
Taipei battles urban heat with green solutions

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/06 17:17
Last update time:2024/03/06 17:17
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Nestled among the towering mountains, Taipei City is confronting the intensified heat within its basin area, a consequence of rapid urbanization and the resultant urban heat island effect. Experts and government officials are now spearheading initiatives to mitigate these rising temperatures, focusing on sustainable urban planning and green solutions.

Addressing the Heat


Peng Chi-ming, CEO of WeatherRisk Explore Inc., highlights the geographical and human factors contributing to the issue, "Because the Taipei basin is surrounded by mountains, it's typically hard for heat to dissipate when it gets very hot in the summer. In addition to environmental factors, overdevelopment is another important reason."

This situation has led to a notable increase in temperatures, with Taipei experiencing a rise of 1.8 degrees Celsius over the last century, outpacing the global average.

In an ambitious response, the Taipei City Government has set its sights on reducing perceived temperatures by 2 degrees.

The strategy involves the adoption of energy-efficient building standards and the creation of more carbon sinks.

Starting in 2025, newly constructed buildings will be required to achieve the Level 1 energy efficiency label, an effort expected to save 16,309 metric tons of carbon emissions annually.

Green Solutions and Urban Planning

The city's approach also includes enhancing green coverage in urban areas, as Lin De-en, a postdoctoral fellow at the National Taiwan University's Department of Atmospheric Sciences, emphasizes the necessity of tree planting, "We need to continue planting more trees to increase the area of green coverage in urban development sites to try to reduce water temperature."

Moreover, Dr. Shao Pei-chun, an expert in Urban Disaster Prevention, points to the need for well-thought-out urban designs, especially concerning wind corridors.

Understanding the seasonal wind directions and ensuring buildings are not too closely packed are essential steps to facilitate natural ventilation.

"For the design of wind corridors, you may need to determine the direction the wind blows in Taipei City during the four seasons. Regarding wind corridors, we need to see if buildings are too closely situated, making it difficult for the wind to pass through these places."

As climate change continues to pose a significant challenge, Taipei is proactively seeking innovative solutions to cool the city.

Through strategic urban and architectural planning, increased tree coverage, and the use of energy-efficient technologies, Taipei is on a mission to create a more livable environment for all its residents.

The Taiwan Briefing

#Taipei#urban heat island#climate change#energy-efficient buildings#carbon emissions#tree planting#green coverage#sustainable urban planning#wind corridors#environmental factors
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