
Taiwan refuses to rename its Lithuania office amid tensions

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/09 17:05
Last update time:2024/05/09 17:05
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Taiwan refuses to rename its Lithuania office amid tensions (Shutterstock) Taiwan refuses to rename its Lithuania office amid tensions
Taiwan refuses to rename its Lithuania office amid tensions (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — On Thursday (May 9), Taiwan's Foreign Minister Joseph Wu (吳釗燮) declared that Taiwan has not received any formal request to change the name of its representative office in Lithuania and would not agree to such a change if proposed.

This statement comes in response to Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda's suggestion to rename the Taiwanese office to stabilize relations with China.


The name "The Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania" was established in 2021, solidifying the diplomatic ties between the two nations, Wu emphasized.

Wu, during a radio interview, stressed the significance of the name established in 2021 after both governments signed official documents.

He responded to Nausėda's statements by acknowledging the diversity of opinions in a democratic country but reiterated Taiwan's position on maintaining the office's current name.

Wu highlighted that in Lithuania, the prime minister is the head of government, and opposition parties fear that changing the office's name could damage Lithuania's international reputation and appear as yielding to China's pressure.

The relationship between Taiwan and Lithuania has strengthened, marked by the opening of reciprocal representative offices in 2021. However, Beijing's opposition to the name "Taiwanese" in the office title has led to significant political and economic sanctions against Lithuania, including downgrading diplomatic relations and banning Lithuanian products on the Chinese market.

Typically, Taiwan's overseas offices bear the name "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office" or "Taipei Representative Office" to avoid implications of Taiwan being a separate country, a stance Beijing strongly opposes.

As tensions simmer over the office's naming, the international community watches closely. Taiwan's refusal to change the name underscores its commitment to sovereignty and the strength of its diplomatic ties with Lithuania, despite external pressures.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan Lithuania relations# Taiwan foreign policy# China sanctions Lithuania# Taiwanese representative office# Lithuania China relations# Taipei Economic and Cultural Office# Taiwan sovereignty# Taiwan refuses name change# Lithuania supports Taiwan sovere
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