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s threats against Taiwan. Trump questions Biden’s decision to vacation during this tense period. Xi’s New Year’s message emphasized the inevitability of unifying with Taiwan, drawing international attention. Trump’s team accuses Biden of insufficient response while vacationing in St. Croix. Despite the U.S.’s "strategic ambiguity" on defending Taiwan, Biden has made clear statements indicating support for Taiwan if China invades.
    2024/01/02 13:04
  • 繼台積電之後 三星美國廠也將延遲至2025啟用

    三星電子(Samsung Electronics Co.)在美國德州泰勒(Taylor, Texas)的新晶片廠量產計劃確定延遲,這可能再次打擊美國拜登(Joe Biden)政府提高國內半導體供應計畫。根據《首爾經濟日報》報導,引述三星晶圓事業部總裁崔時榮(Choi Siyoung)在舊金山的演講內容,這個投資170億美元的新廠將延後到2025年,才會開始大規模生產。
    2023/12/27 15:58
  • Biden signs defense act to boost Taiwan’s self-defense

    U.S. President Joe Biden has signed the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (FY2024 NDAA), which includes a comprehensive training program for Taiwan’s military. The program aims to enhance Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities and will be overseen by the U.S. Secretary of Defense. The legislation, which has received approval from both houses of the U.S. Congress, allocates a total of US$886 billion for this purpose. The training program will focus on layered defense, asymmetric defense strategies, cross-communication between the U.S. and Taiwan’s military, information sharing, and the improvement of professional military education and civilian control over the military. Additionally, the act emphasizes collaboration between the U.S. and Taiwan on military cyber security and requires regular updates on Taiwan arm sales proceedings. It also mandates the Secretary of Defense to submit biannual reports to Congress on the military developments of the People’s Republic of China, particularly in areas such as Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and the South China Sea, covering topics such as weapon upgrades, procurement, and military operations.
    2023/12/23 12:34
  • 美國總統車隊離開競總遭轎車衝撞 拜登嚇到張嘴神色驚恐

    美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)與第一夫人吉兒17日晚間離開位於德拉瓦州(Delaware)的競選總部時,一輛轎車撞上護衛拜登車隊的SUV。目擊者表示,拜登夫婦安然無恙。兩人隨後被帶入其他車輛,平安返回家中。拜登今後的行程將不受到影響。
    2023/12/18 10:02
  • U.S. approves $300M arms sale to Taiwan

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has received formal notification from the U.S. government about the sale of tactical information systems worth approximately US$300 million. This arms deal, the twelfth from the Biden administration to Taiwan since 2021, demonstrates the U.S.’s commitment to Taiwan’s defense needs. MOFA expressed gratitude for the U.S.’s continued fulfillment of its security commitments in accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances. The sale includes equipment, training, and technical support, which will enhance Taiwan’s national defense and deterrence capabilities. MOFA reiterated Taiwan’s determination to strengthen its self-defense capabilities, safeguard its territory, and preserve its democratic and free way of life in the face of China’s military expansion and provocation. The foreign ministry also emphasized the deepening security partnerships with the U.S. to uphold a rules-based international order and ensure peace, stability, and prosperity in the Taiwan Strait and the broader Indo-Pacific region.
    2023/12/16 15:48
  • Ambassador Burns urges non-interference in Taiwan vote

    U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns urges parties to refrain from interfering in Taiwan’s upcoming elections and emphasizes the U.S.’s desire for a free and fair electoral process. He quotes President Biden in reaffirming unchanged U.S. policy towards Taiwan. Burns describes U.S.-China relations as "hopeful" and "realistic," highlighting Beijing’s commitment to tackling the fentanyl crisis and the eagerness to restore military communication. He advocates for a realistic and hopeful approach to U.S.-China ties, aiming to mitigate risks rather than decoupling.
    2023/12/16 14:47
  • 川普復仇有望? 拜登7大搖擺州總統民調全輸

    美國下屆總統大選雖然尚未公佈正式人選,但社會輿論普遍認為,重演2020年戲碼的機率非常高,兩大黨非常有可能讓拜登(Joe Biden)、川普(Donald Trump)二度對決。《華盛頓時報》引述最新民調數據發現,這一份專門針對7個「搖擺州」(swing states)選民進行的調查,川普在7個行政區,支持率都超出拜登許多,平均領先5.8%,其中以北卡羅萊納(North Carolina)11%差距最大,就連賓州都有2%領先,讓拜登連任之路再次拉響警報。
    2023/12/15 11:30
  • 美6成選民不認同拜登 歐巴馬顧問:連任之路非常不樂觀

    現任美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)是民主黨假定的下屆人選,但他的年齡、施政表現與領袖魅力,卻不斷遭到挑戰和質疑,民調數據更持續不被看好。甚至在《華爾街日報》(WSJ)最新調查中,倘若拜登與川普再次對決,目前川普以47%支持率微幅領先拜登的43%。在對總統施政表現中,有高達61%比例受訪者認為拜登表現不佳,種種數據讓前總統歐巴馬的政治顧問阿克塞爾羅德(David Axelrod)很憂慮,認為拜登未來連任之路將面臨不少挑戰,情勢相當不樂觀。
    2023/12/14 11:01
  • 啟動「拜登彈劾」調查! 美眾議院表決通過了

    美國共和黨人把持的聯邦眾議院今天表決同意基於總統拜登之子韓特.拜登(Hunter Biden)有爭議的外國商業交易案,對拜登展開正式彈劾調查;民主黨人則說這些指控毫無根據。
    2023/12/14 08:39
  • 與納坦雅胡分歧多年 拜登自曝:至今仍不同意他說的任何事情

    美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)與以色列總理納坦雅胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)之間的關係多年始終存有分歧,如今又因以巴衝突變得更加錯綜複雜。拜登11日在白宮的1場宴會中更坦言「不同意納坦雅胡的所有意見」,不過也強調「獨立猶太國家是不可動搖的」。
    2023/12/12 17:02
  • 習近平抵越南總理接機 料助鐵路升級強化兩國關係

    中華人民共和國國家主席習近平12日下午抵達越南河內,不只是在美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)前腳剛走之際,也是他上台執政6年來,第一次出訪越南、這個同屬共產黨治國的盟邦。《路透》報導引述知名人士消息,提到中越兩國將簽數數十則雙邊合作,其中北京將提供協助,幫忙升級越南貫通南北狹長國土的鐵路系統,以及吸引更多陸資企業前往越南投資設廠。
    2023/12/12 16:22
  • Vietnam wins big as Chinese, US investment surges

    Chinese companies are increasingly establishing supply chains in Vietnam as U.S. companies like Apple move production there, according to Japanese media reports. Export restrictions on advanced semiconductors and semiconductor production equipment to China by the Biden Administration have led to difficulties for Chinese manufacturers, prompting a shift in investment towards alternative manufacturing bases like Vietnam. Approved foreign direct investment in Vietnam increased by 15% from January to November 2023, with Chinese investment, including from Hong Kong and Macao, doubling from the previous year. Chinese investment in Vietnam is even higher when routed through subsidiaries based in Singapore and Thailand. Notable investments include Shandong Haohua Tire Co. Ltd.’s US$500 million investment and Trina Solar Co., Ltd.’s US$420 million decision. BYD Company also announced an expansion investment of US$144 million, bringing its total investment in Vietnam to over US$400 million. Japanese experts believe that Chinese enterprises must engage in joint advancements in cutting-edge technology with local entities to be seen as partners by the Vietnamese.
    2023/12/12 16:02
  • 美國終於要蓋高鐵 拜登砸82億美元全面升級鐵路

    相比歐洲或亞洲各國,美國本土的鐵路運輸系統,真的落後非常多,至今仍沒有一條真正的高速鐵路,過去數十年來雖多次傳出要興建,但缺因為各種掣肘或變動無疾而終。《哥倫比亞廣播電視台》報導,拜登總統(Joe Biden)9日正式宣佈,將啟動全美鐵路升級大計畫,編列合計82億美元(約新台幣2576億8100萬元)經費,改善現有老舊的鐵路系統,同時在加州打造兩條真正的高速鐵路,改善美國民眾出行的體驗。
    2023/12/09 14:26
  • 喜愛脫衣舞狂歡 拜登子杭特被爆「色色花費」超過2千萬

    美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)之子杭特(Hunter Biden),8日再次遭到特別檢察官魏斯(David Weiss)提起訴訟,這回一口氣提告9項稅務相關罪名,其中三項屬重罪,倘若全部確認有罪,最高可判17年刑期。但對於杭特而言,最難堪的還不只可能被判刑,他所有生活細節將再一次被攤在陽光下,《福斯新聞網》就抓準機會重擊,最新報導中直指杭特生活糜爛,光是花費在脫衣舞、伴遊女郎等成人娛樂上,就高達87萬2172美元(約新台幣2740萬7569元)。
    2023/12/09 11:01
  • U.S. House backs Taiwan military training in defense bill

    The U.S. House Armed Services Committee has agreed to include provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24 NDAA) to assist in the training of Taiwan’s armed forces. The bill, with a budget of USUS$876.8 billion, requires the U.S. Department of Defense to develop a comprehensive training and advisory program for Taiwan’s military. The program will only proceed with the consent of the Secretary of State and after consultations with Taiwanese officials. The legislation aims to enhance Taiwan’s multilayered defense capabilities, including asymmetric defense strategies and interoperability with U.S. forces. It also promotes cybersecurity cooperation and the protection of military networks. The NDAA mandates biannual reporting on China’s military developments in Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and the South China Sea. Additionally, a classified report will evaluate the absorption of U.S.-provided military capabilities by Taiwan’s armed forces. After approval by Congress, President Joe Biden is expected to sign the bill into law, strengthening U.S.-Taiwan defense relations.
    2023/12/08 17:19
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