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    Olympic Games 結果共11筆

  • 巴黎奧運/相隔100年!巴黎「申奧失敗4次」終於再獲主辦權

    2024/05/20 21:49
  • 巴黎奧運/熱浪恐飆40度!選手村沒冷氣「又見禁慾床」 主辦方這樣說

    全球運動盛事巴黎奧運(Paris Olympic Games)即將在7月26日開幕,各國頂尖運動員陸續準備就緒,不過今年的巴黎奧運除了場上的競爭之外,場下的環境恐怕也是一項挑戰,今年奧運主打「綠色奧運」注重環保,因此選手村沿用上屆東京奧運所使用的「紙板床」也沒有加裝冷氣,不過近年歐洲盛夏熱浪不斷,去年巴黎高溫更是直飆42度,讓不少國家代表團也擔憂選手們是否能夠挺過去。
    2024/05/20 20:47
  • 巴黎清潔隊求加發6萬奧運獎金 否則罷工「讓街頭堆滿垃圾」

    即將在7月26日開幕的巴黎奧運(Paris Olympic Games),如今再次面臨一大挑戰,主辦城市巴黎400多名清潔隊員,近日經過工會向市政府施壓,要求在奧運期間加發額外獎金和特別出勤加薪,倘若市政府不願意調整,不排除發動罷工,讓首都再次出現垃圾堆滿各大街道的景象。
    2024/05/16 12:41
  • Adam Bobrow shares insights on table tennis in Taiwan

    Explore Adam Bobrow’s vision for table tennis in Taiwan, his views on sports culture, and the potential for growth in an exclusive interview with TVBS News.
    2024/04/28 08:30
  • Taiwan unveils Olympic uniforms ahead of Paris Games

    Discover the innovative designs of the Chinese Taipei team’s uniforms for the Paris Olympics, unveiled at Taipei Fashion Week. The uniforms blend sustainability, craftsmanship, and national pride.
    2024/04/19 18:59
  • Taiwan gymnasts eye Olympic glory at Paris summer games

    Taiwan’s gymnastics team coach, Lin Yu-hsin, expressed confidence in the medal prospects of Tang Chia-hung and Olympic silver medalist Lee Chih-kai for the upcoming Paris Summer Olympics. The Taiwanese gymnasts recently visited the Accor Arena, the recognized gymnastics venue, and Lin confirmed that the warm-up venue adheres to global standards. Although no Taiwanese athlete has secured qualification yet, Lin believes that Lee’s performance in pommel horse, Tang’s performance in horizontal bar, and Lin Kuan-yi’s performance in rings could earn them a place in the Olympics and potentially podium finishes. The Accor Arena has hosted various sports events since 1984 and underwent recent renovations. Taiwan plans to send six participants, including Lee Chih-kai, Hsiao Yu-jan, Tang Chia-hung, Hung Yuan-hsi, Lin Kuan-yi, and Tseng Wei-sheng. Lin emphasized the importance of sending strong individual contestants focused on health to secure points. Lee Chih-kai and Tang Chia-hung, both recognized for their skilled performances and reputation, are expected to easily qualify due to their prime age.
    2024/01/17 10:23
  • Tai Tzu-ying named ’top player’ after World Tour Finals win

    Taiwan’s badminton player Tai Tzu-ying, the silver medalist at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, has been recognized as "one of the top players in the world" by Malaysian newspaper "The Star" after winning the World Tour Finals. With victories at the Badminton Asia Championships, 2023 Taipei Open, and the World Tour Finals, the 29-year-old earned a prize of US$200,000 (approximately NT$6.3 million) and 12,000 world ranking points, positioning her well for the Paris Olympics seedings. Tai’s competitors in Paris include China’s Chen Yufei, South Korea’s An Se-young, Japan’s Akane Yamaguchi, and Spain’s Carolina Marin. In an interview with the Badminton World Federation (BWF), Tai emphasized the importance of maintaining her health as she prepares for the Olympics. She also confirmed that the Paris games will be her last, making it her most crucial opportunity to win a gold medal.
    2023/12/25 17:38
  • Lee optimistic despite not advancing to badminton finale

    Taiwan’s badminton "golden duo," Lee Yang and Wang Chi-lin, will not compete in the season-ending finale, despite their successful season which included a championship win at the Super 750 Japan Open. They also finished as runners-up in the Hylo Open and the 2023 Korea Masters. In addition, they won a bronze medal at the Asian Games, the only medal for Taiwan’s badminton team. Lee and Wang are now focused on a comeback in January 2023, aiming to defend their Olympic title at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.
    2023/12/07 15:25
  • CTOC president announces Olympics winners’ cash prizes raise

    The Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee president has announced an increase in cash prizes for winners at the Paris Olympics next year. Bronze medalists will now receive NT$1,000,000, silver medalists NT$2,000,000, and gold medalists NT$5,000,000. The announcement was made during a celebratory banquet held by the Hungtao Sports Development Foundation to honor Taiwanese athletes’ outstanding performance at the Hangzhou Asian Games.
    2023/10/29 12:59
  • Team Taiwan flag-bearers reflect high hopes for Asian Games

    Get ready for the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou as Team Chinese Taipei’s Olympic flag will be carried by swimmer Wang Kuan-hung and taekwondo athlete Lo Chia-ling during the opening ceremony.
    2023/09/23 17:53
  • 有片/全球百米短跑10秒內第一人 吉姆海恩斯76歲逝世

    超越人類極限是不少運動員的夢想,當我們曾經折服於博爾特(Usain Bolt)的100公尺短跑成績時,很多人可能都未曾注意,誰是第一個打破10秒障礙的運動員?答案是1968年在墨西哥奧運(1968 Olympic Games)奪金、跑出9秒95成績的美國田徑好手吉姆・海恩斯(Jim Hines),《西雅圖時報》報導,經世界田徑總會(World Athletics)證實,海恩斯日前以76歲之齡逝世。當年他留下的百米障礙,足足維持了15年時間,才被後起之秀史密斯(Calvin Smith)以9秒93刷新。
    2023/06/06 11:25
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