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    學校退場黃麴毒素高職倒閉 瘀青氣象太平山區藍教主 腿傷吳依霖發錢
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    A 1 結果共980筆

  • 出國玩回來確診新冠!她症狀突加劇 爆嚴重併發症「得換心臟」

    2024/03/13 15:42
  • 韓瑞希傳選妃A咖男偶像! 約跑黃鉉辰「嫌他智障」驚爆車銀優1事

    韓國「最毒女練習生」韓瑞希(音譯)又出招了!雖然她並非公眾人物,但前BIGBANG成員T.O.P.(崔勝鉉)、李善均的江南夜店涉毒案中都有她的身影,日前還自爆跟《社內相親》演員安孝燮約炮。沒想到昨(11)天再爆震撼彈,韓瑞希與一位女性朋友的聊天截圖被公開,她不僅指定要跟多位當紅男團認識,最後也真的成功「約跑」到Stray Kids黃鉉辰,然而事後她卻瘋狂嫌棄男方。不僅如此,就連車銀優也在對話截圖中被爆是「素人KILLER」。
    2024/03/12 12:32
  • A-Lin愛徒太辣!套鏤空裝「完美曲線」被看光 收工竟狂痛3天

    2024/03/10 07:01
  • 學校「緊急停課」!免上學1週 腸病毒殺來了

    2024/03/06 14:43
  • Taiwan’s failed digital ID project costs taxpayers NT$280M

    Vice President Lai Ching-te’s failed digital ID card policy during his tenure as Premier resulted in a NT$280 million payout to suppliers, to be absorbed by taxpayers. Despite efforts to replace traditional ID cards with digital ones in 2021, security concerns halted implementation, leading to supplier compensation demands exceeding NT$1 billion. After six rounds of mediation, an agreement was reached to limit the payout. The incident has raised questions about accountability as Lai transitions to the presidency.
    2024/03/04 16:42
  • 驚收蕭煌奇大禮!丁噹訴幸福心聲 爆孤獨流盡眼淚「找到方向」

    丁噹3月9、10日將在高雄流行音樂中心舉辦「夜遊 A Night Tour」演唱會,新輯《日與夜,跟自己說晚安》昨(1)日正式問世,新一波主打歌〈致遠道而來的我們〉邀來新生代人氣女歌手陳華對唱,有著相似的家庭背景與故事經歷的她們一拍即合,拍MV時更手牽手上演動人姐妹情。
    2024/03/02 14:08
  • 小A辣辣照連發!慶獲「國際選美」參賽資格 8月以台灣小姐身分赴泰

    網紅小A辣在2020年砸39萬獨自赴泰國做變性手術,整個人越發自信,變更亮麗。昨(1)她開心分享,順利獲得「蒂芬妮國際皇后小姐(Miss International Queen)」的參賽資格,將在今年8月以「台灣小姐」身分,前往泰國比賽,粉絲紛紛替她喊話打氣。
    2024/03/02 09:53
  • 大谷翔平結婚記者會QA一次看 還偷放閃「和老婆在一起很開心」

    2024/03/01 10:30
  • 楊丞琳病倒了!突Po點滴照「遭侵襲10多天」 嘆:相當不舒適

    歌手楊丞琳去年忙著「LIKE A STAR」世界巡迴演唱會,今年將繼續開唱,3月23日將前進大陸佛山演出,今(29)日她在社群分享2月生活照,豈料裡頭竟有1張點滴照,身體狀況令人擔憂。
    2024/02/29 15:23
  • 無縫接軌Karina?李宰旭傳12月才分手A咖女星 公司氣炸喊告造謠

    2024/02/29 11:59
  • Taiwan’s UMA wins big at Capcom Cup X championship

    Taipei’s UMA (Kagami) emerges victorious at the Capcom Cup X "Street Fighter 6" championship, defeating Hong Kong’s Chris Wong in the grand final to claim a US$1 million prize. Kagami’s dominant performance showcases Taiwan’s prowess in esports, highlighting the country’s ability to produce world-class gamers.
    2024/02/26 17:56
  • Turtle Island welcomes tourists again

    Turtle Island in Yilan County is reopening to visitors with a daily cap of 1,800 tourists after its annual closure for ecological rejuvenation. Join efforts by various organizations for a beach cleanup to preserve the island’s beauty and promote eco-tourism. Register in advance for a sustainable visit to this popular tourist spot known for its rich ecology.
    2024/02/26 14:14
  • A咖女星渣尪出軌心聲全說了! 怒嗆酸民:我有錢1千倍我才該偷吃

    韓國女星黃正音曾演出過《Kill Me Heal Me》、《她很漂亮》等夯劇,可說是2015年、2016年當時最夯女星,不過這幾天她陸續在Instagram上傳多張老公李英敦(音譯)的「翻拍照」,疑似是向大眾曬出他的偷吃證據。沒想到一位網友還說風涼話,認為李英敦有錢有能力,出軌合理,這也讓黃正音回嗆:「我的錢比他多1000倍!要出軌也是我出軌!」
    2024/02/23 13:10
  • A咖女星離婚倒數!富商尪爆偷吃「見過400人」 狠酸:以後好好爽

    韓國女星黃正音曾有過《Kill Me Heal Me》、《她很漂亮》等經典作品,2016年也在韓國民意調查榜上拿下第1名,她也在同年結婚,不過2020年曾一度申請離婚後又取消。這幾天黃正音突然在Instagram上曬出多張老公李英敦(音譯)的詭異照片,韓媒今(22)天則爆料黃正音再度申請離婚中!
    2024/02/22 11:16
  • Taiwan offers NT$30,000 subsidy for women’s re-employment

    Learn about the Ministry of Labor’s initiative in Taiwan to support displaced women’s re-employment with a subsidy of NT$30,000. Applications open on March 1 for the first half of 2024. Discover how the program aims to assist women in enhancing their professional skills and returning to the workforce after a hiatus. Apply between March 1 and May 31 for this opportunity.
    2024/02/21 14:06
  • Yu Chang signs minor league deal with Tampa Bay Rays

    Taiwanese baseball star Yu Chang signs minor league contract with Tampa Bay Rays, earns Major League spring training invite. Chang’s renowned defense secures him a monthly salary of US$36,000, with potential bonuses doubling from previous year. Rays’ inviting atmosphere and promise of US$1 million annual salary upon promotion entice Chang’s decision.
    2024/02/21 13:41
  • 學測考卷畫「卡比、哆啦A夢」扣1級分、看小抄0分

    2024/02/20 22:17
  • LiSA sets stage for electrifying Taiwan concert in June

    Japanese singer LiSA is set to hold a concert in Taiwan on June 1, marking her return after six years. Known for her hit theme songs for "Demon Slayer", LiSA will perform at the National Taiwan Sport University Sports Center. Tickets go on sale on Feb. 24. LiSA expressed excitement for the event, promising a new setlist for her Taiwanese fans, including popular tracks "Gurenge" and "Homura". She also mentioned her love for Taiwan’s pearl milk tea.
    2024/02/19 16:11
  • Tokyo cherry blossoms to bloom early on March 23

    The Japan Meteorological Corporation (JMC) has announced its fourth forecast for the cherry blossom season in 2024, predicting that blossoms in Tokyo will start opening on March 23 and reach full bloom on March 30. The JMC attributes the earlier bloom dates to higher-than-normal temperatures this year. In Kyoto, sakura is expected to start blooming on March 24 and reach peak bloom on April 1, according to the JMC’s estimation. The latest forecast also suggests that Northern Japan will see the blossom a day or two earlier compared to the previous forecast, while there will be a delay of one to two days for many areas in Eastern and Western Japan. The JMC anticipates the earliest blossoms to appear in Kochi on March 20, followed by areas such as Kanto Koushin, Tokai, and Kyushu. Additionally, Weathernews, a private weather information provider, has released its "third sakura bloom forecast," which aligns with the JMC’s prediction of an earlier bloom period this year, particularly in the Hokuriku Region and Northern Japan, where it will start over a week ahead of schedule.
    2024/02/16 13:38
  • National Police Agency debunks rumors of bonus cuts

    The National Police Agency has denied rumors of cutting year-end bonuses for police officers, clarifying that the bonuses are distributed according to the provisions of the Executive Yuan. Police officers who are employed by Jan. 31 and still on the job by Dec. 1 would receive a year-end working bonus of 1.5 months, with no specific stipulations for police officers. Last July, the Executive Yuan approved a 15% increase in police duty allowances, the first adjustment in 30 years, benefiting nearly 70,000 officers nationwide. The agency reaffirmed its support for police officers and commitment to improving their working conditions and benefits.
    2024/02/15 18:24
  • 40天跑2300公里橫跨日本 香港視障跑者還想「繞南韓1圈」

    視障跑者梁小偉(Gary Leung)在大約15年前完全失明,當時他難以接受、心情崩潰了,得到憂鬱症的梁小偉甚至考慮尋短,因為他認為面對「人生谷底」將是未來的日常,不過後來梁小偉與長跑這項運動相遇、徹底扭轉他的命運,如今剛完成橫跨日本、長達2300公里路跑的梁小偉期盼能將這份精神傳遞下去,鼓勵更多視障人活出自己的精采人生。
    2024/02/12 13:00
  • Taiwan halts tour solicitations to China amid tensions

    The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has abruptly halted the solicitation of tours to China, reversing its previous policy. Originally scheduled to open on March 1, tours from Taiwan to China were limited to a daily reference cap of 2,000 people, with the possibility of adjustments based on the travel industry’s ability to attract customers. The decision to halt the tours immediately was made in response to China’s failure to organize tours to Taiwan and its unilateral change of the M503 flight route without goodwill, which poses a threat to flight safety. The Tourism Administration, a part of the MOTC, believes that given the current circumstances, it is not in the best interest of Taiwanese nationals to travel to China. They continue to appeal to China to demonstrate goodwill and promote cross-strait tourism exchange. Tours that have already been solicited and are due to depart between March 1 and May 31, 2024, will proceed as planned to protect passenger rights, but tours after June 1 are not permitted to depart. Travel companies are urged to refrain from soliciting customers to avoid potential disputes.
    2024/02/07 17:06
  • Taipei Zoo admission fees to rise starting April

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an announced that ticket prices for Taipei Zoo will increase from April 1. The current standard entrance price is NT$60, with discounted tickets at NT$30. However, starting April 1, non-Taipei residents will pay NT$100 per ticket, while student discounts will be raised to NT$50 regardless of residency. Children under 12 and elderly Taipei residents will still have free admission. Group tickets for organizations purchasing for more than 30 people will have a preferential price of NT$70 per person. The increased prices will contribute to improved animal welfare initiatives, and Taipei Zoo expects the price adjustment to increase the city’s revenue by about NT$41 million. The zoo recently underwent an evaluation by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, with funds raised from the revised ticketing primarily going towards enhancing animal welfare and strengthening international relations and exchanges.
    2024/02/07 12:06
  • 1元帶走10萬Apple大全配!春節福袋開賣 超狂獎項一次看

    農曆新年即將到來,除了換新衣,也要把握機會換新機~STUDIO A特別於新年期間推出抽獎活動,消費滿2,024元,就有機會把iPhone 15帶回家!此外,德誼數位也於即日起限量推出新春福袋(999元),不但內容物價值高達2,500元以上,還能一次收AirPods Pro折扣券、電池維修等16種超值優惠券!購買福袋同時還有2次抽獎機會,而且人人有獎,最大獎可用1元帶回總價值超過10萬元的Apple大全配!
    2024/02/06 22:49
  • New legislative term sparks cross-party negotiations

    Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu will preside over a multi-partisan negotiation to determine the date for the inaugural meeting of the new legislative term. The Taiwan People’s Party suggests reconvening on Feb. 16, after the Lunar New Year, instead of waiting until the end of February. The Kuomintang is ready to convene at any time, as long as it doesn’t disrupt the holiday period. The Democratic Progressive Party suggests sticking to tradition and reconvening on Feb. 23, considering the need for preparatory time for newly elected legislators. This negotiation follows the election of Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang as the new Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the 11th Legislative Yuan on Feb. 1.
    2024/02/05 10:44
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