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    Heat 結果共68筆

  • NBA/準logo shot絕殺!阿德巴約「射手模式」 熱火兩度克活塞

    以「草根韌性」聞名的南灘大軍近況掙扎,近五戰已經吞下四敗,當家射手希洛(Tyler Herro)的缺陣,對於進攻火力本就相對不穩定的熱火來說,無疑是一大硬傷;台灣時間18日再度作客活塞,拚戰到最後一刻雖險些遭遇滑鐵盧,最終仍是把握康寧漢(Cade Cunningham)外線失投,由當家中鋒阿德巴約(Bam Adebayo)三分絕殺,104比101帶走二連勝。
    2024/03/18 17:00
  • Taipei battles urban heat with green solutions

    Discover how Taipei City is tackling the urban heat island effect with sustainable solutions like energy-efficient buildings, increased green coverage, and strategic urban planning. This initiative aims to create a cooler, more livable city for its residents.
    2024/03/06 17:17
  • NBA/無懼巴特勒連兩場缺席 熱火123比97大勝公鹿

    在本周二的比賽中,邁阿密熱火(Miami Heat)以123比97擊敗密爾瓦基公鹿(Milwaukee Bucks)。熱火隊的喬維奇(Nikola Jovic)創下生涯新高的24分,而阿德巴約(Bam Adebayo)則是本季第二度獲得大三元表現,全場比賽得到16分、12籃板和11助攻。此外,羅賓森(Duncan Robinson)也貢獻了23分,並以八投六中的高效率表現。儘管熱火連續兩場比賽中都缺少巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)的助陣,且理查森(Josh Richardson)與羅齊爾(Terry Rozier)也因傷病缺席,熱火依然能繳出亮眼表現。
    2024/02/14 12:04
  • NBA/熱火劍客三缺一!巴特勒離隊「暫無歸期」 主場惜敗綠衫軍

    位列東區第八、附加賽資格的東冠衛冕軍熱火,台灣時間12日坐鎮主場迎戰龍頭塞爾提克,卻在賽前傳出悲傷消息;王牌球星巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)因家庭因素獲准離隊、目前暫無歸期,熱火最終則以106比110的4分之差惜敗綠衫軍。
    2024/02/12 08:12
  • NBA/巴特勒大三元助熱火拉開差距 馬刺苦吞5連敗 

    睽違多時後,巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)再度獲得大三元,他在週三比賽中,以17分11籃板11次助攻的成績,協助邁阿密熱火(Miami Heat)在第四節拉開比分,最終以116-104擊敗聖安東尼奧馬刺(San Antonio Spurs)。熱火的赫洛(Tyler Herro)則以24分成績領銜全隊、阿德巴約(Bam Adebayo)也貢獻20分。在馬刺隊方面,瓊斯(Tre Jones)和瓦塞爾(Devin Vassell)各得19分,文班亞馬(Victor Wembanyana)則獲得18分13籃板的「雙十」表現。
    2024/02/08 15:05
  • NBA / 全明星賽東區替補名單公布 楊恩遭遺漏引爭議

    NBA今日公布了全明星賽的東區替補名單,包括賽爾提克(Boston Celtics)的布朗(Jaylen Brown)、尼克隊(New York Knicks)的布倫森(Jalen Brunson)和蘭多(Julius Randle)、熱火隊(Miami Heat)阿德巴約(Bam Adebayo)、76人(Philadelphia 76ers)的麥克西(Tyrese Maxey)、騎士隊(Cleveland Cavaliers)的米契爾(Donovan Mitchell)、以及魔術隊(Orlando Magic)的班切羅(Paolo Banchero)。然而,儘管老鷹(Hawks)的後衛楊恩(Trae Young)本賽季場均得分27分,同時場均助攻10.9次,卻並未被選入全明星替補名單,此舉引發了外界的議論。
    2024/02/02 15:50
  • Kaohsiung zoo helps animals keep warm amid cold snap

    Kaohsiung’s Shoushan Zoo caretakers went to great lengths to keep their animals warm during a recent cold front. Social media users were especially charmed by an orangutan named "Mimi" who was photographed wrapping herself in a blanket. With temperatures dropping to 11 degrees Celsius, the zoo staff installed heat lamps and provided high-caloric foods for the animals. Shoushan Zoo director Chuang Hsuan-chih explained that orangutans are highly intelligent and even imitate human actions, such as covering themselves with blankets and mimicking cleaning movements. The zoo also took measures to ensure the comfort of other animals, including reptiles, birds, and sloths, by installing heat lamps and providing high-caloric meals to help them store fat and survive the cold winter months.
    2024/01/23 17:31
  • Lai prioritizes election trail over death penalty quiz

    In the heat of Taiwan’s presidential election, DPP candidate Lai Ching-te avoids commenting on the contentious issue of death penalty abolition, further ignited by a recent high school tragedy in New Taipei and a revealing public opinion survey.
    2024/01/05 12:33
  • NBA/怎樣是超級球隊?甜瓜直言「12年熱火不算」:只有三巨頭

    在球員們相互聯手、以向總冠軍發起衝擊的同時,所謂的「抱團風氣」、「超級球隊」等話題定義也掀起熱議,不少人都認為,當今的湖人天王詹姆斯(LeBron James)是這一切現狀的源頭,直言就是他當年前進南灘、組建超級球隊完成了二連霸,才壤整個聯盟開始改變;然而已經退役的傳奇球星「甜瓜」安東尼(Carmelo Anthony)則不這麼認為。
    2023/12/17 21:52
  • Japan’s 2023 kanji of the year reflects ’tax’ concerns

    The kanji of the year for 2023 in Japan is "稅" (tax), chosen by the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation. This is the second time since 2014 that the character for tax has been selected. The choice symbolizes the Japanese people’s increased attention to tax issues, including tax increases and cuts. Over 147,000 individuals participated in the vote, with "稅" (tax) receiving the most votes. The second and third most voted characters were "暑" (heat) and "戰" (war), respectively. In Taiwan, the "2023 Character of the Year" results were announced, with "缺" (lack/shortage) taking the top spot, followed by "蛋" (egg) and "詐" (fraud) in second and third places, reflecting specific societal concerns in the region.
    2023/12/12 17:00
  • Taiwan expects stable weather with isolated heavy rains

    The Central Weather Administration (CWA) predicts stable weather conditions across Taiwan, with mostly cloudy to clear skies for the first half of Friday (Nov.10). However, a weather front is expected to pass through in the afternoon, bringing isolated heavy rain to the north coast of Keelung and mountainous areas of northern Taiwan. Meteorologist Wu Te-jung estimates that the island will experience sharp temperature drops due to the arrival of its first wave of continental air mass starting next Monday, with the country’s plain areas forecasted to drop below 15 degrees Celsius at their lowest. In the morning hours of Wednesday and Thursday, as northeast winds weaken, there will be a slight improvement in weather and a brief rise in temperature. However, the east of Taiwan can expect brief showers during this time. With continental highs hanging over the island, most regions across Taiwan are forecasted to remain relatively stable next Friday. Wu also foresees slight chills brought on by the effects of Taiwan’s first projected wave of cold air mass, offsetting daytime warmth, as "radiative cooling" (RC) causes bodies to lose heat at night.
    2023/11/10 22:12
  • International travel fair in Taipei ends with heat for deals

    The Taipei International Travel Fair concluded with attendees taking advantage of travel deals. Industry experts believe that high travel costs are inevitable due to factors such as flight recovery, labor shortage, and inflation. Japan, a popular destination for Taiwanese tourists, also faces similar challenges. The weakening Japanese Yen has led to more domestic travel, increasing competition for hotel rooms. The imbalance between supply and demand has contributed to rising travel costs. To alleviate financial pressures, experts suggest taking advantage of fair benefits and choosing low-cost airlines. For those interested in traveling to Western countries, transferring through Chinese airports may offer relatively lower ticket prices.
    2023/11/06 20:30
  • Summer depression rates surge sparks mental health concerns

    Learn about the increasing cases of summer depression globally, exacerbated by extreme heat. Physicians emphasize prevention and self-care.
    2023/10/02 09:40
  • Moisture brings showers to southern and northeastern regions

    Stay informed about Taiwan’s weather updates for Wednesday and beyond. Discover the latest on occasional showers, thundershower potential, and more. Get insights into southern Taiwan’s ideal moon-viewing conditions during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
    2023/09/27 11:17
  • 生育力、產乳量恐降低!溫室氣體持續排放 10億乳牛受威脅

    一篇今天發表的研究顯示,如果全球暖化的情況持續下去,在21世紀末之前全球可能會有逾10億頭乳牛受熱壓力(heat stress)所苦,這將威脅到牠們的生育力、產乳量及生命。
    2023/08/25 18:21
  • NBA/聯盟操縱比賽?前球員憶「被勸完成劇本」:詹姆斯等著呢

    近年來隨著比賽期間哨音的增加,不但拖慢了進度,也讓許多交鋒的觀賞性大大降低,有關於「裁判/聯盟控制了戰局」的說法雖然時有所聞,但終究屬於無從證明的臆測;前球員特納(Evan Turner)回憶起自己年輕時效力於76人,在東區準決賽碰上塞爾提克、並將比賽拖進搶七一役,透露當時陣中老將布蘭德(Elton Brand)一席話暗指應該「打假球」促成更具看頭的東決戰況。
    2023/08/23 15:07
  • Extreme heat from climate change endangers flight safety

    Extreme heat due to climate change is posing new challenges for air travel, affecting flight operations, passenger loads, and take-off efficiency. Experts reveal how soaring temperatures impact engines, combustion efficiency, and lift generation, leading to delays and changes in flight schedules. As global temperatures rise, the aviation industry must adapt to ensure safe and efficient travel.
    2023/08/17 13:29
  • NBA/誓傳承熱火精神!阿德巴約嘆「不該被叫黑馬」:感覺不被尊重

    自迎來巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)的加盟、伴隨陣中球星的逐步成長後,熱火過去4年來已經兩度踏上總冠軍舞台,儘管先後敗於泡泡區湖人、金塊而無緣封王,熱火眾將在場上展現的強大韌性已是備受推崇;然而或許是陣中並沒有太多球星的關係,導致熱火「常態性」的不被看好,對此當家中鋒阿德巴約(Bam Adebayo)則無奈表示,熱火不該被稱作黑馬、且值得更多尊重。
    2023/08/16 09:31
  • Rain to continue until Friday! Rain gear advised

    Stay prepared for stifling heat and heavy rain in southern Taiwan. Central Weather Bureau issues advisories for Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung. Sun protection and rain gear are recommended.
    2023/08/15 19:20
  • Ventilation corridors urged to counter urban heat island

    Office workers are grappling with extreme heat during the summer days as the urban heat island effect intensifies within the Taipei Basin.
    2023/08/13 13:21
  • NBA/盛讚韋德隊史最佳!萊利憶當年「分手風波」:是我沒有做好

    美國時間8月13日,奈史密斯籃球名人堂將迎來「入堂新血」;而作為熱火當之無愧的最佳球星,韋德(Dwyane Wade)無疑再為生涯添上一筆傲人榮譽;儘管不少退役球星都先後出言「批評、質疑」其成就,仍是無損其偉大。邁阿密總裁「油頭教父」萊利(Pat Riley)更認定韋德就是熱火「隊史最佳球員」,並進一步談到兩人合作以來的點點滴滴。
    2023/08/10 15:14
  • Typhoon Lan gains strength, expected to spare Taiwan

    Japan’s Typhoon Lan forms while Typhoon Khanun’s lingering impact continues to affect Taiwan’s weather. Updates on typhoon forecasts and local weather conditions.
    2023/08/08 21:02
  • Typhoon Doksuri nears: East braces for heavy rainfall

    Typhoon Doksuri is rapidly approaching Taiwan with considerable force. Starting from Wednesday (July 26), wind and rainfall will steadily intensify across various regions. The southeastern and southern regions should exercise caution against heavy rainfall, whereas the western regions should prepare for intense heat due to their leeward position.
    2023/07/26 16:37
  • Typhoon Doksuri to form by Friday, rain gear advised

    A tropical disturbance east of the Philippines will likely develop into Typhoon Doksuri by Friday (July 21). Still, according to forecast models from the United States and Europe, its effect on Taiwan remains uncertain.
    2023/07/19 19:00
  • DPP leaders brave sweltering heat in style at party rally

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) held its National Convention on Sunday (July 16), with key figures including DPP Chairman Lai Ching-te, President Tsai Ing-wen, and Premier Chen Chien-jen in attendance. 
    2023/07/16 16:22
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