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    Heat 結果共68筆

  • 酷暑炙烤 美國許多城市準備再破高溫紀錄

    酷暑高溫週末持續威脅成千上萬的美國居民;熱穹現象(heat dome)整週下來已讓美國多地炙熱難耐,許多城市準備再面臨破紀錄的高溫。
    2023/07/16 10:02
  • Taiwanese turn to portable electric fans to beat the heat

    The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) has issued heat warnings for seven cities and counties in Taiwan, emphasizing the urgent need for preventive measures against the scorching temperatures. To beat the blistering heat, many people in Taiwan have resorted to utilizing portable electric fans while venturing outdoors.
    2023/07/13 17:28
  • Traditional medicine provides ways to prevent heat strokes

    Taiwan’s humid summer heat led to 136 hospital visits from July 1 to July 5 due to heat illnesses, including heat strokes, exhaustion, and cramps. Heat stroke symptoms include higher body temperature, headache, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and unconsciousness.
    2023/07/06 18:05
  • Public advised to stay indoors as heatwave comes into force

    The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) pointed out that strong southwest winds have resulted in foehn winds in Taitung County. CWB also issued heat advisories for several cities and counties on Wednesday (July 5). Pingtung County and Hualien County are under an orange alert, with a high probability of extreme temperatures reaching 38 degrees Celsius. 
    2023/07/05 16:43
  • Scorching heat grips Taiwan: Heat warnings issued

    The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) issued heat warnings for nine cities and counties on Friday (June 30), signifying the imminent arrival of scorching hot weather across Taiwan throughout the weekend and prompting the need for heat precautionary measures.
    2023/06/30 17:29
  • Expert tips for reducing electricity bills during summer

    Striking a delicate balance between minimizing heat and conserving energy consumption continues to present a challenge for residents of Taiwan every summer.
    2023/06/10 16:32
  • Tropical depression intensifies into mild typhoon Guchol

    A tropical depression off the eastern coast of the Philippines has rapidly intensified into a mild typhoon named Guchol, marking the third typhoon of the year, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) reported Tuesday evening (June 6).
    2023/06/07 18:07
  • Global temperatures to reach new records within 5 years

    Climate change is causing shorter winters and hotter summers, resulting in rising global temperatures across the globe, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). 
    2023/06/01 17:51
  • Approaching Typhoon Mawar raises concerns in Taiwan

    Taiwan is bracing for the impact of Typhoon Mawar as the storm edges closer this week. The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) has warned that the typhoon will be closest to Taiwan from Wednesday to Thursday, with its effects already being felt since today and expected to persist until Friday.
    2023/05/29 17:49
  • 圖輯/ 熱火離東區冠軍只差0.1秒 慘遭逆轉絕殺 

    美國職籃(NBA)季後賽東區冠軍決賽,邁阿密熱火隊(Miami Heat),原本一開始連勝3場,取得3:0的聽牌優勢,但接下來屢屢戰敗!對手波士頓塞爾提克隊(Boston Celtic)在連贏兩場後,今天第六戰賽前,就有不少人看好塞爾提克能打到第七戰,綠軍傳奇皮爾斯(Paul Pierce)賽前也直言第六戰結束,他一定能搭機回波士頓看最終戰。
    2023/05/28 15:41
  • NBA/士官長缺陣 布朗森飆6枚三分助尼克打敗熱火

    美國職籃(NBA)東區季後賽第二輪,尼克(New York Knicks)3日在主場對戰熱火(Miami Heat),此役熱火的「士官長」巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)因為腳踝傷勢缺席,而尼克則有蘭德爾回歸的利多,讓熱火開賽前就面臨不小壓力。最終尼克在布朗森飆出6枚三分球,繳出30分5籃板2助攻的成績,外加蘭德爾(Julius Randle)25分12籃板8助攻優質表現,帶領尼克以111比105打敗熱火,將戰局扳平為1比1平局。
    2023/05/03 10:24
  • NBA/「士官長」巴特勒傷勢不樂觀? 熱火陷季後最大危機

    美國職籃(NBA)季後賽第二輪開打,邁阿密熱火(Miami Heat)第一戰雖靠著「士官長」巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)燃燒自我,打敗強敵紐約尼克(New York Knicks)拿下首勝,但巴特勒卻在第四節不慎弄傷右腳腳踝,綜合多家美媒最新消息,熱火隊表示巴特勒傷勢並不樂觀,腳踝腫脹程度有如棒球,球團已經做好兩套對策,因應任何突發狀況。
    2023/05/02 12:02
  • Experts reveal the best places to stuff hand warmers

    As the temperatures dip in Taiwan, many rely on hand warmers to stay toasty in the cold.
    2022/12/19 17:52
  • 老公NONO盯選紅毯戰袍 朱海君「以為從頭包到腳」一看嚇到

    「第33屆金曲獎頒獎典禮」將於7月2日在高雄巨蛋登場,台視特別製作「GMA Heat入圍就是肯定」節目特輯,邀請入圍「最佳華語男歌手獎」、「最佳華語女歌手獎」、「最佳台語男歌手獎」、「最佳台語女歌手獎」、「最佳客語歌手獎」、「最佳原住民語歌手獎」、「最佳新人獎」、「演奏類最佳專輯製作人獎」入圍者分享作品及提名感想,並由本屆星光大道主持人YELLOW黃宣及陳明珠攜手主持。
    2022/06/18 15:41
  • 六月已48人熱傷害 醫:這種「中暑」死亡率超高

    隨著季節慢慢進入夏天,天氣越來越熱,中暑、熱傷害的人也越來越多,衛福部統計,今年六月截至昨(9)日已經有48人熱傷害就診,隨著天氣越來越熱,熱傷害人數可能也會跟著增加,急診醫生翁梓華表示,熱傷害(Heat injury)急診上最常見的熱傷害包括熱暈厥、熱痙攣、熱衰竭、熱休克(中暑),也特別澄清,民眾一般所謂的中暑其實是熱暈厥,不算太嚴重,真正的「中暑」其實是熱休克。國健署也列出熱傷害徵兆,提醒民眾及早就醫。
    2022/06/10 16:28
  • 「高溫穹頂」籠罩地中海! 義大利飆出48.8度

    全球暖化越來越劇烈,「高溫穹頂」(heat dome)現象,正在義大利、希臘、土耳其等地造成熱浪,義大利西西里島本週記錄到48.8度高溫,可能會打破歐洲有史以來最熱紀錄,熱浪助長當地野火,至今已69人喪命;希臘的島嶼惡火仍未撲滅,當地知名的「松樹蜂蜜」因為蜂巢被燒毀,岌岌可危;土耳其則在野火後又出現暴雨,河水氾濫導致北部地區出現洪災;北非的阿爾及利亞,野火燒了好幾天,政府派出軍隊打火,卻有28名士兵不幸殉職。
    2021/08/13 20:00
  • 韋德邁阿密主場告別秀 歐巴馬拍片賀退休

    2019/04/10 17:52
  • 英票選百大猛男 格雷總裁霸氣奪冠

    ▲(圖片來源/達志影像/路透社) 英國《HEAT》雜誌年度百大猛男票選,不只是全球男明星拚臉蛋比身材,更是人氣指標排行榜。因為電影《格雷的五十道陰影》的霸氣總裁角色,傑米道南人氣扶搖直上,擠下去年的冠軍「查克艾福隆」。偶像團體「一世代」的哈利也因為健身有成,一口氣竄升到第3名
    2015/05/12 11:47
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