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    War 結果共159筆

  • 以巴不斷更新/以總理:「可能」有釋人質協議 加薩最大醫院停運作

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)10月7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/11/13 10:03
  • Taiwan’s APEC agendas on U.S.-China talks, trade, CPTPP

    The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Week 2023 in San Francisco will be a significant event for Taiwan. The country’s main focuses during the summit include the U.S-China leaders’ talks, the possibility of meetings between U.S. President Joe Biden and TSMC Founder Morris Chang, progress on U.S-Taiwan trade negotiations, and Taiwan’s potential participation in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). President Biden is scheduled to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss trade, Taiwan, the U.S.-China tech war, and PLA activities in the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan officials are also working towards arranging a meeting between Chang and Biden. While the first agreement under the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade has been signed, the second round of negotiations is not progressing as expected. Taiwan’s Minister Without Portfolio John Deng hopes to meet with U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai during the summit to confirm progress. Additionally, Taiwan will likely use the APEC summit as an opportunity to hold bilateral talks with CPTPP members to garner support for its admission to the trade pact.
    2023/11/12 11:45
  • 以巴不斷更新/加薩醫院45新生兒恐凶多吉少 聯合國已百雇員死亡

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)10月7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/11/11 17:28
  • Taiwan committed to democracy and freedom: President Tsai

    President Tsai Ing-wen emphasized Taiwan’s commitment to protecting freedom, democracy, and regional peace at the 2023 Taipei Security Dialogue. The event focused on key issues including China’s challenge to the global order and democracy, the influence of the Ukrainian-Russian war on global relations, and China’s expanding global influence. Tsai discussed strengthening self-defense capabilities, restoring compulsory military service, increasing the defense budget, and highlighted Taiwan’s first domestically produced submarine prototype. She drew examples from Ukraine’s resistance against Russian invasion and conflicts in the Middle East to highlight the impact of "grey zone" activity on stability in the Indo-Pacific region. Other attendees included high-ranking officials from Taiwan’s government and diplomats and experts from various countries.
    2023/11/08 20:37
  • 以巴不斷更新/以軍:哈瑪斯囤氧欲長期藏地道 UN批以哈都犯戰爭罪

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)10月7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/11/08 17:59
  • 以巴不斷更新/以色列秀「證據」 指責哈瑪斯於清真寺設火箭發射器

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)10月7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/11/07 16:24
  • 70 percent will fight if China attacks, study shows

    A paper published by the Washington-based think tank Global Taiwanese Institute reveals findings of mainstream public opinion on Taiwanese defense. The paper, titled "Conversations with the Taiwanese about Taiwan’s Defense," shows that 70 percent of Taiwanese are willing to fight in the event of a Chinese invasion, while 20 percent would leave and 10 percent would choose to surrender. The results are based on conversations conducted by Taiwanese-American U.S. Air Force captain Jimmy Chien during his six-week stay in Taiwan, which included discussions with university students and retirees. Chien’s research challenges the perception that increased military strength and pressure from China could lead to military action, as most Taiwanese do not consider this a likely scenario. He argues that Taiwanese people believe China must first address its domestic affairs before resorting to force against Taiwan. Chien also notes that Taiwanese people are aware that the U.S. military is unlikely to deploy troops in the event of a war, and therefore hope to receive non-combat aid, such as supplies and maintenance, from the U.S. as a show of support in battling enemy forces.
    2023/11/06 19:32
  • 以巴不斷更新/加薩遭轟炸釀13死 哈瑪斯遭控救護車偷渡武器

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)10月7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/11/04 11:38
  • Semiconductor revenue expected to rebound by 11% in 2024

    The global semiconductor revenue is projected to drop by approximately 12% in 2023 but is expected to rebound by more than 11% next year, reaching a total revenue of US$550 billion, according to International Business Strategies (IBS). Major semiconductor companies, including Intel Corp, TSMC, and Samsung Electronics, have indicated that the industry downturn has passed. Although Samsung Electronics’ profit for Q3 fell 38%, inventory is returning to normal levels, and oversupply is easing due to production cutbacks. Samsung’s deputy head of the Memory Division suggests that the recovery trend could continue into next year. Despite challenges such as inflation, the war in Ukraine, and clashes between Israel and Hamas, the semiconductor market recovery reflects the resilience of the global economy.
    2023/11/02 20:42
  • 以巴不斷更新/以軍2轟難民營炸死近2百人 美無意派維和部隊入加薩

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/11/02 09:42
  • 若中國封台 《晶片戰爭》作者估全球經濟恐「損失數兆美元」

    「晶片戰爭」(Chip War)作者、美國學者米勒(Chris Miller)在印度參加論壇時指出,若中國決定封鎖台灣,全球經濟兩個季度內恐損失數以兆計美元。
    2023/11/02 09:23
  • 以巴不斷更新/救出女兵還不夠 以色列人質增至240人首都光束祈福

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/10/31 18:14
  • MOEA expresses concern about maintaining 2% GDP growth

    Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Wang Mei-hua, expressed concerns about maintaining a 2% GDP growth rate this year despite signs of economic recovery. She cited external factors such as inflation, the Russia-Ukrainian war, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as global market influences. However, Wang emphasized that Taiwan’s innovation and efficiency are key advantages that can withstand external economic pressures. The National Development Council also reported a slight improvement in economic measures, indicating subtle growth amidst global adversity. Despite challenges, Taiwanese authorities and stakeholders remain cautiously optimistic and ready to leverage the nation’s inherent strengths.
    2023/10/30 14:38
  • NIA disputes reports of surging growth in emigration

    Recent media reports claiming a tripling growth in emigration businesses in Taiwan due to war fears have raised public concerns. However, statistics from emigration companies show no increase in approved applications over the past five years, with annual numbers ranging from 1,077 to 704. The National Immigration Agency (NIA) states that the overall migration level, currently around 20,000 people, may fluctuate significantly in the event of major events such as pandemics or wars. The NIA also notes that the pandemic has caused an increase in citizens unable to return to Taiwan, rising from 180,000 to 220,000 between 2021 and 2022. The agency emphasizes that immigration consultancy firms represent only one channel of advisory services and do not reflect the total number of emigrants. They request that the public avoid generalizations that could lead to societal instability. The NIA further highlights that exaggerated media portrayals of war-evading migration risk can cause unnecessary social anxiety and emphasizes that population mobility is part of the freedom of migration.
    2023/10/30 14:27
  • 以巴不斷更新/外媒:以軍控制部分加薩北部地區 聯合國機構遭奪物資

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/10/29 17:01
  • Stimson Center predicts result of US-China war over Taiwan

    A potential war between the United States and Beijing over Taiwan could result in crippling losses for both sides, warns the Stimson Center. The article, titled "Is a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan the Most Likely Scenario?" highlights that a unilateral declaration of independence by Taiwan might trigger ground and aerial assaults from Beijing. A military simulation by the Center for Strategic and International Studies showed that a joint defense effort from the U.S., Japan, and Taiwan could repel a Chinese invasion but at devastating costs, including the loss of ships, aircraft, and troops. The war would also impact the U.S.’s global standing, hurt Taiwan’s economy, and potentially destabilize the Chinese Communist Party’s rule. China’s aerial superiority, with a ratio of 1900 to Taiwan’s 300, could result in airstrikes, missile and cyber attacks aimed at decimating Taiwan’s defenses and critical infrastructure. Simulations predict a rapid escalation of war, including potential bombing of U.S. military bases and a reciprocal U.S. attack on Chinese bases and navy. Any concrete steps taken towards official independence by Taiwan could serve as a catalyst prompting Beijing’s decision for forceful unification.
    2023/10/28 18:23
  • KMT candidate Hou promises to protect Taiwan’s security

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih emphasized his dedication to protecting Taiwan’s homeland and national security at a campaign event in Tainan City. He addressed unresolved cross-strait issues, such as the United States listing Taiwan as a military aid country and the increasing number of Chinese military aircraft entering Taiwan’s air defense identification zone. Hou affirmed that national security is his top priority and that he has committed his life’s work to safeguarding Taiwan, promising not to betray the island nation. He believes Taiwan is at a critical juncture, choosing between war and peace, and stressed the importance of maintaining social order, avoiding collusion between government officials and businesses, and prioritizing economic development.
    2023/10/28 16:37
  • 以巴不斷更新/以色列對加薩2度地面攻擊 哈瑪斯:停火才放人質

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來的最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/10/27 16:47
  • 以巴不斷更新/以襲250個哈瑪斯目標 BBC分析為何坦克進加薩

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來的最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/10/26 18:09
  • 以巴不斷更新/被俘如入地獄 85歲以國嬤:哈瑪斯餵人質小黃瓜跟起士

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來的最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/10/24 17:51
  • Lai urges China to value Taiwan firms’ contributions

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te has called on Mainland China to appreciate the contributions of Taiwanese business people to its economy. This appeal comes as Foxconn Group, a major Taiwanese tech firm, faces investigations by China’s tax and natural resources departments. Lai emphasized that Taiwanese business people are an important asset to China, fostering economic growth and creating opportunities. He urged China not to pressure Taiwanese business people during the upcoming election, warning that it would harm both sides and undermine confidence in the Chinese market. Lai also called on China to respect Taiwan’s democratic constitution and lifestyle and to accept that the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communists is over. He encouraged China to engage in equitable and dignified dialogue exchange.
    2023/10/24 13:40
  • 以巴不斷更新/加薩空襲1晚55死 以色列又轟炸敘利亞2機場

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來的最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/10/22 14:08
  • 以巴不斷更新/拜登要求國會緊急撥款1050億美元 詳細分配額曝 

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來的最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/10/20 23:11
  • 以巴不斷更新/蘇納克:盼以色列勝利 衛星照曝加薩斷電慘況

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來的最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/10/19 23:08
  • 以巴不斷更新/拜登訪以承諾繼續提供支持 以巴死亡人數逼近5千

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來的最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/10/18 17:30
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