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    Tomorrow 結果共38筆

  • 義大利神作強壓三大影展片!雪梨奪大獎 她追平歷史紀錄

    義大利電影年度票房冠軍電影《我們還有明天》(There’s Still Tomorrow)近日勇奪雪梨國際影展「雪梨電影獎」(Sydney Film Prize),獨得6萬美元(約194萬台幣)的高額獎金。有趣的是,該片是義大利女導演寶拉寇提莉絲(Paola Cortellesi)演而優則導的首部劇情長片,影片完全不見於歐洲三大影展,卻在義大利橫空出世,連續擊敗《Barbie芭比》與《奧本海默》,以10億台幣票房驚創下疫情以來的最高紀錄,躍升成為現象級電影。
    2024/06/18 17:20
  • 網紅情侶因「TXT然竣」分手!男方堅持1原因 道歉也無法挽回

    近日韓國娛樂圈因為一起分手事件掀起軒然大波,知名韓國時尚品牌THUG CLUB的代表Cho Young Min,突然在IG上宣布與論及婚嫁的女友分手,並氣憤的曝光分手的真相,表示分手原因與TXT的成員然竣有關,消息一出立刻引起網友熱議。  
    2024/06/09 21:53
  • Typhoon Maliksi to hit Guangdong, weaken by tomorrow

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan as the Central Weather Administration predicts brief showers and thunderstorms due to an approaching frontal system. Typhoon Maliksi, set to weaken after landfall, brings cooler temperatures and significant rainfall over the weekend. Stay updated on changing weather patterns affecting Taiwan from May 31 to June 6.
    2024/05/31 09:32
  • 平常「都吞CD」!唱跳超強4韓國男團 外貌實力都兼具

    競爭激烈的韓國歌壇中,每年都有不少團體出道,唱歌實力往往是大眾關注的部分,今天就來盤點有哪些擁有超強實力「吞CD」的男團,分別有BTOB、2AM、EXO以及TOMORROW X TOGETHER。
    2024/04/19 14:08
  • Sunny skies ahead: Taiwan’s weather forecast reveals warmth

    Stay updated on the latest weather forecast in Taiwan as the Central Weather Administration predicts sunny and stable conditions today and tomorrow. Expect temperatures around 22 to 31 degrees Celsius across different regions, with a shift to a southwesterly wind on Tuesday bringing mostly sunny skies but possible scattered showers in the south. By Thursday, a cold air mass from China will bring colder temperatures, especially in the northern and northeastern regions. Stay informed with expert Daniel Wu’s model simulation hinting at the possibility of brief showers in northern regions by Sunday.
    2024/03/04 10:00
  • 《擺渡人》調酒淋進鹹酥雞添「酒香」 少年狂吃後騎車竟酒駕

    電影《擺渡人》中有款經典調酒「See You Tomorrow」,顧名思義、酒精濃度相當高,但竟有人沒直接喝到酒測值就超標!台北市中正二分局思源街派出所員警日前巡邏時發現,一輛共享機車形跡可疑,懷疑騎士有酒駕情事,因而將他攔下盤查,當時他堅稱自己沒喝酒,但經檢測酒測值達0.25,明顯超標。騎士見狀相當驚慌,不斷和員警解釋,稍早和朋友在公館附近吃鹹酥雞,點了一杯調酒卻不慎被路人撞倒灑進鹹酥雞內,想說這「酒香鹹酥雞」還可以吃,沒想到會因此釀成酒駕。
    2024/02/21 12:56
  • Northeast monsoon cools down Taiwan with chilly temperatures

    The northeastern monsoon has brought cooler temperatures across Taiwan, with lows of 12-13 degrees Celsius in the north. Southern and central regions, as well as eastern areas, are slightly warmer with temperatures ranging from 14 to 17 degrees. WeatherRisk predicts daytime highs of 15-17 degrees in the north, 21-25 degrees in the center, 24-27 degrees in the south, and 18-23 degrees in the east. Tomorrow, as the northeast monsoon weakens, all areas are expected to see improving conditions and largely sunny to partially cloudy weather. Radiation cooling will drive down temperatures to around 12 degrees in the north. Temperatures around the country will gradually rise next week, with southern and central Taiwan potentially reaching 30 degrees by next Wednesday, and the north and east seeing highs between 27 and 28 degrees. However, a front approaching next Thursday may bring brief local showers in the northern and eastern halves of the island, while conditions in most other places are forecast to remain largely cloudy to sunny.
    2024/02/16 10:25
  • 冬季風暴襲美水牛城凍成「雪牛城」 餐廳冰封神還原《明天過後》

    美國近來遇北極冷鋒過境,許多城市一片冰天雪地,緯度較高的紐約州(New York)也同樣大雪紛飛,不少房屋整棟被冰雪覆蓋結凍,猶如美國災難電影《明天過後》(The Day After Tomorrow),奇特景觀讓人忍不住多看幾眼。
    2024/01/16 16:23
  • CWA issues low-temperature warning for four regions

    The Central Weather Administration (CWA) has issued a low-temperature warning for Keelung, New Taipei, Hsinchu County, and Taoyuan. The forecast predicts temperatures to drop below six degrees Celsius due to a passing cold wave. Tomorrow morning, the north of Taiwan will experience temperatures between 11 to 13 degrees, while central and southern regions will be at 13 to 15 degrees. The East Longitudinal Valley region will see temperatures between 15 to 17 degrees, with extreme lows possibly reaching one or two degrees. Northern regions, including Yilan, are expected to have lows of 9 to 11 degrees, while other areas will be at 12 to 14 degrees. Despite a weakening cold front on Saturday, regions will remain relatively cold. However, Meteorologist Wu Te-jung predicts that the cold will ease by next Tuesday into Wednesday, with temperatures rebounding and sunny weather.
    2023/12/21 14:55
  • Beyoncé shouts out ’Taiwan’ in tour film promo

    Pop diva Beyoncé surprises fans with the release of a video promoting the cinematic debut of her concert tour movie, specifically mentioning "Taiwan" as one of the countries where the film will be shown. The clip quickly gains attention from a massive global audience of 21 million viewers. Beyoncé’s world tour, titled "Renaissance" after her album, has been captivating audiences worldwide and is now being brought to the big screen for those unable to attend the live performances. In the promotional video, Beyoncé’s powerful voice passionately announces "Taiwan," indicating her desire to share the exhilarating concert experience with audiences everywhere. The video concludes with an invitation for fans to watch the movie in the nearest cinema, promising a thrilling experience comparable to attending the live show. "Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé" is set to premiere tomorrow, with ticket prices ranging from NT$500 to NT$600, ensuring accessibility for eager fans wanting to indulge in the Beyoncé experience on the big screen.
    2023/12/20 21:27
  • MOL urges quick passage of Taiwan minimum wage bill

    The Minister of Labor, Hsu Ming-chun, expressed hope that the draft for the national minimum wage bill will soon pass its final hurdle. The Legislative Yuan is set to vote on the bill tomorrow, after failing to reach a consensus on Friday due to issues concerning the review committee’s composition, deliberation indicators, research groups, and the exclusion of law-violating companies from government procurement. Hsu emphasized the importance of a minimum wage law, which aims to elevate the legal status of the minimum wage, enhance the review mechanism, and clarify the indicators for deliberations. Hsu called for joint efforts to pass the legislation by tomorrow, as there is broad agreement on the need for a minimum wage law after years of discussion.
    2023/12/11 21:23
  • Bettii pauses studies for music, showcases strong skills

    Discover the story of 18-year-old rookie singer Bettii, who captivated audiences with her heartfelt rendition of "Seven" at a press conference. Inspired by her idol Jungkook from BTS, Bettii aims to evoke the same emotions in her music. After covering Jungkook’s song, she gained recognition from the K-pop star himself. Putting her education in Canada on hold, Bettii’s parents are supportive of her decision to pursue a singing career in Taiwan. The press conference showcased her multi-instrumental talents as she played the acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and piano. While her company doesn’t impose a dating ban, finding time to socialize remains a challenge. Standing at 168 centimeters tall, Bettii hopes to find a taller and conceptually compatible partner. She also admires the members of the K-pop group TOMORROW X TOGETHER (TXT).
    2023/12/07 20:18
  • K-POP或J-POP?日韓推「JK-POP」免做選擇

    2023/12/01 19:52
  • BTS「連6年拿MAMA大賞」 柾國錄影謝粉:謝謝ARMY不變的愛

    南韓2023 MAMA頒獎典禮今(28)日在日本展開,現場星光雲集,東方神起、SEVENTEEN、Yoshiki、李泳知、TOMORROW X TOGETHER等卡司,由Somi擔綱主持人,帶來多段精彩演出,而典禮尾聲由2PM成員、人氣男星李俊昊頒發今晚最大獎,天團防彈少年團(BTS)拿下大獎,雖然因半數入伍服役無法到現場,但老么柾國仍錄製了感言影片,透過影片致詞。
    2023/11/28 21:09
  • Taiwan braces for cool weather as monsoons approach

    Two northeastern monsoons will bring cooler weather and rainfall to different parts of Taiwan starting Thursday (Nov. 22), according to meteorologist Wu De-rong. Rain showers are expected on the windward side of the island, with another monsoon surge arriving on Monday. By Tuesday into Wednesday morning, a strong radiative cooling effect will cause temperatures to drop to around 11 degrees Celsius in Taipei. Despite the temperature drop at night, days will warm up quickly. The entire region is expected to have clear skies today with large diurnal temperature variations. Temperatures across the island range from 14 to 29 degrees in the north and central areas, and 14 to 30 degrees in the south and east. Localized brief showers are expected tomorrow and Saturday along the northern coast, eastern Greater Taipei, and other eastern areas, while regions south of Taoyuan will remain mostly sunny with some cloud cover. As the cold air mass weakens, daytime temperatures in northern Taiwan will slightly cool. By Sunday, as the monsoon eases, the weather is forecasted to improve with a slight temperature increase, though brief showers may still occur in eastern areas.
    2023/11/23 14:33
  • RIIZE承漢黑料+1!跟TXT秀彬直播比中指 又爆走路哈菸中二照

    SM娛樂最新推出的7人男團RIIZE雖以出道曲〈Get A Guitar〉打響名號,但20歲成員承漢從出道前就不斷爆出黑料,包含帶小女友開房、疑似室內抽菸等。沒想到這幾天他再爆出跟TOMORROW X TOGETHER(以下TXT)成員秀彬用分身帳號開直播,兩人聊天內容相當「隨興做自己」,現在更進一步爆出他邊走邊抽菸的影片,讓韓國粉絲都質問:「他什麼時候才要退團?」
    2023/11/18 11:34
  • CWA predicts record low temperatures as monsoon intensifies

    The Central Weather Administration (CWA) announced a sharp drop in temperatures across Taiwan due to the peak intensity of the northeastern monsoon. The coldest region recorded was 15.3 degrees Celsius in Yangmei District, Taoyuan. Professor Wu Der-Romg from National Central University warned that the next monsoon surge could bring even colder temperatures, potentially reaching a record low of 11 degrees Celsius this year. The CWA also reported torrential rain in Yilan and Taipei, raising concerns about severe flooding and potential landslides. Clear skies are expected for the next three days due to the arrival of continental highs, but there may be sharp temperature variations in certain areas. The CWA predicts the presence of a mild typhoon, locally called "Jelawat," passing by Taiwan tomorrow morning, although its projected path remains uncertain.
    2023/11/13 15:37
  • Election candidates meet in secret, no consensus reached

    Main figures of the heated election race, including Kuomingtang (KMT) Chair Eric Chu, KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih, and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je, held a secret meeting to discuss presidential and vice presidential candidacies, but no consensus was reached. In celebration of Guanyin Bodhisattva’s Renunciation Day, a memorial event was held at Shilin Hulu Temple, attended by KMT candidate Hou, TPP candidate Ko, independent candidate Terry Gou, and Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an. Negotiations for a KMT-TPP joint ticket are set for tomorrow, and both parties emphasized the need for exploring new options and not disappointing the public’s expectations. Hou, with 43 years of public service, remains dedicated to protecting Taiwan and uniting the nation.
    2023/11/03 19:23
  • 2023世界客家博覽會 臺灣館光雕展演秀

    2023世界客家博覽會8月11日盛大開展,至10月15日止展開為期66天的精彩展演。以「Travel to Tomorrow天光日个客家」為主題,透過各式展演內容,將客家文化發揚光大。精彩活動不只在白天,展覽期間每晚都有全臺最大的戶外光雕秀投影於臺灣館外牆,為民眾帶來耳目一新的客家文化聲光視覺饗宴。邀請全臺與全世界的朋友一同來桃園青埔,迎接熱鬧好玩同時寓教於樂的世界客家博覽會。
    2023/10/06 10:00
  • 跨海訪問/TXT親吐世巡最大挑戰 杋圭生病沒拍進紀錄片:好可惜

    天團「防彈少年團」的師弟團TOMORROW X TOGETHER(以下TXT)2019年出道,不過他們才剛踏入樂壇就遇到新冠疫情,等了許久才從2022年開始第一場巡迴,Disney+將獨家上線記錄本次巡演的紀錄片《TOMORROW X TOGETHER: OUR LOST SUMMER》。身在首爾的5名成員26日也為此特別接受線上訪問,分享心路歷程,沒想到杋圭竟透露自己生病沒被拍進去太可惜!
    2023/07/26 13:41
  • 炎亞綸自爆想對男偶像「做這事」 嗆粉絲還回應:正當慾望

    藝人炎亞綸遭抖音男神「耀樂」控訴兩人交往期間霸王硬上弓,還涉及拍攝私密影片,21日闖入受害者的記者會也引發風波。不過炎亞綸的「男」言之隱似乎早就不是祕密,去(2022)年3月時還公然在臉書上留言,坦言想把韓團TOMORROW X TOGETHER成員休寧凱的褲子脫掉,更坦承這是「正當慾望」。
    2023/06/21 16:58
  • 男偶像「1男戰2妹」夜店片流出! 爆料黑粉怒酸:難怪隔天累翻

    防彈少年團(BTS)的師弟團TXT(TOMORROW X TOGETHER)4月初清明連假才來台灣開唱,不過12日有韓國網友在推特上爆料,21歲的成員TAEHYUN(姜太顯)竟在夜店摟妹狂歡,爆料人還嗆:「太顯啊,跟夜店妹子玩得開心嗎?」不過經紀公司HYBE至今沒有回應。
    2023/04/12 17:32
  • 阿SIR就是他!吃臭豆腐不付錢 拍桌發酒瘋

    南投市1名60多歲白髮蒼蒼的男子,和朋友約在小吃店吃飯喝酒,和朋友吵了起來,朋友離開,他繼續在店裡鬧,後來不付錢就要走,店家報警,他被帶回警局繼續鬧,還對員警說「See you tomorrow」,讓警方啼笑皆非。
    2023/04/08 13:28
  • BTS師弟TXT清明連假開唱! 驚喜獻唱周董〈簡單愛〉想吃牛肉麵

    防彈少年團經紀公司BIGHIT MUSIC娛樂2019年推出5人男團TOMORROW X TOGETHER,他們4月4日、5日連續2天在台北舉辦演唱會,現場湧進爆滿粉絲嗨翻全場。HUENINGKAI驚喜清唱周杰倫的歌曲〈簡單愛〉、〈七里香〉,TAEHYUN發下豪語回國前務必要吃到牛肉麵,演唱會唱足3小時圓滿落幕,陪粉絲度過開心連假!
    2023/04/06 13:51
  • 驚爆抄襲!梁詠琪主唱MV被下架 原創怒控「相似度高達9成」

    香港女歌手梁詠琪,出道至今演唱不少膾炙人口歌曲。豈料,日前她受邀為慈善機構獻唱歌曲《停一停•心呼吸》,更請來林嘉欣的老公、導演袁劍偉執導拍攝MV,卻在MV公開後,鬧出抄襲風波,香港製作人Chloe Wong及其團隊指控《停一停•心呼吸》MV與他們2018年的舞蹈劇場作品《遙遙之城 Maybe Tomorrow》,相似度高達9成。
    2023/03/29 08:41
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