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    Heat 結果共63筆

  • 金曲獎10天後登場!鳳小岳「36歲最年長新人入圍」 籲:好好把握時光

    金曲獎頒獎典禮即將於6月29日在台北小巨蛋隆重登場,特別製作的「GMA Heat入圍就是肯定」節目特輯,邀請到23組入圍嘉賓齊聚一堂,暢談創作故事並演唱入圍作品。從影視圈跨足音樂圈的鳳小岳成功叩關「最佳新人獎」,36歲的他是本屆該獎項中最年長的入圍者,將與其他6位新人角逐這個一生只有一次的殊榮。鳳小岳分享人生哲學:「面對想要做的事情,就是趕快去做!」呼籲大家把握時光。
  • Taiwan braces for 35°C heat, afternoon thunderstorms

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan, including a heatwave with temperatures reaching 35 degrees Celsius and potential thunderstorms. Stay informed on travel advisories for Matsu and Kinmen due to low visibility and the European model’s prediction of a tropical disturbance in the South China Sea.
  • Taiwan braces for heavy rain and high heat, CWA warns

    Discover the latest weather update from the Central Weather Administration: Increased rainfall and high temperatures across Taiwan, with an orange heat alert in Taitung. Stay informed on precautions for intense UV rays and hydration tips.
    2024/06/18 10:22
  • Heat injury cases double in Taiwan amid soaring temperatures

    As Taiwan faces soaring temperatures, the Health Promotion Administration warns of a significant rise in heat-related illnesses, urging preventive measures to protect public health.
    2024/06/12 17:42
  • 伊朗總統直升機失事「疑發現熱訊號」 出事前機上影像曝

    伊朗總統萊希(Ebrahim Raisi)乘坐的直升機,19日在該國東亞塞拜然省(East Azerbaijan Province)硬著陸,土耳其派出無人機到事發地點上空協助搜救,發現一個「熱訊號」(source of heat),疑就是直升機。而萊希出事前的影像也在網路上瘋傳。
    2024/05/20 09:45
  • Weekend warm-up: Taiwan to experience brief heat spike

    Explore the dramatic shift in Taiwan’s weather as temperatures soar to 30°C, only to be followed by thunderstorms. The Central Weather Administration highlights the weakening northeast monsoon’s impact, leading to significant temperature fluctuations and potential air quality concerns. Stay alert for a brief warm spell before the onset of rain and cooler conditions.
    2024/05/10 12:54
  • NBA/遭總裁怒斥閉嘴!捲離隊風波 巴特勒重申「盼在熱火退休」

    NBA季後賽仍在進行中,熱火當家王牌巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)卻因膝傷缺席首輪賽事後,因球隊出局而無緣證明自己,而不改大砲個性的他更一度發出狂言,認為如果他有上場機會,那麼現在放暑假的就會是塞爾提克,言論一出掀起熱烈討論,也招致不少批評,甚至熱火總裁萊利(Pat Riley)不滿表態「沒上場就安靜」引起軒然大波,關於他的離隊傳言更因此甚囂塵上。
    2024/05/09 16:10
  • Taiwan’s military prepares for May 20 inauguration salute

    Discover how Taiwan’s Guandu Area Command’s artillery battalion is preparing for the presidential inauguration with a meticulous 21-gun salute rehearsal and heat endurance training.
    2024/05/08 16:47
  • NBA/老八傳奇不再!綠衫軍「34分差血洗熱火」晉級第二輪

    NBA東區季後賽第一輪,取得聽牌優勢的塞爾提克返回TD花園主場,尋求G5關門、徹底跨過「近年最大心魔」,熱火則是傷兵滿營、除了原本就高掛免戰牌的巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)、洛齊爾(Terry Rozier)之外,「小士官長」小哈克斯(Jaime Jaquez Jr.)也因傷休兵;最終塞爾提克也在多點開花的情況下下,以118比84血洗熱火、復仇成功晉級第二輪。
    2024/05/02 09:59
  • Taiwan’s weather swings: From heatwave to plum rains

    Taiwan faces a scorching day with temperatures up to 36°C, particularly in its southern and southeastern areas, as forecasted by the Central Weather Administration. Foehn winds are anticipated in Taitung County, prompting a heat advisory with a yellow warning for Tainan, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Taitung counties. A weather shift is expected to bring brief showers or thunderstorms, especially in the central and northern regions, with heavier rainfall predicted for the northeastern and Greater Taipei’s mountainous areas. Meteorologist Lin Te-en highlights an expected above-average rainfall for May, aligning with the plum rain season, potentially easing Taiwan’s water scarcity concerns yet raising flooding risks.
    2024/04/30 11:54
  • Taiwan sweats under severe heatwave, CWA issues warnings

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s weather: a heatwave with temperatures soaring up to 34°C, high-temperature warnings in four counties, and the potential for foehn winds in Taitung. Amidst the heat, expect scattered showers and brief thunderstorms across various regions. However, a shift is on the horizon for Labor Day, with a passing front bringing unstable weather, possible heavy rainfall, and a cool down in northern Taiwan. Stay updated on these changing conditions.
    2024/04/29 11:16
  • 30人中暑喪生!曼谷發極端高溫警告 體感恐「超過52度」

    泰國政府今天就酷熱高溫再次發出警告,稱今年已有至少30人因中暑喪生。首都曼谷當局也發出極端高溫預警,當地酷熱指數(heat index,即體感溫度)預計超過攝氏52度。
    2024/04/25 22:14
  • NBA/希洛化身真英雄!前隊魂喊話「證明價值」:你20歲就贏過

    NBA東區季後賽首輪,當家王牌巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)因膝傷確定無緣在系列賽復出,讓帶領球隊的重擔落到「英雄哥」希洛(Tyler Herro)的肩上,而他也不負眾望帶領南灘大軍強勢反擊、全隊投進23顆三分打破隊史季後賽紀錄;而此役帶隊逆襲的關鍵,除了巴特勒賽前傳訊囑託之外,前隊魂哈斯倫(Udonis Haslem)的一席話也被視為「關鍵雞湯」。
    2024/04/25 17:08
  • 去泰國玩別中暑!曼谷發「極端高溫」警報 體感恐飆破52度

    泰國當局24日向曼谷發出「極端高溫」(Extreme Heat)警告,敦促人們在氣溫飆升時留在室內以確保自身安全,更預估氣溫將達到驚人的攝氏39度,體感更能飆升至攝氏52度以上,曼谷市政府將其列為「極度危險」的等級。
    2024/04/25 11:11
  • NBA/老八劇本起手式?希洛準大三元 「殘陣熱火」殺出附加賽

    NBA附加賽第二戰、東區由首戰吞敗的熱火主場迎戰公牛,在當家王牌巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)缺陣的情況下,交手同樣有多名主將休戰的公牛、後者登錄名單中的防守悍將卡魯索(Alex Caruso)更是帶傷上陣,試圖在這場「Win or go home」的對決中殺出重圍、鎖定最後一個季後賽席次;最終熱火以112比91的比分奪下勝利,將在季後賽首輪對上塞爾提克。
    2024/04/20 09:26
  • NBA/熱火再扮黑馬逆襲?淺談奪冠3要素 巴特勒:運氣很重要

    隨著例行賽程的正式結束,NBA附加賽也如火如荼展開,率先開打的西區由湖人拔得頭籌、擊敗鵜鶘鎖定第七種子,後者則將於台灣時間20日與國王爭奪最後一個季後賽席位,而東區賽程則將於明日上演,由熱火客場踢館76人、以及老鷹和公牛之間的對決;作為熱火王牌的巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)也在日前一段採訪中,提到了奪冠所需具備的三大要素。
    2024/04/17 16:52
  • Taiwan braces for sweltering heat, thunderstorms this week

    Explore the dynamic weather forecast for Taiwan as reported by WeatherRisk: A surge in subtropical high pressure, a front from the Yangtze River region affecting temperatures, potential thunderstorms, and varied wind changes leading to fluctuating weather conditions from hot to brief rainfall, concluding with a weekend of stable, warmer weather before another front approaches, possibly stirring convective responses and increased rain chances.
    2024/04/17 09:46
  • Neipu, Pingtung hits record high of 37.1°C: CWA

    Temperatures soar above 36°C in southern Taiwan, with Neipu, Pingtung reaching 37.1°C. CWA issues yellow alerts for Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung as the island experiences high temperatures and heat throughout the day.
    2024/04/15 18:04
  • Taiwan braces for summer-like heat with highs of 34°C

    Stay informed about the upcoming weather in Taiwan as temperatures are expected to rise significantly in the coming days. Meteorologists predict a warming trend with highs reaching up to 34 degrees Celsius. Take precautions against sun exposure and stay updated on the latest forecasts.
    2024/03/22 16:45
  • 熱浪燒灼里約熱內盧!體感溫度飆62.3度「創10年新高」

    巴西氣象部門表示,悶熱的熱浪在巴西創下新紀錄,里約熱內盧(Rio de Janeiro)酷熱指數(heat index,又稱體感溫度)昨天達到攝氏62.3度,創下10年來最高。
    2024/03/19 08:58
  • NBA/準logo shot絕殺!阿德巴約「射手模式」 熱火兩度克活塞

    以「草根韌性」聞名的南灘大軍近況掙扎,近五戰已經吞下四敗,當家射手希洛(Tyler Herro)的缺陣,對於進攻火力本就相對不穩定的熱火來說,無疑是一大硬傷;台灣時間18日再度作客活塞,拚戰到最後一刻雖險些遭遇滑鐵盧,最終仍是把握康寧漢(Cade Cunningham)外線失投,由當家中鋒阿德巴約(Bam Adebayo)三分絕殺,104比101帶走二連勝。
    2024/03/18 17:00
  • Taipei battles urban heat with green solutions

    Discover how Taipei City is tackling the urban heat island effect with sustainable solutions like energy-efficient buildings, increased green coverage, and strategic urban planning. This initiative aims to create a cooler, more livable city for its residents.
    2024/03/06 17:17
  • NBA/無懼巴特勒連兩場缺席 熱火123比97大勝公鹿

    在本周二的比賽中,邁阿密熱火(Miami Heat)以123比97擊敗密爾瓦基公鹿(Milwaukee Bucks)。熱火隊的喬維奇(Nikola Jovic)創下生涯新高的24分,而阿德巴約(Bam Adebayo)則是本季第二度獲得大三元表現,全場比賽得到16分、12籃板和11助攻。此外,羅賓森(Duncan Robinson)也貢獻了23分,並以八投六中的高效率表現。儘管熱火連續兩場比賽中都缺少巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)的助陣,且理查森(Josh Richardson)與羅齊爾(Terry Rozier)也因傷病缺席,熱火依然能繳出亮眼表現。
    2024/02/14 12:04
  • NBA/熱火劍客三缺一!巴特勒離隊「暫無歸期」 主場惜敗綠衫軍

    位列東區第八、附加賽資格的東冠衛冕軍熱火,台灣時間12日坐鎮主場迎戰龍頭塞爾提克,卻在賽前傳出悲傷消息;王牌球星巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)因家庭因素獲准離隊、目前暫無歸期,熱火最終則以106比110的4分之差惜敗綠衫軍。
    2024/02/12 08:12
  • NBA/巴特勒大三元助熱火拉開差距 馬刺苦吞5連敗 

    睽違多時後,巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)再度獲得大三元,他在週三比賽中,以17分11籃板11次助攻的成績,協助邁阿密熱火(Miami Heat)在第四節拉開比分,最終以116-104擊敗聖安東尼奧馬刺(San Antonio Spurs)。熱火的赫洛(Tyler Herro)則以24分成績領銜全隊、阿德巴約(Bam Adebayo)也貢獻20分。在馬刺隊方面,瓊斯(Tre Jones)和瓦塞爾(Devin Vassell)各得19分,文班亞馬(Victor Wembanyana)則獲得18分13籃板的「雙十」表現。
    2024/02/08 15:05
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