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    War 結果共159筆

  • Report: Hou Yu-ih’s victory could ease Taiwan-China tensions

    If Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih wins the election, Taiwan’s political and economic situation could undergo significant changes, potentially easing tensions with China, according to a report by Nikkei Asia. Hou, a former police officer, has risen quickly in the political scene and is seen as a "law and order" poster child. Many Taiwanese voters are tired of President Tsai Ing-wen’s eight-year reign, especially regarding the increasing threat from China and slowing economic growth. Hou frames the election as a choice between peace and war, emphasizing the need to maintain good cross-strait relations. He accepts the 1992 Consensus and promises to restart the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA). Additionally, Hou advocates for a tough stance against crime and opposes the abolition of the death penalty, vowing to execute capital punishment if elected.
    2024/01/06 16:09
  • KMT’s Jaw Shaw-kong equates Lai Ching-te with war

    KMT vice presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong declared during a livestream interview that Lai Ching-te, Taiwanese independence, and war are synonymous, describing them as the "trinity." He criticized Beijing’s imprisonment of Hong Kong merchant Jimmy Lai and accused the DPP of advocating for a cabinet system when out of power but refusing to do so in office. Jaw Shaw-kong vowed to implement reforms if elected and reaffirmed the KMT’s stance on abolishing the death penalty. He mentioned former President Chen Shui-bian and firmly stated that even if Lai Ching-te were elected, Chen would not be granted special amnesty. Jaw Shaw-kong accused the DPP of being a "democratic dictatorship" and warned that Lai Ching-te’s election would bring uncertainty to Taiwan’s future.
    2024/01/04 14:50
  • Foreign Minister Wu slams China’s aggression in Le Monde

    Taiwan’s Foreign Minister, Joseph Wu, has condemned China’s violation of the military status quo across the Taiwan Strait in an interview with Le Monde. He accuses China of attempting to obscure Taiwan’s sovereignty and initiating a ’choose between peace or war’ cognition war. Wu emphasizes that China’s interference efforts are increasingly difficult to discern and contradict Taiwan’s attempts to maintain the status quo. He reiterates President Tsai Ing-wen’s cautious and responsible stance ahead of the presidential election and commits to strengthening defense forces to show that invading Taiwan would not be easy for China. Wu also criticizes China’s hybrid warfare, alleging that it seeks to convince the public that the upcoming election is a choice between conflict and economic slowdown or peace and prosperity. Le Monde notes that Wu has been actively raising global awareness of the risks of conflict in the Taiwan Strait through visits to Eastern Europe and Scandinavia.
    2024/01/03 11:08
  • Trump slams Biden’s response to Xi’s Taiwan threats

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump criticizes President Joe Biden’s soft response to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s threats against Taiwan. Trump questions Biden’s decision to vacation during this tense period. Xi’s New Year’s message emphasized the inevitability of unifying with Taiwan, drawing international attention. Trump’s team accuses Biden of insufficient response while vacationing in St. Croix. Despite the U.S.’s "strategic ambiguity" on defending Taiwan, Biden has made clear statements indicating support for Taiwan if China invades.
    2024/01/02 13:04
  • MOEA counters Jaw’s remarks amidst Taiwan’s investment surge

    KMT vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong claimed that he invited Taylor Swift to perform in Taiwan in 2023, but she declined due to concerns over the island’s geopolitical risks. Jaw warned that without a peaceful environment, investors would be discouraged from investing in Taiwan, potentially hindering the modernization and progress of businesses. He criticized the DPP for escalating tensions across the Taiwan Strait and believed that the U.S.’s harsh rhetoric and threats could deter potential investors. However, Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs disputed these claims, stating that foreign investment in Taiwan reached US$10.7 billion by November 2023, the second-highest rate in 15 years. The MOEA emphasized that "war risk" did not deter foreign capital, citing major semiconductor companies and AI companies that have recently invested significantly in Taiwan. With the general elections approaching, the MOEA urged Jaw not to damage Taiwan’s reputation for political gain.
    2024/01/02 12:32
  • 張誌家世界盃重棒出輯!周杰倫操刀寫歌 與五月天阿信「有私交」

    前職棒球星張誌家今(2)日驚傳心肌梗塞猝逝,享年43歲,他曾被盛讚是天才型投手,在2001年世界盃抵禦外強韓國時,繳出完投9局、失1分、12次出局的驚艷表現,旋即聲名大噪,當時他除廣告邀約不斷,還和丁文琪合唱中職主題曲〈IT’S MY WAR〉,連天王周杰倫、林夕等人都幫他寫過歌,足見人氣之高。
    2024/01/02 12:17
  • Ko envisions Taiwan as bridge, not pawn, in global politics

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je discusses his core policy on cross-strait relations, emphasizing preparedness for war but not seeking it. He advocates for autonomy and peaceful cross-strait relations. Ko expresses concern over Taiwanese unease with the Taiwan Strait status quo and questions if Taiwan desires secrecy, division, and animosity. He envisions Taiwan as a beautiful island and desires it to be a bridge for Sino-American communication. Ko acknowledges challenges such as the necessity of TSMC and cautiously approaches nuclear energy, considering the international trend towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. He aims to transcend traditional ideological division and promises fairness, inclusivity, and effective governance.
    2023/12/30 17:19
  • TAO doubts Lai’s claims of lowering cross-strait war risk

    The Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesperson, Chen Binhua, expressed doubt over Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s claim that his election would reduce the risk of a cross-strait war. Chen highlighted the contradiction in Lai’s stance as a supporter of Taiwanese independence while believing his presidency would mitigate tensions. Chen emphasized the international consensus to uphold the One China principle and maintain peace. Lai dismissed claims that supporting him meant war as Chinese propaganda and argued that his policy aligns with international norms. Chen countered by citing the success of the "One Country, Two Systems" formula in Hong Kong. Chen also addressed investigations into bureau chiefs suspected of violating the Anti-Infiltration Act and concerns over Taiwanese living in China being unable to return to vote due to a recent outbreak. He expressed concern that if the DPP authorities deprived Taiwanese living in China of their voting rights, it would expose their autocratic and non-democratic character to the world.
    2023/12/27 16:28
  • 以巴不斷更新/以軍陷「七線作戰」 與哈瑪斯戰鬥將持續數月

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)10月7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來最大規模的衝突,停火協議僅維持七天,之後能否讓更多被俘虜的人質回家?以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況。
    2023/12/27 10:02
  • Ko Wen-je accuses China of meddling in Taiwan’s election

    Presidential candidate Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) held a livestream on his YouTube channel to discuss China’s involvement in the elections. He accused China of producing fake polls in favor of the Kuomintang (KMT) party’s "Hou-Jaw" ticket, with the intention of committing electoral fraud. Ko warned voters that choosing the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) would increase the risk of war, while choosing the KMT would carry the threat of being influenced by mainland China. He questioned the motives behind the falsified polls and highlighted the DPP’s anti-China stance and the KMT’s reliance on Chinese influence. Ko positioned himself as a safer choice, promising to maintain peace and Taiwan’s independence.
    2023/12/26 10:06
  • 以巴不斷更新/埃及提議全面停戰停火兩周 專家管加薩、不起訴哈瑪斯

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)10月7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來最大規模的衝突,停火協議僅維持七天,之後能否讓更多被俘虜的人質回家?以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況。
    2023/12/26 10:04
  • KMT’s Hou returns to hometown, shares poverty struggles

    KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih returns to his hometown of Chiayi’s Puzi City to pay respects to his late parents and campaign for votes. He shares his family’s struggles in poverty, highlighting his rise from a grassroots police officer to Director-General of the National Police Agency. Hou emphasizes the importance of unity among citizens, regardless of political affiliation, to enhance the nation’s well-being. He recounts his parents’ generation navigating tough conditions after World War II, with his father working as a butcher to make a living. Hou’s experiences drive him to run for president, aiming for a unified Taiwan that transcends party lines and improves the national welfare of the Republic of China.
    2023/12/22 18:25
  • 以巴不斷更新/台拉維夫遭空襲 外媒質疑哈瑪斯仍有中長程飛彈

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)10月7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來最大規模的衝突,停火協議僅維持七天,之後能否讓更多被俘虜的人質回家?以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況。
    2023/12/22 09:24
  • Hsiao Bi-khim stresses strength for Taiwan’s status quo

    DPP vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim emphasized the importance of strength in maintaining Taiwan’s status quo and preventing bullying. She highlighted the current state and prospects of U.S.-Taiwan relations, noting that U.S. policy has consistently supported maintaining the status quo and opposing the use of force. Hsiao mentioned that under Xi Jinping’s leadership, the U.S. has shifted to view China competitively but does not seek a new Cold War. She emphasized critical issues of peace, security, and economic cooperation in Taiwan-U.S. ties, including the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade. Hsiao underscored Taiwan’s determination to defend itself, citing the national defense budget and military modernization reforms. She referred to herself as a "cat warrior" and advocated for government reform and a balanced international stance. Hsiao urged that Taiwan not become a divisive issue between American political parties and emphasized the need for a proper balance amidst U.S.-China competition to ensure Taiwan’s safe and steady progression.
    2023/12/20 21:21
  • Taiwan’s new southbound investment tops China’s in 2023

    Taiwan’s investments in New Southbound countries in the first 11 months of 2023 have surpassed investments in Mainland China, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). Investments in the New Southbound countries reached US$5.13 billion, a 7.26% year-on-year increase, outstripping investments in Mainland China, which stood at US$2.96 billion. This trend is driven by the supply chain diversification, accelerated by the U.S.-China trade war and major manufacturers’ strategies to decentralize operations. Investments in New Southbound countries now account for around 20% of Taiwan’s total overseas investments, whereas China accounts for approximately 11.5%. From January to November 2023, there were 2,102 approved cases of overseas-focused investments by Taiwanese and foreign entities, a decrease of 8.89% compared to last year. The amount invested reached about US$10.8 billion (approximately NT$323.7 billion), the second-highest for the period in the last 15 years but still representing a 13.04% decline from the previous year. Investments from New Southbound countries into Taiwan saw 609 approved cases within the same timeframe, an annual increase of 41.30%. The investment totaled approximately US$2.5 billion (about NT$75.7 billion), up 25.20% from the previous year, with the most significant inflows originating from Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia. On a broader scale, the 504 approved cases of outbound investments from Taiwan marked a 2.44% annual increase, surging by 145.61% financially to roughly US$22.8 billion (approximately NT$684.4 billion). Investments in New Southbound countries revealed 195 approved cases, rising by 35.42% year-on-year, totaling around US$5.1 billion (approximately NT$ 154.1 billion) and constituting 20% of Taiwan’s total foreign investments. Singapore, Vietnam, and Thailand were the leading recipients. Conversely, approved investments in Mainland China amounted to 305 cases, down by 7.58%, with the approved investment sum decreasing by 33.91% to approximately US$2.96 billion (about NT$88.9 billion). Mainland Chinese investments in Taiwan experienced a 45.45% decline in approved cases to 24, with the investment figure falling 21.65% to about US$27.4 million (approximately NT$821.6 million).
    2023/12/20 20:45
  • Taiwan military ups alert around 2024 general elections

    Taiwan’s Armed Forces (ROCA) are planning to increase alertness before and after the 2024 general elections, according to the Ministry of National Defense (MND). The military will closely monitor enemy activities in coordination with joint intelligence and reconnaissance. Troop deployments will be adjusted promptly in response to gray zone tactics, while ensuring readiness exercises and communication structures are implemented. The military remains vigilant towards the People’s Liberation Army’s activities, using surveillance and reconnaissance means to monitor the situation in the seas and airspace surrounding Taiwan. The PLA continues combat readiness patrols and the ROCA is tracking and responding appropriately.
    2023/12/20 19:35
  • Tsai backs Lai-Hsiao duo for Taiwan’s steady future

    President Tsai Ing-wen emphasizes the need for a stable government in the face of future challenges in Taiwan. She expresses her hopes to entrust the nation to reliable individuals during her visit to Hsien Heng Temple. Tsai highlights the experience and comprehensive backgrounds of the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential and vice-presidential candidates, Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim. Reflecting on her own tenure, Tsai acknowledges the public support that has strengthened Taiwan’s economy. She discusses global events such as the pandemic, the Ukraine-Russia war, and Taiwan’s drought, noting Taiwan’s resilience and growing international support. Tsai emphasizes the importance of maintaining a parliamentary majority and urges the public to support the Lai-Hsiao ticket and cast their party votes for the DPP for a brighter future for Taiwan.
    2023/12/20 18:43
  • Ukrainian students at TCU volunteer to teach in Taiwan

    Ukrainian students at Tzu Chi University have formed a volunteer team to teach English and music as a way to give back to Taiwan for its support during the Russia-Ukraine War. The group, consisting of nine Master’s students studying media and communications, will be conducting classes at a local elementary school two to three times per week. The initiative was prompted by a desire expressed by several students last semester, and TCU facilitated school partnerships to make it happen. The Ukrainian student-teachers offer a fresh perspective that inspires their pupils and makes learning a language more dynamic and engaging.
    2023/12/19 22:18
  • Jaw Shaw-kong challenges Lai to demolish Wanli property

    Kuomintang (KMT) vice presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong has pledged to resign as chairman of the Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC) if his rival, Vice President Lai Ching-te, demolishes the allegedly illegal property owned by his family in Wanli District. Jaw criticized Lai during a live stream, questioning why Lai has not addressed his own property allegations. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has criticized Jaw for not stepping down from his BCC position after being named the KMT’s vice-presidential nominee. Jaw also expressed support for lowering the voting age to 18 and clarified his position on Taiwan’s sovereignty, stating that he opposes Taiwanese independence due to the potential risk of war, but does not advocate for unification with mainland China.
    2023/12/15 16:03
  • 以巴不斷更新/救同袍卻惹上殺身之禍 以色列一天內10官兵陣亡

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)10月7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來最大規模的衝突,停火協議僅維持七天,之後能否讓更多被俘虜的人質回家?以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況。
    2023/12/14 16:09
  • War in Israel, Gaza tops 2023 Google news searches

    Google’s most searched topics in 2023 revealed the War in Israel and Gaza as the top news category globally. NFL player Damar Hamlin, who suffered a cardiac arrest on the field, emerged as the most searched individual. Actor Jeremy Renner ranked second after being run over by a snowplow. Yoasobi’s single "Idol" topped the song searches, while Barbie and Oppenheimer were the most searched movies. Hogwarts Legacy and The Last of Us dominated the video game category. Late actor Matthew Perry and singer Tina Turner received extensive searches. The television adaptation of The Last of Us was the most sought-after TV series of the year.
    2023/12/12 19:28
  • Japan’s 2023 kanji of the year reflects ’tax’ concerns

    The kanji of the year for 2023 in Japan is "稅" (tax), chosen by the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation. This is the second time since 2014 that the character for tax has been selected. The choice symbolizes the Japanese people’s increased attention to tax issues, including tax increases and cuts. Over 147,000 individuals participated in the vote, with "稅" (tax) receiving the most votes. The second and third most voted characters were "暑" (heat) and "戰" (war), respectively. In Taiwan, the "2023 Character of the Year" results were announced, with "缺" (lack/shortage) taking the top spot, followed by "蛋" (egg) and "詐" (fraud) in second and third places, reflecting specific societal concerns in the region.
    2023/12/12 17:00
  • 加薩登Google全球熱搜第一 BTS、BlackPink佔樂團榜首

    谷歌(Google)12日公佈2023全年熱搜詞彙排行榜,其中在全球新聞熱搜第一名,就是「以色列與加薩衝突」(War in Israel and Gaza),雖然只發生兩個多月時間,卻因為各種搜索和查詢最新資訊,讓衝突超越其他話題成為全年熱搜榜首。新聞類第二名也是知名事件,就是先前出海探索鐵達尼號遺址的泰坦潛水器(Titan submersible)死亡事故;其次則是造成5萬多人死亡的土耳其強烈地震。事實上,前十大熱搜新聞多達9項,全都是天災與悲劇類型,只有第九名是印度月船3號(Chandrayaan-3),成功登陸月球南極的正面好消息。
    2023/12/12 11:59
  • EBC addresses ’Tonight Like War’ show’s future amid rumors

    Tonight Like War is a popular entertainment show in Taiwan hosted by actress Karen Hu and singer Daniel Lo. The show, which launched in 2021, has gained a loyal following due to its unique concept that incorporates internet big data and viewer participation through online voting. However, recent rumors of the show’s cessation have caused concern among fans. The Eastern Broadcasting Company (EBC), the show’s broadcaster, responded by stating that they are currently in the planning stages for the show’s future and will provide updates on any new format developments.
    2023/12/11 20:51
  • Michael Green: Taiwan’s defense commitment under scrutiny

    Former Senior Director for Asian Affairs at the National Security Council and CEO of the United States Studies Centre, Michael Jonathan Green, emphasizes that Taiwan’s recent extension of military service to one year is a significant indication of its commitment to defense. Green warns that any reversal of this decision would raise concerns in both the United States and Japan. As tensions rise across the Taiwan Strait, the main concern for the U.S. is Taiwan’s vulnerability to Chinese pressure or military action. By extending military conscription, Taiwan is demonstrating its political will to counter Beijing’s intimidation. The United States, Japan, and Australia believe that Taiwan’s efforts to stabilize the situation and prevent war are commendable. Green highlights that any threat posed by China to Taiwan could jeopardize security across the entire First Island Chain, impacting nations like the US, Canada, Japan, the Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand. Green, who has served in the Bush Administration and was part of the U.S. bipartisan delegation that visited Taiwan in March, stresses the critical importance of Taiwan’s resolve for self-defense.
    2023/12/11 12:05
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