
Tsai backs Lai-Hsiao duo for Taiwan’s steady future

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/12/20 18:43
Last update time:2023/12/20 18:43
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Tsai backs Lai-Hsiao duo for Taiwan’s steady future (TVBS News) Tsai backs Lai-Hsiao duo for Taiwan’s steady future
Tsai backs Lai-Hsiao duo for Taiwan's steady future (TVBS News)

NEW TAIPEI (TVBS News) — President Tsai Ing-wen emphasized the need for a stable government in the face of numerous challenges Taiwan will face in the future, and expressed her hopes to entrust the nation to reliable individuals on Wednesday (Dec. 20).

During her visit to the Hsien Heng Temple for worship, President Tsai noted that the Democratic Progressive Party's (DPP) presidential and vice-presidential candidates, Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim, are the most experienced pair, with comprehensive backgrounds ranging from local to central governance.


While reflecting on her own tenure since being first elected, Tsai acknowledged her initial rush to achieve her goals but thanked the public support that has bolstered Taiwan's strength and ensured steady economic growth.

Tsai also discussed significant global events during her over seven years in office, including the pandemic, the Ukraine-Russia war, and Taiwan's drought. Despite these challenges, she pointed out that Taiwan has prevailed and continues to gain support from friends worldwide.

Highlighting the critical nature of maintaining a parliamentary majority, President Tsai urged the public to support the Lai-Hsiao ticket and cast their party votes for the DPP, aspiring for a brighter future for Taiwan.

National Elections

Taiwan Affairs

#stable government# reliable individuals# DPP presidential candidates# comprehensive backgrounds# steady economic growth# global events# parliamentary majority# challenges Taiwan will face in the future# Democratic Progressive Party’s presidential and vice
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