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    War 結果共154筆

  • Price hike essential for stable power supply: MOEA

    Taiwan’s economic minister emphasized the necessity of a power price hike to address rising international fuel costs, but the Legislative Yuan voted to halt the hike due to public opposition. The decision raises concerns about Taipower’s financial stability and power supply.
    2024/05/01 17:11
  • Joseph Wu: From top diplomat to national security chief

    Joseph Wu Jaushieh, with over six years as Taiwan’s foreign minister, is set to become the National Security Council’s secretary-general. Known for his "unconventional" approach and handling of crises like the China-US trade war and COVID-19, Wu significantly enhanced Taiwan-US relations and worked on expanding ties with Central and Eastern Europe. Despite losing eight diplomatic allies under China’s pressure, his extensive international experience is seen as a valuable asset in his new role.
    2024/04/25 17:34
  • DPP skips KMT-led talks on halting electricity price hike

    Discover the ongoing political debate in Taipei as the DPP abstains from KMT-initiated talks on freezing electricity prices amid rising costs due to the Russo-Ukrainian War, highlighting the clash over addressing structural unfairness in charges.
    2024/04/24 18:01
  • Former President Ma questions US support amid divisions

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou questions U.S. support for Taiwan amid cross-strait tensions, highlighting internal U.S. divisions over Israel-Palestine conflict. Advocates for Taiwan’s defense preparedness, peace talks, and cross-strait dialogue to avoid war and rejects Taiwan’s involvement in global power politics, emphasizing shared Chinese heritage for peaceful resolution.
    2024/04/24 14:54
  • 要報復伊朗但反擊方式存異 外媒:以色列戰時內閣有分歧

    為報復駐敘利亞大使館旁附屬建築月初遭到攻擊,伊朗當地時間13日深夜(台灣時間14日凌晨4時)向以色列發射數百架無人機和飛彈,是首度直接攻擊以色列領土。雖然並未造成以國重大損失,以色列戰時內閣(war cabinet)討論後,仍決定對伊朗發動反擊,但反擊方式和時間仍存在分歧。
    2024/04/15 09:46
  • Taiwan’s rising rents: pandemic, war, and interest rates

    the year-over-year (YoY) rate in the rent index has been around 2% for the past two years, a relatively high level. The YoY growth rate in March was 2.24%, the highest increase in the past year. Over the past decade, the average annual increase in the rent index was 1.1%. However, since July 2022, the growth has exceeded 2% and has remained at this level. DGBAS officials pointed out three main factors that contributed to the rise in rent. First, the cost of maintaining houses has increased. In recent years, the increase in residential maintenance costs has been significant, with a sharp rise of 5.8% in 2022 and increases of over 3% in 2023 and 2024. 
    2024/04/12 18:00
  • Jaw Shaw-Kong sees Ma Ying-jeou as bridge for peace

    Jaw Shaw-Kong highlights former President Ma Ying-jeou’s meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping as a crucial moment in Ma’s visit to China, emphasizing its potential to enhance cross-strait communication for the Kuomintang. The Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwanese citizens, and the U.S. closely monitor Ma’s visit for its implications on peace and stability in the region. Jaw stresses the significance of face-to-face exchanges to prevent conflict and advocates for peaceful cross-strait relations. Ma’s trip is framed as a peace mission, with hopes of easing tensions and fostering friendship between Taiwan and the mainland.
    2024/04/02 14:47
  • China warns Taiwan of consequences under DPP’s current path

    The story discusses recent statements from officials of China’s Taiwan Affairs Office and the Executive Yuan of Taiwan regarding rising cross-strait tensions, rumors of a "war tax," and accusations against the Democratic Progressive Party. Clarifications were made regarding the alleged plans for a war tax and the nature of military exercises for national security.
    2024/03/27 15:50
  • Lai champions AI, green tech in Taiwan’s ICT push

    Vice President Lai Ching-te engages in discussions with ICT industry leaders at Hwa Ya Technology Park in Taoyuan, emphasizing Taiwan’s pivotal role in the global AI revolution amidst the U.S.-China tech war. NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang highlights Taiwan’s significance in the new AI era, urging collective efforts to solidify Taiwan’s global standing. Lai’s visits and dialogues with industry players signal a collaborative approach to strategic industry planning.
    2024/03/26 16:55
  • Vice President Lai Ching-te explores AI and 5G with Quanta

    Vice President and President-elect Lai Ching-te’s visit to Quanta headquarters in Taipei to discuss AI and 5G applications with Chairman Barry Lam, as part of his ongoing industry exchange tour. The meeting highlighted Taiwan’s ICT industry success and Quanta’s pivotal role in seizing AI opportunities, reflecting critical decisions made by Lai during his tenure as premier.
    2024/03/26 16:14
  • Prospect of war unlikely across the Taiwan Strait: scholar

    Analysis by Professor Li Cheng of The University of Hong Kong on the relationships between Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China in the context of the new national security law. Insights on the unlikelihood of a Taiwan Strait war, Hong Kong’s unique position, and the need for cooperative approaches between the U.S. and China.
    2024/03/22 17:31
  • Han Kuang computer war games extended for in-depth training

    Taiwan’s Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng announces the extension of the Han Kuang 40 military drills to eight days, citing evolving enemy threats and a focus on detailed simulations. U.S. military observers are invited, and ongoing U.S. arms sales are addressed.
    2024/03/07 17:23
  • Taiwan’s exports hit top-three record despite 2023 dip

    Taiwan’s export performance reached a historic high from 2021 to 2023, but experienced a 9.8% decline in 2023 compared to the previous year, according to the Ministry of Finance. Despite this setback, exports to the U.S. continued to soar with a 49.7% year-on-year increase, while exports to countries covered by Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy also saw significant growth. However, exports to mainland China decreased to 35.2%. Taiwan’s total export tally for 2023 amounted to US$432.48 billion, ranking behind only 2022 and 2021. The demand for communications and electronic products during the pandemic-induced work-from-home trend boosted Taiwan’s exports. The Taiwan Institute of Economic Research predicted significant international trade growth in 2024, which would benefit export-oriented economies like Taiwan. In December 2023, Taiwan’s exports to the U.S. reached $8.49 billion, and exports to southern countries surged by over 50%. However, due to the limited coverage of free trade agreements (FTAs), many traditional Taiwanese industries chose to restructure risks and production in Southeast and South Asia. The return of Taiwanese businesses and the expansion of local factories after the U.S.-China trade war, as well as global economic circumstances, significantly impacted the decline in 2023 exports. The Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) estimated the first-quarter export volume for 2024 to be around US$106.1 billion, which is an improvement compared to the same period in 2023, but a 10% decrease from 2022.
    2024/02/15 10:49
  • Taiwan slips to 24th in 2024 global military strength rank

    Taiwan’s ranking in the 2024 Global Military Strength Index falls to 24th place, emphasizing the nation’s domestic war resource challenges. Experts analyze the implications and the role of President-elect Lai in shaping cross-strait relations.
    2024/02/06 17:18
  • Trump vows to reinstate tariffs on China if reelected

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump pledges to reapply tariffs on Chinese goods, potentially exceeding 60%, if he wins the November presidential election. He offers no clear answer on whether he would assist Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack. Trump plans on imposing a 60% tariff on Chinese goods, a number that may increase. He is leading in the Republican primary and is expected to face incumbent President Joe Biden in November. Trump imposed tariffs amounting to US$250 billion on Chinese imported goods during his term, sparking a trade war. Biden retained Trump’s tariff policy and banned the export of advanced semiconductors and semiconductor production equipment. Trump disputes rumors of another trade war with China, stating that he has handled all matters related to China well. He also criticizes Taiwan for taking semiconductor jobs from the U.S. and suggests imposing tariffs and trade barriers on Taiwan.
    2024/02/06 17:05
  • 三戰近了?當前比1914、1939危險 台灣問題恐致核交火

    英國國防大臣夏普斯(Grant Shapps)日前警告,冷戰後的「和平紅利」時代已結束,5年內全球恐得面對多場涉及俄羅斯、中國、伊朗和北韓的衝突,提醒英國公民應該接受訓練。英國《天空新聞》訪問多位專家,探討這是否意味第三次世界大戰即將發生?以及當今的人們是否生活在「戰前世界」(pre-war world)。
    2024/01/30 13:58
  • 以巴不斷更新/以軍遭控砲轟加薩聯合國設施 傳哈瑪斯靠「手寫紙條」溝通

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)2023年10月7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況。
    2024/01/25 13:30
  • Taiwan’s MOEA to aid Taipower’s budget crisis

    The Minister of Economic Affairs, Wang Mei-hua, plans to help Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) seek budgetary support from the Executive Yuan to alleviate its financial distress. Taipower reached out to the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) for assistance, citing escalating international fuel prices caused by the Russia-Ukraine war. Other global power companies, such as Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), and Électricité de France (EDF), have already experienced significant price hikes. Taipower’s rates are relatively low compared to the cost of power generation, resulting in policy-driven losses. As of 2023, Taipower has accumulated losses of NT$382.6 billion due to absorbing price increases to protect Taiwan from global inflation. The MOEA disclosed that Taipower and the CPC Corporation have discrepancies in predicting natural gas prices, leading Taipower to observe international coal prices for cost estimates in 2024. While mitigating Taipower’s financial woes in the short term poses challenges, Wang aims to prevent further losses. The MOEA will assist Taipower in lobbying the government for budget support once financial situation estimates are finalized. The decision to adjust electricity prices will be made by the Electricity Price Review Committee.
    2024/01/23 13:09
  • 以巴不斷更新/以色列遭汽車恐攻 巴勒斯坦嫌「偷車撞人」1死17傷

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)2023年10月7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來最大規模的衝突,停火協議僅維持七天,之後能否讓更多被俘虜的人質回家?以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況。
    2024/01/16 13:44
  • 以巴不斷更新/哈瑪斯發人質「哭求快換囚」片 以國批心理戰

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)10月7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來最大規模的衝突,停火協議僅維持七天,之後能否讓更多被俘虜的人質回家?以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況。
    2024/01/09 13:46
  • Report: Hou Yu-ih’s victory could ease Taiwan-China tensions

    If Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih wins the election, Taiwan’s political and economic situation could undergo significant changes, potentially easing tensions with China, according to a report by Nikkei Asia. Hou, a former police officer, has risen quickly in the political scene and is seen as a "law and order" poster child. Many Taiwanese voters are tired of President Tsai Ing-wen’s eight-year reign, especially regarding the increasing threat from China and slowing economic growth. Hou frames the election as a choice between peace and war, emphasizing the need to maintain good cross-strait relations. He accepts the 1992 Consensus and promises to restart the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA). Additionally, Hou advocates for a tough stance against crime and opposes the abolition of the death penalty, vowing to execute capital punishment if elected.
    2024/01/06 16:09
  • KMT’s Jaw Shaw-kong equates Lai Ching-te with war

    KMT vice presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong declared during a livestream interview that Lai Ching-te, Taiwanese independence, and war are synonymous, describing them as the "trinity." He criticized Beijing’s imprisonment of Hong Kong merchant Jimmy Lai and accused the DPP of advocating for a cabinet system when out of power but refusing to do so in office. Jaw Shaw-kong vowed to implement reforms if elected and reaffirmed the KMT’s stance on abolishing the death penalty. He mentioned former President Chen Shui-bian and firmly stated that even if Lai Ching-te were elected, Chen would not be granted special amnesty. Jaw Shaw-kong accused the DPP of being a "democratic dictatorship" and warned that Lai Ching-te’s election would bring uncertainty to Taiwan’s future.
    2024/01/04 14:50
  • Foreign Minister Wu slams China’s aggression in Le Monde

    Taiwan’s Foreign Minister, Joseph Wu, has condemned China’s violation of the military status quo across the Taiwan Strait in an interview with Le Monde. He accuses China of attempting to obscure Taiwan’s sovereignty and initiating a ’choose between peace or war’ cognition war. Wu emphasizes that China’s interference efforts are increasingly difficult to discern and contradict Taiwan’s attempts to maintain the status quo. He reiterates President Tsai Ing-wen’s cautious and responsible stance ahead of the presidential election and commits to strengthening defense forces to show that invading Taiwan would not be easy for China. Wu also criticizes China’s hybrid warfare, alleging that it seeks to convince the public that the upcoming election is a choice between conflict and economic slowdown or peace and prosperity. Le Monde notes that Wu has been actively raising global awareness of the risks of conflict in the Taiwan Strait through visits to Eastern Europe and Scandinavia.
    2024/01/03 11:08
  • Trump slams Biden’s response to Xi’s Taiwan threats

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump criticizes President Joe Biden’s soft response to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s threats against Taiwan. Trump questions Biden’s decision to vacation during this tense period. Xi’s New Year’s message emphasized the inevitability of unifying with Taiwan, drawing international attention. Trump’s team accuses Biden of insufficient response while vacationing in St. Croix. Despite the U.S.’s "strategic ambiguity" on defending Taiwan, Biden has made clear statements indicating support for Taiwan if China invades.
    2024/01/02 13:04
  • MOEA counters Jaw’s remarks amidst Taiwan’s investment surge

    KMT vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong claimed that he invited Taylor Swift to perform in Taiwan in 2023, but she declined due to concerns over the island’s geopolitical risks. Jaw warned that without a peaceful environment, investors would be discouraged from investing in Taiwan, potentially hindering the modernization and progress of businesses. He criticized the DPP for escalating tensions across the Taiwan Strait and believed that the U.S.’s harsh rhetoric and threats could deter potential investors. However, Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs disputed these claims, stating that foreign investment in Taiwan reached US$10.7 billion by November 2023, the second-highest rate in 15 years. The MOEA emphasized that "war risk" did not deter foreign capital, citing major semiconductor companies and AI companies that have recently invested significantly in Taiwan. With the general elections approaching, the MOEA urged Jaw not to damage Taiwan’s reputation for political gain.
    2024/01/02 12:32
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