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    MAN 結果共758筆

  • 有型、魅力!「Rizz」獲選牛津詞典2023年度字 蜘蛛人也講過

    英國《牛津英語詞典》(Oxford English Dictionary,OED)公布了2023年的年度詞彙,新興網絡俚語「rizz」擊敗「Swiftie」(美國樂壇天后泰勒絲忠實歌迷)獲選,該字是由「charisma」(出眾的魅力)中間段縮寫而來的網路用語,涵義為「有型、有魅力或吸引力」,被歸類為「Z世代」(1990年代中期到2010年出生)的流行語,曾飾演「蜘蛛人」(Spider-Man)的英國演員霍蘭德(Tom Holland)也曾使用。
    2023/12/06 11:10
  • 獲封義大利最帥男人 21歲鮮肉男模突退演藝圈「改當牧師」

    義大利21歲鮮肉帥哥愛德華多(Edoardo Santini)擁有俊俏臉蛋與媲美健美選手的壯碩身材,曾被評為「義大利最帥男人」(Italy’s most beautiful man),然而身為模特兒的他近日卻宣布辭去演藝圈工作,為信仰改當牧師,強調未來將以不同方式延續對生活的熱情。
    2023/12/05 16:31
  • 王嘉爾爆身體出事!演唱會「1天前突取消」 粉絲嚇壞:迫不得已

    29歲香港男歌手王嘉爾,以南韓JYP娛樂團GOT7出道,帥氣外表和可愛個性深受粉絲喜愛,2017年回到中國大陸創辦公司「Team Wang」,自此展開個人演藝活動。然而,原定於今(2)日登場的世界巡迴演唱會卻突然宣布取消,原因曝光讓粉絲很擔心。
    2023/12/02 07:39
  • 女性最愛男「1類型」外貌!他嘆:太man沒市場 掀網論戰

    2023/12/01 11:28
  • 男生「1外型」成主流!他驚太Man沒市場 妹子點頭:很難喜歡

    2023/11/30 21:17
  • 傅孟柏脫了!力尬王柏傑 狂充血半小時放送「超狂大肌」 

    2023/11/30 14:43
  • 影音/肌壯男警瞬間嫵媚不man 跳K-POP韓舞眼神都催蕊

    2023/11/23 16:36
  • 球王梅西也這樣!男性「坐著尿尿」4好處 改善攝護腺肥大

    2023/11/22 16:11
  • Kaohsiung man carrying husky in capsule backpack faces fine

    A man from Kaohsiung is facing fines for carrying his husky in a capsule backpack, which violates the Animal Protection Act. The incident, shared on Dcard, sparked online discussions and drew the attention of the local animal protection office. The office quickly identified the pet owner and found the husky to be in good health. The owner could be fined between NT$15,000 to NT$75,000. The protection office emphasized the need for considerate behavior when taking pets to public places, including providing adequately ventilated carriers with enough room for pets to move freely and ensuring that animals are accompanied by a person over the age of seven.
    2023/11/20 18:20
  • 未來少女/熙妍「闖星途遭阻」險放棄機會 被偶像鼓舞暴哭:原來我還有夢

    2023/11/19 20:38
  • 未來少女/粼粼被讚「撞臉國際巨星」私下興趣超man 赴韓出道成團隊定心丸

    TVBS女團選秀節目《未來少女》薄荷水晶(babyMINT)的20歲王牌成員粼粼過去曾以女團「Cherry Bullet」在韓國出道,因為韓國出道經驗,眾人自然對她的演出期待很高,粼粼坦言一開始有些壓力,到後來就放手去做;粼粼接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪,直言當藝人是她一直以來的夢想,家人們都很支持她,媽媽很push,爸爸可能擔心女兒,會提醒她這條路上會遇到的困難,給足心理準備。
    2023/11/19 11:35
  • 威廉王子被邀挑髮型自嘲:不該問我 贏馮迪索成「最性感禿頭男」

    英國威廉王子(Prince William)因親民和幽默作風廣獲人民喜愛,近日他參加一場活動時,孩子們從雜誌上剪下喜愛的髮型,並邀請威廉一起挑選,此時威廉開自己禿頭玩笑,自嘲「我確實是你最不該問的人,我的頭髮正在消失」,讓孩子們哄堂大笑。另外,一項研究指出,威廉擊敗美國男星馮迪索(Vin Diesel),成為「全球最性感禿頭男人」(sexiest bald man)。
    2023/11/18 17:40
  • Haha回歸歌手來台開唱! 張賢勝改名ABLE齊聚最強韓流嘻哈趴

    全台最強韓流嘻哈派對報到!這次不僅找來韓國最長壽嘻哈選秀節目《Show Me The Money》(以下《SMTM》)的歷屆選手、導師為主,還有前BEAST團員ABLE(張賢勝),回歸嘻哈歌手身分的《Running Man》主持人Haha,14組歌手、5小時不間斷演出,12月要引爆嘻哈狂潮!
    2023/11/18 12:13
  • Taihu Brewing founder arrested on cannabis charges

    The founder of Taihu Brewing, surnamed Wu, was arrested in Taipei City on November 15 for allegedly possessing cannabis. The New Taipei City Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Corps conducted searches across Taipei City, leading to the arrest of a man surnamed Wu and a woman surnamed Hsu. Wu was apprehended at a residential spot in Ren’ai Circle. Authorities collected urine samples from the suspects for testing. Violators could face prosecution under the Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act.
    2023/11/16 21:09
  • Bitcoin miners indicted for stealing power worth NT$77M

    A Bitcoin mining operations group in Taichung, Taiwan will be indicted on charges of aggravated theft for stealing 1.7 million kilowatt-hours of electricity from Taipower, costing the state-owned enterprise nearly NT$77 million. The group, led by a man surnamed Huang, was discovered through five rounds of investigation by the Criminal Investigation Bureau’s crime prevention division. The division seized stolen electricity equipment, Bitcoin mining machines, and illicit gains totaling over NT$80 million. The Taichung District Prosecutors Office identified the site manager, financier, and individuals responsible for setting up the mining operation. Two miners, Cheng and Su, chose sites where the wiring was on the verge of melting due to constant high-speed operation at high temperatures, endangering nearby establishments such as a hotpot restaurant and an after-school program. The prosecutors noted the malicious attitude displayed by the two miners and have requested a heavy sentence.
    2023/11/16 18:25
  • 傑尼斯現址新冒出2公司! 北野武懶理日媒禁忌:我是強尼北野川

    2023/11/15 15:30
  • 5千萬人看過!百老匯藍人樂團再度來台 加入限定角色這天搶票

    風靡全球的百老匯劇場表演藍人樂團(Blue Man Group)「2024世界巡迴-全新進化」即將於2024年2月23日至3月10日以全新節奏強勢登台,不僅再度回到台北,更將首次嗨進台中和高雄,以全面進化的創作內容喚醒人們心中的快樂靈魂,帶來別於以往的藍人樂團,準備好一起隨著藍人盡情搖滾、歡笑和狂歡玩樂!門票於11月14日中午12點全面啟售,請洽寬宏藝術。
    2023/11/13 16:35
  • Man arrested for "Raincoat Ghost" prank in Changhua

    A man was arrested in Changhua County’s Xizhou Township in Taiwan for a raincoat prank that caused a stir. The suspect inflated the raincoat with hydrogen, allowing it to float and crossroads on its own. Initially mistaken for a mechanized flag holder, surveillance footage later revealed the man deliberately filled the raincoat with hydrogen. Despite claiming it was for fun and meant no harm, the suspect was fined for violating Taiwan’s Social Order Maintenance Act and Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act, as his actions caused fear and public inconvenience.
    2023/11/09 11:18
  • First monkeypox fatality case confirmed in Taiwan

    Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is urging individuals to get vaccinated against monkeypox at one of 155 domestic medical institutions, following the emergence of a domestic monkeypox fatality case in the northern region. The CDC confirmed the first instance of a local man in his 30s contracting and subsequently dying from monkeypox. The man, who was HIV positive, fell ill on Nov. 1 and succumbed approximately 50 days after hospitalization. Monkeypox has a typical fatality rate of 0.1 to 0.2 percent, but it can be as high as 7 percent in individuals with an HIV-caused weakened immune condition. The CDC is specifically urging people with underlying conditions to seek vaccination against monkeypox to prevent the development of severe conditions.
    2023/11/08 19:46
  • 陳慧翎導演癌逝!周興哲含淚獻唱這首歌 嘆:演藝界的損失

    2023/11/07 19:35
  • Taiwanese indicted for smuggling 24K kg oysters from China

    Two Taiwanese men have been indicted for their involvement in a case of smuggling 24,000 kilograms of raw frozen oysters from China into Taiwan. The first man, surnamed Tseng, allegedly smuggled the oysters by falsely reporting them as processed foods, using the name "FROZEN SALTED OYSTER MEAT" to avoid customs checks.
    2023/11/07 15:27
  • 王鶴棣男友力爆棚!霸氣公主抱白鹿 踹車門名場面超MAN

    2023/11/07 14:24
  • 大S會嚇昏!具俊曄爆料愛妻「最怕1物」 超MAN舉動呵護

    2023/11/05 16:31
  • Imposter salesman swindles millions from Taichung students

    The Taichung City’s 6th Precinct Police Department is investigating a fraud case targeting students from Feng Chia University and Tunghai University. A man surnamed Lin posed as a telecommunications salesman in Taichung City’s Xitun District and cheated students out of millions.
    2023/10/27 15:46
  • 快訊/全昭旻無預警宣布退出《Running Man》 震驚演藝圈

    女星全昭旻在人氣韓綜《Running Man》擔任固定班底6年,以搞笑風格深受粉絲喜愛,怎料,今(2023)無預警宣布退出《Running Man》,震驚粉絲,公司聲明曝光。
    2023/10/23 08:50
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